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#234988 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 08 June 2009 - 03:30 PM in Modifications

First post woot woot!
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My BBB with doubleshot integration
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#235035 Mega Missile/ Maverick Integration

Posted by princexbuster on 08 June 2009 - 06:44 PM in Modifications

Last week I was in the Outer Banks and I found a mega missile at Kmart for six dollars, so I figured what the hell, why not buy it. We all know what a mega missile looks like, but for those of us who don't look down. (on the screen you pervs)
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My pictures are big so you can see shit later, so don't bitch at me about it please.

The day after I got home, whilst floating in a sea of boring...ness, I decided to rip that sum' bitch apart.

I started by, obviously, taking all the screws out but that blue piece gave me some problems.
Do this to get the internals out of the shell if you're lazy like me.
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I noticed that the internals fit almost perfectly into a hollowed out maverick shell. (I had one from a failed nitemav)
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After a considerable amount of sanding and cutting, you get this. KEEP THE TRIGGER SPRING!
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The pump tube is a little larger than the inside of the mav shell, so the slot serves a dual purpose. ( To alleviate some pressure and to make it possible to pump with the slide handle.)
Next is the task of getting the airtank and whatnot to fit in. You'll can pretty much eyeball it because later on that part wont really be essential.
You get something like this.
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Third(?) is to cut out the part of the area around the trigger, but not so much that would let the trigger move around too much.
The picture is blurry, but you get the picture. (no pun intended)
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Do this!
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Also this!
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I used part of a spring from a broken airsoft gun to tie the ring to the fireing pin.
Drill a hole through half the slide, through the hole in the pump, and then put your other half on and finish drilling. Put the rod from the mav turret through the hole and cut it to length, and glue to your little heart's content.
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Now you can fit everything in there and it will fit if you did it right and i didn't leave out a step that you can't figure out.
You can just stop here and throw a coupler or something on the existing barrel, make a hole for the barrel and leave it at that.
I, on the other hand, decided to make it look pretty... kinda... not really, but it looks better after this.
So, you cut the front of the mav shell and nest some 1/2'' cpvc in your recon barrel. Make sure to leave room for the existing barrel to fit inside the recon faux barrel. I like to put a piece of a big blast barrel inside to make it easier to get the dart to fit into the cpvc.
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You get something that should look like this.
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The recon sight is just to look pretty.
To finish this up you take the top of the mega missile shell and cut it down to look like this
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Ranges are around 100-110 feet.

#235050 Mega Missile/ Maverick Integration

Posted by princexbuster on 08 June 2009 - 07:13 PM in Modifications

Possemhunter: Since the recon barrel is on the original barrel i can literally swing it around and shake it by the front of the blaster and nothing mover. Plus the metric butt ton of hot glue holding the actual mega missile in the mav shell doesn't hurt either.

Flashflint: I just did my range test again and with 11 pumps I got 109' but I'm pretty sure the pressure release give out at 7 or 8. don't quote me on that, its to loud to tell.

#235071 Mega Missile/ Maverick Integration

Posted by princexbuster on 08 June 2009 - 08:01 PM in Modifications

White Moonlight: Yes you have to ram rod the darts, I use a sharpie on an elastic headband around my neck. Not only does it leave a ram rod on hand but it gives me a place to keep my sharpie

Balisticjoe: If u were gonna move the airtank back any farther it could only be the tinyest bit and that might require a lot of dremeling. The way it is now gives the airtank a nice platform the be held on when you pull the triger.

VelveetaAvenger:I know exactly how you feel. That was actually my original plan but I didn't want to chance any loss of range. This thing would look shweet with the recon barrel on the front though.

#235084 Mega Missile/ Maverick Integration

Posted by princexbuster on 08 June 2009 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

I'd like to see how this mod turns out for you. I'm pretty happy with it myself

#235149 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by princexbuster on 09 June 2009 - 06:59 AM in Modifications

When you pull the trigger does it put a lot of stress on the piece of wood and would i be nessesary for me to consider a different material for that piece?

#235477 The Gemini

Posted by princexbuster on 10 June 2009 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Has anyone considered making this as more of an over and under type deal, for holstering perpouses, or has anyone fenangled an effective way to holster this.

#235682 What Do You Do With Wet Internals?

Posted by princexbuster on 11 June 2009 - 06:00 PM in General Nerf

Not sure what topic to put this under but im kinda in a hurry.
Today I was painting my Big Blast and my At3k in my driveway (I have no room with adequate ventilation). I had to run to the store for about ten minutes. As luck had it, it began to rain while my Big Blast and most of my At3k internals were hanging in my driveway. Needless to say, they got quite wet.

My question: What seems to be the best way to dry out you blaster with minimal damage?

My solution: Get very pissed off at myself and the proceed in opening up the blasters, dry them with a towel/rag, and then put them under a fan to get rid of any remaining water.

Is this a safe route or should I dry this by some other process?

#235704 What Do You Do With Wet Internals?

Posted by princexbuster on 11 June 2009 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

Chefdave: Dont be an ass, it didnt look like it was going to rain.

Just Some Bob: Thank you, I wasn't sure if the fan would help or hurt. I was afraid of oxidising and rust. Unfortunatly I don't know if my At3k will ever be the same.

Lt. Stefan: I was painting the black parts and I took them out of the blaster and the Big Blast is a guled back together because I minimized it and then changed my mind, so it was taped up pretty well.
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And yes, before anyone says anything about it, that is a kitten on the mouse pad. What ya gonna do about it?!?!

#236372 Mega Missile/ Maverick Integration

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2009 - 01:38 AM in Modifications

Sorry for bumping this but I realized I forgot to mention that the ranges are unpluged and the over pressure release goes at 8 to 10 pumps depending on how fast you pump. Also posting on a psp takes a really long time. That is all.

#236374 Wildfire

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2009 - 02:33 AM in Modifications

First of all , thats what she said...ew. Now for the on topic. The staggered barrels on the wildfire/rf20 confuses me can someone please explianthis? Or am I wrong all together.

#236447 New Big Blast Trigger Fix.

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2009 - 02:27 PM in Modifications

So a couple months ago the trigger to my trusty bbbb broke. I repaired it useing one of these.
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Through trial an error i came up with this.
You first drill two holes, one from the front of the trigger and one from the bottom for the hook to come up through. It takes a little feness the get the hook through the hole but it should go.
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The cutting down on the trigger made it so i couldn't use the return spring. My solution was a cut up hair tie (i have long hair) strung through a gole drilled in the side of the trigger and then glued in a way so it makes the trigger return. Also it would be better to use super glue.
Anyway, the new trigger (being made of metal) wont break and takes alot more stress.
The only downside, it now breaks here.
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I need to fix this but im pretty much stumped. The only thing I can think of is maybe a small eye bolt but I dont know if that will hold.

Any suggestions? Questions? Cheesy pickup lines?

#236465 New Big Blast Trigger Fix.

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2009 - 03:42 PM in Modifications

I forgot about that and its actually a hook you put in pegboard. Im not sure there is enough plastic there for the lbb trigger catch... thing replacement to work propperly.

#236609 Raider Preview

Posted by princexbuster on 15 June 2009 - 10:02 PM in General Nerf

Is the stocks for the recon and the raider interchangable? I didn't see anyone ask, but im running on 2 hours of sleep from like 20 hours ago. If someone already asked ignore this post.

Edit: Damn, I knew i should have checked for a video first.
Also, YES! I love being left handed! The getting in my way was my main consern with the clip.

#236814 New Big Blast Trigger Fix.

Posted by princexbuster on 16 June 2009 - 06:33 PM in Modifications

I was originaly going to do your fix bob, but i couldn't find the rest of my trigger.

#237113 The Guns You Don't Use Anymore

Posted by princexbuster on 18 June 2009 - 11:27 AM in General Nerf

Currently sitting in my bowl chair

x1 longshot (ar's removed and aditional spring( hatred))
x2 recons ( one basic mods one broke so its singled)
x1 RFR (piece of shite(intentional misspelling))
x1 canibalized nitefinder
x3 mavricks (one singled, one drop silinder, and one russian rullet)
x2 doubleshots (basic mods)
x1 bbb (breeched with doubleshot glued to the bottom for fun)
x3 bbbbs (one is being fixed and two are being customized as grad presents for friends)
x1 firefly (basic mods)
x1 vulcan (basic mods)
x1 of the last at3ks in a twin pack sold at my walmart (got fot $7 i was stoked)(rebarreled)
x1 Wain tech tri-fire blaster (barrel replacements)
x1 inline cliped reactor
x1 Mega mav

Also AssasinNF makes me feel inadequate.

#237124 Raider Preview

Posted by princexbuster on 18 June 2009 - 12:13 PM in General Nerf

How wide is it. It's hard to tell but it looks like theres room to integrate an AT2k, hornet or salvo tanks (I don't own a hornet or big salvo so don't fire ball +2 me)or at least a SSPB in there. Am I correct in assumeing that the raider is a wide as the longshot and recon?

#239524 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 30 June 2009 - 11:45 PM in Modifications

Alright first I would like to ask everyone here to please do something pretty and put it on here, I get bored.

Alright now for every wakeing hour of my last week... I meen my new guns.

This was a graduation present for a power hungy airsofter. All that damn dead space is filled with some 3/5'' foam and some hot glue.
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This is a Thor's hammer theme ( Mjolnir) bbbb I made for the brother of the power hungry airsofter also as a graduation present. ( they are twins)
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This has a hidden dart holder in the front. If you have questions about this PM me. It's to pm here to post alot.( jokes are funny at night)
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More on the dart holder. I made this because I have a friend that will run up and take your darts right out of your gun, the same with the "flash guard".
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You push the pin and it pushes up a piece of plastic and pushes your dart out.
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#248520 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 25 August 2009 - 12:08 PM in Modifications

Damn, it's been a while since I've visited the Haven.
Also BritNerfMogul just looking at that makes me feel funny in my pants.
Anyway, this is what I've been up to.

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The breach is a little to long so it'll need cut down to get better range.

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Any questions?

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This thing works like a dream! The tek6 is definatly more gooder than the maverick in this situation. This will definatly get some bondo to make it look pretty but I got a new girlfriend and I've been somewhat destracted.

#252350 Pow! Pittsburgh Offseason Wars!

Posted by princexbuster on 01 October 2009 - 10:41 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm about 99% sure I can come so count me in man(s?).
I also want to apologise to sublime for when he invited me to that war a while back and I couldn't come but forgot to say something.

#254416 Happy B-day To Groove!

Posted by princexbuster on 24 October 2009 - 09:13 AM in Off Topic

Happy birthday and much love from some artsy white kid you've never met.

#254557 Pow! Pittsburgh Offseason Wars!

Posted by princexbuster on 25 October 2009 - 09:05 PM in Nerf Wars

I agree! That was the most fun I've had in a long time, nerf or otherwise.

#255658 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 07 November 2009 - 11:19 PM in Modifications

I've been bored lately
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That is a 3k turret and no it is not rear loading.
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Kickin' it old school!
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Gets better range than the nitefinder ( nitefinder gets around 60ft)
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That is sweet, three of us posted at the same time.

#256345 Pow! Pittsburgh Offseason Wars!

Posted by princexbuster on 15 November 2009 - 12:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be there. I'ma bring the most awesome apple crisp you've ever had in your entire life and PURPLE DRANK if I i can find any. I'm also bringing my atomizer so you all better watch out. Also, if my glasses protect me from flying shuriken they can be counted as eye pretection right?

#256411 Firefinder

Posted by princexbuster on 15 November 2009 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

(Caugh) copious amounts of FF turrets being used on other guns (caugh)
I am actually about to do this same thing with a crossfire shell. I see exactly where you are coming from with the having the extra parts. Congradulations for beeting me to the post.

#256668 Pow! Pittsburgh Offseason Wars!

Posted by princexbuster on 18 November 2009 - 07:08 AM in Nerf Wars

Can none of you girls cook? Jesus, I'd better have some time to get some baking done or this is going to be the worst feast ever. Also, Gabe, purple drank is most commonly made with prescription cough syrup. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're referring to something else as I'm pretty sure that nerfing under the influence of a disassociative drug would not be a great idea. But I mean, you know, if that makes you happy.

Yeah, man I'm talking about the stuff you buy at the store in gallon jugs. I figure it's in the spirit of nerf that we drink silly colored drinks with tastes that confuse the tastebuds (the best way to describe it is it tastes like purple). There is also blue and orange and red drink that exists, I may I may get blue aswell.

#256899 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 20 November 2009 - 11:44 PM in Modifications

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Q's? F's? C's? CF's? Shoot me a PM.
Damn does this thing need painted.

#257245 Inline Clip

Posted by princexbuster on 25 November 2009 - 01:48 PM in Modifications

Something that I have found quite sucessful is doing what Fome said but putting a little nub of cpvc inside the end fitting flush with the back of the pvc that goes into a half inch pvc coupler for easy dart loading and swapable clips. But that depends on the single barrel material you want to use. (nested brass or petg vs. cpvc)

#257858 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 02 December 2009 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

^ SEXY! I may just have to make me one of those. It's good to see more people bondoing their blasters. Keep up the good work guys.
Just a pic of the good ol' powerclip.
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I guess it won't hurt throwing this up here.
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Single barrel AND inline clip!

#258006 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 04 December 2009 - 05:25 PM in Modifications

Fires all kinds of ammo! Longshot barrels fit nicely into bbb arrows.
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My first nitefinder. Had no handle, now it does(bbbb handle). Super minimized.
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Watch out pittsburgh nerf here comes a beast!
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^The original mega mav revamped. In the process of taking of the 2'' pvc and putting on inch and a quarter. Scatter shot and sm3k pump (5 pumps to glory 8 pumps to scary power that I'm not useing because im scared to break my blaster ya know one less and all that crap)
This isn't a nerf gun but is a sweet t-shirt design I'm making.

#258063 Official "show Off Your Longshot Thread"

Posted by princexbuster on 05 December 2009 - 10:14 AM in Modifications

From this
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To this
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#258451 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by princexbuster on 08 December 2009 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

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Effeminate holsterness! Sweet idea for the phone case Flamin.

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It's not what you think.

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Fuck the What!?!

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Can the jobar and cobra do this?

... It's ORANGE!

@ numat49: secrets don't make friends. They DO however get you torchered by russian eco terrorists.
Aslo PAS = way better than doubleshot! But in all seriousness a rapid fire would be crazy to weild.

#258614 Specific Nightfinder Question

Posted by princexbuster on 11 December 2009 - 12:00 AM in Modifications

You could use some a' dat dare epoxy putty if I'm understanding you correctly. It paints pretty well, at least the stuff I use does.

You can bondo however small an area as you want. Just mix a really small batch.

#259026 Rscb Bow And Arrow

Posted by princexbuster on 14 December 2009 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

In both of the ones I have the seal goes bad at the last inch so that is most likely normal. Thats really clean though. Congrats.

#259271 Crossbow Longshot

Posted by princexbuster on 17 December 2009 - 08:00 PM in Modifications

Can we get a picture of this next to a yard stick or something of the sort? I have got to say that is not how I thaught you did it.

#259354 Funny Video

Posted by princexbuster on 19 December 2009 - 09:38 AM in General Nerf

The video from when he went to cfnf was just sad. I think that the name. I'm slightly concussed.

#259477 Need Help With Longshot Disassembly

Posted by princexbuster on 21 December 2009 - 06:33 AM in Modifications

Ok guys i have all of my screws removed, the next step i need help with is removing the cocking handle. Stupidly put them on there before realizing i needed it off to take the gun apart. So can some please reccomend an easy way to take it off. Thank you ninja.

Read this.<-- Not the code of conduct but dude seriously its like three clicks off the homepage.

#260877 Reverse At2k Turret

Posted by princexbuster on 05 January 2010 - 11:14 PM in Modifications

Ahhh Black Fox, he had excellent taste in avatars and I'm assumeing music.

on topic: I'm very glad you braught this from the depths of the mod paintjob thread. It may bring a larger desire for 2ks/ turrets among the noobs but hey this is a sweet mod and if you pull it of you have a nice little modular turret.
Are you possitive it still seals?

#261243 Pow! Pittsburgh Offseason Wars!

Posted by princexbuster on 09 January 2010 - 08:55 AM in Nerf Wars

Since jmwasko is on a hiatus there is noone to run this tread. The war is the info on the are copied for the pnc nerf site. I minimizeed it but all the info is here for everyone I just didnt want to have a giant assy post. IF you really want to stay connected I suggest joining the site

POW! December

Hosted By: karpenter63

Date: 1/16/10

Time: 10:30AM-??:??PM

Location: St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
4048 Brownsville Rd

Pittsburgh, PA 15227

Backup Location: None needed

Special Info: Down Time: In a attempt to reduce downtime between rounds, I am requesting that whomsoever wishes to trade guns and or swap yarns about modding guns or previous wars to either arrive early, or save such activities for lunch and the end of the day.

Special Info: Bandana: All attendees will be required to bring a bandana to be used for team identification. Any ripped up piece of fabric will do just as long as it is kept on your person for the entirety of the day. This should speed up the process of switching teams because all one will have to do is remove and pocket their bandana or vice versa.

Special Info: Lunch: Packing a lunch is recommended though there is a well equipped shopping center right across the street from us. There is a Chinese Joint, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and a Giant Eagle.

Special Info: House Rules: Being as this war will be held at an indoor location, and a church at that, it is to be expected that we have some house rules. They are as follows:

Respect – We will be nerfing in a place designed for worship, so I ask that you all respect the property. This is a no brainer and I know that I won’t have to worry about anyone punching holes in walls, breaking tables, etc.

Doors – In order to keep everyone in the allowed field of play we have a simple rule: Do not touch the doors. In other words, if a door is open, don’t close it, and vice versa

Allowed Weapons – When SCN was just starting out, the only place we ever nerfed was in this church. Because of this, as we started to modify more and more of our blasters we continued to use them in our little battle field. So basically anything flies in this location, besides the usual banned weaponry.

Special Info: Required equipment: Besides the bandana, you should also make sure to bring a flashlight that can be attached (taped) to your gun for a lowlight round requested by Solscud, a melee weapon for Swashbuckler’s Heaven, some stock weaponry for the zombies rounds, and of course your usual primary and secondary.

Game Types to be Played:

Deathmatch – 3/15, 5/0 (2 and/or 3 teams)

Heaven – Gunslingers, Swashbucklers

CTF – 2 flags 2 teams, Single Flag (2 or 3 teams)

Zombies – November POW! Variant, and possibly a scenario based round




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#261531 Recon Grenade Launcher Attatchment

Posted by princexbuster on 11 January 2010 - 08:14 PM in Modifications

2ks and mega missiles get similar if not identical ranges. Just an fyi. Also I am in the prosses of doing something like this with my megamav. For those of you who are wineing about scatter blasting, if you slap a 1&1/4 pvc coupler on there and get some pvc you can make four shot scatter barrels with cpvc. At least with thinwall it works. Im not saying I don't like this, infact most of my blastrers have some sort of attachment of fanciful thing.