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#262552 Big Bad Bow, Rapid Fire20, Rapid Fire20

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 January 2010 - 08:13 PM in Modifications

Dear god, what has science done?

#261776 Lanard Shotgun Petg

Posted by Pearson2 on 14 January 2010 - 04:37 AM in Modifications

How is your rotating mech not skipping or only going half way? I added a Rapid Fire shotgun spring plus added a coupler inside of the plunger tube (decreasing the volume thereby making the spring compress more) and my rotating mech is giving me a heck of a time. It never lines up properly anymore.

Also how did you add a BBB spring to the gun? I was going to do that as well only to learn that the spring inside of the gun is pretty much identical to a BBB spring.

#259623 Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju!

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 December 2009 - 01:21 AM in Modifications

Looks really sweet. 20 shots with a BBBB without reloading? Sweet. Plus my main comment on this gun is it looks extremly clean. Very well done.

#258293 Range Results

Posted by Pearson2 on 07 December 2009 - 03:07 PM in General Nerf

One footnore to SGM's excellent summary: physically measure your shots, ideally with a 100' tape. Don't pace off the distance and expect any kind of accuracy. Most range reports that have turned out to be wrong have been estimated measurements.

There actually is a way to accuratly determine range with paces but you have to do a long complicated test called your 'pace factor'. It was required at the natural resource school that I went to for people who are doing things like forest fire fighting or other things where you neeed to figure out a few kilometers. If you have a 100 foot meauring tape though use it.

#257281 Ballzooka Mp150

Posted by Pearson2 on 26 November 2009 - 03:08 AM in Modifications

I will give credit where this is due this gun is beyond sweet.

But almost 9 pounds? Shit, you'll be ripped after a few wars of wielding that thing.

#257280 The Road To Apoc.

Posted by Pearson2 on 26 November 2009 - 03:02 AM in General Nerf

Seriously though, why is there a coffee table full of junk food without explanation in the middle of the video? All I can come up with is that they don't have that stuff in Canada, but that just sounds ridiculous. That would be like if you told us they don't have White Castle in Canada.

We don't have White Castle in Canada. *tear*

#255352 Lb Pump Relocation

Posted by Pearson2 on 04 November 2009 - 11:53 PM in Modifications

My one concern with this mod is wear and tear over time. The pump looks cool but after coninued stress from pumping and moving the pumping arm I can see the Mighty Putty breaking off.

#245237 Executive Marshmallow Blaster Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 02 August 2009 - 09:27 PM in Modifications

I must say the stock gun has a really nice look to it and any mod that can shoot 100 ft is always worth its weight. Maybe its just me but that long handle screams 'integration.'

#236041 The Massacre 4 Videos

Posted by Pearson2 on 13 June 2009 - 05:40 PM in Nerf Wars

These videos make me want to drive back to toronto for the next wars. I always forget how much I miss this until I see the videos. Lots of good memories and quite a few times I laughed while watching them. (A few people in the internet cafe thought I was crazy.)

#232426 Bbbb Help

Posted by Pearson2 on 25 May 2009 - 01:19 PM in Modifications

I was thinking either an Angel breech through the barrel with a clip, possibly a gravity clip (though I would never do it due to constant jamming) or my personal favorite, the MRT upgrade which would fit nicely on a big blast.

Personally though I never liked the ROF of a big blast due to all the pumping needed before shooting.

#232041 An Open Letter To New Posters And Anyone On The Waiting List!

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 May 2009 - 01:22 PM in General Nerf

Seeing as the problem lies mainly in bad topics, what if we only give the ability to post topics to people who have been here for six months or so?

No offense, but I think that is a horrible idea. My first post on Nerfhaven was a mod that no one had ever done before to their PAS. If I had to wait an additional 6 months after being validated to be able to post it I probably would have told myself to forget about it and would have moved on. I've seen a lot of quality first topics from newer people. There are just a few that are downright horrible.

#231523 Scarborough Area Nerf War (canada) Or Scano

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 May 2009 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm still probabally a no which is a shame because I love smaller wars. We'll see though.

#231368 Hinged Double Barrel Pump Action Shotgun

Posted by Pearson2 on 19 May 2009 - 06:42 PM in Modifications

Long had a dreamed of a PAS that could be flipped down to be loaded. Even longer had I dreamed of a double barrel PAS and you made both. Is there a writeup anywhere? This gun out and out rocks.

#231282 A Short Story.

Posted by Pearson2 on 19 May 2009 - 01:56 PM in General Nerf

I have Suggestions as well

- Do paint it
- Do mod it.

Guys this is FA24 we are taking about with this gun here. You know if he's going to mod it and he's going to paint it that its going to be nothing short of Effeminate. As a stock gun this thing is a dream, once FA gets done with it I'm sure it will be something we will all be seeing in our nightmares.

I'm COMPLETELY against that statement. Answer me this if you would, if you found one of those for sale near you and you bought it, would you mod it? And if he really wanted to mod it, he could just use a SM5K for the same results and let it get banned again. Is that what you really want?

If I found one of these guns I probabally wouldn't touch it because I know I would F it up. And not in a good way. I'd give it to angel to mod for me. :) I'm not really much of a collector though. A sweet primary I would take any day over a collectors item.

#231140 A Short Story.

Posted by Pearson2 on 18 May 2009 - 06:04 PM in General Nerf

I have Suggestions as well

- Do paint it
- Do mod it.

Guys this is FA24 we are taking about with this gun here. You know if he's going to mod it and he's going to paint it that its going to be nothing short of Effeminate. As a stock gun this thing is a dream, once FA gets done with it I'm sure it will be something we will all be seeing in our nightmares.

#231078 Scarborough Area Nerf War (canada) Or Scano

Posted by Pearson2 on 18 May 2009 - 02:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be a maybe regardless of the date. All depends when I have off from work and what else is going on.

#230001 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 13 May 2009 - 02:18 PM in Nerf Wars

I have pics now too!

Posted Image

More to come later...

This pic is beyond Effeminate. Quite possibly the coolest pic ever. The beauty too is that with the proper blocking it looks like Mike is pulling off a chris angel and is hovering above everyone else. Of course that's why we had to shoot him.

Glint you were pretty good at your first war but either through odd teaming or bad luck I didn't see you much at the first war. This war it seemed every time I turned or had the camera on you were doing some badass killing or gunning people down. Not an insult to the first war you were in just a testament to how good you were at this one.

#229412 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 10 May 2009 - 04:47 PM in Nerf Wars

- Defend the core was awesome. Am I the only person who rushes the other team when they're rushing us?

That was one of my favorite rounds. No one expects to be rushed by a defending team. By doing that I was able to sneak up on SGM and get a kill on him as well as my 4 kill rush which involved shot, barrel tap, barrel tap, shot.

#229261 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 09 May 2009 - 08:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I know this will be an ongoing post as I always forget stuff. As always massacre was a lot of fun and lived up to, and surpassed the hype.


- BoneRiot (aka afro thunder) and I got the bad blood out by shooting each other a bajillion times. (really there was no bad blood but you would never know it the way we seemed to have it out for each other each round)
- I was one of the few who hit the reactor, but paid the price dearly for it
- Eliminating both FA and Crooked from the Wingman tag team title tournament
- My debut as camera man which turned into devils advocate as I did more trying to talk people into rushing then anything else
- Crooked's incredible leap over the barricade, yes he missed but it was one of the coolest moves I've ever seen
- Watching K-10, afro thunder, glint, grimbsby pops and kid, and quite a few other who I can't remember right now evolve from newbs at the last war to deadly killing machines at this war. There were never any sure shots and everyone was dangerous which made for even teams and a lot of fun.
- Making a few over the barricade kills, and more then a few rush kills.
- Vanilla coke and cherry pepsi. Are there better words in the English language?
- Chocolate doughnuts with SGM. Plus a lot of good people to talk to in between rounds. Always good company.
- The barricades took a beating. I know that probably doesn't go well for FA and Fester but watching people plow into them was hilarious.


- Missed the over the barricade kill on Crooked. I probably jinxed myself by saying BOO-YA CHAKA while performing it.
- Performing a rush that a picked off probably 3 or 4 people only to come back and have K-9 (who was on my team) fire of volley of about 7 head shots off of me. Doh!
- There were a few hits that I made the people didn't take. This isn't a huge deal because in the heat of the game people don't feel it and its hard to hear someone 30-40 feet away it just always stinks to see a nice hit and not have it count.
- My first two rounds I lasted a grand total of a minute and 24 seconds. To cap this off, the second round I was standing behind a barricade when a lob shot came over and nicked me in the finger. Also Doh!
- K-10's big blast scatter cannon that I made for him had the trigger break on the first shot. That gun is cursed.
- The Cardiac Kid didn't show. Again.
- This might be my last war for about 3 months (though I really hope not.)

Really all of the cons are laughable and memorable (really making them more like pro's). I can't think of a better way to spend and afternoon and for all of you who came out and made it possible I say thank you.

Points of interest

- Glint, Mike and I actually were going to present you with the Tag titles after the clean up, we didn't realize you had already left. Sadly this will have to be postponed until the next war at which you will have to defend them. We didn't really have time in between rounds sadly to present them to you.

- Defending the core was as close to the feeling of impending doom that I ever want to be. We were hopelessly outnumbered, 12-15 of us were pinned down behind 3 barricades trying to hide the onslaught of bullets (that were oddly all targeting us rather then the core) I asked Mike how we were doing to have him inform me we still had 3 minutes left, knowing that regardless of what I did I was going to get hit (which I often did) only to re-spawn and do it all over again. There were a few times I wanted to say to the attackers "Here. Take the Core. I don't want it anymore. Its not worth it."

#228762 Problem With Dart Making

Posted by Pearson2 on 07 May 2009 - 09:09 AM in Modifications

Also, hot glue tends to be expensive.

I usually pick up 15 - 20 glue sticks at the dollar store for $1.14 after taxes. I wouldn't really call that expensive.

#228030 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 03 May 2009 - 10:28 PM in Nerf Wars

I have heard from FA24 that a lot of people have been asking him about PETG. I can bring something like 30-35 feet to the war if anyone needs it. PM me with requests, first come, first serve. Be forewarned I'm charging $1 a foot, if you don't like it don't PM me.

#225472 Pas Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 24 April 2009 - 02:11 PM in Modifications

thanks guys, I just hope its strong enough to survive VALHALLA without snapping off and leaving me with a very uncomfortable PAS pistol.

The rearload was not as great of an idea as I had foreseen because of its weight but I have hopes. Plus its damn hard to make a triangle that works in every position and still fits over the PAS for loading.


Weight can be a problem for a mod like that, my MRT that I added to the front of my PAS is still quite heavy even with the modifications that angel and I made to it. I say its good exercise though. Maybe if I use it the entire summer I'll be in as good shape as forsaken angel. :D

#225402 Pas Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 April 2009 - 11:30 PM in Modifications

I can never understand the silencing, forget sneaking around. I want my enemies to know I'm coming.

#225365 Pas Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 April 2009 - 09:09 PM in Modifications

Nice job. Also how are people getting these low ID springs on the plunger rod I can't figure it out.

What can't you figure out shrub? you've put a key on a keyring before haven't you? Just don't pinch your fingers.

alextwin007, I like your grip... It looks just like mine.

Posted Image

Is that a tri-barrel rear load on the front of your PAS? That looks sweet.

#225364 The Cyclops

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 April 2009 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

Wow. This gun is truly a thing of beauty. Remind me not to enter the mod competition, I don't think I can beat this.

By the way, I think I want to make one.

#225362 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 23 April 2009 - 09:04 PM in Nerf Wars

As much as I got owned by CNP last nerf war, Nerfmomma is the one I'm fearing, she always managed to plug me right between the shoulder blades time and time again.

I say its a good arguement, losing vs being able to rush, realistically in my opinion neither one is better then the other but it just depends on your play style. Is it fair to ask someone who can't run to save themselves to rush more and try and get in and get out like CNP has down to a science? Probably not. That doesn't mean that losers can't push the action, personally there are times when I love walking right in the middle of a heated battle field firing off shots, trying to pick people off.

At the same time should someone like crooked, who can't hit the broad side of a barn from 6 ft in front of him try to pick people off? Probably not. Its all about what works for you.

Judging from what I saw boneriot do at the last war I'm guessing he plans on doing a lot of rushing and running around but maybe, from what he said, with a singled gun or something that has a slow reload time.

We've all met each other and know we are all good guys, nothing wrong with arguments as long as they don't turn into flame fests.

#225162 Pas Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 09:00 PM in Modifications

It has to be the FBR then. Even with the crummy stuff I picked up at Rona they still don't slip out of my brass barrels once I've added tightening rods. The stuff that I've picked up off of Forsaken-Angel works fantastic for that.

I had forgotten to mention earlier but this mod looks great. I'm always a fan of PAS mods as it is probabally my favourite primary based on looks and effectiveness. Would love to see this mod in action.

#225145 Pas Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 08:11 PM in Modifications

Even with the tightening rings in the brass the darts still fall out? Thats unfortunate. If you don't mind me asking where do you get your FBR that you use for darts?

#225130 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Would anyone happen to be passing through scarborough area (specifically the Birchmount and Lawrence area) on route to Massacre 4. I really want to go but I have no means of transportation to get to ajax. Pm me if anyone wishes to offer a ride.



I won't speak for crooked but he and I are coming through that way we might be able to pull somthing off. The reason why I say 'might' right now is because there is a possibility we may have 2 completally packed cars if all goes well. Send me a PM when we get closer and I'll be able to let you know.

#225109 The Cyclops

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 07:17 PM in Modifications

Wow, I don't know where to begin with how much I love this mod.

It looks clean, if I didn't know any better I would think you could buy this in stores.

A 100 ft firing pistol is one that is actually deserving of being a sidearm, I would keep one of these loaded in my pocket or hanging of my belt at all times as a reliable backup.

I may have to try and make one of these. Extremly well done piece of work.

Oh before I forget, did you plug the AT3K tank?

#224995 Melee Madness

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 01:28 PM in Modifications

Oh oh and if you "barrel tap" anyone and they say "Is your barrel loaded?" You can say "Are you serious? I just hit you with an axe."

#224980 Melee Madness

Posted by Pearson2 on 22 April 2009 - 08:27 AM in Modifications

Now this is cool. It looks awesome plus it looks like it would be a lot of fun to yield at a war. Well done.

#224921 Yet Another Bbb

Posted by Pearson2 on 21 April 2009 - 09:14 PM in Modifications

How long is your barrel? When I was working on my Bbb with FA24 a couple of weeks ago he told me that making a barrel for a Bbb over 8 inches was a bad idea due to the fact that it just dosen't have the power to do all that pushing and still maintain a powerful release.

This may be kinda hard to do at this point in time depending on how high up the gun your second tube is.

#224837 General Blow Gun Stuff

Posted by Pearson2 on 21 April 2009 - 06:53 PM in Homemades

this is my first post on Nerf haven, and i might as well introduce myself.
my name is Jonathan, but you can call me whatever you want. i am relatively
new to Nerf.I've been Nerfing about 2 years, and I've hasted 1 war( a total disaster!).

I have been making blowguns that fit micros for a little over 3 years, and i have finally found a cheap,
effective design, that i will not disclose hear due to copyright issues.

the barrel length, however, is forty inches, and other ones with a different barrel length don't perform nearly as well.

Impressive young one. i's, hear instead of here, hasted instead of hosted. And a blowgun so awesome it's a secret. And copyrighted? Oh no, if I build the same thing I might get sued by the PVC Gestapo. Good thing you made a topic about it and didn't reveal your secret plans.

Its easy to make godly weapons of mass destruction when you don't have to post a write up or photos of it.

Speaking of which, let me tell you about my NF that gets over 300 ft.

#224665 Massacre #4 (terminus)

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 April 2009 - 10:52 PM in Nerf Wars

You may want to get more tarps if 50 people show up.
I remember points at the last massacre where I was behind a single durofoam bunker with 3 other people.

That's because some people at the last war felt the best strategy was to camp and try to make the perfect shot.

As crooked would put it, "This strategy is called 'lets hide behind the green tarp, and try not to get shot.'"

#224663 New Buzz Bee Double Shot Mod

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 April 2009 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

I was hoping this would show me how to make the double shot fire more then 4 ft. :(

I'm just kidding by the way. Very nicely done. I've done that before with a nightfinder before with good results.

#224588 My Cheapbow!

Posted by Pearson2 on 20 April 2009 - 05:50 PM in Modifications

Ha I love it. The beautiful thing is 80 ft is plenty powerful but if I were to be shot by a exercise ball pump in a war I'd probabally still hang my head in shame as I walked off the field. Bonus points for that.

#224458 The Man With The Golden Gun

Posted by Pearson2 on 19 April 2009 - 09:02 PM in Modifications

The paint job is definatally bad ass. Don't know if I would use it for an outdoor war though, the police may take an interest if you know what I mean.

#224005 Peasant's Guru

Posted by Pearson2 on 16 April 2009 - 06:04 PM in Modifications

Well done. You certainly have set the bar high for the competition. I love how clean the mod looks as well.

#223780 Titan Shotgun With 3k

Posted by Pearson2 on 15 April 2009 - 01:10 PM in Modifications

Now that is one cool gun, very impressive. That's just me being an idiot.