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There have been 146 items by Vassili (Search limited from 15-February 97)

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#3966 Sigs

Posted by Vassili on 24 April 2003 - 10:50 PM in Site Feedback

Hey I live closer to Santa Cruz than probably everybody here, and Santa Cruz is the biggest hippie town I've ever heard of.

#34234 Troll Wallpapers

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 10:34 PM in News

There haven't been any major recent troll problems in the last week and a half, it's just kind of Groove's response to all the useless emo trolls everywhere, am I right?

#20901 2004 Nerf Lineup

Posted by Vassili on 07 March 2004 - 11:52 PM in General Nerf

This large bazooka doesn't sound too useless, if it's a comfortable gun we could mount a smaller pump on the gun and maybe make the airtank a tad smaller. It would take some work, however.

#10362 Forum Contest!

Posted by Vassili on 24 September 2003 - 07:36 PM in Modifications

Yeah, Lech's gun is sure as hell winning right now. When is the due date for this contest? My past entries haven't been all that spectacular, just original mods that I liked. I think in a week or so I'll have a worthy entry.

Also, I was thinking that after this contest is over, that maybe this could be an ongoing thing. The "1337357" gun would kind of be like a heavyweight belt in wrestling, and you could have it as long is your gun was the coolest. Just an idea.

#3671 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 05:06 PM in Off Topic

Yeah 8-bit mario rules.

Anyway, get back on topic. Matrix Reloaded looks awesome.

#1562 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Vassili on 18 February 2003 - 08:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Kevin, I need to speak with you about making me some guns, so expect a pm soon.

Wow you can make guns!

#1632 Nerf History

Posted by Vassili on 19 February 2003 - 08:55 PM in General Nerf

Well if you have to fly across the US to go to LA then you're probably on the East Coast and you could go to Reckoning and Apocalypse. I think there's a thread about a NJ spring war in the Nerf Wars section.

#33138 Modded Titan!

Posted by Vassili on 04 August 2004 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

Is it just me or does the airtank look big enough to power a few separate shots much like a pistol-modded PC? If you modified the valve to let out less air then you could probably squeeze off all 3 shots in your little turret-thingy without repumping.

#27317 Arsenals

Posted by Vassili on 31 May 2004 - 12:12 PM in General Nerf

The guns worth mentioning in my arsenal:

2 Maxshots
1 SS2
1 EaB
1 PC (2 clips)
1 Triple Shot
1 At2k (top left)
1 CPS 2000/EaB Creation

#501 Ladies And Gents, I Give You My "guru."

Posted by Vassili on 10 January 2003 - 07:54 PM in Modifications

Groove, you can weigh yourself with the gun in your hands and then weigh yourself without the gun in your hands and then subtract.

#3686 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 11:12 PM in Modifications

Here's the finished pic of mine, lookin' sweet. I find it easier to just wrap the white barrel in electrical tape, saw it down to the electrical tape, and put a 1/2" PVC coupler over it. I'm trying to get 17/32" into the white barrel, but I don't have a dremel. Yesterday we had a 13 person war, and everyone who was there can say they kicked ass. Also, has anyone had any trouble opening the back part? Mine just won't come apart.

#3642 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 18 April 2003 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

You don't have to open the gun at all to get the red barrel off, you can just pull and use a flathead to pry it off. I figured out today that our stefans are extremely shitty, with the good stefans that the people we were fighting had my gun is good for 90. The telescoping part is just 17/32", right?

#3962 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 24 April 2003 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

I was thinking exactly what superadaquabat was thinking, if you can get three shots at 50 feet I will be perfectly happy. Why single barrel a TS when you can get a MS? I'm going to try and bore the passages as much as possible, but I'm definitely leaving the rotating barrels on.

#3882 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 23 April 2003 - 10:11 PM in Modifications

Wow, the Triple Shot is really underpowered. It's got a really dinky plunger, I was disappointed. I cut off the barrels to about 3/4" and then wrapped them in electrical tape and put the only barrel I could find, 4 inches of 17/32" brass. I haven't measured but it's nothing special, about 50. I think the best this will go is LnL range, but that will still be good because it has a very nice ROF.

#3601 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 18 April 2003 - 12:29 AM in Modifications

IronRhino and I finished two Max Shots today, I was impressed and unimpressed. A breachloading 12-inch brass barrel with normal stefans (2 inch, single BB weighted) got an average of 85 feet flat, with the better shots around 90. Accuracy is very very good. I was unimpressed with these numbers, I think tweaked out I can get better. 85 feet is very good, but this gun has more potential.

The part I was impressed with is how it shot stefans made out of stock micros. With airjets-turned-stefans this gun got an average of 132 feet flat, with the best around 145. Accuracy is superb with these darts, I shot a dart at IronRhino from 132 feet and it landed at his feet. If you have any doubts, these were measured on asphault with a measuring wheel thing. Probably an average of a foot or two skipping.

I couldn't finish the Triple Shot mod, but all the pics are set for the Max Shot mod. Cxwq, you'll probably invent a better mod, but I'm looking forward to see how you go about it.

edit:: I wrote this while Cxwq was writing his, just so you know

#3588 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 17 April 2003 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

I'm doing something very similar, also a breach loader, but I was planning on using a 6-inch barrel, but since you know better I'll be going with a 8 or 9 inch barrel, so the rest of the one foot section will at least be usable as barrels for my Triple Shot. I'll experiment with different lengths of 17/32" brass at the rear, maybe none at all. I'll have pictorial mod writeups for the MS and TSh for the FF revamp, but the TSh might be crayolaed due to lack of brass. The cocking mechanism is really ingenious, the long cocking lever allows for you to be able to use stronger springs. The Max Shot is the new xbow. The Max Shot will be battle tested by IronRhino and myself tomorrow, we're having a 15-or-so person war. I don't know if the First Shot is all that great, but I think the TSh will rule. It's got 3 barrels that auto-rotate when you cock it, drawing impressive ROF. Lanard toys gets a cookie and a half for these guns.

#3590 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 17 April 2003 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Oh yeah, I forgot about the prices:

Max Shot: $9.99 | compared to a good condition crossbow: $30-40
Triple Shot: $7.99 | compared to an Airtech 2000: $9.99

#36524 The Google Challenge - A Redux

Posted by Vassili on 06 September 2004 - 12:55 AM in Off Topic

Ew. Mine was a bunch of half-naked bodybuilder guys. Search at your own risk.

#2176 Mods For Rapidfire 20

Posted by Vassili on 12 March 2003 - 09:15 PM in Modifications

I tried a rubber band over my piston on my PC, but it didn't increase the range. All it did was slow the RoF and increase the pumps/shot ratio, which is kind of bad. You can probably bike tube the RF20 and increase some range.

#1576 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by Vassili on 19 February 2003 - 12:27 AM in Modifications

What are telescoping barrels? The reason I wanted to know how the rotating mechanism worked was because I thought I could do something like the Beast but with 3k or 4k, but evidently the barrels wouldn't rotate.

#1501 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by Vassili on 18 February 2003 - 01:55 AM in Modifications

Are these At3k's really useful in a war, though? What is the approximate range on it, if it's around 80-90 it would probably be really good. Also, how does the rotating mechanism work, like is does it rotate by the trigger, pump, or air?

#2412 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 19 March 2003 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow Zero gets colorful!

Anyway that thing is awesome tell us when it's done.

#2060 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 07 March 2003 - 08:56 PM in Nerf Wars

A big stationary bike pump pumping constantly wouldn't be able to fire all the darts off, you would need a pumping, then firing time. This would be good because it would be transportable, though.

If you attached it to a jeep, then you could have the rotation of the wheels power a pump or have it power a air compressor. That would be really hard but really cool.

#2076 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 08 March 2003 - 06:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Zero, what are the shells going to be made out of? It would take forever to cut 50 shells out of brass! Crayolas? CPVC?

#6634 Driving

Posted by Vassili on 06 July 2003 - 11:29 PM in Off Topic

Just listen to the Governator.

#6592 Driving

Posted by Vassili on 05 July 2003 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

My bro just bought a Pontiac, a 2001 Grand Prix GTP in perfect condition. Pretty cool first car I'd say.

#185 Fps Games

Posted by Vassili on 28 December 2002 - 06:09 PM in Off Topic

CS rocks multiplayer, MOHAA is almost as good.

NOLF 2 rocks fps.

Mafia, GTAVC rock 3rd person games.

#23096 666 Members

Posted by Vassili on 31 March 2004 - 10:45 PM in Off Topic

Ok i know this is probably going to get me banned but cx's post put me over the edge

Cxwq, Fuck you alright
Jesus Christ what have you done with your life
your a 32 year old man who still plays with nerf guns
your whole life amounts to a giant pile of bullshit
just because this thread has people posting intelligent thoughts that are way above your IQ to understand gives you no right to shit on it like that
if you want to be a dictator and limit free speech and censor people then by all means do it its your site. but i for one will not stand for it.
as the great Voltaire once said

"I disagree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"

Even Satan would reject you. You're just so...unwanted.

#5327 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 05 June 2003 - 09:36 PM in General Nerf

Actually, you're right, the only time my parents have ever gotten their credit card stolen is when my dad payed for parking at the airport. Some guy bought 5,000 dollars of furniture in Maryland with our money. I don't know what it is, but they think the internet is the devil. I'll keep on trying to convince them.

#4948 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 24 May 2003 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

Is that whole black tube all the plunger? If so, this thing has some potential. Only problem is I think it might be too big for a secondary weapon but not powerful enough for a good primary.

#5266 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 03 June 2003 - 08:16 PM in General Nerf

So does your barrel move along with the plunger tube? If it didn't then there would be wasted space. Either that or I'm not getting how this works.

#5284 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 04 June 2003 - 05:03 PM in General Nerf

Yeah I was thinking about it in boring Spanish and I understand it now. My parents are kinda anti-buying-things-off-the-internet, so has anybody seen any of these in a store?

#5269 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 03 June 2003 - 10:53 PM in General Nerf

Sounds great, but I really don't get how it works or where that 1' barrel goes. The barrel is in the plunger?

#34292 People Taken To Jail And Guns Confiscated For Nerf

Posted by Vassili on 18 August 2004 - 02:44 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, dudes, the guy wasn't trying to be a retard, but it just so happened that he posted something that's already been mentioned a ton before. It's not like Cx is just gonna come and ban him. Also, you guys get way too excited when you're waiting for C to ban people. Yeah it's funny, but it's like you guys get boners over it.

#34200 Hornet Mod!

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 02:29 PM in Modifications

Very nice, but you might want to rethink having 36 inches of brass on the front of your gun. I always didn't like Blastfires because they were so front heavy. Get some Petg if you can.

#34231 Hornet Mod!

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Parents won't let me buy online, or I'd have tons of PETG by now.

Yeah, that was me too. The cool thing is that PETG kinda came to me, so that wasn't ever a problem.

#29975 Fireworks

Posted by Vassili on 30 June 2004 - 02:34 PM in Off Topic

For fourth of July, I'll end up in Palm Springs with a bucket of KFC Popcorn Chicken and a Mountain Dew.

The simple things in life. :P

I was just in La Quinta (in the greater Palm Springs area) last week playing golf, and it was friggin' 120 degrees. My friends pool was 90 and it felt cold.

Anywho, on the 3rd I'm going to be forced to watch a parade of a bunch of golf carts decorated by 70+ year olds at my grandparents house. I hope I don't have too much fun. The 4th will be filled with partying and fireworks, however.

#6817 More Pics Of The New Lineup

Posted by Vassili on 09 July 2003 - 09:05 PM in General Nerf

Actually, someone from NC found this. I remember I was browsing the site earlier and found an order form.

#3553 Suggestions For The Store

Posted by Vassili on 16 April 2003 - 08:48 PM in Site Feedback

I think it might be a good idea if you had the X-stream guns in the store, they're cheap and very good.

#4753 Favorite Video Game

Posted by Vassili on 18 May 2003 - 09:39 PM in Off Topic

Super Metroid, all the Zeldas, Perfect Dark, Super Mario. Some of my favorites.