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#247485 Saftey Glasses

Posted by Drano on 18 August 2009 - 02:15 PM in General Nerf

Hello all,

I haven't been active for some time now, but I came across this item and immediately thought of you guys.

Someone should set up a group buy if they were nice, or be a bit more entrepreneurial if they were so inclined.

Best of all, you can get the NerfHaven logo imprinted on them.

Here's the link : Marco Promotional Products

Posted Image

#95485 Holiday Raffle

Posted by Drano on 28 November 2006 - 03:30 PM in General Nerf


Pete, you are the wiener . Merry Chrismas. pm me with your details.

I'll try to get it sent out by the end of the week at the latest.

#95425 Holiday Raffle

Posted by Drano on 27 November 2006 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

Ok, we're just waiting on Cx to generate the winning number and I'll go ahead and send it off.

#94606 My New Photoshop Creation

Posted by Drano on 16 November 2006 - 01:04 AM in Off Topic

I'd give it a 6/10.

In my opinion, the placement of the diagonal lines takes away from the interesting group of 3-d images you have below them. It's kind of cutting the image in half. I'd like to see more of the 3-d stuff, and less of the stripes above the diagonals. Simply put, I think if you move the diagonals up towards the top left corner some more to show off some of the 3-d stuff, it might be a little more interesting. Just my two cents.

You're probably right.

But I do think there is something to be said about the 50/50 thing. its a very "static vs. dynamic" statement.
and not only that but the motif also continues with the circular dealies in the middle.

substance abuse: if you had known what argument you were making in these, i would have given it a 7
but unless thats the case, i also give it a 6

very good attempt
but dont expect or get used to people saying that.

...also, don't just quit on this. keep working on this image.

#94482 Holiday Raffle

Posted by Drano on 15 November 2006 - 02:59 PM in General Nerf

It's been a while since ive frequented these forums. but i'm feeling generous

i want to hold a raffle this holiday season for ONE unmoded, never fired Lanard MaxShot.
the Winner will recieve the maxshot through USPS at no cost to him/her... its on me.

Now i haven't discussed this with anybody yet, but i was hoping a Mod could generate the random number at the end to determine the winner. so.. Ompa, or Shindig, or Cx ?

So starting from today, 11-15-06 12:00 pm PST and ending on 11-24-06 11:59 pm
any member of nerfhaven can post a number from 1 - 3000 to enter the raffle.

I'm not the most meticlious on details, but the rules are:

Every member can only post a number once.

no duplicate numbers it's your responsibility to make sure a number isnt already taken before you post it

and unfotrunately this raffle is not open to moderators

raffle closing will be governed by the post clock


damnit! i hate details.

what the hell! i'll ship world wide.

closest number to the drawn random number wins.

and i forgot. the maxshot's got no box and none of the foam rocket dealies.

the wining number will be generated from here:

#79617 Manta Ray Custom Paintjob+ Mod

Posted by Drano on 11 April 2006 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

damn thats a good paint job.

You do good work.
The flamed 2k you put up last year is still stuck in my head.

and while were on the subject, before any body else calls that manta fruity, do a search for that 2K

#79614 Painting

Posted by Drano on 11 April 2006 - 07:06 PM in Modifications

Be careful if your trying to chemically strip the paint.
Most paint strippers are not good news for plastic.

Do a search of how model train enthusiasts strip paint off thier train cars.

Ive heard brake fluid and oven-cleaner can do the job.

#79611 How To Paint

Posted by Drano on 11 April 2006 - 06:56 PM in General Nerf

Even though different paint brands have slightly different make-ups that adhere to different materials for better or for worse, i think that painting technique is the most important thing in making a paint job look good. i have splatter painted a NF with, no joke, 3 different brands of paint. it looks great

The most important concept in spray painting is what is called 'flow'. it refers to how much paint is applied in a certain spot in a certain amount of time. (although i am begining to hear it refered to "wetness" more these days.)

If the coat is too dry, the paint particles are drying before they hit the surface. this leaves a rough surface and the paint does not get a chance to 'sheet' together to form a glossy surface (assumiing you're using glossy paint)

If the coat is too wet, you have too much paint and too much sheeting causing runs.

The proper coat is ofcouse between these 2 extremes and usually consists of 2,3 or mabey 4 passes. 5 is over doing it.

If you can find it get one of those grip handles that mimic the use of a spray gun. either the original "can gun" or the rust-o-leum one. some of you may think that it's not needed, but theres a reason why many tools have grips. I wouldnt use the can gun for graffiti art, but i would consider it nessassary for putting a straight consistant coat on a given surface. I have found both grips at wal-mart in both Cali and in Ohio

#79491 Cutting Brass For Barrels

Posted by Drano on 10 April 2006 - 07:07 PM in Modifications

This place is better.


Do a search for "rotary tool"

Its the tool resource for weekend project people
or people with no money.

Dont expect Makita quality. But it will get the job done.

#79248 Where To Buy Paint

Posted by Drano on 09 April 2006 - 02:14 AM in General Nerf

I've been away for a while, so excuse me if this has come up.

is Fusion really that good? I have had Horrible luck with it. If there is any grease or oil on the surface you wanna paint, it dosent adhere for crap.
I much rather prefer the regular krylon or even better the rust-o-leum thats for engine blocks

#79247 Nf Or Lnl-

Posted by Drano on 09 April 2006 - 02:02 AM in General Nerf

Hells yea nerf is cheap. ^_^
Im hard pressed to find a cheaper hobby thats just as fun.

BK is also right about getting both. Like others said, performance is about the same. So it really comes down to how it feels for you.

I, again like others, have both and I tend to like the NF better, for one because its easily replacable now a days rather than the LnL.

by the way, How much does a LnL go for these days? I remember when I got in, there was one that went for like 80 bucks on the Bay

#68896 Pets!

Posted by Drano on 08 December 2005 - 03:19 PM in Off Topic

Posted Image
Poo and Weasel after they just messed up a room looking for food.

Poo trying to appoligize
Posted Image

#68893 Nerf Range Catagories

Posted by Drano on 08 December 2005 - 11:57 AM in Nerf Wars

Well you still need to be a good player.

Having a certian blaster dosent compensate for accuracy.

Or playing style, much less

#68719 Bass And Guitar Amp Suggestions

Posted by Drano on 03 December 2005 - 01:14 AM in Off Topic

Just a thought, but that strat would look sweet with a pearloid pickguard.

#68685 Bass And Guitar Amp Suggestions

Posted by Drano on 02 December 2005 - 02:47 AM in Off Topic

Nice to see you bought 'string swings'. IMO its the best thing. Aside from the fact that the only con is accumilation of dust and rust. it keeps the guitars out of harms way and off the floor. Plus it makes your space look cool.

#68642 Knives/swords Collections

Posted by Drano on 30 November 2005 - 07:56 PM in Off Topic

Well I'm not, and I try not to look like one. Every blade that I EDC is under 3 inches.

Some people swear by 3 1\4" to 4" blades as a nessesity.
I personally have never gotten into a situation where I needed a blade over 2 inches.
But with the exception of the Spydie Native, every 2 inch blade comes with an equally stubby handle.

#68633 Knives/swords Collections

Posted by Drano on 30 November 2005 - 06:43 PM in Off Topic

useful as in, quick and handy to cut things with, without having to worry about moving parts and what not.

it was engineered in a way that you dont have to have a full size grip, but yet have all the stability of one.

the HAK looks like a typical mall-ninja push dagger. not a small slipjoint that your grandpa carries.

#68630 Knives/swords Collections

Posted by Drano on 30 November 2005 - 06:29 PM in Off Topic

Well i feel you, but ive had no problems with spyderco, sent in my native a year ago to get the pivot tightened and ive just sent in my delica that ive had since i was 12, to get the vertical blade play fixed.
Customer service are people too. They might have just been lazy that day and wrote you off as someone who abused his knife. Mabey they thought that, because you had the police model, i dont know. I would try sending it in again, just for the hell of it.

Heres what cycles through my EDC:

Posted Image
I had some benchmades but i sold them off. For some reason I would avoid using my knife if i carried an expensive one. Go figure. But i dont carry crap. You would be suprised at the quality you can find out there on the cheap.
The two on top are craftsman work knives designed by Ken Onion, and made by kershaw. Blades are AUS-6. These have the most solid lock ups out of teh bunch
the one in the middle is a Camillus EDC in 154-CM
Brand spankin new spyderco Native from Wally-world in S30V :w00t::nugget:

And various small folders I carry when carrying knives any bigger will get me funny looks. Only ones worth mentioining are the spyderco ladybugII in vg-10, the kershaw chive, and the gerber ridge, which for some reason is in AUS-8

And to follow suit, i'll post my crappy mall-ninja collection
Posted Image
The only one i feel bad puttin in this category is the little Hide-Away-Knife. Custom fitted, and it cost me a pretty penny. Useful as hell, fixed blade stability in the smallest package avalible, but gets me looked at like im a psycho.

Edit: in case anybody dosent know my mall-ninja reference, is in no way relating to bolts katanas. they are beauties.

#68613 Knives/swords Collections

Posted by Drano on 30 November 2005 - 05:22 AM in Off Topic

In 1939 a man named joseph gerber started 'Gerber legendary blades'. I dont think the baby food manufacturers have any relation.

Its a shame really. gerber used to make such great tools. now they are owned by Friskars, and are now one of those second rate companies that rips thier knife designs off of other top shelf manufacturers.

assisted openers can still be considered switchblades. the only places that they are not, are jusisdictions which define a switchblade as a knife in which the blade is opened without touching the blade itself. This cleverly worded definition also happens to include gravity knives.

Bolt: spyderco is a great company with great customer service. You shouldn't have told them that 'if you put enough backward force'. that falls under "spine-whacking" and is a deal breaker. you should have just complained about 'blade-play' and potential 'lock-failure'. But at least you have your 943! axis locks rock balls off of everything!

I'll post pics of my knives later when i get ahold of my camera

#68612 Bass And Guitar Amp Suggestions

Posted by Drano on 30 November 2005 - 03:40 AM in Off Topic

For guitar: try to score a Fender pro jr.
i wouldnt steer ya wrong.
Its a small tube amp* with a 10" speaker.
Good for practice and small giging.
Great tone and if you drive it, it breaks up beautifuly. then all you have to do is roll back the volume on the guitar to 7 or 5 and you get a mellow clean

Ceiling for this baby on the bay is about 300. Try and get one of the older ones.
I know its a little above your range but i want you to keep in mind that this little thing wont depreciate.
If you ever need the money you can turn it right back around on the bay, for exactly what you paid for it.

just found this:

and heres a new one (i would prefer an old one):

heres some other peoples reviews on it from harmony-central
take it with a grain of salt:

I could recomend others but i'm assuming your not going for the severly overdriven, overly distorted metal tone.

And dont get anything by Crate, they dont break-up very well, and the drive on almost all of these amps is too one dimensional. If i had to pick a "Ben Stein" of the amp world, Crate would be it. They also have no sensitivity to playing-dynamics.

As for bass, no clue
I could get back with an answer in a couple days.

I wouldnt recomend gettin the DS-1 right now. this particular box sux balls unless you have a top rate tube amp.
But even then i would recomend a modded BD-2

At this point in your musical carreer you shouldn't need any pedals if you have an amp that drives well, and a guitar volume pot that dosent suck.

Lastly, the pick-ups matter more than any other piece of gear. There is no amount of pedals, no amp in the world, or any guitar that will fix your tone, if your pups suck. A good pickup will make a crappy guitar, played though a crappy amp, sound 300% better. so if your tone sucks, blame the pups first...
well, blame your fingers first, then the pups.
i know this first hand, its my favorite thing to do.
Here (please ignore, when that thread gets hijacked and goes horribly off topic, but does have some basic info on electric guitars at the end.)

*if you do think about gettin a tube amp, educate yourself on the propper operation of one, as they need warm up time.

#68610 90 Celica Questions

Posted by Drano on 30 November 2005 - 03:13 AM in Off Topic

Okay one more thing I paid next to nothing for this car(1,200), it has had only one owner (who was a lady) it was never in a wreck, it was kept in awsome shape, oil was changed every 3,000 miles, this thing is almost mint.

dont kid yourself.

Plus in 16 years, some one had to have forgotten mabey 2 or 8 oil changes.
Given those are small things, but god knows what else.
In this disposable society, there arent too many things now a days that are ment to live that long.

But anyways, its your first car and 12 bills isnt bad at all for something thats probabbly gonna be totaled before you even get a chance to drive it off to college.
I wouldn't mod it but thats me. Just be thankful you got something sporty and not some old sedan with a broken headlight and all sorts of sun-damage to the paint.

#68517 90 Celica Questions

Posted by Drano on 28 November 2005 - 04:11 AM in Off Topic

dont know where your located, but if you were in the LA area i could give you some good resources on some used JDM engines and transmissions.

but if you just bought a car with already 187k on it, im guessin your not in the LA area (it would already be in the wreckin yard by then).

if anybody in the LA area needs an japanese engine or tranny, give this place a try:JPQ corp

#66874 Go See Serenity

Posted by Drano on 31 October 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Wow if i had known that this thread would have turned out so long winded, i would most definately have come up with a decent insult.

...Some of the things we waste our time and energy on... i dont know...whatever. ;)

#66873 Tru: Free Maverick

Posted by Drano on 31 October 2005 - 07:33 PM in General Nerf

the TRus in Alhambra, CA is giving away free fireflys with the purchace of the dart tag set or n-stike trinity

#65981 Go See Serenity

Posted by Drano on 17 October 2005 - 01:00 AM in Off Topic


Why don't you just go and suck whatever it is you suck, and quit that elitist bullshit.

its all entertainment anyways. not something to live your gorramn life by

#65295 Go See Serenity

Posted by Drano on 08 October 2005 - 02:26 AM in Off Topic

everything was in mandarin.
Since it understood what they were saying, it was amusing to me how they butchered it up ( totally understandable though).

I think the reason for the chinese and cowboys was josh whedon's guess at what the circumstances in the future would be. What with a culture of 3 billion people may have a small impact in things to come.
And the cowboy thing... Universal expantion, would not be too much unlike westward expantion.

Wash could be Lando !

#64196 Gun Porn!

Posted by Drano on 23 September 2005 - 05:31 PM in Off Topic

cold steel sux balls...

Well that's what i've automaticly said all these years. Due to the fact cold steel has crappy knives and horrible marketing techniques that do a detriment to us 'knife knuts'. but that katana looks pretty cool, they even put a "blood groove" on it (for got what its called on katanas)

#63744 Best Auction Find Ever

Posted by Drano on 16 September 2005 - 02:31 PM in Off Topic

How do you get the screws on the commlink open - I've looked everywhere and I can't find any triangle headed screwdrivers, I really need them seeing as I have 4 pairs to mod.

machine your own.
Its not that hard just take a stripped hex bit and go at it with your dremel. or if you have one, a grinder.

#60334 Firefly Out Online

Posted by Drano on 27 July 2005 - 01:36 PM in General Nerf

Oh, and there's no need for longer barrels than what can fit in it. The barrels that could fit would be about 4 inches of 17/32 brass, and with the same size plunger as a NF, approximately the same barrel length is needed. This happens to be practically the same barrel length.

I some how doubt that its totally a coincidence. Same thing with the mav, its also got a 4" cylinder.

i think the nerf peeps may have tried to throw a bone our way.

But thats just my opinion.

#60223 It's Nerf Or Nothing

Posted by Drano on 26 July 2005 - 12:54 AM in General Nerf

what kind of life do you have that you care so much that you can only buy nerf brand?

lanard and other brands all use basically the same technology.
i have just aquired some national geographic jet launchers that i plan to modify.

if it can fire foam in a reasonably logical and efficient package, why not?

#58720 Help With Paint

Posted by Drano on 05 July 2005 - 11:02 AM in Modifications

Even though different paint brands have slightly different make-ups that adhere to different materials for better or for worse, i think that painting technique is the most important thing in making a paint job look good. i have splatter painted a NF with, no joke, 3 different brands of paint. it looks great

The most important concept in spray painting is what is called 'wetness'. it refers to how much paint is applied in a certain spot in a certain amount of time.

If the coat is too dry, the paint particles are drying before they hit the surface. this leaves a rough surface and the paint does not get a chance to 'sheet' together to form a glossy surface (assumiing you're using glossy paint)

If the coat is too wet, you have too much paint and too much sheeting causing runs.

The proper coat is ofcouse between these 2 extremes and usually consists of 2,3 or mabey 4 passes. 5 is over doing it.

If you can find it get one of those grip handles that mimic the use of a spray gun. either the original "can gun" or the rust-o-leum one. some of you may think that it's not needed, but theres a reason why many tools have grips. I wouldnt use the can gun for graffiti art, but i would consider it nessassary for putting a straight consistant coat on a given surface. I have found both grips at wal-mart in both Cali and in Ohio

#58717 Chewbacca's Bowcaster

Posted by Drano on 05 July 2005 - 10:43 AM in Modifications

I got this blaster a while a go before ep. III came out and thought it was a crapper. If it gets 50 feet with the tubing still on then i guess i totally underestimated this blaster. It wouldnt be the first. i totally underestimated the lanard speed loader, until i finally got in there and fixed the breech-turret seal.

#57855 History Behind Nerf Design

Posted by Drano on 21 June 2005 - 10:24 AM in General Nerf

Actually he was a A/C repair man and stumbled on the concept during a repair. He then made it into a toy for his kids to play with.

#56561 Lucky Finds

Posted by Drano on 04 June 2005 - 02:07 PM in General Nerf

Over the past quarter I've been gettin about a doozen at2k's for about .99 each .
Got a wildfire for .99.

#56430 Plz Help! Mavrick Not Working

Posted by Drano on 02 June 2005 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

I dont know if I read kickass correctly(pardon me if im being redundant), but if you want to do some barrel work and skip the hot glue and fbr, you can just dremel out any plastic in the way and nest the barrels in the cylinder so that the barrels sit right in the bottom and contact the breech hole in the back of the cylinder.

#56427 Plz Help! Mavrick Not Working

Posted by Drano on 02 June 2005 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

clip the posts off the restrictors.
Put the restrictors back in.

#55299 Any Aquarists In The House?

Posted by Drano on 19 May 2005 - 10:58 PM in Off Topic

I got a 2.5 gal

2 dwarf puffers

Bitch to maintain but im sure as hell not gonna put those 2 little things in a bigger tank

#54894 Yard Sales?

Posted by Drano on 14 May 2005 - 11:58 PM in General Nerf

I haven't really had any luck with yard sales.

I do remember however, when I was in Drumline in high school (way before I got into nerf), we had a huge rummage sale. we opened up at 6 am and the first thing that was at the registers were the nerf guns. We were all quite baffled as to why anybody would want nerf guns.

there must have been like 30-40 blasters. now that I'm a nerfer, every once in a while I think about how I missed the opportunity. I remember there being like 5 X-bows (some broken), 3 Astorms, LnLs, EaBs, a few sharpshooters I and II... you get the idea.

#52778 At2k Troubles

Posted by Drano on 18 April 2005 - 03:02 PM in Modifications

Aren't 2K's still in production?

I would just scrap the thing and get a new one, well the internals anyway.

#52023 Prepare Your Bladder For Imminent Release!

Posted by Drano on 08 April 2005 - 10:21 PM in Modifications

One small thing though-the pump handle is rotated to the right. :nugget:

yeah, I did that on purpose because I like the feel of the handle like that, and it makes the whole thing look just a little cleaner

yea i did the exact same thing on one of my 2ks