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#25032 New (are They?) Scenarios

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 April 2004 - 03:11 PM in General Nerf

Maybe you should try using a different vehicle instead, like a golf cart or go-kart.

#22511 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 10:55 PM in Site Feedback

I was only poking a little fun at Canada, and I didn't mean any harm. In my opinion, I don't really care where people are from, as long as they stop acting so stupid.

By the way, I voted for kicking NinjaYoshi, because of his repeated stupidity. I have some tolerance for stupid posts, but I feel he crossed the line for posting his idiotic survey.

Xcaliber is also stupid for being deceptive in selling his guns, but when I was voting at the time, NinjaYoshi was pissing me off more.

#22486 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 06:27 PM in Site Feedback

Banning, deletion, suspension.....as far as I'm concerned, any of these are used to prevent idiots from posting, and any of them can be used on the individuals we are discussing. When you plan to take administrative action, choose your weapon wisely, Cxwq.

#22596 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 11:31 PM in Site Feedback

I don't have any problem with you, Oompa. You are one of the best newbies to ever join the forums, and I don't think you did anything wrong. I don't hate all newbies. I just hate the ones that repeatedly act stupid, like the n00bs Cx deleted last night. I believe that newbies should have a chance to straighten out and learn, but some have a tendency to not listen to anyone, and continue their adventures in being idiots.

At GameFAQs, where I frequently visit the Diablo II message board, there has been an increase of stupid n00bs who can't find any fucking thing themselves and post a topic on what to do when the answer to the question is three topics down... Anyone else see this?

I see similar shit like that every time I go to work. Stupid AOL users who don't know how to use a god damn search bar at my work's website, people too fucking lazy to read the website, people asking the same question over and over........

#22581 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 09:19 PM in Site Feedback

At the moment, I think the USA and California are two of the best examples of head-up-ass leadership in the world.

Even though you guys in California have the Governator (which is an easy target for jokes), he at least seems to do a hell of a lot more compared to Wisconsin's governor. Even after being in office for about a year and a half, I still haven't heard of my governor do anything for our state worth shit.

Cx, this Tribal Council was a great idea to let us be able to help choose who gets the axe. I hope that this will also help send a message to all the other n00bs out there.

#22492 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 07:20 PM in Site Feedback

I don't know about that. Observe this possible scenario if the n00bs in question were to do this:

n00b Leaves NH:
"I'm leaving Nerf until Hell Freezes Over"
posted by jackassn00b
-Well, it seems that you guys hate me because I like to post everything going on with my life including sleep, food, masturbation, random shit I watch on TV, the shitty music I listen to, and about the fact that I have no fucking life.

Soandso: I hope that we can part on good terms. I'm sorry that I posted about (insert stupid remark here)

Randomguy: It's great that we got along, but it's time to move on.

everyone else: I'm sorry that I pissed you all off, so I'm leaving you.

Goodbye NH,

n00b comes back:

"Guess what, I'm BACK BIOTCHES!"
posted by jackassn00b2

-Hey, it's been months since I posted, but I'm back. I used to be jackassn00b, but I added in the "2" because I am a born-again person. I promise you that this is the new, improved, cool jackassn00b, which happens to be my evil twin. lol.

First things first, I would like to start a survey: Do you think that George "W" Bush is stupid? I do. Also, who do you think will win the new season of "American Idol"? (I luv that sho)

And then the cycle starts all over again. Some of them learn, but others continue to be stupid regardless of us trying to get them to be good members. I am not interested in seeing stuff like this happen on the forums.

#22420 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 March 2004 - 11:13 PM in Site Feedback

I know I already voted, but I agree with Ice Nine. It gives me a headache just trying to read some of these n00b's posts. Also, none of them (ninjayoshi, xcalibur, or halfnhalf) ever contributed anything useful or significant to this site. Idiots that start useless or pointless threads like that probably shouldn't be posting here in the first place.

#22442 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 02:00 AM in Site Feedback

I'm surprised that Canada is ahead in this poll so far. In that case, we might as well just ban everyone in Canada, with the exception of reasonable people such as Zero.

#22445 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 02:23 AM in Site Feedback

Sounds good to me. What sort of prizes do you plan to offer for catching people from Onatario? :w00t:

If I qualify for a prize, I am contemplating taking the prize behind door number 2..............or should I go with what's in the mystery box? Both of them seem rather tempting...........

#22448 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 03:29 AM in Site Feedback

death to canadians

In the words of Mr. Mackey in the South Park movie, "DIE CANADIAN, mmmmmkay?"

#22479 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 05:36 PM in Site Feedback

Posted Image

Damn you Tripod, for not letting me link my picture properly.

Anyways, looks like Xcaliber is marked now.

I'm sorry, man, if you are going to post about a gun on eBay that you're selling, just tell us that you are selling the damn gun, instead of pretending that someone else is selling it. Also, if you are trying to sell a gun, claiming an 80' range on an otherwise mediocre gun is going to make people suspicious about what you are trying to sell.

If you do not get banned, I highly recommend that you follow Famine's advice.

That advice also applies to NinjaYoshi and any other dipshit n00b posting for no significant reason. Sometimes taking a vow of silence for a while here will help earn you more respect. These rules of etiquette have been said many, many times around here:

-Read before you fucking post.

I have seen too many n00bs on these forums claiming about a "breakthrough" they made about modding or whatever, but if you look around, the shit that they post about has already been done before. If something is already written about Nerf, odds are virtually all of us has already heard about it or done it ourselves. If it's already been done, we probably don't want to hear about it. Sometimes this can be as bad as the time Big Haul copied the write up about RF20 modding.

-If you do not have anything relevant or important to say, don't post anything at all.

I know I may be starting to rant here. Look, n00bs, no one here wants to hear about your fucking dreams about pointless bullshit that doen't affect us, whether a god-damn, overexposed American fucking Idol contestant is funnier than Mr. Bean (in my opinion, I can care less about both of them), or about how many girls you get to Nerf with you. If you want to post anything like this, take it somewhere else.

After seeing this shit going on, I think we should give the evolution of the NOC a helping hand, and eliminate the n00b dipshits. We have already given these people a chance, and they still blow it.

#26150 Nerf Vs. Paintball

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 May 2004 - 10:48 PM in Articles

Let me start by saying that I am now paintballing much more than I am Nerfing. Yes, it has larger crowds, yes, more people I know do it.

I noticed that it has been the other way around for me lately, but that's because it is harder for me to afford paintballing right now. It gets really expensive over time.

That's one major thing that I love about Nerfing is that its WAY cheaper than paintball. Also, you don't need to wear those full faced, sweaty masks. Cxwq, wasn't there an article posted on Nerf Online explaining the reasons why Nerf is better than paintball? I remember reading something like that over there a while back.

#23620 Nerf Video Game

Posted by Oroku Saki on 05 April 2004 - 11:15 PM in Off Topic

A while back, I was suggesting to make a Half-Life Nerf mod. If I had a HL Development program, I would make the mod myself.

#21681 Nerf Teck Target Mod

Posted by Oroku Saki on 19 March 2004 - 01:31 AM in Modifications

Deciphering what he said, I think he means that he cannibalized a NF, took its barrel, and taped it to a Tech Target. Is that what you did, Animal?

#15529 Nerf Tech Target

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 January 2004 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

I would like to get a TT sometime, but I recently spent my entire Nerf budget on a few Nite Finders that I found yesterday at my local Wal-Mart. Maybe after I get paid after this weekend, I'll pick one up and tinker with the innards.

#38622 Nerf Skill-1

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 October 2004 - 04:01 PM in General Nerf

Your text is confusing. Study up on your english, dammit!

Yeah, just so he can help you out.

I thought it was pretty clear. He's holding in all but one dart so that it fires one dart at a time rather than all 5 at once. If you don't know how the gun works when stock, why don't you study up on your Nerf, dammit!

It makes sense now. Thanks for helping clear things up for me.

Edit: 3D, I am sorry for my previous post. I didn't mean to insult you.

#38376 Nerf Skill-1

Posted by Oroku Saki on 05 October 2004 - 10:06 AM in General Nerf

Edit:[quote deleted]

Are you trying to say that the Lightning Blitz is good in a war? Good for you, but it would help to explain the advantages of this, especially to some of us who don't even have one.

#39836 Nerf Patents Revealed(link)

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 October 2004 - 11:30 PM in General Nerf

I finally have someone to kill!

Can I be an accomplice to it? Sounds like fun. Or we could just send him a letter asking what he was smoking when he came up with that useless monstrosity.

#25868 Nerf In The News

Posted by Oroku Saki on 11 May 2004 - 03:46 PM in General Nerf

I agree. The whole website seems legit, however the article itself may have just been poorly written.

I also however wonder if the picture was Photoshopped. Maybe they took a picture of a table with the guns laying around, and added that in to the picture of the cop.

#20619 Nerf In Larping

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 March 2004 - 05:12 PM in Nerf Wars

With my friends, we do not necessarily LARP per say, but we do create foam weapons to beat each other with. I am sure if we do get off our asses and devise some LARP rules, I think we would still hit each other anyway. It is just the way that I am used to playing. What's the point of carrying around weapons in a LARP if you aren't going to use them?

#21680 Nerf In Larping

Posted by Oroku Saki on 19 March 2004 - 01:04 AM in Nerf Wars

That's right. In my area, the closest thing we have to organized LARPing is a Foam Fighting League, where it is more focused on combat rather than roleplaying.

#21638 Nerf Gun Balls

Posted by Oroku Saki on 18 March 2004 - 06:01 PM in Modifications

You might be able to use those yellow foam practice golf balls found in sporting goods stores. I don't know if they fit, but they may be worth a shot.

#26642 Nerf Grenades

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 May 2004 - 06:20 PM in Homemades

Seriously, my "Cornades" as Blink and I have dubbed them (I have to give credit to Blink, that name is both fitting and hilarious, kudos again, lol) are not expensive to make. Corn itself is cheap -free if you live near a corn field, it doesn't 'hurl' itself at people with a 'potential for injury' (indeed, I'd say it has far less kinetic force than any Nerf dart, considering corn isn't exaclty "dense") and outside, there is no problem cleaning it up, because what isn't eaten by squirels will biodegrade. The film canisters are a little hard to get a hold of, but as I said before, cut PVC would probably do the job just as well (actually, I called a camera store once and asked if they had any canisters they wanted to get rid of, and they said they had dozens they could give me, I just never followed up, making the canisters free as well). The springs would probably be the most troublesome, because you have to cut and stretch them. Even a relatively unresourceful person would be able to put together several cornades for almost free. Finally, the entire contraption is reusable except for the corn, which, as I pointed out earlier, is easily capable of being extremely cheap or free.

As far is as safety is concerned, again, corn is not dangerous. I never said to use BB's either, that would be both stupid and ineffective. Airsoft/rubber pellets (like those found in those toy guns) would be just as harmless, and if a person hit had even slightly heavy clothing on, he might not know he was hit at all. Finally, I have found that at most large wars (and many smaller ones), some kind of safety goggles are required (I found some badass ones on a website I'm gonna pick up before SENO), so this eliminates the eye problem. Regardless, I don't think either the corn or pellets would be any more dangerous than microdarts, particularly the beefy Stefans out there. I would be more worried about those than corn...

Finally, practicality. Now, you're talking about using a ball as a grenade, a rubber ball (tennis, specifically) as a grenade? With an imagined blast radius? And flashing lights, a timer, and a buzzer? Not only would that be fragile, but who knows how many people would would dispute a hit. "Oh, it wasn't near me, it bounced before it went off way over there." "Bull**** man, it was right there ::point::" "How would you know, you threw it at me!" "No kidding, I would know cause I threw it!" "Well, either way, it was around the corner before it went off" "Yeah right, I saw the light right there!" "Um, reflecting of the walls maybe, it is dark ya know..." You get the picture. Not only all that, but putting the bloody thing together would be a hassle. First, you would have to cut it in half to fit in the timer, buzzer, and light. Then, you would have to find a reliable, secure way to keep the innards from breaking. Then, an easy and practical way to reset it. Than I guess you would drill holes in it so that the light would escape, except that would introduce the elements to the innards and cause a short circut if it impacted water, and then an electrical hazard. Then you'd have to wire the bloody thing. On and on. I won't even get into cost, both in supplies and hassle of finding all the components. Finally, stuffing all that into a tennis ball?

Sorry 'bout that if that was too harsh, just seemed kinda "out there"... BTW, what is "Larping"?

Now I'm off for The Lu, again, later all.

Well you are right about the low expense of using corn, however not everyone has this easily available.

I am sure that if a timer is used, they can be modified to be durable to keep the timers from breaking when being thrown.

As for the practicality in a war, people will need to agree on a set of ground rules before playing. And of course, you will need to use proper etiquette with each other in being hit, just like registering hits from normal darts.

#26609 Nerf Grenades

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 May 2004 - 02:14 AM in Homemades

Instead of using the mess of explosive matter and air pressure and stuff, wouldn't it just be easier to rig a tennis ball with some sort of timer that flashes and beeps when it goes off? I know in some Larping, they have certain "area of effect" rules which pertain to certain spells and traps used when roleplaying. Using the tennis ball timer grenades, the people within a certain area of the grenade when it goes off can be considered hit.

Think of some of the advantages of doing this:

-Easily Reusable: Of the various ideas that I have seen posted on using grenades in a Nerf war over the years, most of them involve using either explosives or some sort of consumable material which is used up after a single use of the grenade. I understand the legitimacy of this in paintball grenades, but using consumable materials can get costly over time, especially if you are Nerfing. With the tennis ball timers, they can easily be reset and reused over and over again.

-Safe: Unless someone directly chucks the tennis ball at someone's face, the potential for injury is completely unlikely compared to using something that hurls bb's or corn at someone.

-Cleaner: Let's face it. Using something that hurls bb's or corn makes one hell of a mess to clean up afterwards, making it especially not a good idea for indoor wars. When Nerfing, sometimes it is a pain enough to clean up the darts laying around.

#19777 Nerf Dream

Posted by Oroku Saki on 24 February 2004 - 06:18 PM in Off Topic

OMC was talking about you posting on the thread VACC started about him not doing any more news posts.


Does this thread jog your memory, Half N Half?

#19818 Nerf Dream

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 February 2004 - 12:36 AM in Off Topic

I agree with the point you're making. Just reading stuff like that gives me a headache.

#60023 Nerf Dart Tag!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 23 July 2005 - 11:50 PM in General Nerf

I know it's been awhile since I last posted. My comp shitted out on me and I have been without the internet for the past few months.

It's cool that they finally came out with some new guns. As soon as I see a Firefly, I'm gonna buy it right away. For those of you that already have one, how is it?

#36594 Nerf Ammo

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 September 2004 - 03:41 PM in General Nerf

The Gyro Rockets are the smaller missle thingys that were made for the Gyrostrike, one of the shittiest Nerf guns ever made.

#27991 Nerf Airjet Stinger

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 June 2004 - 01:19 AM in General Nerf

Both pumps are similar, but I think that the SS2's is slightly different. In my opinion, I hate the gun, even after modding it. If you can get one for really cheap, it might be worth it, but I think people are crazy if they are even willing to pay more than $5 for it. I think you may be better off with a Secret Strike or making a homemade.

#30606 Need Help

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 July 2004 - 06:16 PM in Homemades

I am sure you can find the answer to your question by following this wonderful guide. Most of the stuff you posted here has already been discussed before many, many times.

N00b's guide to getting 99.99% of your questions answered:

1. Before you do anything, read and understand the Code of Conduct on this site. Following the guidelines listed there will prevent you from sounding like a dumbass when you post.

2. You know that button on the top right corner of the page? The one that says "Search?" Click on that.

3. Enter keywords based on what you have a question about (modding, stefans, etc.).

4. Marvel at and read the threads that come up in the results. If you do not find what you are looking for, try Google or another Nerf Forum. If all else fails, THEN try starting a thread with your question.

5. If you do try starting a thread, make sure that you only start one thread. If you have anything else to add, the Edit button on top of your post comes in really handy, believe me. Posting more than one thread at once will only make you look stupid. Double posting doesn't help either.

With that out of the way, when in comes to making stefans, when it comes to making "the best," it's a matter of personal opinion. The best thing that I can recommend is to make a 1/2" stefan, take it with you to the hardware store, and find which tubing fits best. Different manufacturers may have variation to sizing for FBR, so you may need to experiment. That is usually how most of us have done it in making our own stefans.

#30607 Need Help

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 July 2004 - 06:27 PM in Modifications

I haven't tried using Krylon Fusion, but I have heard of many people having success with it. Maybe I should pick some up for my next painting project.

#30602 Need Help

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 July 2004 - 05:35 PM in Modifications

For most plastics, Acrylic, Enamel, or Krylon Fusion Spraypaint works well. If you do a search, there are plenty of threads on this forum that discuss this.

#30760 Need Help

Posted by Oroku Saki on 08 July 2004 - 10:46 PM in Homemades

It is usually a good idea to modify the more pliable materials (stefans) before changing the width of other stuff, such as barrels. If your barrel does not fit a stefan, you will need to either stretch it, like crankymonkey suggested, or find a different barrel or material that would make the dart fit properly. There should be no need to sand the inside of the barrel, as it just wastes time and screws up the accuracy of the darts. Sometimes, if you are unable to find a cpvc pipe that fits your stefan, your best bet would be to use brass for the barrel. In most hardware stores, brass tubing is available in smaller width increments compared to cpvc.

#38691 N-strike Prototype Ix-6

Posted by Oroku Saki on 09 October 2004 - 09:51 PM in General Nerf

I think it's by air zone or buzz-bee toys

It's made by Buzz Bee.

#33386 N-strike Hornet Discussion

Posted by Oroku Saki on 06 August 2004 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

Mmm, looks interesting.Where's the thing you pull to reset the barrels?Is it that orange pole in the top right corner?

We have a winner! And your GRAND PRIZE is...........

Anyway, you are right. The orange-ridged pole resets the firing mechanism to shoot each barrel. I am still yet to take my Hornet apart, as I am working on the Titan right now.

#22714 My Pc Nooooo!

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 March 2004 - 09:59 PM in Off Topic

What is this seller's username?

#31775 My New Friend

Posted by Oroku Saki on 20 July 2004 - 11:19 AM in Off Topic

Regular shot glasses can usually be found at Wal-Mart or a local liquor store. I believe that they can either be a ounce or 1-1/2 oz, possibly depending on who makes them.

I should trry out some of these recipes. I am sick of having to spend shitloads of money to get my caffeine buzz from Red Bull.

#23698 My Crazy Ideas Post

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 April 2004 - 01:38 AM in Homemades

Actually, looking at what you described, I don't think that topic bumping is allowed here. Is it, Cx?

If a topic gets buried under the 20 active threads listed at the front of the page, it is still going to be read or discussed by people, as long as people have something to say.

I didn't yell at tex for double-posting. Usually, I don't yell at people unless they really bother me. I only made a polite request for him to use the edit button.

#22872 My Crazy Ideas Post

Posted by Oroku Saki on 29 March 2004 - 11:22 PM in Homemades

Sounds like some pretty interesing ideas for homemades there, but next time, please use the edit button instead of double posting.

#23710 My Crazy Ideas Post

Posted by Oroku Saki on 07 April 2004 - 11:54 AM in Homemades

Okay I learned my lesson. After looking at what tex posted, he did indeed double post for good reason. Can you people stop bitching now?

I don't get why some people have trouble spelling my username. It's right in front of you when you post. Oh well....