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There have been 229 items by themessiahpsg1 (Search limited from 18-January 97)

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#306499 HellaWeen Warfestravagasm 2011!

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 25 October 2011 - 08:21 AM in Nerf Wars

Loaded as in having a round in the chamber, or just having the weapon cocked?

#306458 HellaWeen Warfestravagasm 2011!

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 24 October 2011 - 01:06 PM in Nerf Wars

So, assuming your melee rules are airtight to those two options, gun taps are out of the question?

#99403 Hasbro Reveals Nerf N-strike Disk Shot (nerf Skeet Shooting)

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 06 February 2007 - 04:14 PM in General Nerf

Maybe it's go with the pro skeet tradition and use something like this:
God Forbid:

as for the actual trap, i fit isn't portable stock, just switch out the motor (if neccessary) and integrate it with a good-sized battery.

#153419 Grindin?

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 27 April 2008 - 01:29 PM in Off Topic

i can't remember exactly when rhythm was replaced with spastic fits.

#153431 Grindin?

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 27 April 2008 - 02:31 PM in Off Topic

not saying that dry-humping isn't fun, but clubs were built to DANCE in, not shag.

#108523 Future Nerf War Crime

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 31 May 2007 - 08:18 AM in Homemades

Two people calling somebody else a "dumb shit" have both misused the word "your".


all dumb shits.


to summarize everybody's opinion: Put your brain back in your head, by a Co2 powered rf20 (or magstrike if there is one), and give up this ludicrious, useless cannon idea. and when did your train of thought skip past paintball tanks?

son, you may be well on your way to acquiring a Bachelors in Failure.

(scuba tanks, wtflol.)

sorry for the 1337speak, but it seemed necessary.

#152900 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 24 April 2008 - 11:13 AM in Off Topic

(applause) I think we should all be grateful CaptainSlug is sharing his acumen and experience with us. just as I look up to my commanding officers, I believe we could all benefit from his knowledge, and see him not just as a senior member, but as a big brother of sorts.

not to be kissing ass or anything...

#155784 Fiction

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 14 May 2008 - 11:37 AM in Off Topic


This is a story I've been working on for some time now. I hope that you all will enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. I'm open to criticism and it's still a work in progress.

I'm looking forward to your reviews!

#155998 Fiction

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 16 May 2008 - 04:40 PM in Off Topic

What do you mean by class such and such?

well, the story got started back in my RP'ing days.

#155782 Favorite Older Computer Game.

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 14 May 2008 - 11:24 AM in Off Topic

Bungies 'Marathon' series.

Best fps ever.

#145518 Everyone Should See This, Mnsb War Recap

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 March 2008 - 09:03 AM in Nerf Wars

for ten points, who can tell me how much their big blast cost?

#145538 Everyone Should See This, Mnsb War Recap

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 March 2008 - 02:39 PM in Nerf Wars

venom, get the video from your sister to complete the recap.

videos are a must, at least someone thought to bring one.

#148535 Everyone Should See This, Mnsb War Recap

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 01 April 2008 - 08:19 AM in Nerf Wars

shit. i ship to AIT when school ends, june 5. i'll just rule MNNO, then.


#145448 Everyone Should See This, Mnsb War Recap

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 16 March 2008 - 06:29 PM in Nerf Wars

"I wonder what Messiah would be like if he didn't pretend he was in a combat zone?"

no different. i take what i get.

"Messiah, holy shit. This guy came to the war in full camo and decked out in guns. I had to chuckle to myself a bit upon seeing him. I don't think anyone took him seriously before the war actually started. This guy wasn't going to hit anything today. I couldn't have been more wrong. Call it military tactics, call it what you will. His dual longshots and maverick, both of which may hit 30-40 ft a shot, dominated most of us going up against him. Props to you."

That was wonderful, and just what i needed. that's going in my sig.


#146415 Everyone Should See This, Mnsb War Recap

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 23 March 2008 - 10:11 AM in Nerf Wars

-Ganging up on Messiah with all the vets
-Watching Messiah be completely ridiculous
-Seeing Messiah completely waist a full RF20 turret

I should have got the Rookie of the Month for that war, Bitch. <_<

that was a lot of fun though, thanks guys!

#89872 Don't Laugh

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 September 2006 - 02:54 PM in Site Feedback

Can anybody tell me what micro stefans are and wether or not they are a way of restoring shitty darts?

And yes, I'm a noob...

#102003 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 April 2007 - 07:02 PM in Darts and Barrels

what i do is convert all the non-longshot-capable darts int longshot-capable darts by taking of whatever headpiece already attached, glue in whatever fits(erasers, plastic bolts, thumbtacks B) , 6mm paint, airsoft, or bb's.), and, if need be, shorten the dart to my heart's content.

easy, cheap, tastes like chicken. ^_^

another thing i saw somewhere is reinforcing the dart with a straw. it kinda works.

#116533 Computer

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 July 2007 - 11:07 AM in Off Topic


Core 2 Duo (Merom) 2.33 GHz
2 GiB (2x 1 GiB) 667 MHz SDRAM
ATI Radeon X1600, 256 MiB VRAM (Not a gamer.)
1680 x 1050 LCD (Built-in)
250 GB HD
Dual-Layer DVD-RW

Et cetera.

(Please, no cross-platform flame wars.)

same, but tower model g5. bah.

#136868 Cloverfield...

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 22 January 2008 - 03:24 PM in Off Topic

it looks stupid, but i might see it this saturday. (cough godzill knockoff cough)

#107047 Clip Tek

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 22 May 2007 - 08:09 AM in General Nerf

Homefully, NERF will rip off the concept and bring us a smaller clip pistol, with reload clips separate.
I can only hope.

hopefully, it's mag will be interchangeable with the longshot's. now that would be cool.

#100528 Cheapest Homemade Ever!

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 27 February 2007 - 10:37 PM in Homemades

the kid may have been a bit lax in his grammatical skills, but y'all didn't have to shit all over his simple idea. what was wrong with it anyway? i build similar things in class out of old pens and mechanical pencils, and they work fine.

#100530 Cheapest Homemade Ever!

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 27 February 2007 - 10:57 PM in Homemades

yeah, you're right, I'm sorry.

#129078 Buzzbee Rfr

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 08 November 2007 - 11:00 AM in Modifications

i bought one of those buzzbee rfr's and the dirt pos broke on me. more specifically, it wouldn't cock. so i took it apart to find that something was connected to the trigger(release switch methinks) near the funky air piston.

who has one of these and can help me? shematics would be appreciated. pics would be orgasmic.

#129760 Buzzbee Rfr

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 15 November 2007 - 09:13 AM in Modifications

Put it back together and return it. If you decide to mod the next one you get, make sure to reinforce the catch.

any ideas on how to do that? i just got out of chemo and my head isn't working that well, so, enlighten me.

#178481 Brief Contact

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 September 2008 - 07:49 PM in General Nerf

Hey all you party people.

To the guy who dissed me at the start of this thread; it's okay, you didn't get the OP, that's alright.

To my comrades that slammed him down; thank you for your support, but kindness is a virtue. even us killers can be kind.

Anyway, yeah, basic was the shite. I went to Fort Jackson in putrid South Carolina during one of the highest recorded heat waves on record. Yay. I am currently training in Alabama, which is the same thing, but with hurricanes. double yay.

Funny story about nerfing on base: My drill sergeant, as a joke, woke up our platoons very own gomer pyle with a shot in the pills with a titan. I woke up, rolled out of bed laughing, then went back to sleep.

My graduation schedule is FUBAR, so I can only tell you i will be back before halloween (probably the 16-23rd?), nic-fits and all.

Hell yes, I will be at whatever war Venom is hosting.

So...Judging on the enthusiastic feedback, I'll be receiving Rookie Of The Year status when I return? :rolleyes:

Seriously, don't hesitate to call or text me, anybody, I'm dying of boredom! 612 845 7510

Until next time, This Is Tango-Hotel-Echo-Mike-Echo-Sierra-Sierra-India-Alpha-Hotel-Papa-Sierra-Golf-1

Over and Out.

#177095 Brief Contact

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 13 September 2008 - 01:38 PM in General Nerf

I'll be back (for a while at least) mid october, if I don't deploy immediately.

Did I miss anything?

text me at 612 845 7510

hope to pop out retirement soon.

#116733 Birthday

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 21 July 2007 - 10:29 PM in Nerf Wars

What was the point of posting this?

What is the point of this thread again?

fuckin' hell. nevermind and someone delete this. the birthday didn't even happen and i was interrupted mid- pos on the first post. i was gonna say; "anybody in the south paul area should come to this and ambush noobs on their way to the party" or something along those lines, but fuck it. it was a waste of time.

#116424 Birthday

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 July 2007 - 10:55 AM in Nerf Wars

my stepbrother is having a birthday bash ad nerf will be the theme, it will be kicking rad! and i am invited and i am finally presented with an opportunity to see my beauty in action.

#153974 Attention Newbies

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 April 2008 - 07:47 AM in Off Topic

Posted Image
on the left, a clip off .303 British for a Lee-Enfield.
on the right, a magazine.

there is a difference.

it seriously bugs the hell out of me when something is labeled what it is not.

class dismissed.

#153996 Attention Newbies

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 April 2008 - 11:23 AM in Off Topic

Point(s) taken.

however, about 'details'...

How can you say that details aren' important? Some kid made his recon to look like an M16a4, another, an m107 Barrett 'Light' .50. apparently, someone does care about detail.

Delete this thread please.

#101894 Asanine Ideas

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 06 April 2007 - 01:01 PM in Modifications

has anybody ever switched a NF's red led with a regular one for a built in flashlight? when i do this, i think i'll drill out the AA holes so i can fit a 9V in there. maybe even take that stupid focus lens out.

#102000 Asanine Ideas

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 April 2007 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

Yes, it's been done, in many, many ways. Make your own, then post about it.

you apparently didn't see the 'ideas' part up there in the topic title, meaning none of these ideas may come into fruition, and they are for laughs and the bored, but thanks showing me it's been done.
this weekend i tried my idea, but i fucked it up(as usual), and now I'm one NF short of a decent arsenal.

[quote name='sporkboyofjustice' post='101925' date='Apr 7 2007, 06:43 AM']
OK, how about integrating a fart machine into a blastfire so everytime you hit the blast button it lets out a huge fart?

this kind kind of stuff i want put in this thread; stupid ideas.
who knows? one may be actually cool.

[quote name='CaptainSlug' post='101938' date='Apr 7 2007, 11:16 AM']
And what an appropriate, if however misspelled, thread title.
1. foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid: It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements.[/quote]

i don't know how i missed that earlier.

mura: i just needed something stupid to do this weekend, hoping somebody would post something doable.

#221014 April 1st

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 01 April 2009 - 10:15 AM in News

Marry me! :lol:

#97413 An Idea For Hasbro.

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 December 2006 - 02:52 PM in General Nerf

[quote name='Cmdrmack' date='Dec 13 2006, 07:55 PM' post='96473']
[quote name='agentM192' date='Dec 13 2006, 09:50 PM' post='96467']
[quote name='AssassinNF' date='Dec 13 2006, 03:37 PM' post='96444']
[quote name='Cthulhu' post='96372' date='Dec 12 2006, 08:40 PM']
Another good idea would be a clip fed pistol. :angry:
Posted Image
Just with darts.

The grip of a pistol is too small for Nerf Darts, it would have to be stored in a forward compartment.

Something along these lines perhaps:

Posted Image

The bolt would be similar to the slider on a maverick, scout, or crossfire, but you'd push it forward to chamber the round. It'd have to be at least the size of a maverick, but if they could get it to have interchangeable clips with the Longshot it'd sell like hotcakes.

something like the Storm LS-2, eh?
i LOVE that gun...
i only need two to wreak hell...
btw, you can get extended magazines for these...

#116753 A New Ls Modification.

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 21 July 2007 - 11:42 PM in Modifications

the most kickin' rad integration yet. 2 kudos to you.

#139775 A Cheap And Easy Mod To Make Streamlines Accurate!

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 12 February 2008 - 05:37 PM in Modifications

I just take .20g airsoft BBs and squeeze them through the airhole in the tip, no glue necessary.
i also just bought a recon.

#254024 34th Light Combat Battalion Recruiting

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2009 - 11:25 PM in General Nerf

You are a great guy to Nerf with. I can see where the appeal to this is, but truth be told, its Nerf. You will never have guns accurate enough, or that shoot fast enough to make actual "training" applicable. Bullets are hard to dodge, so the goal is to kill an enemy before they fire. Nerf, on the otherhand, is really easy to dodge.

It would be like sending the National Guard after Neo from the Matrix... It might work, but it seems like it would take a while.

Although, I may be totally wrong. I'd like for your Nerf crew to come to an NIC war. I want to see what you guys can do.

What is this NIC you speak of?

#254026 34th Light Combat Battalion Recruiting

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2009 - 11:33 PM in General Nerf

This is nerf: we don't conduct "operations", we don't play in "theaters", we don't "train", we don't have military rankings, we don't use "squad tactics", and we don't wear all camo. This is nerf, not the fucking military.

First of all, read this.

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.

Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.

Unless you know what it means to live and die by these six stanzas, MegaMouse, you can shut your shit-cave.

I regret to say that the military has taken over every aspect of my life, especially my hobbies, so if you feel that it's too much for you, leave it be. Simple as that.

#253941 34th Light Combat Battalion Recruiting

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2009 - 01:02 PM in General Nerf

I have formed a nerf group that will either host or attend operations in the surrounding areas of St. Paul, mostly between Inver Grove Heights and North St. Paul, so, a fairly wide theater. We are about 17 members strong thus far, and are always recruiting. If you find that you are interested in joining us, click here to be directed to our Facebook Page.

This isn't recruiting for any branch of the United States Armed Forces. The group has been designated that because I want it that way, seeing as I train every one of my members in the ways of the Army Ranger as applied to nerf: squad and team-based tactics, improvised cover and concealment, so on and so forth.

I'll take any questions through PM.

#253963 34th Light Combat Battalion Recruiting

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2009 - 05:44 PM in General Nerf

I like to have things structured.