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#230188 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 14 May 2009 - 04:28 PM in General Nerf

The matrix is fucking stupid.

2 and 3 sucked like well paid whores.

On topic - Guess who's the english one on the map? Love this idea, hope it keeps going.

#230208 Breech Questions

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 14 May 2009 - 06:02 PM in Darts and Barrels

I have a couple questions about the functioning of breeches. More importantly, how to get mine working well and how it should.

So first off, let's say I'm working with a pull breech. How do I keep it do I can't pull the inside barrel material all the way out of the outside material?
And how do I make it so that the inside material can't twist and turn when jiggled around, in case you open the breech and the slot/opening isn't facing the way it's supposed to?

And thirdly, what advantages does a breech have over a speed-loader?

I'll take this one.

A1 - to stop the moving part of your breech coming out, I would suggest glueing a section of the outer pipe to it as a block.

A2 - This should also stop any twisting, as long as the piece is big enough.

A3 - The advantage of these breeches is that a grav clip can be fitted relatively easily, increasing ROF.

Hope this helps.

EDIT - Shit, Fresh beat me to it.

EDIT 2 - Pic to help

Posted Image

Green = Barrel material
Blue = Outer breech material
Red = Stefan Dart

#230222 Breech Questions

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 14 May 2009 - 06:58 PM in Darts and Barrels

Alright, thanks guys. Currently I'm working with PETG nested in SCH40 PVC, so it takes a wrap and a half to 2 wraps around the PETG of electrical tape to make the seal.

Thanks for the good diagram Brit, that helps a lot.

Not a problem. Good luck with your breech.

#230441 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 15 May 2009 - 06:53 PM in Modifications

Love it. Great work with the blaster and I really like the paint job.


#230449 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 15 May 2009 - 07:33 PM in Modifications

Love it. Great work with the blaster and I really like the paint job.


Coming from you, that means a lot. Your paint jobs are absolutely SICK. And all of you are still wrong about the movie.

Thanks. I just love the candy paint.

Shit. Thought I'd got it.

#230451 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 15 May 2009 - 07:47 PM in Modifications

Clue time me thinks.
Everyone agree?

#230496 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 May 2009 - 12:18 AM in General Nerf

Holy shit! I've only just listened to this and realised I get mentioned by name. Okay, it's in twitch's rant against realistic blasters but hey, better than nothing.

Also, my Clarkson inpression is a bit better than Twitch's. Just saying.

#230629 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 May 2009 - 06:24 PM in General Nerf

Holy shit! I've only just listened to this and realised I get mentioned by name. Okay, it's in twitch's rant against realistic blasters but hey, better than nothing.

Also, my Clarkson inpression is a bit better than Twitch's. Just saying.

Its a shame our little sport has so many immature little punks. (this is not a reference to age) Any blaster that is painted to look like an actual firearm should be treated as such. I do not use my painted blasters in wars and I even leave the orange barrels. There's many players that have embraced the TOY GUN backbone of nerfing and painted their blasters with "Eye Raping" paint schemes but there are still many who have not.
BritNerfMogul was mentioned specifically because of the astounding work he has done in the area of painting blasters but the thought of people actually being stupid enough to use blasters like that in a public park, especially a park that I am also running around in with a slightly less conspicuous toy bothers me. When the cops show up, the game is over.... PERMANENTLY!!!!! As soon as the authorities get called your days of nerfing in that particular area are over and likely this ruling will stretch to the boundary of the city you just got in trouble in.

Does anyone really want to see "No Projectile firing toys" added to the growing lists of regulations at the local park you play at??? The only thing that is keeping additions like that off the ruleboard is the fact that we are currently under the radar.... Imagine if some liberal city council members got on youtube and looked up "High powered nerf airgun" and found vids of some asshatt blowing holes in full pop cans with a 4b shooting marbles?? Do you think they would still allow us in their park with our deadly weapons?

Once again I want to say, Some people have made fabulous looking blasters but these blasters have no business, on a school playground or in a city park which is where most of us are currently playing.

I own nearly 6 acres and have another couple available to me and I have been to public hunting grounds. I regularly walk around my property and public hunting areas with actual firearms that look LESS threatening than the toys that are being showcased in the Paint jobs thread. There are many safety rules that you follow when handling a real firearm. Keep action open, No magazine, point at ground, no running. If a police officer showed up on my land asking about my gun He would politely be told to go shit in his hat. If the same cop showed up at a public hunting area he could keep me busy all day long asking me questions and there's nothing I would be able to do until the officer was satisfied that I was carrying the firearm legally and carefully. If I was running around on a playground with this firearm I would be locked up and taken away, If I was underage my parents and or guardian would be locked up also.

Ok I guess I'm done ranting.... no offense Britnerfmogul the rant was not directed towards you in any way, unless you run around in public with those cause that would make you an asshole.


Don, none taken.

I agree that If I take out any of my blasters in public, I deserve to be shot (and yes, even english police carry guns).
Now for my defense:

My blasters are mostly display or movie props. That's my other hobby. Some are being used right now in a zombie movie in my local town. Big budget kinda thing. This means orange barrel a no no.
Also, I nerf on private land, no public allowed. This means orange tips are not neccessary.

But anyone stupid enough to go out in public with a black blaster, see above.

And JSB is right too. My blasters are PROPS, not toys. I paint them because I enjoy it, but I also nerf with them because that's their purpose. If I were to come to the states to do a war, I would mod when I'm over there and leave off the paint job.

I just didn't like the fact I felt I was being lump with the knobs. I put alot of work into my blasters, and it's pretty much all I can offer to the NIC. To then be told that all I have to offer will actually ruin it, It kinda hurts your feelings.

#230635 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 May 2009 - 07:06 PM in General Nerf

Its kinda like how people have tight cars. Like those old cruisers? They keep em locked up to look at them, but drive a beater? Nerf is no different. Leave your realistic gun at home, regardless of its function, and just play with something working. Its purdy simple.

And Brit, with the green, and whatnot, the colors wouldn't matter that much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I guess they could still be taken for realistic, but thankfully with the tasteful way you did it, it still retains alot of the toy quality. Kinda like DT. He was a monster.

We have seen tons of painters for movie props come in, but you seem to be the most understanding. I like how you actually Nerf. It means you can understand both sides, and therefore do your best to see it that both sides of Nerf (Modding, wars, and then cosmetics and badassery) are kept at different levels. By actually understanding the barrier, you provide awesome paint jobs, that while would make good movie props, don't undermine the more mainstream principle of Nerf, which is fun. Others (Naija blue) had that problem, in which they would argue that anything not realistic was stupid and other crap like that.

Oh, and a wooden stock on a Recon is fucking monster.

Thank you. and damn right it's a monster. Bit of a weight issue thought.

I do have public war blasters, stuff for events in parks. It's all stock, but modded on the inside.

I'm mostly private in my war. It's me, my mates and a campsite hired out for the weekend with no access from the public. My pulse rifle comes out then.

I know when to use my head, and choose which blasters to use.

#230649 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 May 2009 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

BritNerfMogul we did not intend to "lump" you in with the morons. We used your blasters as the highest example of painted blasters because you have posted recently. We are trying to bring attention to people who are just spray painting their blasters black and pretending they were painted in some creative fashion. Twitch is right about the danger and not all wars are hosted by responsible or even intelligent people. We would like to gain some support from the NIC itself to start some self policing from our smarter members that will hopefully trickle down to the emulators and wannabees.


I understand completely. Still left me feeling a bit funny thought. I felt I needed to explain my side so no one thought I was one of these arse's who goes out in public with black blasters. Now that I have done that I hope that common sense prevails and we see no all-black guns at wars.


#230657 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 May 2009 - 08:08 PM in General Nerf

BritNerfMogul, I am glad to learn you're one of those with wisdom sufficient to separate their realistically painted blasters from those used in public areas. If the other nerfers I have seen at wars made the same decisions, things would be that much better. I apologize if I offended you. Your name was mentioned for two reasons. The first being, as Badwrench stated, that you do fantastically detailed work, and the fact that you put a great deal of effort into the workpiece is obvious; naming your work would immediately call to mind the type of things which have caused (and I suspect will continue to cause) so much strife and concern. Your work was also some of the more recently posted, and fresh in the memory of others. Your work was used only as the most readily available sample, not because I harbor any ill-feelings toward you.

All the above goes for, Tigadee as well. (On the premise that he leaves his darker instruments at home.)

On a lighter note, my Clarkson-voice I'm sure was not exceptional, though I feel I made a valiant attempt at the inflection and tone he uses. I did not attempt an accent, as I'm positive it would've been horrendous.

On a related note, BritNerfMogul, have do ever painted any blasters in "eye-raping color schemes?" I'm sure they'd be quite the sight to behold.

But..... that means buying more paint. I'm too lazy to do that. :D

I will be giving it a go in the future, as I intend to come to a US war sometime next year.

As I have said, all is forgiven as I now know the reasons and understand fully the point being raised by using my work as an example.

Also, if you'd put his trademark pause it the intro, it would have made my day. I'll show you on the next podcast. The best podcast.....in the world!

#230667 Cosmetics

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 May 2009 - 08:31 PM in General Nerf

I go best of both. Mods and paint for me, but sometimes I just mod, sometimes I just paint. Depends what mood I'm in.

#230876 Plumber's Goop Question

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 17 May 2009 - 06:30 PM in Modifications

Hello everyone I have a question. Recently I have heard plumbers goop has failed in heat. I was wondering about what tempature it fails if any. All help will be helpful.

I would have thought it would say on the back on the packaging.

#230967 Welkinhawk

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 17 May 2009 - 11:55 PM in Modifications

I really like this. It's made a overseen blaster become something more and the PJ's perfect. Now if only I could get one....

Also, to dizzy, was the new cocking mech made out of choice or because it had to be repaired?

Again, great job.

#230970 Welkinhawk

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 18 May 2009 - 12:11 AM in Modifications

Also, to dizzy, was the new cocking mech made out of choice or because it had to be repaired?

It was my choice. I found having to "claw" the back of the blaster to a primed position was uncomfortable and impractical.

Fair do's. I'm not a big fan of PVC pipe cocking mechs, but if it works for you.
Good job. Do I detect a slight hint of cleaness to the paint job also? It seems like the colours aren't as dark as some of your other works. I like the new look.

#231561 Sawn Off Db Shotgun

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 20 May 2009 - 07:26 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

There's your shot gun.

That to this

Posted Image

Job done

#231745 Captain Slug's Dart Design

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 21 May 2009 - 07:03 PM in General Nerf

From Help! Painting Stefans, coincidentally started by me.

If you make CS darts with white felt tips, then you can put glow in the dark paint on the tip. I color the tips of my CS darts with a yellow marker, so you should be able to use paint.

Now, if I hadn't been busy making my own darts, I wouldn't know he was talking about Captain Slug's variation of homebrew darts.

Am I the only one who thinks that his felt tip & washer design deserves its OWN name?

-the manufacturing process is SO MUCH easier than traditional stefans
-the weight distribution allows for more reliable darts
-converting stock darts is also SO MUCH easier

And, in the words of the good Captain:

- Significantly lower cost per dart. If purchased through mcmaster, the washers are $0.0074 each, and the felt discs are $0.01 each. The liquid nails cost is too low per-dart to calculate.
Fishing weights, even if purchased as low as $1 per bag of thirty, cost twice that amount ($0.03). And that cost is not including the hot glue you would need to attach them.
- Much easier to make with high consistency.
- Higher foward-loading since the weight is distributed even closer to the tip of the dart
- More unique and visually appealing. Felt discs are available in white, black, green, and brown.
- Does not require the application of hot glue
- Tips can dry in any orientation without affecting shape/performance of finished dart
- They hurt less. The felt is a much softer tip than hot glue, and personally I think these hurt less than streamline or dart tagger darts which tend to leave hickey marks because they deform on impact.

Personally, I'm leaning towards "sluggos" or "slugs" over "CS darts."

CS Stefans. Done

#231805 My Homemade Battle Stop-sign

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 May 2009 - 12:06 AM in Off Topic

Please tell your respective girlfriends that I said hi.

Only if you say the same to your mum.


#231812 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 May 2009 - 12:48 AM in General Nerf

So what does everyone think of Boba's NIB blaster bonanza? (I didn't name it, bitch at twitch)
I think only Busta said anything about it.

It'll be interesting to see what happens. Adds new challenges, and may result in some new mods appearing.

#231910 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 May 2009 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

Commission job for a friend. He wanted something m4 based.

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Only on it's first coat of paint, second coat going on soon. Also working on a AT3k Scatter scope ala Rogue for an underslung grenade launcher.

#231917 K9 Special Help.

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 May 2009 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

I would say springs. What's in it?

I would recommend changing springs,

#231939 New Nerf Guns Of 2009/2010

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 22 May 2009 - 07:18 PM in General Nerf

Not to piss on your bonfire, but:

1. The search function is your new best friend
2. The CoC is not a joke - follow it to the letter.

Sorry for the backseat mod guys.

#233357 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 30 May 2009 - 12:20 AM in Off Topic

Down for me too.

#233483 Dart Fit For Automatics

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 30 May 2009 - 08:03 PM in Darts and Barrels

I would say loose as the air doesn't have enough time to build up behind the dart.

#234698 The Official Sticker/logo Thread

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 06 June 2009 - 09:07 PM in Modifications

I have original purple BBB stickers

I'll throw them up when I'm not at work.

#234736 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 06 June 2009 - 11:11 PM in General Nerf

The last two podcasts were not as great. The Mag 7 should definitely do our own podcast and blow this piece of shit out of the water.

No-one's stopping you. You wanna be a twatbag, go for it.

#234835 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 07 June 2009 - 05:37 PM in General Nerf

Brit, clearly you don't have a say in this. Get fucked.

Go fuck yourself OMC. Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?! I don't care if you are a fucking moderator!

I am actually par-taking in the next episode, so guess what: THAT MEANS I DO HAVE A SAY YOU ABSOLUTE TWATBAG!!

You wanna do your own podcast, go do it. I'm not stopping you. Be a complete bastard by all means.

Oh, and if you ever post a fucked up reply like that to one of my posts again, I will be sticking your bumconkers in a fucking vice!

#234936 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 08 June 2009 - 07:37 AM in General Nerf

...I will be sticking your bumconkers in a fucking vice!

What the fuck is a bumconkers? Do I even have that? I don't get British slang. Either way, I don't care anyway. I'm not intimidated by someone who overreacts and lives a few thousand miles away.

If you're gonna be on the podcast, good for you. I really could care less. I just don't think you get that.

Look, I over-reacted. I just hate people thread-crapping. Saying something's crap when you're not even part of it just wound me up.

I get it.

#236682 Foamtalk: A Nerf Podcast

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 16 June 2009 - 05:10 AM in General Nerf

Now my vacation is over, I can voice my opinions over this podcast:

1. I FUCKING LOVED IT! I can't wait to do another one.

2. Thanks for all the nice comments guys, we had fun

3. Ice, SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME FINISH!! Oh, and well done on getting the raider.

4. If anyone wants to ask me anything about British nerfing, drop me a PM.

#237002 Broken Ds - How To Fix?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 17 June 2009 - 07:43 PM in Modifications

Intergrate it into a bin. Problem solved.

On a serious note, if you really want to save it, check the seal between barrel and PT. Is it shell less?

#237003 The Guns You Don't Use Anymore

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 17 June 2009 - 07:46 PM in General Nerf


#237474 Curious

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 19 June 2009 - 06:13 PM in General Nerf

I've been trying to find a stock Xbow for along time.....

Any chance of selling?

#239244 My New Tarantula =d

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 29 June 2009 - 03:14 PM in Off Topic


#239399 Does The Nerf Recon Jam A Lot?

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 30 June 2009 - 11:17 AM in General Nerf

Two things can cause the recon to jam (in my experience):

1. Leaving ammo in the clips, allowing it to deform.
2. Trying to reload too fast.

That's about it really.

I've just taken one apart and found a dart jamming the boltsled.

#239848 Recon M4 Mod

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 02 July 2009 - 05:03 PM in Modifications

3 things

1. This is nothing original. It has been done before
Posted Image

2. Black blasters make baby jesus cry

3. This doesn't derserve a thread of its own. This is why we have a a mods and PJ's thread

#240173 Double Shot Mod

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 04 July 2009 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Sorry, but it's about time someone said this:


Pics of the ranges or it didn't happen.

No way just a barrel replacement can get those ranges.

The DS springs are weaker that an ACE 49 spring, and in a nf they max out about 60-70ft

#240190 Double Shot Mod

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 04 July 2009 - 07:21 PM in Modifications

Links failed.

Not looking good....

#240193 Double Shot Mod

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 04 July 2009 - 07:26 PM in Modifications

Links failed.

Not looking good....

Alright let me try uploading this to youtube.

Sorry, that sounded rude anyway.

I'm just still unconvinced that it can get those ranges. Physics should be kicking in by now....

#241107 Crossbows

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 09 July 2009 - 05:02 PM in General Nerf

Right, lets cut to the chase here:

Crossbows = over priced and over worshipped

Am I the only one who thinks that Crossbows are place on a pedestal that shouldn't exist in the realms of Nerf?
I'm interested in purchasing one, not to become a good nerfer (I don't need a Xbow for that), but to paint and keep in my collection as a good looking blaster. The same reason I have a recon. It sucks bog, but looks fantastic. So why should I have to hand over an arm and a leg for a piece (Sorry, several pieces and a spring) of plastic? And sometimes, why are the prices of JUST THE SHELL the same as the full blaster? It's madness.
There are several other blasters that are capable of the ranges of a xbow, yet these are nowhere near the same price as a xbow. The logical just doesn't compute. If this were to be applied, all AT3K's should be the same. There should be no reason for the high price tag. And if someone mentions rarity, I kindly point them to the trading section and ebay, where several stock and modified xbow have suddenly become available.

By all means, charge $150+ when you've done all the work, but not stock.

So NIC, I ask you as one, to make the crossbow what it should be. Just another blaster to have in the arsenal. Not some status symbol that fails when you do. It's a toy. Let us make the right step, and consider the selling price of a crossbow. Because really, all they are to people are another blaster...

#241119 Crossbows

Posted by BritNerfMogul on 09 July 2009 - 05:14 PM in General Nerf

Supply and demand, it's not your place to tell people how much to sell things for, and if I wanna sell a stock nitefinder that I painted for $30, that's what I'm gonna do, and no one can do ANYTHING other than not bid on it.

Translation: we're less of a community of nerfers and more of a bunch of selfish people trying to extort money and make sadly marginal profits. Aren't we awesome :rolleyes:

Absolutly. We're supposed to be a community, not here to screw each other over. As soon as the first person said 'I bet a crosbow will make you a better nerfer' he should have been killed, and the sentance forgotton.
I stand by my post, and think we should start working together. LIKE A COMMUNITY.