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#107097 Volley Titan

Posted by zaphodB on 22 May 2007 - 05:10 PM in Modifications

Nice mod. If it weren't for the fact that you were using up old parts though, i would say that it's a bit useless. If you want to make the titan a shotgun type weapon, all you have to do is shove 3 pvc barrels down the big orange barrel and shove a couple stefans down it. I get about 100 feet of range with that setup, shooting three. I also found a very short coupler at the plumbing section of Lowes, and i dremeled out the part the big barrel screws into and shoved the coupler in there. Now I can unscrew the shotgun attachment and jam a single barrel in the coupler for ranges of at least 200 feet.

#107099 Titan Question

Posted by zaphodB on 22 May 2007 - 05:20 PM in Modifications

Just in case anyone else is reading this for information about barrel length, on my titan all i did was single the barrel, and the barrel I'm using now is at least 2' long. I still had to drill holes in the end to eliminate dart spin because too much air was coming out. When in doubt, make the barrel longer than you think you need to, because it's easier to cut the existing barrel shorter than it is to make a whole new one.

#107157 Volley Titan

Posted by zaphodB on 22 May 2007 - 08:46 PM in Modifications

I already said that i realized that he was using leftover parts. As far as having time to reload the darts, if you have time to punp it as many times as is necessary, then you have time to stick three darts in the barrels. I also mentioned that have a setup that allows me to single barrel or shotgun style my titan. Plus, if the mood strikes me , i can still use the huge missle as well. Don't get me wrong though, if i had the parts, i would do the mod to my gun too, both for its usefulness and it's coolness factor

#107865 Manta Ray Modification

Posted by zaphodB on 27 May 2007 - 08:23 PM in Modifications

I would add a new spring instead of stretching the ones that come in the gun. Stretching eventually makes the gun perform worse, because it weakens the structure of the spring. Also, if you want looks, go out and find some Kyrlon (sp) Fusion Paint. They usually stock it at local hardware stores, i got mine at lowes. Anyways, point is, it looks better than electrical tape, it costs less than 15 dollars, and it fuzes (hence the name) to plastic and doesn't flake off. It's nice stuff i tells ya

#108023 Future Nerf War Crime

Posted by zaphodB on 28 May 2007 - 08:01 PM in Homemades

plus, the exit hole in scuba tanks is so small that it won't fire so much as push the ball out and then hiss for 20 minutes. If you want a huge mounted cannon that you could use in a nerf war, make a revolver or paintball magazine type thing that shoots nerf balls. I imagine that could work out pretty well. Of course, there's no point in having a big gun, because little guns "kill" you just as "dead", and they're easier to carry around.

#108028 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 28 May 2007 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

So, I've been modifying nerf guns for a while, and before that i've done other projects that had to do with pneumatics. When I searched for barrel modifications, it seems like everyone is "nesting" a smaller barrel inside a larger one. When i looked into it futher, i didnt see a reason for doing so, peopls just seemed to do it. So my question is this: why nest barrels? It seems like the gun would be more efficient at exerting all of its force if the dart were snug in the barrel the entire time.

Oh, and i really did reserach this, and i really didn't find any answers.

#108061 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 28 May 2007 - 09:48 PM in Modifications

so, as a follow up question, would it be possible/feasable to rifle a barrel? That would give a lot more accuracy than a less snug barrel that the dart smacks around on would.

#108062 Streamline Darts (longshot Darts)

Posted by zaphodB on 28 May 2007 - 09:53 PM in Modifications

The gluegun itself is hot enough to melt through the plastic that forms the tip. to fill up the dome entirely, push the gun through the side opposite to the hole and fill with glue until a little drop of glue comes out the tiny hole. then, stick your finger in your mouth to get it wet and rub the drop off. if you don't want to use your finger you can use and icecube, but honestly, it's easier to use your finger, and as long as you make sure it's not dry the glue doesn't hurt it.

#108067 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 28 May 2007 - 10:10 PM in Modifications

it seems to me that all the rifling that was attempted was rifling the dart itself, with a hot glue gun. what I'm talking about is rifling the barrel, with a dril or some other thing. I feel like people who've done rifling before have done it quickly as a sort of "hey, rifling the barrel might work, they do it in real guns" and then quickly trying to do it with a dremel or something. In order to do what I'm talking about, the rifling would have to be etched in with a blade of some sort (like a nail, or a razor) in a method similar to how rifling was done when it was first introduced (about the civil war period). Also, people who have done it before have probably put too many rotations in the rifling. A half turn or 3/4 turn would be enough to create gyroscopic stability. Anyways, it would be difficult to do, but interesting to see how it works. I may end up doing it to a barrel for my titan, and I'll let you guys know how it worked out if i did it.

#108068 Darts Falling Out?

Posted by zaphodB on 28 May 2007 - 10:15 PM in Modifications

People worry too much about the exact diameter the barrel needs to be to work out. I think that people forget that the projectiles are made out of foam, and as such have a pretty good ablilty to conform to the barrel. With that said, i use 1/2 inch PVC from Lowes for all my barrels, and for my darts i use hotglue filled streamlines. The easiest way to pick barrel material is to take a few darts with you and jam them in various pipes at the hardware store until you find one that fits. No science, no tools, no measuring, just guess and check. If you're loading the darts into the back of the barrel (for a coupler mod breech loader type arrangement) and they don't fit, try rolling them between your palms to compress them a bit first.

#108114 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 10:22 AM in Modifications

As i said before "people who have done it before have probably put too many rotations in the rifling. A half turn or 3/4 turn would be enough to create gyroscopic stability." the thread you sent used a rod with at least four revolutions per inch. with that many, it's almost the same thing as making grooves at right angles to the barrel , which is why it didn't work. I'm talking about threading it so that there's about one full rotation ever two feet. As far as the difference in ammunition goes, the rifling would allow for very short stefens that maintain or surpass the accuracy of normal stefens. If you don't understand exactly how rifling works, and how it should be used effectively, then any attempt at rifling would fail.

#108115 Streamline Darts (longshot Darts)

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 10:35 AM in Modifications

i haven't gotten around to getting any fbr, and i know i should eventually. But as far as making converted dart stefens, the bbs always crack the hotglue, so streamlines are pretty much my only option. I haven't tried washer darts yet, so i don't know how those will work. Most of my time is spent on the guns though, and the darts are mainly to test how the guns work. when i war, I'll make some darts.

#108116 Manta Ray Modification

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 10:38 AM in Modifications

Also, don't use crayola barrels. they instantly add at least forty tacky points to your gun. The same thing goes for tape.

#108118 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 11:23 AM in Modifications

Actually, i think i meant american revolution. Minor brain fart. anyway, by point is they used a complex wooden setup to rifle their barrels, and since they did it back then, it shouldn't be too hard to do it now.

#108119 New Maverick Clip Mod Writeup

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 11:27 AM in Modifications

Seems a bit messy and unnecessary.

#108124 Water Gun Too Nerf Gun

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 11:58 AM in Modifications

with that much volume of air going through the barrel, the length is up to how portable you want the gun to be. I would say that 20 inches is almost too short. I'm assuming you want this to be a long range gun, so make it have a long barrel. There's enough air in there that it won't matter if the barrel's really long

#108208 Manta Ray Modification

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 05:43 PM in Modifications

But crayola barrels taper, so they DON'T perform as well as a tight PVC barrel. And E-tape will never be as good as glue, not ever.

as far as the mod goes, the manta was my introduction to nerf, so seeing it modded haphazardly kind of hurts. It's the right idea, but if you're serious, you should put a little more time into it.

#108213 Streamline Darts (longshot Darts)

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

I mean that all the guns i like to use are high powered (longshot, titan, converted supersoaker, BBB, and a blowgun, believe it or not) and the force of the darts hitting the concrete wall in my basement cracks the hotglue after about 20 shots, and the bbs fly out. Since i mainly use the darts for testing my guns, it makes sense for me to use converted streamlines because the quality is better than anything i can currently manufacture.

#108230 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 06:50 PM in Modifications

Is the inside of the shell narrower or wider than the barrel? Actually, either way it will effect the range negatively. I get the feeling that the inside of the shell is wider than the barrel and if that's true, the dart may get caught a bit on the lip that forms where the shell meets the barrel.

#108240 Nesting

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

the shell is narrower than the barrel? well, you're going to lose some air pressure, but if the barrel is snug normally, you should be fine. I wouldn't store the darts inside the shells though, because then they won't fit well in any of your other guns.

#108244 Future Nerf War Crime

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 07:16 PM in Homemades

And no, if you're using the scuba tanks to power a gun, they are not going to be filled with oxygen, they're going to be filled with normal air. And you're not going to have to breathe the air that's in the scuba tanks because you're not going to go nerfing WHILE scuba diving, you're going to go nerfing outside, where there's plenty of air outside the scuba tanks for you to breathe.

#108260 Manta Ray Modification

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

I guess i sounded a little harsh, my bad. I was more trying to explain that the reason i was being so harsh in the first place was that I liked the gun so well to begin with. The writeup istlef was good, my comments about the crayola and markers were more for other people reading the thread later on. The problem i have with electrical tape is that in order to make it flat you have to stretch it a bit, and it ends up being a stick mess. And everyone knows that sticky messes are bad.

#108262 Future Nerf War Crime

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 08:22 PM in Homemades

And nerfboi, please, learn how to write so you don't end up sounding like a drooling caveman. nobody cares that you can punch through a wall in your room. Why would you do that anyway?

#108278 Cutting Brass

Posted by zaphodB on 29 May 2007 - 09:54 PM in Modifications

Or you could do it the old fashioned way, with a hacksaw and a file. A dremel with a sander/grindstone attatchment works if you don't feel confident enough to use a rat's tail file.

#108496 Cutting Brass

Posted by zaphodB on 30 May 2007 - 11:54 PM in Modifications

I can cut pipe about twice as fast with a hacksaw as with a dremel. It has to do with the fact that i don't have to rotate the saw around the pipe in order to make the cut, like i do with the dremel. Also, it's easier to make a straight, unguided cut with a saw than with a dremel

#108498 Future Nerf War Crime

Posted by zaphodB on 31 May 2007 - 12:05 AM in Homemades


what are you even talking about

#108603 Future Nerf War Crime

Posted by zaphodB on 31 May 2007 - 06:28 PM in Homemades

haha, i thought you were nerfboi on another account responding to me, or you were speaking for him.

themessiahpsg1- It's been extensively disgussed: CO2 is not a viable option for powering a nerf gun.

#108757 Water Gun Too Nerf Gun

Posted by zaphodB on 01 June 2007 - 01:06 PM in Modifications

Being new to modding is no excuse to not be able to figure out that you GLUE the coupler onto the gun.

seriously though, just glue it on there.

#108760 Beginning A Homemade

Posted by zaphodB on 01 June 2007 - 01:39 PM in Homemades

If the handle that primes the plungers is able to slide on the plunger rods, you can keep it attached to the barrel, which will allow for easier priming. With the weight of the priming handle eliminated from what the springs have to move, the gun will also be able to move the air a little bit faster


sequence is fired, loading, primed

The placement of the breech on the pictures is arbitrary.

#108980 Shells!

Posted by zaphodB on 02 June 2007 - 07:53 PM in Modifications


Don't do that again. Type like a regular person and don't use all caps. Also, it's not worth starting a new thread to ask such a stupid question. Grow up.

#109868 Longshot Carbine

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 11:06 AM in Modifications

A lack of a barrel will almost never hurt range.

It tends to hurt accuracy.

That's a lie. Adding a barrel has added a minimum of ten feet to all my gun's ranges. Adding cpvc barrels to my brother's Maverick has done wonders for the ranges on that. It beat my (alibeit shittily modded) NF in a range test.

#109873 Dchap-1

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 11:12 AM in Homemades

This is perfect. I have a design for an impact trigger grenade, but i havent been able to design a cheap airgun. this is a perfect base for the launcher. As soon as i get the grenade working I'll let you know how it works, but it looks promising.

#109877 Longshot Carbine

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 11:54 AM in Modifications

That's because the longshot (i accidentally typed longshit, talk about a freudian slip) has less of a barrel and more of a giant dart brake. If you look at where people added brass barrels to their longshots, the ranges did increase. Besideds, AJAQ said that a lack of a barrel will almost NEVER hurt range. In anything other than a longshot, the addition of a nice barrel will increace performance by astronimic proportions.

#109885 Maverick Mod And Paint

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 01:36 PM in Modifications

This will be my first write up, so take it easy on me.

So the first thing you need to do is open up your maverick. There's a tough narrow part on the slide, so just cut that out.

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then you can open it all the way.

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Magnets are a great way to keep screws together.

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So, you've got it open. Now i personally find this gun to be more complicated than the Longshot, which was my first mod. With that in mind, take a picture or use the one i posted if you're not sure where all the parts go.

the first thing thing you need to do is take out the air restrictors and cut the pegs out like you would do in a normal mod. I won't post pictures, there are quite enough of those on here already.

Now take out the barrel assembly and remove everything. take out the orange part that actually forms the barrel and cut it. Replace the barrels with cpvc.

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When you put it back together, put hotglue on the ends of all the cpvc barrels so that there is a perfect seal between them and the place where air will be coming from.

then, carefully dremel a bevel into all the barrels. This way you don't have to think about lining everything up perfectly when you load. (Titan users, don't read too much into that pervious sentence, think while you're loading enough to realize that shotgun shells are a bad idea.)

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Now, do the swing out mod so the chamber can, well, swing out more. It's a simple matter of careful dremeling.

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the final step before finishing touches is to improve the seal between the plunger and the barrel assembly. slap some hotglue and foam from anything you have handy on the end of the plunger.

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(sorry for the quality on that one, it was hard to focus on.)

Reassemble everything now, or, if you want to be snazzy, do some painting. You should end up with something like this. The one that has the barrel mod is on the left.

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Congratulations, you've got a snazzy six-shooter.

ranges are approximately 50 feet level, give or take 8 feet. The testing was done in my basement. All i can difinitively say is that this beat my nightfinder rangewise. Unfortunately, it misfires sometimes, but that's a problem with the dart, not the gun.

#109892 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

Here's my stuff:

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shotgun barrel for the titan

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titan singled, soon to be painted by a professional. (woot)

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Titan barrel with spiral and linear ports.

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Maverick with cosmitic barrel (only for use as a prop, it prevents the darts from firing) and without the cosmetic barrel.

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Longshot with the stock extended and cosmetic barrel on.

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Same, without all that.cosmetic stuff.

*edit* forgot my nightfinder/ pocket strike integration.

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#109894 Maverick Mod And Paint

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 02:30 PM in Modifications

The way i got the barrel length was after i cut off the orange stock barrel parts, i stuck a piece of cpvc that i knew was too long down the rest of the orange stock barrel part. It fits exactly in there. Then put the chamber back together and push the cpvc as far in as it will go, and mark where to cut it so that it's flush. Then take the length from there and mark off more cpvc so you can make five more barrels. If the barrels are a bit long, it won't be a problem because when you dremel the bevel out you can shorten them. I ended up doing that.

The paint I use is comprable to kyrlon fusion-paint. I got it at lowes, it's called "American Tradition Plastic Enamel by Valspar." Any paint that bonds to plastic will do though.

#109901 Longshot Carbine

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 03:01 PM in Modifications

(Ever heard of a sawed off combustion loser rifle? Me neither.)

hope that clarifies what I attempted to say earlier.

If by what you attempted to say was sn iper rifle, then point made. whoever thought of replacing sn iper with loser was a genius.

I suppose i should have said addding a new barrel added range, but w/e, arguing syntax doesn't make my point any less valid, or your origional post any harder to misinterperit.

Most of the time, if i argue with somebody, it's because even though I know what they meant, it would be easy to misinterperet what that person said to get wrong information. The misinterperitation that leads to poor modding is all I'm trying to get rid of.

#109902 Dchap-1

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 03:03 PM in Homemades

Any and all grenades should be light and spring powered. Well, the lightness requirement kind of necessitates the spring requirement. When I get the grenade working I'll post a new thread, but for now lets stop hijacking CS's.

#109910 Maverick Mod And Paint

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 03:37 PM in Modifications

It's not my first mod by any means. My first mod was a longshot. This is just my first write up.

#109911 New Style Nitemav

Posted by zaphodB on 07 June 2007 - 03:45 PM in Modifications

I heartily agree with SM750.

For god's sake, don't quote the entire post, including pictures.