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#278670 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by Grenada on 26 June 2010 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

-proving that I can use an RF20 as an effective primary(again)
-picking up an SS1
-Having no guns break down
-Beginning to learn names(after a half-dozen wars)

-The afforementioned circle of kiddos
-Having to have me and my team forfiet the 4-team TDM round because of time constraints

#276956 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by Grenada on 06 June 2010 - 10:18 AM in Nerf Wars

I've got the hornets pre-cursor(blastfire, I think) that I would sell.

#276544 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by Grenada on 31 May 2010 - 10:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a maybe. Thankfully thats after finals for me.

#275864 Epic Summer War Part 2

Posted by Grenada on 24 May 2010 - 08:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright, my Pros and Cons

Picking up an RF20
Using it effectivly
Not having a gun blow in half
Meeting some of this years newbies
Playing in the Civil War Round, even if the wind was against us

Getting head/crotchshotted a lot
Having a dart get uscked into my BBB plunger
Having the wind against me in the civil war round

P.S. I would prefer Saturdays

#275507 Epic Summer War Part 2

Posted by Grenada on 21 May 2010 - 07:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm Brodericks +1, and we are both confirmed. :D

#257426 Puget Sound Winter War

Posted by Grenada on 27 November 2009 - 11:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Great, that makes things alot simpler

#257323 Puget Sound Winter War

Posted by Grenada on 26 November 2009 - 04:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Does each minor have to have their parent check in, or could the carpool driver vouch for everyone, including people other than their kids.

#255561 Puget Sound Winter War

Posted by Grenada on 07 November 2009 - 12:36 AM in Nerf Wars

Actually, its worked out. I don't need I ride. Thanks for the offer though.

#255311 Puget Sound Winter War

Posted by Grenada on 04 November 2009 - 07:10 PM in Nerf Wars

I was going to get a ride with a friend's parent, who's also 14. Also, I live very close to Oly high school, Part time. I spend my summer's out on a farm.

#255258 Puget Sound Winter War

Posted by Grenada on 03 November 2009 - 10:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I can get a ride up there, but since I'm 14, I will need to get you to talk to my parents. Thats kinda a fly in the ointment for my plans, but I'm sure we can work out something. Mark me down as a kinda-sorta-possibly-maybe-coming. Too bad you can't delay it so that it falls in my winter break. Oh well, see you all there.

#247363 Sano

Posted by Grenada on 17 August 2009 - 04:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Were you thinking Broderick, Tantum? It might have been me. The only time I got headshotted, I got hit on the nose of my sunglasses(That would have hurt like heck if it had been 1/4" up or down.


*Showing up at 8:30 at the right place, then leaving at 10:10 after no-one showed up and driving around for half an hour.
*After the last war, I modded, and thought I had good guns. Not so...
*Nearly getting to the Playground-side teams flag without being noticed, then rushing a guy from behind, shot at him for 10 feet away, and missed.
*Making $25 in gun sales.

Oh well... I won't be able to make it to any more wars this year...see you all in june

P.S. Man, that car ride from Oakville to Bellevue was killer(look it up on google earth or something, its a long way)

#244655 Sano

Posted by Grenada on 29 July 2009 - 10:50 PM in Nerf Wars

He makes fun of me all the time, so I rubbed it in :D

#244571 Sano

Posted by Grenada on 29 July 2009 - 03:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Count me in for sure. I'm hopeful bomberman will come, and I can talk some other friends into coming, including one was a pack mule for his mom at a scrapbooking convention during the war(probably)

#243897 August Olympia War

Posted by Grenada on 25 July 2009 - 07:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm completly open as to the date

Edit(July 29) This idea had not recieved much any attention, so I think I should call it off

#243896 Sano

Posted by Grenada on 25 July 2009 - 07:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe. Happy theres another war.

#243221 August Olympia War

Posted by Grenada on 22 July 2009 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I went to my first war 2 days ago, and had a great time. My biggest complaint was teh fact that I had to get up at 6:30, then sit in a car for 2 hours to get to marymoor park. I know many, many people who decided not to come to that war because of that fact. I believe that LBA park would work very well, seeing some of the complaints from Marymoor. I'm just wondering if I should pursue this, or give it up. Who's interested?

#242977 Sof Seattle War

Posted by Grenada on 21 July 2009 - 01:19 PM in Nerf Wars

I had a blast. Some Highlights

-realizing that being out ranged by everyone didn't really mean squat
-Seeing that BBBs were actually loved alot more than what I though
-getting a great NF from black sunshine
-working out an effective strategy for not getting killed while still doing something.
-getting a little bit of experiance
-potentialy pulling in another nerfer, and rekindling the interest in Nerf of Bomberman


-Having my excellent primary bust beyond repair a week before the war

Also, this may be a long commute for some people, but LBA park in Olympia would probably work VERY well, and on weekdays it is essentially unpopulated, except for on the track running around the edge of the park.

It has open areas, lightly wooded spaces, and alot of hills

#241739 Sof Seattle War

Posted by Grenada on 13 July 2009 - 03:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright, I have to shorten my guest list down to jsut me confirmed and Bomberman as a very, very probable(or confirmed). Of the other friends I was trying to talk into coming, I lost the E-mail of and haven't heard from him since the end of school, and the other's mom is using him as a pack mule at a scrapbooking convention

#238923 Nerf In Popular Culture

Posted by Grenada on 27 June 2009 - 06:52 PM in General Nerf

In the Walker:Texas Ranger episode with the boy with AIDS, there is a shootout

#222504 Sof Seattle War

Posted by Grenada on 08 April 2009 - 09:00 PM in Nerf Wars

If melee weapons are legal, watch out for:

A. me, bomberman, and the others in my group in some caffiene-crazed banzai charge, which happens to be 60 years out of style. :)

B. me screaming "PERMA-BAN!!!"( :P ) after slugging some one with the ban hammer. How did you people miss that before

#222460 Sof Seattle War

Posted by Grenada on 08 April 2009 - 07:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Just for the weapons testing, possibly have the person who is using the gun in question stand 50 feet(roughly) from someone who is firing the gun. If they are not going to agree to it, that gun is auto-banned.

Another thing, are homemade melee weapons allowed(A.K.A. my series of BAN-hammers) allowed?

Put me and up to 2 others as confirmed

Bomberman is a hopeful right now

#215448 Nerf Pocket Football Bazooka

Posted by Grenada on 27 February 2009 - 09:38 PM in Homemades

Was I the only one who thought, and I quote "OMFG, a panzerschrek." Add the face guard, and you have something which would like pretty dang alike. Good paint job too

Seriously, I need to make me one of these things. One of my friends is making a small nerf AFV, and I need something to punch through cardboard

Question:How did you get that awsome paint job?

#214048 Sof Seattle War

Posted by Grenada on 21 February 2009 - 10:26 PM in Nerf Wars

I may be able to come. My parents will be a little hesitent, but I could probably pull it off. Also, I could possibly rope in Bomberman and a friend of mine. Also, I may need to borrow a decent primary(Nothing I got gets over 40-50 feet)

#183142 No...really...this Is A Nerf Grenade

Posted by Grenada on 11 October 2008 - 10:50 PM in General Nerf

rork, two problems, A. my wars on private land, which my family owns/rents, and therefor I can place them there hours beforehand, or while everyone is gettint organized, B. the climbable trees are only about 20 feet tall, and are in REALLY tight groves, so I love hiding, while they walk right under me(the people I war with are often idiots, and keep their eyes on the beaten trail.

#183029 No...really...this Is A Nerf Grenade

Posted by Grenada on 11 October 2008 - 02:45 PM in General Nerf

this sounds like using it like a grenade is rather impractical for actually hitting people, but what about digging a hole outside and using it like a landmine. if you made a kind of pressure pad that will press down on it whenever someone steps on it, thereby pushing the grenada on the ground, setting it off, firing up right up between someones legs. It would be great for ambushes. Can you imagine the look on their faces when darts start coming from 6 directions(front, left, right, back, ground from the mines, and top from me hiding in a tree with my magstrike or something) That would be awesome. I'll try this as soon as I can find one

#162525 Are All Pistols Created Equal?

Posted by Grenada on 12 July 2008 - 03:15 PM in General Nerf

Personal analysisThis may or may not matter to you, but the people forgot one little thing. Sound. Every nitefinder I have used sounds like some ones throwing bricks. The same is probably true for the diskshot pistol. The crossfire, if memory serves, is pretty quiet, imagine a pillow being dropped on a concrete floor. And my ttg, well, it gets nearly as good a range as nfs with less mods and it sounds like a feather dropped on the carpet

My opinion: ttg, unless you cant handle the 15 dollar price tag.

#162216 Breech That Takes N-strike Clips

Posted by Grenada on 10 July 2008 - 12:53 PM in Homemades

c'mon, give us a write-up. After all, then you might have hundreds of people who might have a brain storm and fix the problems faster then you will alone

#162212 Quick Questions

Posted by Grenada on 10 July 2008 - 12:47 PM in Modifications

BBB springs do add range IF, repeat, IF you add in a decent barrel replacement, and reinforce the plunger too before you add in a bbb spring. Until you do that, It will just make your rof slower, while adding maybe 2 feet. So don't add it until then :)

Edit:Oh, I would charge $5

#161395 What Do You Do With 2 Disposable Mavericks

Posted by Grenada on 03 July 2008 - 04:47 PM in Modifications

Mavericks are nice indoor, I once got nailed by my good old ttg stealing friend while I was using a recon(He ran me into the ground and shot 4 or 5 into my crotch), But other than that I mostly nerf outdoors,and I have never really liked Mavericks becuase I have had half a dozen and not a single one had anywhere near a modable turret, so I say through them against a wall, load them with firecrackers in every nook and cranny, then blowing them up, then tie the pieces to a lead weight, and dump them into a lake.
But seriously, I would turn them into one pistol with a dozen shots.

#161205 The Vulcan

Posted by Grenada on 02 July 2008 - 12:19 AM in General Nerf

alright people, This stock, no stock thing is just starting to get a teeny bit annoying. Now if you people will bear with the history geek here, I might say a few things.

History stuff with only minor relevence but for some might be interesting to some and if you are looking to flame me please read the part after the history first
First, the use of stocks. In world war one, there were many, many stockless tripod mounted mgs, and very few stocked mgs. In world war two this evened out with the increase in use of the submachine gun and lmgs that did not weigh forty pounds plus ammo at 10 pounds a clip.Right there it was just about even. Then comes korea, where the stockless mounted mg made its comeback, especially with the north koreans, because, I believe, the north koreans were using mainly russiun guns, and the russians in world war two use rifles, rifles, and more rifles, sub machine guns were few and far between. Another reason which mounted were on the rise in korea there were huge open expanses and that was the tripod mounted mgs best spot, nailing the guys coming over the next ridge by the thousand. In vietnam, stocked non-mounted skyrocketed becuase most engagements were close in in the jungle, where mounted weapons were next to useless. Now, in desert storm and iraqi freedom, we are back roughly to world war two levels sincewe have so much middle of the desert, and its the korea situation, except in the city, where, the M249 rules with mobility and versatility.
Second, some examples of stocks in history. One of these is the M2 .50 caliber machine gun. It was invented 70-80 years ago and is still used more then ever. And it does not use a stock. Up until very, very recently, that was the only weapon mounted in the commander position, in World War two, korea, vietnam, the gulf war, and even now in iraqi freedom. A second is theM1919A6 light machine gun in world war two, overall, it was a tripod mounted stockless weapon. Except in a few rare occasions in the pacific. The pacific was jungle fighting, and there fore a tripod mounted weapon was pretty much useless. So a rogue seargent whos name and exact position escapes my invented a variation on it called the stinger. He pretty much total redid the outer shell of the thing. He put a rifle stock on it, changed the angle of the trigger, added new sights, and had a bipod for the rare situation of its original purpose being needed End of history stuff

I guess my point is, there are situations that call for a stock, and there are those that call for a tripod. And besides, if you want a stock, making it yourself will make it fit all your requirements, and will be good practice towards other things. And if you don't want a stock, you don't want a stock, but someone else might. And people, please don't jump all over me, I am just trying to make people understand the other side of the argument, and maybe, just maybe that will make you not questions each others tastes. I am just trying to help people here.

#151516 How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

Posted by Grenada on 16 April 2008 - 08:02 PM in General Nerf

LS:40-50 feet
BBB:70-80 feet
TTG(not in posesion at the moment):50-60 feet
NF(tempo-busted):It was 60-70 feet
MS:stock(pretty much)
Titan: My stinkin stefans spin out at roughly 90 feet
And some other stuff I never use.

#151184 Sidearm/secondary Guns

Posted by Grenada on 14 April 2008 - 07:30 PM in General Nerf

I used to use my ar-removed ttg, but then i went to a friends house and never saw it again. <_< I wonder if he has anything to do with it? Any way, I also used my minimized cpvc barrel, ar-removed, spring added nf, but it broke. So now I am stuck with no sidearm, but am thinking about turning a disk shot into a .45 and scaring people. :D

#148114 Primary Guns

Posted by Grenada on 30 March 2008 - 02:18 PM in General Nerf

I have used my minimized, extra strong bbb. Then again, I just modded my titan, so thats also in the running. :P

#130759 Runescape?

Posted by Grenada on 26 November 2007 - 10:59 PM in Off Topic

ok, I would just like to know who plays runescape. And for you people that play, I would like to know combat level, total level, and three highest skills.

Combat level:33
Total level:414(last time I checked)

By the way, to dispel any of cornmans rumors, I most likely be having a war in august.

#129451 I Give You...cerberus

Posted by Grenada on 11 November 2007 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

Cornman, just hush up about it. I did the mods on that gun. I carved out the insides of it, I used a cpvc coupler, and I didn't do anything to the spring. Got it? :angry:

#129436 I Give You...cerberus

Posted by Grenada on 11 November 2007 - 02:09 PM in Modifications

If you want to call it cerberus, glue another sspb to the other side.

Also, cornman, If you were talkin' about that one nf I have, you have the wrong facts. <_<

#127702 The Bbb Spring And The Longshot

Posted by Grenada on 27 October 2007 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

Maybe you could take some steel strips or something and reinforce the elbow.

#127363 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by Grenada on 25 October 2007 - 05:33 PM in News

How are the removable parts held on? Is it like magnets or what?

#127359 At3k Mod

Posted by Grenada on 25 October 2007 - 05:21 PM in Modifications

no, I was talking to cornman, since I know him. He also said that he got 25 feet at three pumps with a copper barrel.

#127329 At3k Mod

Posted by Grenada on 25 October 2007 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

Use cpvc, it works better with your darts.