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There have been 242 items by Airsoft999 (Search limited from 11-May 97)

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#39382 Sox Vs. Yanks

Posted by Airsoft999 on 20 October 2004 - 07:41 PM in Off Topic

In case no one has noticed...

...I was wondering if anyone else out there has been following the playoffs.

:w00t: Who's your daddy? [bum bum bum bum bum] Who's your daddy? etc...

GO YANKS!!! I hate this. I bought tickets to game 6. My friend said no, there will be a game 7. Dammit. *sarcasm* hope he's having fun*...

#39398 Sox Vs. Yanks

Posted by Airsoft999 on 20 October 2004 - 08:08 PM in Off Topic

Whose up 2-0 in the 2nd... THAT'S RIGHT!! THE...

dammit...the Sox?!?!

#39470 Sox Vs. Yanks

Posted by Airsoft999 on 21 October 2004 - 03:37 PM in Off Topic

Also leftnut, Jets will beat the pats this week then you can no longer say they haven't beaten andy one good. And plus 5-0 is 5-0 no matter how you look at it.

The Jets opponents so far have a combined record of 6-22. Martin is their entire offense. Pennington looks like a deer in headlights most of the time - 45% of his completions are dump-offs to his RB and FB.

New England's streak is safe this weekend.

...and the streak is safe until... the Super Bowl...

#36692 Help Me With Splitfires.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 08 September 2004 - 05:15 PM in General Nerf

Can i shoot stefans using PVC and still do really good? Have any range tests been done? like what range would i get with pvc/stefans, pvc/stock brass/stock brass/stefans?

PVC with stefans usually won't do weel because of the really loose seal... I think. 16 inches of brass at 9/16" with 1 inch of 17/32" gets averages of 185-205 feet. Depends on how well you mod.

Seeing as if you can use only 12 inches of brass as you are ordering it, I think you should try a little more 17/32" brass.

Another downside to PVC and Stefans it that the stefan could slide through the back of the barrel, and lodge itself in the interior of the gun, behind the air restrictor.

#36719 Help Me With Splitfires.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 08 September 2004 - 07:34 PM in General Nerf



Yeah, CX's right.

#36684 Help Me With Splitfires.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 08 September 2004 - 05:01 PM in General Nerf

Well, I've modded a Titan to shoot stock micros and Stefans (Start spelling stefan this way), and stefans get a significant range boost... about 55 feet. I used identical length barrels. However, stock micro's will work better if you cut the length to 2.25 inches, remove the suction, add a weight, and glue the suction back on, and you should be getting ranges better than Stefans. In my experience, the stocks have a better seal in PVC that Stefans in brass. Just me, though. Stefans will save you lots of trouble.

#36811 Help Me With Splitfires.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 09 September 2004 - 08:52 PM in General Nerf

Ack. Ack. Ack.

I'm sure that was copper. Brass is sold in 1/32" increments. Read the DAMN WRITEUP. You use 9/16" brass. If it doesn't fit...


or a dremel? I wouldn't use one.

#34402 Funny Names

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 03:38 AM in Off Topic

Anyone Else

#34396 Funny Names

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 02:15 AM in Off Topic

I've got a few:

Utits Besagy "Man, Utits Besagy..."
Dixon Tudeep- "So...your Dixon Tudeep."
Howie Feltersnatch- "So, did you hear about Howie Feltersnatch [it]"
Dixie Normous- "So... your Dixie Normous."
Stacy Rhect- "Man, he, Stacy Rhect..."
Patrick (Pat) McGroyne- "Oh him, Pat McGroyne"
Mike Hock- "Yeah, that's Mike Hock."
Holl N. McRotch- "That fucker. He's Holl N. McRotch."
Adolf Oliver Niples- "He's a genius."
"You mean Adolf Oliver Niples?"
"No, he knows a lot."
Hugh Jass- "Oh, him, Hugh Jass"
"Actually, I'd say he has a nice ass..."
Felia Balles- "By the way, can I... oh my god! FELIA BALLES"
Manny Kanblo- [who's he?] "Oh. Manny Kanblo"
Mike Rotchichis- "Who's that coming over here?"
"Oh great, Mike Rotchichis"
Stuart (Stu) Pidasole- "Ha! Stu Pidasole. [what an idiot]"


Please unban me, that was my fucking brother. He typed stuff when i was pissing.  God, my dad pulled the Internet line because me and my fucking brother were fighting and I couldn't email you for a long time. for Did you ban me because my bother said something fucking retarded? If it was, that wasn't me damn it, my fucking brother was on. I don't talk like that shit. Seriously, he got me banned from tons of things like WarcrafIII before. I just found out I can go to the damn forums and was so excited, I had to go piss. Please unban me, I promise he'll never touch the fucking computer.  PLEASE PLEASEPLEASE PLEASEPLEASE PLEASE? ILL STOP SENDING FUCKING MAIL!???  I FUCKING BEG OF YOU! MY FUCKING BROTHER WOULD GET OFF! PLEASE LET ME SEE THE FORUMS! PLEASEeeeeee. PITY ME! ThAT WASNT ME, PLEASE FUCKING UNBAN MEE... I WANTED TO FUCKING TALK WITH YOu FOR A LONG TIME!!! I EVEN WANTED TO mAKE A WEBSITE JUSTLIKE YOURS!!! I AN FUCKING CRRYING RIGHT NOW! plEASE LET ME BACK IN?! WKLEW FUCK! PELASE! YES IM FUCKING BEGGING! IVE DONE NOTHING WORNG! plEASE unBAN ME FROM the NerF SIte. WHAHh.

#39265 Bbb Mod

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 October 2004 - 05:38 PM in Modifications

I guess that it won't work with the adapter. What I did on my extra BBB was cut the barrel down, and schlack in some 21/32" brass. The brass was wrapped in tape at the very end- I used 4 inches of the brass, and slided 23/32" (yes, two sizes up) brass over it. Therefore, I had about 3 inches to slide in the 11/16" brass over the 21/32", and inside the 23/32". I made sure the casing squeezed against the brass, so that it could hold the barrel extension. However, I doubt that you'd be able to do that, so I'd just stick with the PVC. You couls wrap the butt end with e-tape, but I don't think that the seal would be so good.

You probably didn't understand that... :angry: I didn't... I can't really explain it. I can pm you some pics if you want.

#39204 Bbb Mod

Posted by Airsoft999 on 18 October 2004 - 04:55 PM in Modifications

Nesting for Megas? Use 21/32" nested inside 11/16" brass.

#39918 Need Help

Posted by Airsoft999 on 26 October 2004 - 07:02 PM in General Nerf

The Titan is PERFECT for indoors!

...Quad-barreled... ;)

#39912 Need Help

Posted by Airsoft999 on 26 October 2004 - 06:43 PM in General Nerf

And be sure to use a more than healthy serving of hot glue in you stefans... Don't want the slingshots to tear through the glue ;)

#40598 Need Help

Posted by Airsoft999 on 02 November 2004 - 06:36 PM in General Nerf

I know modded guns are supposed to hurt when shot at, but you people are nuts!

You screwed up guy...

GO BUSH???? And a Titan will leave welts. Gimme your addy... I'll show you. Titans are too strong, and they easily shoot through around 3 pieces of cardboard, and can shoot paintballs 150 feet.

#40602 Need Help

Posted by Airsoft999 on 02 November 2004 - 06:47 PM in General Nerf

:cry: Sorry for being retarded. I'll shut up.

And what's wrong with being a Bush-fan?

It's okay, not as retarded as the things I still do once in a while :nugget:

And I was just showing how much the amendment rights have been destroyed lately- freeoom of speech. Recently, I was paid, as well as my GF to go to two different conventions, wearing a shirt supporting the other candidate. Sure as hell, the Kerry supporters made me leave, but the Bush supporters actually had to get people to escort me out of the place. Pffft. Freedom of speech -_- .

#36352 Long Range Weapon

Posted by Airsoft999 on 03 September 2004 - 07:38 PM in General Nerf

You know, I don't think anything can shoot farther that the Titan. (Excluding homemades). The Scout is nice, badabing, but I believe the NF is better. Maybe you should try modding the Titan? The best thing for you to try, if you think you suck at modding, is get rid of only the first air restrictor in the stub. Don't risk losing the Titan by getting rid of the other one deeper in. Don't plug the valve, in case you are scared of blowing the tank... you finally got one. Then do ompa's mod. Goop in a stub of crayola in PVC, PVC, or copper or whatever you are using into the cut out stub. Then screw the barrel over the stub, and schlack in a coupler, and do barrel around 14-16 inches long. Courtesy of ompa's mod.

#38739 New Zing-ring Launcher

Posted by Airsoft999 on 10 October 2004 - 07:43 PM in General Nerf

Crap that thing is huge.

#38720 New Zing-ring Launcher

Posted by Airsoft999 on 10 October 2004 - 04:41 PM in General Nerf


#44083 Congrats Nerf Haven

Posted by Airsoft999 on 15 December 2004 - 10:25 AM in Off Topic

Isn't Diego member no. 1,000? And Lee and die u retard (who were the same person) were recently banned. ^_^ Yeah, great website! :P

Yes, but after pruning and banning, etc., there are 1000 registered members. Registered is the key word.

#38392 Nerfisgreat01

Posted by Airsoft999 on 05 October 2004 - 03:43 PM in Site Feedback

Some one said that you were on the way to his house with a ax. :rolleyes:

Wow... he believed it...

#35754 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 August 2004 - 03:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Oooooh. Buffalo. Maybe I could buy a fucking working gun there.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Not if you are like me. ^_^

Well, since I can now almost make it, I'll suggest a different warzone... in the suburb that I live in, we are big in war games (NERF and airsoft, not so much paintball... the rich slobs don't want to waste so much money on CO2 tanks. I do...). SO, we have an indoor warzone, just for nerf and airsoft, and it is shaweet! It is huge... three different rooms, 100,000+ square feet each. The technology is amazing! The two rooms are suited for CTF, deathmatch- team or Free for all, leech, and... UPLINK! There are ten "uplinks" around the rooms, and you can choose which ones to use. There are two switches on each. One towards red, and one towards blue. The goal is to find an uplink, and make it your team's color. When you do, it will project the color of your team. If you see one that is not your color, you can change it, though the person will probably be guarding it. The goal is to get all three uplinks to you team's color. When you do, there will be a beep, signaling the countdown. After 15 seconds, the alarm goes, signaling the victory of a certain team. The downstairs room is a maze, and is usually dark, though it has light controls. The uplinks are along the walls, rather hard to find. There is a balcony, in which if you find the almost impossible to find staircase, you can go up and eat shit! The second floor are two islands. There are many shacks on each island, for hiding. There is a bridge connecting the two islands, an underwater tunnel, and a paddlebaot, that can seat two people. This place is great for detonation games. The is one hill on each island. the idea is to get to your opponents side and start a "time bomb" located on the top of the hill. When you do, the 30 second timer will go off. Opponents can turn off the bomb, but the time will not reset. When the time runs out, the bomb makes an explody sound. The third floor is like another maze, but this one is really tall. there are also automatic doors for eack path. This place has a retractabls roof, and many losing spots. The coolest thing is that before the game, you can fill up these littls bowes with 3-10 darts. Then a platform takes them up. They are attached to parachutes, and ono-by-one the packages fall in different places, and they serve as ammo packs.

#36044 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 31 August 2004 - 09:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Well, the pics will be up as soon as I can get them to work, and the arena won't be able to host a war until Octoberish... Halloween afternoon?

#35783 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 August 2004 - 06:13 PM in Nerf Wars

A: It is all but abandoned... people own it.
B: It is not open to the public... you have to plan a war, and get the building... 3 hours is 200 bucks, and 30 bucks for an additional hour. However, my dad owns the place, so I can get up to 20 people in for free at a time... well, you'll need to bring like 5 dollars.
C: pics up tomorrow.
D: It was basically my idea... all of the people know that we nerf, and they don't mind a place for us... and my dad ordered the construction.
E: We might not be able to get a war there soon, for they are rebuilding the place... my dad hints at "new games involving more advanced electronic technology".

#35648 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 28 August 2004 - 06:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Ya, chrysoidontliketopostphylax.

#35622 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 28 August 2004 - 02:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in Buffalo too... count me and my unheard of clan almost in. I might of heard of you... same age group. Who are you? You can pm me for safety, chrysoiliketobuttinwheneverpossiblephylax:P Are you in Buffalo, or a suburb?

Xx- it takes me a little over 2 hours to get to my hockey practices there... I am in buffalo too.

#35767 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 August 2004 - 04:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay, I'll have pics up tomorrow when I go there. It is currently under construction- the third floor. So I'll let you see the first and second floors.

Geez... It's not so great... How hard is it to make. The water is 2 feet deep. You just can't walk across. The passage is under the water, in the ground... or ceiling. Just like my putt putt. What's the big deal. And dude: they're paddleboats... here, paddleboats- the cheap kind- are very common, and is nothing special. and the islands are just chunks of pavement- made to look like land and a hill of junk. What's so special? And the Island part is on the first floor, not the second. If this place is so special, then I'll post pics for you. It's really not so... at least to me. I mean, it's just like paintball, but for nerfers. Oh, and even splash lagoon is better. they have underwater tunnels. They have moats with ACTUAL sailboats. WE have paddleboats. THe cool thing are the electronics, and that's it. I would play outside, but I like the electronics. I mean, my backyard pond is the location of many of our nerf wars, and they are almost as fun. I have an island in the back... a real one. Much better. I have paddleboats, and motorboats.



#35634 Buffalo Fucking Nerf Out

Posted by Airsoft999 on 28 August 2004 - 03:57 PM in Nerf Wars

14, on the Toronto 16 yr old national team. Assistant captain, baby.

#28742 Airsoft Mod To Nerf

Posted by Airsoft999 on 17 June 2004 - 02:59 PM in Modifications

I got a sweet airsoft gun, but no one near me plays. They only play NERF. Is there anyway I can mod? I'm sorta new to nerf, but it has potential. I used to be in an airsoft neighborhood, until I moved. Anyway, thanks. My gun has a picture at
NEWay, i didn't see this anywhere else.

#62385 I'm Back From Outer Space

Posted by Airsoft999 on 22 August 2005 - 09:23 AM in Off Topic

I actually find, that sliding stock airzone arrows over a stock nf barrel, it will shoot a good 20 ft.

Yeah, um, how do you put an arrow over a stock NF barrel?

#38913 Titan Mod Question For Cxwq

Posted by Airsoft999 on 13 October 2004 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

It does not allow you to shoot the foam rocket but im assuming that i could do a little modification to allow it to shoot it. I think that i will be able to put up the pictures of my titan by the end of today though.

That's fucking disgusting. You aren't going to be allowed to use it at a war, if you even war, and the Rocket is the only real cool part... so are paintballs... Sure the darts are powerful, but it's not worth losing the rocket. And if it is REALLY easy to unmod... you'll have an extremely craptacular seal to the barrel... You are losing a bunch of air.

#38865 Titan Mod Question For Cxwq

Posted by Airsoft999 on 12 October 2004 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

for my mod i am going to [snip] attach the two pieces together and it should work.

Wow! I never thought of doing my Max Shot mod on the Titan.

^_^ Yeah... Maybe the brass is only there to hold the dart in place... But then again, without the little bit of 17/32" brass in the back to hold the dart, wouldn't you need a longer barrel? Sure it's an air gun, but the air output is so much I think a nested barrel will work. But if you plan to twist the dart into the barrel constriction, you obviously don't have a Titan. And I still don't completely understand your mod.

#38918 Titan Mod Question For Cxwq

Posted by Airsoft999 on 13 October 2004 - 07:35 PM in Modifications

what i mean i can do in order to do a little modification so that the foam rocket could fit over it would be that i could just slide a piece of pvc over the brass barrel and then the rocket would be able to fit over it.

Ain'y gonna work... A rocket can't fit over 1/2" SCH40 PVC... I doesn't fit over any pvc. Yes, I've tried.

#38926 Titan Mod Question For Cxwq

Posted by Airsoft999 on 13 October 2004 - 08:36 PM in Modifications

Problem is reducing that to the size of the barrel adapter- and that's going to take some creative dremeling/reducers. However, I recall that he had a threaded barrel adapter, so maybe you could take a 1/2-3/4 coupler and screw it on there, then stick some 3/4pvc on there and stuff the rocket on- it'd make the seal with the 3/4 part of the coupler, which I THINK is sufficient.


Yes, ompa, that is the problem.

#44498 Bbb Mods

Posted by Airsoft999 on 21 December 2004 - 07:25 PM in Modifications

Ouch. Hunter did a breech mod that works well- you might want to search for that.

#63273 The Loud Nf

Posted by Airsoft999 on 07 September 2005 - 06:59 PM in General Nerf

NF's are hella quiet un-modded, but for some reason, once you just pull out the peg without opening the gun, it gets loud. You could try something like the mech. used on the new BBB, cause unmodded, It's really quiet. And weak. I'm currently modding mine...

#45630 Do People Like These Guns?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 07 January 2005 - 04:33 PM in General Nerf


NerfWorld isn't very accurate. I for one am on top of most of the prices, and those aren't always the best.

Anyway, all those guns have some sort of value. The manta, chainblaser, both secret shots and the triple strike will get you some pretty decent coin. The others won't earn you as much, but if you put them in a lot on Ebay then you could make a little bit.

How much do you mean when you say a little bit?

I feel that NerfWorld is rather accurate, and all I saw unreasonable in Janga's list was an AT3K for 10 USD :P , You could sell the AT3K and RF20 for 15-25 dollars on eBat, probably. I'd keep the SS2, and sell the SS1 and Chainblazer in a lot. That could get you, I dunno, around 25 dollars. The rest of the lot is worth only about 10-15 dollars based on performance.

EDIT: eBay

#45076 Check This Out.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 December 2004 - 03:09 PM in General Nerf

Some Targets, like mine.

#45085 Check This Out.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 December 2004 - 03:59 PM in General Nerf

Well, they didn't have any other guns, and I had the money, so...

#45082 Check This Out.

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 December 2004 - 03:29 PM in General Nerf

Mine, as well as Falcon's, cost 7.95 at Target. However, my other Target said that they won't be recieving new NERF guns until March, so I bought 14 of them with gift cards. They were also currently 50% off. I would sell 5 of them for 10 plus shipping, then maybe eBay the others. I'm keeping five. I've done a brass mod, like Falcon's copper one. I can do a writeup, if necessary. My ranges with nested brass are 51 feet flat, though I can think of a much better mod, but it would decrease the ROF. I'll answer any more questions through PM's.

Nerfnewbie- I'm in Buffalo. Some Targets gots 'em, some won't 'till March. Yes they are good. Bad part is, the barrel rotates just like an SM350 :P . Still, six 50-foot shots in 2 seconds... I'll take dual Mav's over my NF's or LnL's anyday. But not my SSII's.
JT- You are thinking of the Hornet. The Maverick, N-Strike NiteFinder, and SSPB N-Strike are the new series. Chances are, there will be a new primary, like a SuperMaxx remake, secondary, like a PowerClip, and the Pistol is out. That's is just speculation, though.

#39555 What Are These?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 22 October 2004 - 03:34 PM in General Nerf

best ebay deal ever.... i got my nib x bow for 25 bucks plus shipping im so excited

Hee hee... LIAR!!! You just posted a topic a few weeks ago on wanting an X-Bow. Then I go on eBay using all different filters, looking for some good guns. I sure as hell didn't see the NIB X-Bow. Really, no one probably has a NIB crossbow. Also, I'm sure someone else would've bet... show me the link. Or show me the NIB X-Bow when you get it.