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#156729 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 May 2008 - 04:16 PM in Off Topic

and that gun that shoots mini-rockets at rapid fire rate from Duke Nukem 3D....

Ah, the good ol' Devastator. That gun was ridiculous. I loved it!

Of course, Mr. Nukem had access to several other great guns in that game:

The classic RPG - KABOOM!!!

The Shrinker (make your enemy small, then STEP ON THEM!)

The Freeze Ray (freeze them solid, then launch a kick to shatter them into tiny bits)

#156714 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 May 2008 - 02:22 PM in Off Topic

Not quite a weapon, but I love the portal gun from, you guessed it, Portal.

The gameplay mechanics involved with that thing are just ridiculous - and quite fun.

After that, it would be the Frag Grenade in any Halo game. Around-the-corner-boom-goes-the-badguy is just so much fun! (and that little "tink-tink" sound it makes as it bounces just fills me with joy)

#179081 Other Projects

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 September 2008 - 02:06 PM in Off Topic

A slightly old thread, but I finally finished a project last weekend that I've been working on since early July.

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Have you ever driven three hours with 25 chickens in the back of a truck? It's an adventure in smell and sound.

Anyway, the hens seem pretty happy with the arrangement thus far. Two days, 27 eggs so far. And now that this project is over, maybe I can start building some nerf guns again....

I have this sudden mental image of a BIG SNAP firing hard-boiled eggs dyed Nerf Orange, peppering an entire field with protein-rich, high-cholesterol goodness. :)

#171208 Other Projects

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 August 2008 - 10:02 AM in Off Topic

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my RPG-7 water rocket launcher, the rocket is a 1 liter sprite bottle. the gun pumps up by sliding the front section in and out like a bike pump. there is a piston built inside.
the only problem is the water shoots out of the rocket and nails you right in the face!

Why not add a blast shield? I couldn't find any images with one attached, but here is one for an Israeli rocket launcher, so you can probably see what I mean:

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With your obvious skills in replication, you could easily put something similar on your water rocket launcher that would look nice and protect your face from incoming forced hydration.

#167070 Other Projects

Posted by Ambience 327 on 07 August 2008 - 09:34 AM in Off Topic

Quite funny Bobafan. I can't believe it, but the little double-bike actually looks comfortable with your friend riding it. How hard is that thing to turn though?

#166848 Other Projects

Posted by Ambience 327 on 06 August 2008 - 03:23 PM in Off Topic

I have a few other hobbies

All very cool there BF, but um...

double bike
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Do you actually ride that???!!! :ph34r:

#261168 Deploy Cs-6 Sneak Peek

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 January 2010 - 08:49 AM in General Nerf

It better be video games talking through your fingers, I hate it when people try and make nerf guns look like guns from halo.

And I just love it when one person tells another person what they should and shouldn't do with their plastic toys... :D

#206528 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 January 2009 - 10:42 AM in General Nerf

Why the hell do you play in the dark?

Probably the same reason I do: It's more fun to shoot at a target you can barely see, because it's more challenging. Also, it gives you concealment and that adrenaline rush that there could be someone stalking you... Playing in the dark owns playing in the light.

Precisely. When you're indoors, and most of the lights are out, it opens up opportunities for different playstyles and tactics. Stealth can actually be employed, but only if you know how to move quietly. :lol: You also have to check your targets (if you play that friendly fire counts), and it takes more time to clear a room - you have to check all the shadows, nooks and crannies to make sure one of the smaller players isn't hiding there, waiting to pelt you with foam the moment you turn your back.

Playing in lighted conditions, either indoors or out, is fun - but to me there is something missing. Playing in the dark, you get that paranoia factor going, which gets your heart racing - which is what the adrenaline junkies yearn for. :D Nothing is quite the same as silently walking down a hall, checking every doorway along the way, only to hear the sudden burst of a Magstrike opening up on you from the corner you thought was empty... :o

Have you guys ever played in smoke?
My dad plays Vietnamese songs and he has this smoke machine thing.
I used it and IT WAS AWESOME .
We did it with light , but still .
Were going to try with my basement completely dark.

We used a fog machine once. It made for an interesting atmosphere. We set it at the top of a flight of stairs, and let it run down a hallway and into the nearby rooms. It faded fairly quickly toward the far end of the hall, but at the near end, it was thick enough to look cool. As a bonus, that end of the hall had an illuminated green EXIT sign, which gave the smoke an eerie green glow in the darkness.

That reminds me of another benefit of playing in the dark - you can use glowsticks as objective markers. We've used them as flags, and to denote territories.

(Inspired by Halo/Battlefront - set up an odd number of "territories" - where each is denoted by two differently colored glow sticks. When one team arrives at the territoriy, they convert it to their side by hiding the enemy's color under a piece of dark cloth, leaving the territory their color. If the other team wants to take it over, they have to remove the enemy color and replace it with their own. To make it more dangerous to convert a territory, the player doing the conversion has to set all of their blasters on the ground before making the conversion - leaving them vulnerable during the conversion process - that way you can't just rush in and switch it - you've got to fight off the enemy team before making the switch.)

#205667 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 January 2009 - 03:51 PM in General Nerf

My Setup:

2 DTB's from the original setup (the red and blues)
Modded NF
My Maverick (i named it Ashley.)
and if i'm hiding in a tree, my LS or Recon

BTW this is my first post :D

That's a lot of guns to be packing around. Do you carry them all at once, or is that your entire arsenal?

As I generally play indoors, I like to go with my AT2K (AR's removed) as my Primary.
For a Secondary/Sidearm, I typically go with my Maverick (AR's removed, penny mod), though I sometimes go with a NF or Disc Shot instead.

Recently I tried replacing the Mav with a Mech Tommy 20, and was surprised with the results. The combination of the great range from the AT2K, plus the high ROF from the MT20, was quite devastating to the opposition.

In a VIP Escort game, I managed to take down four opponents, including the target VIP, in a single rush. The sudden shock of the MT20 powering up, the whoosh of air from my AT2K, and the barrage of MT20 fire was enough to completely disorient the enemy [we play in the dark], so I was able to quickly eliminate several decent players, and win the game for my team. I got nailed right after taking down the VIP, but a 4/1 Kill/Death ratio isn't bad, especially considering it was a suicide rush around a blind corner.

#284359 4 Chan, Johnny

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 August 2010 - 02:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe for this war. If I can raise the funds for gas, and barring unforseen circumstances, there is a good chance I'll be making it. I'll try to bring somebody along for the ride if I can as well. Maybe even more than one somebody - but that all depends on scheduling.

#286328 4 Chan, Johnny

Posted by Ambience 327 on 01 October 2010 - 08:15 AM in Nerf Wars

Barring any last-minute, unforseen circumstances, I will be an eligible target for this war. :P

Is Lake Ellyn confirmed for the location yet? Still says "tentative" on the first page.

#286552 4 Chan, Johnny

Posted by Ambience 327 on 04 October 2010 - 08:19 AM in Nerf Wars

Time for me to chime in (like anyone cares... :) )

+Getting another chance to play in a war that I didn't have to run! (less work = more fun time for me)

+All of my blasters holding up perfectly all day long.

+Using, and getting kills with, my BuzzBee Pirate Pistol. 15' flat ranges = better than a barrel tap. Style points FTW! (Everyone should carry a weak, 1-shot blaster to use for close encounters...)

+Hanging with my Cataclysm and FIF buddies again.

+Meeting lots of new guys I haven't had the pleasure of shooting before.

+Enjoying a PACbow for several rounds - those things are simply the most fun you can have with foam. Everyone should buy one from Ryan and Kane - NOW!!! :D

+Watching IceNine's 4B put hoppered-darts through a 90 degree elbow turn (so it can shoot around corners). Now THAT is power!

+Instant respawns. Extra walking is better than counting.

+Mobstacles - both varieties were great.

-Getting shut down. (At least he was polite about telling us to bug off. Glad I was there to do the talking since the hosts were all at lunch. Thanks to all the guys who helped with the dart sweep that we started before everyone got back - that made tear-down just that much quicker so we could move to the new location.)

-Getting hit in the face half a dozen times in a single round. Seriously - it's not like I was behind cover. I know my head is huge, and I know I'm short, but AIM DOWN A BIT!!!! :D

-6 hours in a car in a single day SUCKS. (Of course, Tacti-cool had to deal wtih 12 hours - 6 of which he drove, so I count my blessings!)

-Cold, damp, windy days spent running around and hollering aren't the kindest way to treat my voice...

-Losing one of my throwing stars. How do you lose something 6" square and bright yellow? (Thankfully, they only cost about $1.00 each to make.)

#181220 Nerf N Strike Game Trailer Released

Posted by Ambience 327 on 03 October 2008 - 02:08 PM in General Nerf

I wonder how long it will be before people start trying to do cosmetic mods to make some of the "new" guns in this game a reality? Personally, I think this one could be done without too a ridiculous amount of trouble:

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Seriously though, it looks like it could be fun, and it also looks like they could use it as a platform for trying out new gun ideas in a virtual space (for the reaction to the "wow" factor without the expense of actually creating the gun in real life). If course, it wouldn't be quite the same, but it might help them avoid any major duds in the future, who knows?

#265879 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 February 2010 - 02:55 PM in Nerf Wars

Dropping in to say that as long as my wife doesn't have some pregnancy-related complication, I am planning to be at this war - and if I come there will most likely be 3 other guys with me, ranging from 13 to 30. :)

#261904 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 15 January 2010 - 01:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm back in as a maybe then. :D

Still all depends on how my wife's pregnancy is proceeding at the time. I'm really hoping I'll either be at this one or B2B though!

#261823 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 January 2010 - 04:32 PM in Nerf Wars

LOL - my faith, isn't the issue here. If God doesn't mind me Nerfing, he doesn't mind me Nerfing the day before Easter. I can still go to church with dart-shaped welts and legs pleasantly aching from running. :D (After all - we Nerf in the church from time to time - usually on a Saturday evening!)

The fact that my wife and I spent Easter with my (local) family last year, however, means that we will be spending it with her (out of town) family this year. That makes it impossible for me to plan anything else for that weekend. If the date is changed to another weekend, I will do my best to make it barring any unforseen complications arising from the impending arrival of my latest offspring (due May 9th). I would suggest April 10th, but that is already the date set for the Back to Basics war that was initially scheduled to take place after Cataclysm.

@ Ice Nine - Don't worry - I wasn't offended or anything. Merely trying to be a bit humorous in my response. <_<

#269923 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 March 2010 - 02:07 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be willing to do so. What kind of time/distance are we talking?

#269938 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 March 2010 - 03:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Shouldn't be an issue then - I can most likely hook you up with a quick ride - just make sure you don't get me lost! :D I'll munch my brown-bag lunch on the way.

(If something comes up and I can't make it, I'll let you know ASAP. It is fairly unlikely at this point, but with a pregnant wife who has 7 weeks to go, you never know...)

#271510 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 06 April 2010 - 05:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Surely. Bring it along and we'll see. If it turns out to be too ridiculous then I'll ask you to put it down, but it's worth a shot.

If it turns out to be too ridiculous, you won't need to ask. :D

Basically, I just like to try different ways to have fun. If I'm not having fun, or someone else's fun is adversely affected in a substantial manner, I'm not going to press the issue. Now, let's see how my duct tape supply is holding up... <_<

#271485 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 06 April 2010 - 11:01 AM in Nerf Wars

My official attendence status is "I'll be there unless the baby comes." I will be bringing 2-3 (2 are definites, 1 is pending the date his company is sending him to Malaysia). They will be there as long as I am. If I'm not, they won't be.

In regards to the shield rules - that sounds like fun and I might throw a few shields together. One question though. You list "Melee = 3 sq/ft". I understand that this means that if you choose to be armed solely with a melee weapon for a round, you can have a shield up to 3 sq/ft in total size.

This immediately brings to mind something which I might try out, but only if you approve ahead of time. Would it be acceptable to have two short boffers (say 2'-2.5' each) and a pair of small (~1-1.5 sq/ft each) bucklers strapped to my arms? If I am understanding things correctly, that would allow me to block with each buckler, as well as the "blade" of each boffer, but limit my attacks to melee only.

I ask because it sounds like a lot of fun to run around while people are shooting at me, blocking shots with the bucklers and tapping them out with my foam-swords - though I would probably only try it in one or two rounds. If this seems a little extreme, I won't do it, but if you approve, I might give it a go.

#261787 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 January 2010 - 10:11 AM in Nerf Wars

I was just about to post that I'm a no-go as well due to Easter. If this can be moved to a different date, I'd be a very happy individual.

#260199 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 December 2009 - 06:25 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm really hoping to hit a few of the nearby wars this coming spring before my 3rd child arrives in May (due on Mother's day if you can believe it). This war falls on the day right before my birthday, so that gives me a little leverage with the wife - and knowing that you're trying to make this one as big as possible makes me really want to attend so I can see what a big outdoor war is really all about. The Chicago area is only a few hours away, so getting there won't be a big issue.

I guess I'm saying put me down as a maybe - and hopefully we can change that to a definite sometime between now and then. As for now, I'll really need to get cracking to make sure I have some worthy primaries and a healthy supply of darts before then.

#272632 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2010 - 09:25 PM in Nerf Wars

That was awesome. Many thanks and mad props to Ryan and Kane for making my first NIC event a memorable experience. My two brothers-in-law and I definitely had a blast, and it was well worth the 7 hours on the road (round trip).


- Putting the finishing touches on my arsenal, including the much-loved Super Shield and boffer collection, then getting about 4 hours of sleep before heading out for the war.

- Having the Super Shield play a feature role in the VIP round. Combined with the Half Life Armour it made the VIP really stand out and added a nice touch of fun to the round.

- Batman and Rasta-Boy (two neighborhood kids who showed up for the earlier rounds)

- Batman single-handedly winning the first round of Sieze the Balls in spite of having to leave before the round was over. Dude was so little the darts couldn't find him!

- Meeting lots of great guys. I was quite impressed with how cool everyone was, especially in the realm of taking hits that were called on them when they don't feel them. I hardly heard anyone say "no you didn't!" - and I think those were all walk-ons. (Most of whom were still pretty cool.)

- Seeing the HAMPs in action.

- Falling in love with my 3B/Switchshot combo. Just the right mix of comfort and effectiveness. Of course, it couldn't compete range-wise with many of the blasters present, but it was my own creation and just feels right to me in every way that matters.

- Seeing Ryan's face when he realized he had emptied his entire hopper at me, only to have every single dart bounce harmlessly off of the Super Shield. (And then watching him easily outrun my fat, 32-year-old butt when I charged at him with my boffer!)

- Squaring off against Kane numerous times with my boffer against his. Next time I'm bringing a 30 foot long sword so I have a chance at getting inside your reach before you hit me. :lol:

- Spending a great day with my brothers-in-law doing manly-yet-childish things, and enjoying some fantastic Giordono's pizza on the way home.


- Just the one really - my Berserker's drum & rotation mech failing as I loaded it for the first round. I need to get that fixed ASAP! It would have been a much more useful blaster if it was working right!

Ambience is a cool dude. Too bad he's having a baby soon.

Thanks, but my wife might disagree with you there. :D

I really need to find a good location nearby to host something so I can get some more Nerfy fun sometime soon. Hopefully you and some of your crew can make it if I do!

- VIP game worked pretty well. That shield was ridiculous cool, Ambience. Props.

Thanks. I was glad that I took the time to make it, as I thought it really added a lot to the VIP round, and the whole day in general.

Pics are up. A few are shown below, the rest can be found in my photobucket.

Too many people coming & going to get everyone in the group photo, but these were the folks present at the end of the day:

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Here's Ryan toward the end of the day. He was obviously worn out from running away from me every time the Superman Shield drained his HAMP's hopper clip dry... :lol:

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Captain novocaine blood himself. It would have been annoying, if he wasn't willing to believe you every time you called a hit, despite the fact that he couldn't feel it unless you were right on top of him!

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The unholy alliance emerges. They were eventually surrounded and put out of their misery, but they were quite dangerous until that point!

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#272649 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 April 2010 - 06:24 AM in Nerf Wars

+ Monolith making its debut with the cry of "I need a fire team!"

That thing wasn't a gun. It was a support weapon!

Here's a tip, if your Nerf Blaster needs a crew of four, it is both wrong, and ridiculously fun. :lol:

+ Seeing Ryan drop his gun and run from a shield carrying Ambience327 more than once

I knew I wasn't the only one enjoying those moments. Pure awesomeness. Now I need to get rid of about 50 pounds so the next time I can actually catch him to tag him out with my boffer...

Man, I forgot to mention how awesome the shields were, particularly Ambience's. It's the perfect defense for hopper HAMPs and is hilarious when you pump a full clip into someone only to get every shot blocked.

While they may have been the perfect defense for the HAMPs, the HAMPs were also the perfect foil for the shields. They were the only thing on the field that could spray a nicely-spread pattern of multiple shots that were hard to catch all of. Basically, HAMPs + shields = exciting war due to the paper/rock/scissors aspect of the things.

A quick note to anyone who plans to build a shield that complies with rules similar to the ones given for this war - do your geometry homework and figure out how large you can make a round shield. You are going to get a better blocking area out of a circle than pretty much any other shape. Remember, "pi times radius-squared". My shield was basically 20 inches across, which when combined with the blocking surface of the longest boffers I brought gave a total shield amount of just under the allowed 3 squre feet.

Thanks for the pics Matt; if you could put these up on the ning that would be great.

I'll work on that sometime this morning/afternoon. Gotta get ready for work now.

EDIT: Pics have been added to the Ning. Album name is "Cataclysm".

#271561 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 07 April 2010 - 07:34 AM in Nerf Wars

Good to know...

That will shrink my bucklers a bit, but it still might be worth a try, just for the fun factor. :)

#272392 Cataclysm - Chicagoland War

Posted by Ambience 327 on 16 April 2010 - 12:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds great. One concern though - if the location changes after we leave in the morning we have no way of knowing. (we're heading out at 5:30 a.m., as it will probably take us a bit less than 4 hours to get there) I don't have an internet-capable phone, so I can't check the site for changes after we leave.

If I email my cell# to you, would you be willing to give me a call if the location changes after our departure time?

#167339 The Dark Knight

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 August 2008 - 09:19 AM in Off Topic

The Shoveller: Lucille, God gave me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.
Lucille: Honey, you shovel better than any man I've ever known, but that does not make you a super hero.

She was wrong, so VACC is right. :D

#165367 The Dark Knight

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 July 2008 - 11:01 AM in Off Topic

When has Vacc not been "well-spoken?"

I wasn't claiming that VACC was a knuckle-dragging, no-vocab brute who just shouted insults. I was merely saying that the tone and thought put into his writing in this thread is much different than the generally gruff, acquired-taste his tone & writing take on in most other threads - most likely brought on by his apparent passion for the subject matter. Note that I also continued a running joke between he and I - I hold no rancor against a guy who is as active in making sure his forums are clear of idiots and fools as VACC is - as it means we can go about our business with less stupid questions and repeated banter, while still enjoying a bit of fun at each others' expense when the time is right.

No harm, no foul though. I didn't take your post as an attack or anything - just stating my side of things for the benefit of those clever enough to avoid VACC's wrath, but who might have missed my subtle brand of humor in the post. It was apparently well received by its intended recipient, judging by his own response.

Don't worry VACC, I won't tell if you don't tell. :lol:

#164385 The Dark Knight

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 July 2008 - 09:49 AM in Off Topic

I also loved the Joker, and thought Heath Ledger did a fantastic job as the iconic arch-villain. Too bad he won't be reprising that role in the future!

The gruff voice didn't bother me - I just assumed what VACC said to be true - he had to hide his voice somehow. Really, his only other option would be a voice-changer like they put in various toys, but that would be even more ridiculous.

One of my favorite scenes (aside from the pencil trick) actually didn't involve Batman OR Joker. I'm not 100% sure this quote is completely accurate, but its what WikiQuote has:

"Let me see if I get this straight. You are accusing your client, who is one of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world, of being a rogue vigilante who runs around at night beating mobsters to a bloody pulp with his bare hands…and your intention is to try to blackmail this person? [pauses] Good luck."

#164426 The Dark Knight

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 July 2008 - 01:54 PM in Off Topic

The black guy dying like that pissed me off too Forsaken.
That and the fact the Maggie Gyllenhaal was chosen to play Rachel.
I mean, come on! I was actually GLAD they killed her. She is just so unattractive...*shudders*
[/End Rant]
Heath Ledger did an amazing job, Christian Bale should play Batman for the rest of his natural life, I didn't like the position Lucius Fox took about the sonar thing, but still, its Morgan Freeman. And Michael Caine was Effeminate as usual. Aaron Eckhart wasn't bad, but Two-Face should have been kept in the movies.
Definitely worth waiting 3 hours at the Midnight release.




1) What's wrong with the CEO of a major corporation knowing a thing or two about ethics? Just because most don't give a crap, doesn't mean that the guy that Bruce Wayne would hire for the job wouldn't. He believed that the system provided unethical levels of surveillance on the citizens of Gotham - a breech of their rights to privacy. You could basically see and hear anything within range of a cell phone's signal - which was basically the entirety of the city. That would include bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, bedrooms, private meeting rooms, etc.

The whole bit was a natural extension of the film's themes of corruption and corrupting influences. Fox refused to allow himself access to something that held the potential for such ethical abuses - thus providing his own moral buffer against corruption. (Though we've seen that he's easily capable of letting things "escape his notice" if they are not too far over the line - after all, he supplies Batman with all his "wonderful toys"!)

2) Can we be absolutely certain that Two-Face is out of the picture? I think not! (Though so far in the two-movie series, there have not been any unrealistic "resurrections" or moments of "the reports of my death were a bit of an exaggeration" moments.) We could see him resurface at some point, but I don't really know yet whether I would want him to or not.

3) I fully agree that Ledger, Caine and Bale all shined brightly in this film!



#165101 The Dark Knight

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 July 2008 - 09:30 AM in Off Topic

It takes a Batman movie to bring out the eloquent, well-spoken side in VACC rather than his normally gruff, ban-hammer wielding self. Who knew?

VACC - That was one of the best-worded defenses of the filmmaker's perogative I've ever heard. I also have to agree with pretty much everything you said in your above post about the "spirit" of Batman, or any comic book hero with a long history for that matter. Also, I think you like Batman more than anyone I've ever encountered...

...won't Ice be jealous?

#175887 The Dark Knight

Posted by Ambience 327 on 08 September 2008 - 10:23 AM in Off Topic


Why? Was it part of one "really bad day"?

#195450 Bsa

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 December 2008 - 10:58 AM in Off Topic

While I completely agree with your advice, I disagree with your conclusion and I take offense at being called an idiot for "waiting" until just before my 18th birthday. That isn't a very polite attitude. I had other things that took up my time while I was a Boy Scout - I didn't do it as my only extra-cirricular activity. Because of that, and a few other factors, my progression through the ranks was slower than some. Yes, you can get your Eagle much earlier than 17 years and 363 days, but choosing to pursue other interests at the same time does not make one an "idiot", or their choice "ridiculous".

I'm still just as much of an Eagle Scout as you are, and as an added benefit, I did other things as well and broadened my horizons beyond what the BSA had to offer.

I think you might need to be reminded of the Boy Scout Law:

A Scout is...


#193964 Bsa

Posted by Ambience 327 on 04 December 2008 - 05:36 PM in Off Topic

Congrats Sputnik. Welcome to the ranks of the truly elite. :unsure:

#169069 Bsa

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 August 2008 - 11:57 AM in Off Topic

I got my Eagle the day after I turned 18. The only thing I had to do was the board of review and we scheduled that before I was 18. I cut it way too close.

I hear you on that. My BoR was two days before my 18th birthday. I knew I had to nail it the first time.

I am life and am trying to think of eagle project ideas.Another question, how many of you were patrol leaders, my patrols name was The Desert Camo Patrol. We had to order special patches that were like $9 each. Anyway, suggestions for a project I should do?

I was a Patrol Leader, then Troop Quartermaster, then Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and finally Senior Patrol Leader. (I was also a Den Chief for my little brother's Cub Scout den for three years, and an Assistant Scoutmaster for two years after I turned 18.)

I was in several different Patrols over time, but my favorite was the "Skeleton Patrol". We were so named because, at the time, our Troop had been reduced to three boys - myself, my older brother, and the Scoutmaster's son - with my father as the Assistant Scoutmaster. So we were a "skeleton crew" - hence the name. Our patrol flag had a skeleton on it, and we always had fun explaining that it wasn't just to be "dark" or "cool" - it was a humorous name for one of the darkest times in our Troop's history. (Really, all of the older guys had moved on, and we just weren't getting any feed from our two Cub Scout Packs - all of the boys were just more interested in sports for some odd reason, and didn't want to do both.)

We eventually grew out of that slump, and there were about 30 boys in the Troop when I was SPL.

As far as your Eagle Project goes, I can tell you what I did for mine. I went to my church's Pastor & deacon board and asked what needed done around the church that could constitute a large enough project. They suggested a few things, but what I keyed in on was building a full set of wooden storage shelves to replace the rickety aluminum shelving in the utility room. It was a fairly large undertaking and took several weeks and about a half-dozen volunteers to finish. It wasn't the largest or most ambitious project, but it worked and was a great benefit to my church community. Those shelves are still there 12 years later, and show few signs of wear and no sign of needing any repairs yet - we did the job right the first time.

So anyway, just check with any organization you might be affiliated with and see what kind of projects they might like help with. You can often get them to fund the materials quite easily if you are providing enough free volunteer labor.

Anyone in the Order Of The Arrow?

I was in OA back in the day. Great fun and a good feeling of accomplishment working on service projects at the local Scout Camp (Camp Chief Little Turtle in northern Indiana). I was also on a Ceremony Team and competed at a regional Conclave. Didn't place, but it was great fun.

#169019 Bsa

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 August 2008 - 09:33 AM in Off Topic

Eagle Scout since April of 1996.

Man, that was a long time ago.

I'm old.

Congrats on the successful BoR bobafan - and welcome to the elite ruling society of the world. Or maybe we're just people who finish what we begin? :D

#172531 Bsa

Posted by Ambience 327 on 26 August 2008 - 11:02 AM in Off Topic

Thats cause the scouts are suppose to run everything. Ideally anyway.

I'm also an Eagle scout, with Bronze and Silver palms, I think.

That is true to a point. However, sometimes you have a situation where there are no responsible older scouts to "run everything", and the adult leaders need to step in and fill the void at that point. When I started out in my Troop, there had been a distinct lack of new recruits in recent years, so that my (two-years) older brother was the only scout between myself and the half-dozen or so 17-year-olds in the Troop. When they all turned 18 and left the Troop to go off to college/etc., we were reduced to the "Skeleton Patrol" which consisted of myself, my brother and one other boy (the Scoutmaster's son), none of which were experienced enough to be running the whole show. So our dads took up the slack that should have been held by older scouts, and made sure we got the experience we were there for. When we got older, and our Troop grew out of this funk, we were ready to assume the mantles of leadership, and the Troop flourished because our dads had cared enough to step in when needed.

#280394 Stampede Official Nerf Demo Coverage

Posted by Ambience 327 on 16 July 2010 - 12:44 PM in General Nerf

i only see two reasons to buy this: the grip- pod and the clip.
other than that it's a reshelled vulcan.(BTW this topic will probably be closed soon)

A re-shelled Vulcan that eliminates one of the biggest flaws in the design of that blaster - they weak rotation mech that causes jams and eventually failure. If this blaster is significantly more reliable than the vulcan, it will be a great boon to many a stock-war and indoor-war player. (It also looks to be a bit smaller and less bulky than the Vulcan - making it easier to use in close quarters.)

#184898 Night Finder 3 In 1

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 October 2008 - 09:47 AM in Modifications

You should think about incorporating one of THESE. Then paint it really coolly :lol:

That would get in the way of the integrated AT2K, unless he mounted it sideways or upside-down.

#183435 Night Finder 3 In 1

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 October 2008 - 10:10 AM in Modifications

I'm not usually a fan of stocks for the sake of having them, but on something with that long of a draw-length on the plunger rod, I think a stock styled in a similar fashion to the crossbow (surrounding the plunger rod & pull) would help the durability of this gun in a war situation. (i.e. it would prevent excessive impact against the plunger rod, which would help prevent breakage when you need it most)