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There have been 64 items by NinjaBob (Search limited from 20-January 97)

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#14658 $3.00 Mod: Gets 60 Ft!

Posted by NinjaBob on 19 December 2003 - 12:44 AM in Modifications

That looks pretty cool, reminsent of a SM750.

#17997 2004 Nerf Lineup

Posted by NinjaBob on 02 February 2004 - 11:17 PM in General Nerf

Well, it 'aint as though OMC and Talio are going to Lanard and spilling their guts out

Lanard is obviously researching nerf, how much you want to bet they've stumbled on this oh so humble site? But of coarse I could be wrong. :lol:

#15058 A-storm Troubles

Posted by NinjaBob on 25 December 2003 - 11:59 PM in Modifications

OK, I just got a busted A-storm the other day and now I think I mean parts and maybe some advice. The barrels won't rotate. I can hear this part in the pic slipping off http://www.villageph...selected=691348 . I don't know what to do or why its doing so. I've tried replacing that spring on it with a stronger one, but it still won't work. Any advice or someone with a broken A-storm they're willing to part with parts to please post or PM me.
PS- Thats Janga's pic not mine, thanks Janga.

#18384 Abs Pipe

Posted by NinjaBob on 07 February 2004 - 12:35 AM in General Nerf

I think it would work better for Homemades (such as air tanks and such) than a barrel. Im also pretty sure (this is my hardware store) it costs a little more than pvc, and doesn't come in small enough sizes for barrels.

I'm pretty sure ABS has a lower PSI rating, so PVC is much better for homemades.

#18291 Airtech 2k Cpvc

Posted by NinjaBob on 05 February 2004 - 08:21 PM in Modifications

How are your darts made? (weight, length, ect.)

#18306 Airtech 2k Cpvc

Posted by NinjaBob on 05 February 2004 - 09:13 PM in Modifications

Yeah, if your darts are to light then they'll flip flop out of your barrel.

#15984 An Interesting New Mod Site

Posted by NinjaBob on 07 January 2004 - 11:48 PM in Modifications

This is my new site where I plan on putting up all of my mods that I believe are original enough, and bring something to the NIC. Only mods that have something that really makes them stand out. I only have two mods up right now but that will change soon I hope given I can get my hands on a digital camera. Please check it out and give me some feed back. Oh, and make sure to look at my tricked out 5k. :wink:


#15987 An Interesting New Mod Site

Posted by NinjaBob on 08 January 2004 - 12:56 AM in Modifications

Impressive site. It's obvious that you put a lot of work into actually getting some content up there before telling everyone about it.

Not to detract from the above, cause I really do like the site, but spellcheck is your friend.

Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. But yeah, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to spelling. Just think and be horrified at what it would look like if I HADN'T spell checked at all.

#13994 At2k Vs. At3k I'm A Newbie

Posted by NinjaBob on 10 December 2003 - 12:39 PM in General Nerf

Well, they are both great gun, but and either one would make a fine primary. Although the 2k is much easier to mod. It can get better range than the 3k, but the 3k has much better ROF. If your new though I'd suggest a 2k, if your really inexperienced or stupid single barrel it, other wise 4 barrel it.

#15046 Brass Barreled Ss1

Posted by NinjaBob on 25 December 2003 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

That is almost exactly what I did to my ss1, I even cut off the case where you did. I liked it because I got ranges around 65 feet flat from waist high. I drilled out the end of the plunger tube and everything. I even told 2kmaster over at NHQ how to do it not to long ago.

#17671 Brass Barreling For Airjet Micros

Posted by NinjaBob on 31 January 2004 - 02:44 AM in Modifications

Why don't you want to use PVC?

#15869 Broken 1500

Posted by NinjaBob on 06 January 2004 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

Ok, your going to have to replace a tiny little o-ring inside of it I believe. I had to do this with a 2k. But first try to lubing the inside.

#16606 Broken Larami 1000

Posted by NinjaBob on 18 January 2004 - 01:34 AM in General Nerf

You could try building another trigger using the broken one for a pattern. You can buy plastic to do so online or at hobby shops. I recently had to do something like that on an arrow storm.

#15853 Busted Screw

Posted by NinjaBob on 06 January 2004 - 01:55 PM in Modifications

That won't work very well on most guns because it would be far to large to fit into the deep holes most screws on nerf guns are not on the surface of the case. Thats for like wood.

#9020 Can It Be Done?

Posted by NinjaBob on 01 September 2003 - 09:04 PM in Modifications

So, do they work for makeing home-mades?

#9016 Can It Be Done?

Posted by NinjaBob on 01 September 2003 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

It's used for aquariums, correct?

#14070 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by NinjaBob on 11 December 2003 - 07:41 AM in Modifications

Paper mache...now I think I've heard everything.

Got a new idea: Hardware cloth. Stuff is strong and easy to find.

Paper mache kicks ass, ok? :angry:

#13993 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by NinjaBob on 10 December 2003 - 12:22 PM in Modifications

Try paper-mashay (I think that is spelled right). You can use chicken wire for strength, then rap it in the paper-mashay. Glue or tape it in place and there you go.

#13999 Cracked X-bow Shell

Posted by NinjaBob on 10 December 2003 - 01:41 PM in Modifications

Paper mache? I dont think thats strong enough, even with the wire. Thanks though.

The stuff is atchualy very strong, but ok, it's your gun.

#15405 Electronice Gun?

Posted by NinjaBob on 01 January 2004 - 12:49 PM in Homemades

Most hobby shops will sell these pistons that could work for what your trying to do.

#17338 First Shot

Posted by NinjaBob on 27 January 2004 - 07:56 PM in Modifications

Ninja bob here and rags will tell you that.

...want to make a bet on that?

#8749 Give NH A New Tagline

Posted by NinjaBob on 26 August 2003 - 03:04 PM in Site Feedback

1. We're not antisocial because we nerf, we nerf because we're antisocial.
2. We can't afford paintball because we're to lazy for real jobs.
3. Nerf Haven, more flaming than at a gay pride parade.
4. Nerf Haven: The devil made me do it.
5. Nerf Haven: teaching adolescents how to curse.
6. Nerf Haven: Not related to Columbine.
7. Nerf Haven, bringing people of all types together ... geeks, and nerds alike.
8. Nerf Haven: Just because there grown men playing with toys doesn't mean there crazy ...... but there sure as hell not sane.
9. Nerf, coming out of the basements and moving into your face ... after adjusting to the light.
10. Nerf Haven: We're not crazy, we just twitch a lot.

#17672 Happy B-day Leftnut, Bitch

Posted by NinjaBob on 31 January 2004 - 03:33 AM in Off Topic

Welcome to another year in hell. Have fun :lol:

#16660 Help With 750 Leak

Posted by NinjaBob on 18 January 2004 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

There is a small O-ring around the pin inside the tank. It has either
A. It has dried up somewhat and you only have a small leak, and all you need to do is lube the O-ring up, and do so often to keep it from happening again.
B. The O-ring has ripped. You'll have to cut open the tank, and replace the O-ring. I've only done that on a 2k, and its not that hard, but the tank will leak again.
Those are the two major reasons for the their to be a leak, and the two known ways to fix it. I have had one other idea, but that has yet to be tested. That's where you lube up the pin REALLY well and then put silicone around where the pin leaves the tank. hopefully, the silicone will seal the leak, and the lube will keep the silicone from sticking to the pin so it'll still be able to move.

(edit- Most of what I said has alread been said while I was typing and forgot to hit the submit butten)

#16048 Jet Squadron

Posted by NinjaBob on 09 January 2004 - 01:09 PM in General Nerf

I really don't recomend the Cyclotron. If I were you, I'd just stick it out until the release of nerfs 04 line.

#16609 Lanard Copying Nerf?

Posted by NinjaBob on 18 January 2004 - 03:23 AM in General Nerf

Posted Image Is this what your talking about? If so its the Maximizer made by Matel (before it owned nerf I beleive)

#8576 Max Shot Mod

Posted by NinjaBob on 21 August 2003 - 08:14 PM in Modifications

I've done this mode already to my maxshot, but I haven't been getting great ranges, what is the average with a 6in. cpvc barrel?

#297300 Metal mayham

Posted by NinjaBob on 19 April 2011 - 08:02 AM in Off Topic

Hey folks. I kinda grew up on message boards. I spent a lot of time here and enjoyed the community (Props to the 'bama folks). Since then though I don't get to nerf much these days. I've become a metal worker, bladesmith and blacksmith. It's a lot of work but I really, really love it. I want to further my training, but for that I need a bit of notoriety. I hate to beg but I want each and every member here to <removed douchery> and just let me know what you think of my work. I hate the new site and miss all the great mods on the main page! I know you like to play it cranky CX bud but I hope you don't mind the shameless self promotion; I have a real passion for what I do and a lot of that comes from the creativity I learned in great communities like this.

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Thanks for taking a look guys n' gals

#15395 My New Modded At3k

Posted by NinjaBob on 01 January 2004 - 10:54 AM in Modifications

Your simply not understanding are you? You may have a flux in range, 4 feet more or less here or there. That doesn't matter if your spending 20 minuets reloading that thing. Also, if you wanted to do a tank expansion. Why didn't you do a reasonable sized one? I mean how the hell long is that thing again? Think of the air like water. You fill all that space up with water. You pull the trigger, it opens the valve, the water is now excepting. The pressure pushes the dart out of the barrel, that is what you wanted. Now what good is it if after that happens, water is still coming out of the barrel?

#15043 My New Modded At3k

Posted by NinjaBob on 25 December 2003 - 06:35 PM in Modifications

Well, you might want to replay that pump with a larger one to compensate. I think you have a good idea, but I think you went over bored with the size. Also, one of your barrels is bent.

#15045 My New Modded At3k

Posted by NinjaBob on 25 December 2003 - 06:55 PM in Modifications

Well, your either going to get the same results and need to pump more, or get worse results.

Why cant I get better results. Why does it always have to be worse. It could be better. :) this morning I tested how many pumps it took to fill up the tank and it took about 6.

Your crazy. Six pumps would never fill a piece of PVC that size. At least not with a stock pump. Are you sure you have air going into that tank? If you didn't punch a whole in that rubber piece in the goo meter then you wouldn't be getting air into the PVC.

#8578 Nerf Is In Danger!

Posted by NinjaBob on 21 August 2003 - 08:45 PM in General Nerf

Nef is far from dead. It's that simple.

#16562 Nerf Rad Teams

Posted by NinjaBob on 17 January 2004 - 02:14 PM in General Nerf

You know, I never thought about it. But yeah, civil war tactics would work really well. The South first started using concealed sharp shooters in the civil war. From that came the modern American losers.What can I say? I'm a proud rebel. And remember kiddies, it's heritage, not hate. ;)

#16651 Nerf Rad Teams

Posted by NinjaBob on 18 January 2004 - 08:32 PM in General Nerf

:rolleyes: I never said that losers didn't exsist in other countrys. I can't very well say that sharp shoots in the US civil war led to the divelopement of losers in other countrys now can I?

#17971 Nerfcenter, I Need Help

Posted by NinjaBob on 02 February 2004 - 09:39 PM in Off Topic

I'm waiting for a reply from an email to Andy before I send out any more copies of the NC site, sorry. If he gives me the go ahead then no problem other wise sorry. After all it is his content.

#17897 Nerfcenter, I Need Help

Posted by NinjaBob on 02 February 2004 - 01:01 AM in Off Topic

Well if anyone wants the site, I have almost (I say almost because theirs a small posibility I've missed something) the entire site downloaded onto my hard drive. If anyone wants it let me know.

#18001 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by NinjaBob on 02 February 2004 - 11:43 PM in Modifications

For most people if they push they're darts all the way down a CPVC barrel provides to much friction, you probably won't gain 10 feet from a 2 inch dart pressed down a 4 inch CPVC barrel. Chances are you'll lose 2 or 3 than with a dart blown back in brass or if the dart was just in the end of the CPVC.

#18206 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by NinjaBob on 05 February 2004 - 01:53 PM in Modifications

For most people if they push they're darts all the way down a CPVC barrel provides to much friction

Actually, you jsut have to find out which size cpvc is the best. For spring pistols, dont go over 6 inches. Depending on the power of the gun, and the type(air,spring...) you change the barrel length.

you probably won't gain 10 feet from a 2 inch dart pressed down a 4 inch CPVC barrel. Chances are you'll lose 2 or 3 than with a dart blown back in brass or if the dart was just in the end of the CPVC.

I had a 4 inch barrel on my tt, I gained 10 feet by rammming, and greatly reduced the velocity and accuracy of the dart.

Once, my brother just rammed a 7 inch cpvc barrel into his tt, with air restrictor in, no mods, shot, and he got the same ranges of a brass mod. Strange, how it was completely unmodded. Now imagine a 7 inch cpvc breech loader in a modded TTG...


No.. Just no. I really don't think your right. That simply makes no sense.

#18289 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by NinjaBob on 05 February 2004 - 08:16 PM in Modifications

Ok, well that does make more sense, but I still believe it to be untrue (regarding most all of your post, but most notably the thing with your brother and the 7 in. CPVC barrel). The only plausible way that I can think of as to what your saying could be true is this. Your foam fits perfectly into CPVC and it's very loose in brass. Or your brother must have had some insane amount of rubber bands and a very strong new spring added to the TTG. Even in both cases 7 inches is too long for the TTG, I'll give you it's a very powerful gun. But it has a small plunger tube. And if a darts has to travel through 7 inches of barrel that's as tight as CPVC is on most darts then it would have started to slow down in speed by the time it reaches the end of the barrel. Hell I'm surprised the dart left your brothers barrel. So now I ask you this, are you lying, mistaking, or just ignorant?

#18293 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by NinjaBob on 05 February 2004 - 08:26 PM in Modifications

[quote name='THIRST' date='Feb 2 2004, 12:19 PM'] [QUOTE]Since cpvc is a very tight fit, it works mucht the same way, except without getting bigegr, which is whyit is also a very good choice on guns such as a TTG or an NF. [/quote]
Oh, see that confused me. :rolleyes: