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#77888 Farmageddon Planning Thread

Posted by pinhead52 on 28 March 2006 - 03:27 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm not going to be able to attend Armageddon because I happen to be right in the dead-set nowhere of Kansas. I'll do what I can to come to Farmageddon though, if only to encourage more midwest Nerf Outs. You can count me almost definitely in.

#76103 First Try At Stefans

Posted by pinhead52 on 14 March 2006 - 04:53 AM in Modifications

First off, did you straighten your FBR? Since it comes coiled up, it's got "curve memory" which is a term I just made up. The next batch you make, after cutting a few hundred put them in a pillowcase and put it in your drier on the lowest setting. It seems to be the trusted and cheap method around here. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, you need a much longer barrel for a BBB with stefans. The crayola is exclusively for stock with that gun. When you make your new barrel (which should be brass) make it the same volume as the plunger casing inside the gun (cut a little short, to compensate for friction), that way the dart is leaving just as the air finishes expanding. This takes knowledge of algebra and geometry, but you seem like a fairly sophisticated individual, so I'll leave all that to you.

Keep in mind I have yet to do my first barrel swap (which will be on my BBB), so smell this advice and guess from where I pulled it.

#76102 Painted Maverick

Posted by pinhead52 on 14 March 2006 - 04:43 AM in Modifications

I don't know if I'd say it's the best I've ever seen, but definitely in the top three. It's a clean spray, professional quality, and of course; aesthetically and functionally awesome. I'd give it a 10. Is that a Firefly I see behind it? Paint that. I've been waiting for FF jobs to start showing up, and since I now know that you have both the paint and the gun, I expect great things from you.

#75461 Wildfire Help

Posted by pinhead52 on 07 March 2006 - 02:12 AM in Modifications

I had the same problem with my WF once I pulled it out of storage. What ended up fixing mine was the rubber at the front of the bladder (where the air comes in) wasn't connected right. I had to re-do that whole area. Also, check to see if the overflow button at the back of the bladder is stuck.

#74953 Who Are You?

Posted by pinhead52 on 02 March 2006 - 06:50 PM in General Nerf

I voted retard to make up for all the retards who don't know they are... which might be me too.

#74607 Dart Tag Vests

Posted by pinhead52 on 28 February 2006 - 01:03 AM in Homemades

You could also make velcro holsters and your dart tag vest suddenly becomes a utility vest too! I like the zombie square idea.

#74435 Your Choice Of Weapons

Posted by pinhead52 on 26 February 2006 - 07:33 PM in General Nerf

I would have my maverick, a t-shirt and jeans, one shoe, and two fewer darts than I had opponents. Then, I would win.

#73850 Interview With Fox

Posted by pinhead52 on 22 February 2006 - 04:17 AM in General Nerf

I've played that before, but we couldn't get enough people to join. Right now I'm working on joining a game on my campus called "mafia", and it's pretty much a no-holds-barred nerf clan war. I'm still fuzzy on the details, but I don't think points are kept track of, it's pretty much a matter of if you see someone from another mob, you have a gunfight, and other than that nobody talks about it. It's fun to see people spot someone else's nerf gun in a public place and start shooting. Campus police knows about it, so nobody gets in much trouble.

Another thing we do (which has nothing to do with nerf, but goes along the lines of police being scared and people calling the cops) is fugitive. Every wed. night we all meet at one place in the city and are given a destination about a mile away. Then we split up into two teams; fugitives and cops. The fugitives are given a two minutes foot start, then the cops take off in cars. I'm going to try to get them to use nerf guns this year if I can.

#72702 Warhammer

Posted by pinhead52 on 09 February 2006 - 03:23 AM in Off Topic

I never played, but that's because I could never afford a big enough army. I loved painting though. I also liked reading about the armies, since I always hoped to be able to actually play. I had Ultramarines (I know, very noob of me). I find it funny that you played both space marines and Tyranid. The two opposite ends of the spectrum as far as organization and point distrobution. With Tyranids you can get hundreds of low point pieces and swarm your enemy, which happened to me the few times I played with friends.

Still have my Marneus piece. Worthless in game, but the theory for his weapons is so very awesome.

#72156 How To Make Good Use Of The Nerf Tech Target

Posted by pinhead52 on 02 February 2006 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

What was your score?

#71973 New Tech Target Is The Scout?

Posted by pinhead52 on 31 January 2006 - 03:45 AM in General Nerf

I saw that too, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Not that the Scout is cheap to produce, but it's ergonomically awesome, and everyone I know who Nerfs (not the good nerfers that we'll see here mind you) love it for that. It also cuts costs to not have extra molds.

#71825 Dart Problems With Xbow

Posted by pinhead52 on 28 January 2006 - 08:23 PM in Modifications

Putting multiple crayolas won't work unless you dremel out the grabby stuff inside. Crayolas are for small guns, like he said. The problem is that when the dart gets out of the barrel, there's still a crap-load of air releasing, so you'll need a longer barrel. You could just use PVC, but I'd just wait for brass.

#71498 Home Made Crossbow?

Posted by pinhead52 on 22 January 2006 - 07:03 PM in Homemades

Could you be talking about more or less making your own copy of the Nerf Crossbow? Because if you are thinking about that, I'm actually more or less working on that project right now. It wouldn't be hard since it's just a really huge, really basic Nerf gun. It wouldn't be too complicated; plunger tube, trigger system, barrel. Make it big, strong parts, heavy spring, and you could even outperform a real Crossbow. I'll start putting together some drawings and see if I can get them up here.

#71325 Air Restrictor Removal-maverick

Posted by pinhead52 on 20 January 2006 - 04:26 PM in Modifications

I use the largest phillips in my "precision screwdriver" set. It was like $5.00 at the college bookstore, and I've seen them elsewhere too. Not only is it useful for this, but if you're taking apart electronics it is infinitely helpful. Get this set.

As far as the air restrictors, it'll be obvious when you open it. They sit behind the little post things, and they're pretty much just spring-loaded stoppers. They have little arms that go into the barrel, so that if there's no dart in it, no air goes through. This will prevent the loud and obnoxious "clack" when you dry-fire. You'll get used to this noise after you mod your gun.

#71324 Maverick...

Posted by pinhead52 on 20 January 2006 - 04:22 PM in Modifications

The purpose of the Mav isn't range or accuracy, it's purely aesthetics. It's got a tiny air chamber, and the multi-shot thing does lose it power, but if you were to single-barrel it all you'd have is a big, ugly scout. I wouldn't waste the money single-shotting a mav.

#71302 An Actual "nite Finder" Mod

Posted by pinhead52 on 20 January 2006 - 05:29 AM in Modifications

That is probably the most thorough mod I've read in a long time. It's nice to see other people thinking about electronics, too. I'm working on a few tricks for my NF and SSII that I'll probably speed up with now.

It's also nice to see someone who puts function over fashion. That's not by any means my priority list, but I've never claimed to be productive for the community.

#71143 First Modifications (plus Questions)

Posted by pinhead52 on 17 January 2006 - 09:24 PM in Modifications


1. You are exactly correct, and your solution is exactly the solution most use. Go with it.

2. Yes, it does help, and yes, you have to stretch it like mad. I remember stretching my mav spring, and you have to give it several heavy pulls to get it any bigger. It doesn't help much, though, and the Mav only has so much potential to begin with.

3. Sometimes, as it allows the plunger to move faster. Never done this before myself, so I don't have any recommendations.

4. Yes. There are different barrel materials for different types of guns (spring, air, etc) because sometimes you want less friction, and sometimes you want more. The Mav actually has nice barrels already, and replacing them is really just a waste of time. They already grip nicely at the back and it's not like you can make them longer.

It's good to see another Ocelot fan.

#71042 The Real Arsenal

Posted by pinhead52 on 15 January 2006 - 01:40 PM in Off Topic

That all fits in one gun safe? Is it more like a gun walk-in-closet?

That is a very impressive collection.

#71022 'dragonfly' Maverick, Anodized Green.

Posted by pinhead52 on 15 January 2006 - 12:05 AM in Modifications

I agree with what you were saying, and I thought about that a lot. In the end, I'm all about cosmetics, at least when it comes to Mavs.

#70912 What Paint Should I Use

Posted by pinhead52 on 13 January 2006 - 01:58 AM in General Nerf

...back on topic...

I started with my Citadel miniatures paints. But since I pretty much exclusively use metalics, and one nerf gun uses more paint than a squad of miniatures, I ran out quick. I found cheap acrylics at Wal-Mart and the local book store (I live in a college town) work just as well for about 1/8 the cost. But that's just if you hand-brush.

#70911 'dragonfly' Maverick, Anodized Green.

Posted by pinhead52 on 13 January 2006 - 01:52 AM in Modifications

Let me be the first to say "Dang".

If you're going for something that nice, though, I would say get some gap filler or hot-glue and fill in the gaps and screw-holes and do a touch-up job. That's the only criticism I can give. That is beautiful paint.

#70445 New Dart Design

Posted by pinhead52 on 04 January 2006 - 09:12 PM in Homemades

Any kind of streamers make dramatic air resistance. I would imagine if you wanted any kind of range at all you wouldn't use this. But it doesn't sound bad as far as a "white flag" or signal flare... I can't think of when it would actually be tactically benificial, but sounds like it could be a fun thing to make anyway.

#70429 Penny Arcade!

Posted by pinhead52 on 04 January 2006 - 06:53 PM in General Nerf

Penny arcade is just after here in my firefox tabs. That's awesome. It's been a while since the comic has been truly awesome, but the newsposts always rock. Gabe is my hero.

For those wondering, Penny Arcade is an offensive web-comic for nerds. It was one of the first, and many clearly emulate it. It's the only one I read anymore, and it's where I usually get most of my movie and video game news first.

#70185 Archery

Posted by pinhead52 on 31 December 2005 - 04:42 AM in Off Topic

I too am into archery. All I have access to is a 65 composite, but I'm in the process of tilling my own longbow. It's an interesting and time consuming project, but if I do it right (not likely, already messed up twice) it'll end up being somewhere around 85.

As far as PB goes, I like using cheap pumps. I'm not so much into winning, but when I manage a dramatic tag with a $25 gun it's well worthy of the bragging rights.

#70137 Best Long Range Gun

Posted by pinhead52 on 30 December 2005 - 04:48 AM in General Nerf

You can't just say "best" and expect any kind of straight-forward answer. When it comes to long range weapons you have to deal with range, rate-of-fire, accuracy, and of course, how cool it looks. Here are the hows as far as I see it.

For range, there is not, and probably never will be a rival to the titan. If you mod it right, it gets ranges that make it unusable in any sane Nerf out. Short of that go for a one-shot pump gun like the SuperMaxx 5000. The one-shot pumpiness gives a lot of power (amazing lot if you mod them right) in a sudden burst. Great for range, or accuracy as far as that goes.

For rate-of-fire, you're going to need a simple spring gun, probably with a breech barrel. The Crossbow is popular because it is an incredibly simple design... on steroids. Mod it right and you'll see why it's a holy grail among Nerfers. I think it also gets my vote as far as cool factor (unless we're including uselessly-short-range, in which case I think you and I would vote for the same gun).

More or less, I think it comes down to what Slaya (and many others) said. It's just what you use. Get some guns, mod them, play some, pick favorites.

#70015 Interchangable Turrets?

Posted by pinhead52 on 28 December 2005 - 03:36 AM in Modifications

No no, sorry I meant what if you could somehow have multiple turrets that you could change in between with your RF20 or WF rather than put every single dart in the 20 barrels of the turret already in the guns?

Just to clarify, that's exactly what "clip mod" means.

#69991 Interchangable Turrets?

Posted by pinhead52 on 27 December 2005 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

You mean a clip mod? If so here's a topic on it, Thirst's mod (link in the topic) seems broken, but the topic itself should be full of info for you.

Yay information!

#69990 First Gun?

Posted by pinhead52 on 27 December 2005 - 08:06 PM in General Nerf

First gun ever was the SSII. I didn't really get into nerfing (modding and whatnot, still don't actually go out and shoot people very often) until I got the Mav.

#69840 My Dead Sexy Nitefinder.

Posted by pinhead52 on 25 December 2005 - 06:48 PM in Modifications

QUOTE (Forsaken_angel24 @ Dec 18 2005, 08:59 PM)
2. I do not know if this is true but a friend of mine who is very hardcore into golfing 
    tells me that in cold air projectiles dont go as far. It was freezing today and when
    I did the original range test It was sunny and fairly warm.

I think I learned about something like that in chemistry, for water at any rate. There is more oxegen in colder water than warmer water, just like your pop will keep from being flat longer if you keep it colder. I'd imagine there is some effect in the cold air, since gasses condense at colder temperatures you would probably be firing through "thicker" air. Don't know how much that would affect your ranges, but I'd accept that and 3 months wear.

I've also noticed this trend to blast people for saying they get certain ranges, and I'm not sure I understand why all the time. If you can explain everything you did to get 100', and it's not something completely retarded (ala .:BlueIce:.) then I would be asking what you did and trying it, and coming back when it didn't work, not telling you you're a moron because I can't get it to work.

Hah, finally I get to talk about something I actually know about. And this one is so simple that it won't sound like I'm talking down to everyone. Alright, air resistance is more or less a projectile hitting air particles as it flies (or falls, or whatever). When a gas is colder, it is denser, i.e. more particles in any given volume. So yes, there is more air resistance in cold air. Your theory is scientifically sound.

#69412 My Dead Sexy Nitefinder.

Posted by pinhead52 on 17 December 2005 - 11:37 PM in Modifications

I want to compliment Angel on the mod. Not just the cosmetic (though it is simple, it is well and smoothly done), but the general mod. I don't want to doubt the ranges he gets, because I haven't seen anyone else using surgical tubing, and I know it has a better elasticity (anyone who knows spring physics don't ask me what I mean by "better"). They use it in sling-shots, so I assume it has good credibility.

#69411 Bbb Help

Posted by pinhead52 on 17 December 2005 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

Also, if you're using stock micros or don't mind a super short barrel, I found that after dremeling out the restrictor a crayola fit snugly inside of the existing barrel. Now it fires stock micros or arrows.

#69184 My Free Christmas Sony Psp

Posted by pinhead52 on 14 December 2005 - 02:41 AM in Off Topic

Actually, I don't know about that one in particular, but there used to be this "free ipod" thing, every time they came out with a new ipod. You would go and sign up, then if you got ten people to sign up you'd get a free ipod (maybe it was a drastically larger number than ten...). Then they each get ten people to sign up, etc. Before long it makes kind of a... pyramid...

Anyway, I know the iPod thing worked, a friend of mine duped all of us into it once. He was the only one smart enough to realize that there were only enough of us dumb enough to get one, so he had the only iPod. I don't talk to him anymore.

#69181 My Night-finder

Posted by pinhead52 on 14 December 2005 - 02:20 AM in Modifications

Brass is going to have the same effect using stock micros. You need something that will grip your darts more, not less. Otherwise the darts are skipping out before all the air has built up behind them. I would either replace the barrel with a crayola, or switch to stefans and nest the barrel.

#68544 For The Transformers Fans...

Posted by pinhead52 on 28 November 2005 - 09:20 PM in General Nerf

I think I'd rather get the sword. Electric lights and sounds, as well as additional power blades!

#68376 Xbox 360 Is Out Of Hand

Posted by pinhead52 on 26 November 2005 - 07:48 PM in Off Topic

Here's my take on the current-gen systems. The PS2 was, in my opinion, the best of them. That is until recently. They seem to have slowed their output of really good games lately, and I figure it's because they're getting ready for the PS3. PS2 had awesome games with a lot of replay value, but I didn't find many fun multi player games.

The Xbox was always a fun shooter system, starting with Halo. It was a pretty much the "serious" party system. Awesome graphics and the lack of need for extra shit (memory cards...) made it a plug-and-play nerd party.

The Gamecube was the fun kid system. I'm sorry to everyone I just offended, but with the bright colors and low ratings, that's what it was. I'm not going to deny that I had a lot of fun with it myself, but I also experiment with mild hallucinagens. So it is the party system for either kids or stoners. Of course I still spend hours playing SSB, and I never played WindWaker so I can't comment on how awesome that game was.

That's my take on the systems, and those as well are my expectations for their next-gen siblings. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, like Fable for the Xbox or Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube, but I feel I've pretty much nailed down their strengths.

#67737 Newbie

Posted by pinhead52 on 15 November 2005 - 09:30 PM in Modifications

I would say start with the smallest guns you have, and mod them all leading up to the Xbow. That one needs to be modded last, because it'll end up being best, and you need to have experience.

Some of those 6 shot things related to the Nite Finder? I am appalled.

#67505 Screwdrivers

Posted by pinhead52 on 12 November 2005 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

Those screwdrivers exist, and they are sold. I know because I have them. I don't know where I got them though, so look around. They are popular among electronics, so I would include Radio Shack in your search.

#67349 Super Soakers?

Posted by pinhead52 on 09 November 2005 - 12:53 AM in Modifications

Wurd. I have an original 2000, and have considered modding it for Nerf, but it's just too awesome as a super soaker. It fires like a freaking fire hose! It's got crazy power! But I don't think they're made anymore... I'd be destroying a collector's item.

#67322 Happy Halloween

Posted by pinhead52 on 08 November 2005 - 07:56 PM in Off Topic

Every time he posts, I read it going "Wow, he's so cool." Then I go "wow, he's kinda crazy...", but by the end usually I end up going "wow, he's cool!" again. Not this time though. Maybe it's because I fear inexistance.

#67256 Bolts New Pistol

Posted by pinhead52 on 06 November 2005 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

That's already been explained. Take that same idea, but turn it around, so the part with the openning doesn't slide forward, it slides back. And when it does, it pulls back the plunger at the same time, like the Scout or Mav. Then comes back to rest, while at the same time closing the barrel.