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#19012 Coachella 2004

Posted by rawray7 on 14 February 2004 - 03:07 PM in Off Topic

well, i helped myself to saturday tickets for this years Coachella music festival for my birthday. tickets went on sale a few minutes ago, it's May 1st and 2nd. I guess i was just wondering if anyone else here was going, it's a pretty big thing i figured at least some of the SoCal guys would be in attendance. among the bands playing are radiohead, the pixies, the cure, kraftwork, air, belle and sebastian, the flaming lips, death cab for cutie, heiroglyphics, bright eyes, the rapture...etc. 5 stages, 70 bands/djs 2 days. i'd look into it if i were you.


#16845 My Flash Site (non Nerf)

Posted by rawray7 on 21 January 2004 - 09:35 PM in Off Topic

What are you all talking about? That is some shitty ass animation.

Learn to tween, Bizzich!

sadly, i'd have to say i agree with him. maybe in nicer terms: learn to tween.

as you have it right now, you're basically doing nothing with flash that you couldn't do with mario paint for the original nintendo. learn how to use shape and motion tweening, motion guides, just anything but keyframing the whole goddam movie. put in some sound too. if you don't know how to do this, don't worry, it's on the tutorial that comes with the program. it'll take you 20 minutes max to learn how to do the basics.

#28075 But Is It Official Iraqi Police Issue?

Posted by rawray7 on 08 June 2004 - 10:31 PM in Off Topic


not my greatest work, but i'm too lazy to spend more than a few minutes on things like this.

#24303 What Industrial Spring Should I Use For Xbow

Posted by rawray7 on 15 April 2004 - 01:23 AM in Modifications

it seems you found just the problem, every spring that i found that looked like it would work well, wouldn't compress all the way into the small space between the plunger head and the notch. i actually blew the entire front end through front of the yellow tube toying with springs, and now that i'm down to my last working plunger shaft, i just went back to the basics. even when re-enforced, those shafts are weak things, and i tend to shy away from even bands now.

#24296 What Industrial Spring Should I Use For Xbow

Posted by rawray7 on 14 April 2004 - 10:55 PM in Modifications

Take the stock spring to OSH and find the one that is similar diameter, half an inch shorter, heavier gauge wire, and fewer coils. I don't have the part number. There may be a better one out there - the one I'm referring to will almost certainly require reinforcement to the gun.

have you gotten one to work, cxwq? i tried at least 3 different springs and a few differeny combinations/lengths and i couldn't get any industrial springs (i found them at osh) to work.

accord,unless cxwq has found one that works, i wouldn't recommend using an industrial strength spring. on a good day i can get 100', and i've got a stock spring and bands...you don't need much more of that out of an xbow.

#7402 What Do You Think?

Posted by rawray7 on 27 July 2003 - 03:08 PM in General Nerf

is that english?

either way, if you've got big hands and you're going to mod it like cxwq, then it's definately worth it.

#19010 Happy Birthday!

Posted by rawray7 on 14 February 2004 - 02:47 PM in Off Topic

haha, wow, a double ray(e) birthday, both on valentines day. coolio. yeah, that whole driving thing is going to be sweet, i take my test on the 20th. anyway, thanks all.

#21757 At 4k Mod Help

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2004 - 12:58 AM in Modifications

there is no way in hell you'll cpvc the thing unless you skip every other barrel. the barrels are too close together, you'll need brass or PETG.

#40411 Local Nerf Wars

Posted by rawray7 on 31 October 2004 - 06:35 PM in Off Topic

there are a number of southern california nerfers out there. our most common war location used to be Irvine California. now we're sort of stuck without a set location. once we find one (i'm still working on Caltech), we will probably start bimonthly wars up again like the good old days.

#9207 Copper Barreled Ss2

Posted by rawray7 on 04 September 2003 - 04:05 PM in Modifications

want to explain your unorthodox practices?

#21761 At3k Questions Before Modding Starts

Posted by rawray7 on 20 March 2004 - 01:13 AM in Modifications

not only would it be too heavy, you just can't do it with PVC. basically, PVC's outer diameter is just too large to fit onto any of the Airtech guns, save maybe the 2000, but i don't think so. unless your going to put a PVC barrel on every other one, it just can't be done. Copper maybe, it's OD is a smaller, but i don't know why you wouldn't just buy brass.

#21877 At3k Questions Before Modding Starts

Posted by rawray7 on 21 March 2004 - 01:05 AM in Modifications

Cpvc works well. Its the only stuff I got for my micros and I modded all my guns with it. I've modded at least 6 AT3k's and it works great.


maybe i'm wrong then, but could you post a picture of that please? because my neighbor tried to CPVC a 3000, and ended up with 5 barrels over 6 holes, because it was too wide. i can't believe CPVC has a small enough OD, please post a picture, i'd like to see that i'm wrong.

#50614 Xbow Mod Help

Posted by rawray7 on 26 March 2005 - 01:08 PM in Modifications

try this

#15113 Mud Slides

Posted by rawray7 on 27 December 2003 - 01:05 AM in Off Topic

Do you think if a mudslide killed a dozen people in Iran we'd ever hear about it? A hundred? Makes you wonder.

it's really sad that that's the case. i think mostly it's because the average person really doesn't feel that bad about anyone dying out of their area, let alone country, unless it's some gigantic death toll. i think the other problem is that the building codes are so bad, and so rarely followed in countries like Iran that any earthquake that killed less than 5,000 people is just a dissappointment to the average american. i'd like to blame the news stations, but on the other hand, i'm sure that if enough people actually cared about 100 people dying in Iran, they'd air it all day long, with hummer ads every 10 minutes.

#15164 Mud Slides

Posted by rawray7 on 28 December 2003 - 01:39 AM in Off Topic

Just saw on the news, and now 20,000 are confirmed dead.  Thats too many lives to lose to something so simple.

blame it on the building codes, and the fact that it costs far less to bribe the building code inspector than to spend the money to follow them. if you're really upset by it, i'd suggest sending iran a truck full of concrete and a palet of re-bar. that way they wont have to use watered-down concrete and wood.

#9463 My New Site

Posted by rawray7 on 09 September 2003 - 12:26 AM in Off Topic

i'll tell you, i think your site has the most comprehensive set of links i've ever seen. i had no idea that there were so many independent nerf websites online. now that i think about it, i'm not terribly suprised. anyways....good link finding or whatever.

#27514 Tech6 Full Ammo Unload?

Posted by rawray7 on 01 June 2004 - 11:53 PM in Modifications

I guess thats not a pump just an alternative to the ####### rod that things like the NF use.

If there had been any question, that would have settled it.

There is no good place to rest the ends of the bands on the ###### on the Tech Target, how do you get them IN the little loop on the ######? Sorry for being so noobish.

i don't quite get it, his browser wont let him type cocking, cocked, or cocker? assuming that's the case, it's quite amusing.

#23012 Sm 1500 Stock Instructions?

Posted by rawray7 on 31 March 2004 - 01:06 AM in Modifications

with the new one, you can take off the orange cap in the back, epoxy a 3/4" PVC coupler there, then add a short piece of 3/4" PVC (varies with arm length, preference, etc...) and a 3/4" T connecter, with two pieces out the top and bottom. cover the part that will touch your shoulder with foam insulation for tubing, like a hollow black rod.

personally, the 1500 is fine without a stock, more managable, but whatever floats your boat.

#15501 First 2 Breach Loading Barrels.

Posted by rawray7 on 02 January 2004 - 03:06 PM in Modifications

my crossbow sports a 13.5" barrel housed in a 10" piece of 1/2" sch. 80. it consists of 6" 17/32" brass and 6" 9/16" brass, then 1.5" of sch. 80. the barrel itself has 3.5" of brass sticking out one endof the pvc, and that end goes into another piece (build into the gun) and couples to it there. i wish my mod was up on this site so i could link you to a pic, but for some reason it's down.

use brass and it will give you more possibilities

#4497 Visual Basic?

Posted by rawray7 on 12 May 2003 - 08:53 PM in Off Topic

well, i am doing VB in school right now. um...well to make something random here you go:

(lets say you have one main form, and 5 random forms)
in the main form make a command button called 'cmdrandom'. in the general section or the form load section of your code type: 'dim a'. in your form load type 'randomize'.

okay, that's all the preliminary stuff. now, in your cmdrandom code put:

a = int(5 * rnd + 1)
if a = 1 then
frm1.visible = true
frmmain.visible = false
end if
if a = 2 then
frm2.visible = true
frmmain.visible = false
end if
(and so on until 5)

the formula for creating a random integer between highnum and lownum is int(highnum * rnd + lownum)

i hope that helps. i would copy and paste code, but i would have to be at school to do that.

#4509 Visual Basic?

Posted by rawray7 on 12 May 2003 - 10:52 PM in Off Topic

don't worry, you're tax dollars aren't being spent on my education. i go to a private school. and i don't know why we are learning VB. i think it's just as an introduction to coding in general, and Visual Basic is really...um....basic. in the more advanced computer classes they use Visual C++ primarily.

#11479 Gamefreak

Posted by rawray7 on 15 October 2003 - 08:41 PM in General Nerf

i vote you annoying for the sole reason of posting this pole about yourself. i'd generally advise against starting threads about what people think about you, and i'm anticipating some pretty hilarious responses to this topic once people start their forum frenzy for the night. you'll be lucky if you get off with only one ridiculous ebaumsworld picture.

#2357 Hey!

Posted by rawray7 on 19 March 2003 - 01:58 AM in Off Topic

is your name some sort of christian warning against non-believers? like, Jesus Christ is Coming, you better shape up?

#23779 Atk2 Modding Problems

Posted by rawray7 on 08 April 2004 - 12:33 AM in Modifications

what i always do is this: cut just behind (towards the gun) of the indented line. then drill out the barrels with a 1/2" (preferaby a little bigger) drill bit. sometimes if your lucky, these orange rings will work they're way out of the barrel, and it will fit PETG perfectly. if you aren't lucky, you have to drill it out to whatever the OD of your material is, for me always PETG.

#46673 Poor Lewis

Posted by rawray7 on 29 January 2005 - 01:51 AM in Off Topic

i will now use my moderation point to boost this thread's rating, and cxwq's karma up one point.


#30290 Request: Internal X Bow Pics

Posted by rawray7 on 04 July 2004 - 01:10 AM in Modifications

PETG isnt the best barrel material for a x-bow either. If you can, try brass. Alot of your range will come from a combanation of good fitting darts+barrel, bands/bungees, and doing an overall good barrel seal and mod job. You definatley need to get some bands on their though.

agreed. as is better explained in my mod, my barrel is 6" of 17/32", 6" of 9/16" and 1.5" of schedule 80 PVC...and i've found this to be the best combo for my darts in this gun. the first section needs to be tight, because it is a slow release, the next section needs to be long, and a sliding fit, because there is a lot of air - and you want accuracy. the 1.5" sch. 80 is there to keep the dart from fishtailing, to let some air get around the dart.

#30275 Request: Internal X Bow Pics

Posted by rawray7 on 03 July 2004 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

my quick fix for mine is this:

wrap some masking tape (only use masking tape, it's slick and a weak bond) around the plunger head. keep adding it until it makes a full seal with the inside wall of the plunger tube. then: add graphite lubricant to the inside. this maximizes the air efficiency of your plunger, i still use a stock spring with a 13.5" nested brass/sch. 80 PVC barrel, and i get 80-85' flat at an average YANO/LANO/RayNO/Armageddon...most will attest to that (especially spoon's urethra)

#30278 Request: Internal X Bow Pics

Posted by rawray7 on 03 July 2004 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

the graphite lube helped me a little bit, especially right after adding masking tape.

oh, another thing i didn't post before - use bands - but re-enforce your plunger shaft and your spring wall (like in my mod on this site) or you'll be sorry.

#47289 Happy Birthday

Posted by rawray7 on 15 February 2005 - 12:14 AM in Off Topic

thank you all.

aside from being able to buy R-rated movie tickets, 17 is certainly more uneventful than 16 or 18. i guess you need an off year in between the cool shit. anyway, thank you guys.

#15556 Wtf?

Posted by rawray7 on 03 January 2004 - 01:15 AM in Off Topic

i dont see any tunnel. for some reason i got a picture of a frog on a stick.

times change. no need to post your even more irrelevant find.

#8593 Xbow Mod Submitted By Rawray7

Posted by rawray7 on 21 August 2003 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

i'll have my spring in there before YANO and try to get the spring model # posted somewhere around then. thanks for the feedback, make sure to send my way any questions or such about the mod: i'm afraid i might have taken a few too many steps for granted, if anything doesn't flow, tell me.

#47970 Help On Xbow

Posted by rawray7 on 24 February 2005 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

I wouldn't put in a larger spring because the stress points behind the plunger are really weak.  Try giving it a spring stretch, cook it if you need to.  If that doesn't do it for you, get some mini Bungies.  And remember, there's nothing like good old making it up, thats what most of us do, so don't expect to have every detailed drawn out for you.  Practice makes perfect.



Faine, as a writer an thorough disillusioner of many x-bow mod seekers - i found out after i wrote my mod that there is no good replacement spring for the x-bow that you can find in any standard hardware store. I've never found one in 3 years of looking both in real- and cyber-space. don't replace the spring - don't even think about it. if you are getting shitty performance, the only thing i can point you to that Talio hasn't mentioned is barrel/dart size. The x-bow needs a long barrel, with a relatively constricting piece on the gun end. look at my mod on this site for a great barrel. I have nerfed with no one with a better x-bow barrel system than mine*


*neonerfer's x-bow rocks mine anyday, but his barrel system is the same. He also uses a very strong bungee - which i would recommend to anyone. bungees are good.

#47365 Fast Food

Posted by rawray7 on 16 February 2005 - 08:27 PM in Off Topic

I think I'm actually more okay with semen than saliva, I don't know why.

boy, i'm glad i caught this one early. I'd like to announce that i am the first person to say:


...and i had just convinced myself again that nerfers were normal.

#15503 It's Like... What The Hell?

Posted by rawray7 on 02 January 2004 - 03:14 PM in General Nerf

Lemme know if ya wanna see the plans, and pics of all of them, as I have built them all.

i'm sure we do. how about you give us a link to the pics on a website of yours, or if you don't have one, submit them to this site by sending them to cxwq@nerfhaven.com

#40409 Snipers In Nerf Wars

Posted by rawray7 on 31 October 2004 - 06:29 PM in Nerf Wars


#39407 Foam & Metal Reinforcement

Posted by rawray7 on 20 October 2004 - 08:31 PM in Modifications

Put in foam until it's slightly harder to screw together. You want it a little compressed and pressing against as many plastic surfaces as possible.

agreed. i put foam in my xbow partially to silence it and lessen some of the vibrations after the shot. it helps with keeping the gun from shaking (that spring is huge), not a whole lot with "silencing". the big reason there's foam in my mod is to keep my barrel snug and center, and to deaden impact on the epoxy connection from the PVC coupler to the tube, in case i dropped it or hit it against something.

#8723 Frames

Posted by rawray7 on 25 August 2003 - 04:11 PM in Off Topic

i'm not quite sure if you need it, but i've always used a <body> after my </head> and a </body> before </html>

#15114 Vinyl Tubing

Posted by rawray7 on 27 December 2003 - 01:17 AM in Homemades

add a stem valve in between the vinyl tube and whatever your airtank is to keep the pressure inside the tank. anything that's left in the tubing will just dissipate out of the pump.

#15111 Vinyl Tubing

Posted by rawray7 on 27 December 2003 - 12:56 AM in Homemades

i think your average vinyl tubing will hold more pressure than your average zero valve will. probably at least 100 PSI. if your not using it as a tank, then you won't have a problem at all withstanding the pressure of the passing air. if it's part of your tank, i'd say add another stem valve to keep it from storing air, probably not a great idea.

#7500 I Need An Alternative To Hot Glue.

Posted by rawray7 on 30 July 2003 - 12:29 AM in General Nerf

you can get a low heat gun at almost any store similar to target, walmart, kmart, i think even standard supermarkets may carry them. let's just say that more places carry low-heat guns than industrial glue guns.