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#100900 The Art Of Stealth

Posted by Enigma1313 on 07 March 2007 - 06:43 PM in General Nerf

An overall good article, if I do say so myself...and I do.

However, being familiar with the field of stealth myself, mainly from being the best hide-and-go seek player on the block in my younger days, I feel you missed a key component of stealth - Motion.

Like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park, humans see motion far, far easier than they do a still target. Why is this useful? If you're moving across open ground and your opponent's scanning, if you freeze before their vision passes over you, and stay still long enough, you will go undetected. Granted, this doesnt work well in the daytime, or if they are specifically looking for you, or if you're somewhat close, but it does come in handy, particularly in night wars, or where you won't be skylined.

Just thought I'd throw that in there.

#100781 Nerf N-strike Disk Shot Pics

Posted by Enigma1313 on 04 March 2007 - 05:48 PM in General Nerf

I think that was the point, tho. They're trying to build a sort of image. It's the same reason all their N-Strike stuff looks the same and their dart tag stuff and the new ball blaster stuff all have a similar motif.

#97716 Buzzsaw Review With Pictures And Internals

Posted by Enigma1313 on 04 January 2007 - 07:52 PM in General Nerf

Being the lover of Ball Guns that I am...I may very well have to pick one of these up. It looks like an intersting design. But I'm confused: so you pull the thing in back, pull the trigger, and thats it? Like, could someone explain the firing process?

#97157 Rc2 Pump Shotgun Pics

Posted by Enigma1313 on 26 December 2006 - 12:04 AM in Modifications

Nicely done, nicely done. That thing looks downright awesome. I love that barrel assembly at the front end...do you have to rotate it manually, or does it rotate with the pump?

#96447 Double Shots At K-b Toys

Posted by Enigma1313 on 13 December 2006 - 06:51 PM in General Nerf

If this has already been talked about, could a mod please close it? Thanks.

Anyways, I was walking through my local K-B in search of Lego sets(which they were almost clean out of) and whatever other toy deals I could find, feeling very awkward the whole time due to the fact I'm 16. So then, to my sureprise I spot a bunch of Double Shots, and was in awe for a bit, for ever since my (21 year old) brother broke mine, I'd been searching all over for a new one. Thus, I picked one up.
Upon getting home, I opened it, and immediately realized a few differences from my old one upon playing with it for a few minutes. The gun itself has a few changes, including what appears to be a stronger spring, and different colored little pieces, like the little tabs that hold the shells in when the gun is open. The big surprise, however, came in the shells. Unlike the ones that came with my old Double Shot, these have what seems to be a spring-loaded o-ring in the bottom of the shell that is pushed down when you push the dart in. It seems to create a great seal. Without a doubt, I'm going to have to go pick up at least one more of these, if only to ship one or two to Direct Threat to get painted. Has anyone else seen these new Double Shots near them, or these new Buzz Bee shells?

#96052 N-strike Designations

Posted by Enigma1313 on 06 December 2006 - 07:43 PM in General Nerf

Also a thought, the E and I in EX and IX could mean external and internal plunger, or something like that, since the scout has a reverse plunger and the NF has a regular plunger.

I wonder how a DTG/Magstrike would be designated...

Hmm...a logical thought. Perhaps the Letters are not Dart Storage, but rather, how the gun works or whats special about it.

As for the DTG/Magstrike.
In light of what you just said, if they made an N-Strike DTG, it'd probably be IX-10 or something. As for an N-Strike Magstrike, it'd probably be either an AS-(however many darts), or a new designation for the Mag, like MS-(however many darts).

I dont own a Magstrike, and dont know much about it as yall can tell.

#95993 N-strike Designations

Posted by Enigma1313 on 05 December 2006 - 09:52 PM in General Nerf

Back on topic and to prevent this from becoming a flamefest...

Yea, I was thinking the "X" is indeed just filler, kinda like Tx and Rx are Transmit and Recieve in the networking world, yet neither word has an x in it. So I guess "Internal" would make sense for IX considering you do pretty much shove the darts into the gun itself to store them, rather than in some kind of outside bracing device like on the NF. And the "AS", now that yall bring it up, most likely has something to do with Air, considering the Hornet and Titan are afterall the only two in the N-Strike line that operate on pressurized air rather than a plunger-and-tube.
As for the V, with no disrespect to nerfer34, I find it highly unlikely that it means "Version," for the simple reason that you normally dont call the first iteration of something "One" (unless you're Pokemon: The First Movie). I mean, the first Rocky movie wasn't called "Rocky I", it was simply called "Rocky." The Spyy Radian Mk. II is the re-iteration of the Spyy Radian (yo-yos, for those who dont know). "Variation" seems to be a sensical meaning for V to me.

#95914 Snowstorms

Posted by Enigma1313 on 04 December 2006 - 09:21 PM in Off Topic

Yea...snowed for a solid 4 hours today...stuff was coming down, too. We got about 4 inches now. And off I go to shovel before bed. :(

#95857 Online Fps's And Tps's

Posted by Enigma1313 on 03 December 2006 - 09:40 PM in Off Topic

Yeah...enough about the whole insulting each other's mothers and making clearly empty death threats to people you have never even met face to face. Seriously...it's pretty rediculous, getting all riled up from people you know solely from a forum. So that's the end of it.*

As for what I play online, I personally am a huge Soldat fan, regardless of what yall may think, and I can sometimes be found playing Halo PC or Tribes: Vengeance. Catch me on Xfire sometime at enigma1313

#95795 N-strike Designations

Posted by Enigma1313 on 03 December 2006 - 12:35 PM in General Nerf

Ya ever notice how the N-Strike Designations are a bit more than mere random letters and numbers? I was thinking about it for a while, and I realized this. The letters are how the gun holds its darts, and the number is how many darts it holds. For example:

NiteFinder EX-3
External Storage, 3 Dart Capacity.

Maverick REV-6
Revolver Storage, 6-Dart Capacity

Firefly REV-8
Revolver Storage, 8-Dart Capacity

Longshot CS-6
Clip System Storage, 6-Dart Capacity(per clip)

The only ones I haven't been able to figure out were those of the N-Strike Unity System, Titan AS-V.1, Hornet AS-6, and Scout IX-3. The dart capacity numbers are still present and still make sense, but the letter designations don't.
So I was just wondering if you guys have ever noticed all this stuff. I personally find it pretty cool.

#95783 Christmas List 2006

Posted by Enigma1313 on 02 December 2006 - 11:54 PM in Off Topic

My list is rather humble, I guess. Not much, but what I do have on it costs a bit.

1. MP3 Player of Some sort. Ipod would be really nice, but I'd settle for anything with at least a gig of storage space.
2. New CD Player - my old one broke and the bass boost can't turn on, so it's pretty much useless.
3. Splinter Cell : Double Agent (Xbox)
4. Smart Parts Ion Paintball Marker
5. Turntables, Mixer, Power Amp, and 2 nice speakers. Yea, thats probably not gonna happen this xmas.
6. Cash, for random stuff including but not limited to: New Paintball Goggles and Hopper, Nerf Stuff, Clothes I want, Heroclix, Comics, Yo-Yos and Shims, etc.

Yup...not much, but like I said, half of those six items cost in the 200 and up range. I'd be satisfied with any 2 of the above items however...or just one if its the turntable setup.

#95781 Cwc-mav And Bloodstaind Nf Paintjobs

Posted by Enigma1313 on 02 December 2006 - 11:31 PM in Modifications

Definitely Digging the black Mav. The yellow Nerf Highlight makes it look simply amazing. And yea, it definitely does scream Batman. As for the NiteFinder, I personally like it. As for whether or not it looks like true blood staining, i dunno, considering I've never seen a truly blood stained anything first hand, but it does look quite slick.

#88912 New Longshot Mod/integration

Posted by Enigma1313 on 03 September 2006 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

That right there is an incredibly smooth, incredibly clean, good-looking and, most importantly, a highly effective integration. I love the bulk it adds to the front of the gun. As for a name, I'm suggesting something large and powerful, like Aries or some other God name.

#88411 Sooo Who Are You?

Posted by Enigma1313 on 27 August 2006 - 10:58 AM in Off Topic

Can't stand emo kids.

I don't really think anyone can...I mean, they can hardly stand themselves, if ya know what I'm saying. Anyways, I see myself in a demographic I prefer to call "R-Class" for Revolution Class. Pretty much just a bunch of Average Joes who just live life as one should...not emotionally, richly, or angrily...just living life. Some of us do sports, some don't. Some are at the top of the class, whilesome are at the bottom. We're not wildly popular, but we know people. Overall, we're just living life in a relaxed, laid back manner.

#87673 Comics Who Likes Them!

Posted by Enigma1313 on 16 August 2006 - 08:45 PM in Off Topic

Wow...It's about time someone makes a Topic about this. Comic books are something I hold near to my heart.

Now, the only on-going comic I read regulary is Batman. And now that they've found a new art team in Morrison and Kubert, I think it's only gonna get better, although Bats is supposedly going to start taking a lighter tone as a comic overall.
Other than Batman, I'm big on One Shots and Mini-series. Team Zero was a favorite, and the original 89 page Countdown to Infinite Crisis One-Shot is one of the best written comics of recent years.

Again, thanks for starting the topic.

#87383 How Fast Can You Run A Mile?

Posted by Enigma1313 on 14 August 2006 - 01:34 PM in Off Topic

Yeah, my best is 6:55. Not too fast, but it gets me through the cross country season

#84635 Boltsniper Bs-9 Nerf Tactical Sidearm

Posted by Enigma1313 on 09 July 2006 - 03:47 PM in Homemades

Bolt, ye are truly a god among men. No mere mortal can engineer weapons of foam destruction the way you can. Ye have earned yeself a place on Enigma's list of heroes, right below Sean Connery and directly above Papa Smurf...a highly honorable slot indeed.

#84416 Js-super Ammo Factory Kit

Posted by Enigma1313 on 05 July 2006 - 10:40 PM in Homemades

What would probably work, as it wouldn't require as much SA to cure, and wouldn't have bubbles if done correctly, is some kind of ultra-litghweight clay, or some sculpting material. The only problem is that I don't think there is a material that is light enough to do this with, as clay would be much too heavy to use as dart material.

Hmm...this got me thinking...it might be a bit resistant...but how about that Crayola Model Magic stuff? I've fooled around with it, and its light, airtight, and clay-like...perhaps its worth a try.

#83454 Good Online Multiplayer Games (in Search Of)

Posted by Enigma1313 on 19 June 2006 - 09:32 AM in Off Topic


In the realm of shooters, I'd go with Soldat (www.soldat.pl). This game is held very near and dear to my heart, and provides some of the most frantic fun since Quake III. Gunz:The Duel and America's Army are great as well, but they may take a while to download.

Lately, however, a little game called Puzzle Pirates has dragged me in. It can be found at miniclip.com, and is a MMOG, casting you as a lowly pirate working on crews solving various tetris- and collapse-esque puzzles in hopes of someday becoming a captain of your own vessel. Check it out.

#82412 Memorial Day

Posted by Enigma1313 on 27 May 2006 - 10:21 PM in Off Topic

As it does me. I mean, our guys are over there, defending the very freedom we have to bash their actions overseas. Kind of ironic, is it not? I have a brother who has been to the Middle East 3 Times now, and I've come to realize that my rights came at avery high price, a price that only gets higher each day. So remember, before you go and hate on the military, stop and remember that many servicemen died just so you could have the very freedom to publicly voice your opinion.

#82122 Nerf War/assassins On Fox9

Posted by Enigma1313 on 20 May 2006 - 05:59 PM in General Nerf

I rather enjoyed that report. Showed the sport of nerf in a somewhat un-biased light, and got both sides of the issue out there. I just wish I could get a game going in my area. I also found it awkward how it was 5 minutes about Nerf and it ends with "Scientists find a possible cure for cancer."

#81782 Nightfinder Ex3 Custom A Must See

Posted by Enigma1313 on 13 May 2006 - 09:12 PM in Modifications

Look closer...there's a little metal rod connected to the turret under the barrel. Thus, I presume you fire, pull the turret forward, rotate, and replace.

#81779 Nightfinder Ex3 Custom A Must See

Posted by Enigma1313 on 13 May 2006 - 09:05 PM in Modifications

Whats the point of the turret?

Ummm...I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that it's meant to increase ROF. Rather than having to manually put a dart in the barrel, one can now merely twist, the turret, a far-faster and less accident-prone method. Anyways, nicely and cleanly done mod. I like the stock you threw on there, too.

#81575 A.b.p

Posted by Enigma1313 on 09 May 2006 - 04:38 PM in Homemades

Wow..your designs are truly awe-inspiring. Though I am as unexperienced as one can be in the homemade realm, this design is so comprehensibly genius, it deserves the title "Comprehensively Genius." I'd really like to see this thing come to fruit, for I believe it could have the same impact on the NerfWorld that Bolt's now-legendary FAR has had.

#80091 Old Nerf Guns

Posted by Enigma1313 on 16 April 2006 - 10:03 AM in General Nerf

I'm talking before the N-Strike era

Yea...you won't be able to find much before the N-Strike Line. If your lucky, you might be able to pick up an AT2k 2-pack at Target or KB Toys or some Outlet Store.Thats about all your gonna find though.

#79694 Bbb Clip Thing

Posted by Enigma1313 on 12 April 2006 - 02:32 PM in Modifications

Pics? A clearer explanation? These are a few of my favorite things...when someone posts a modification.

#79650 The Power Of A Titan In A Pistol! (idea)

Posted by Enigma1313 on 11 April 2006 - 09:43 PM in Homemades

Looks like you got yourself quite a good idea here. Needs some work, though...I'd keep going with it anyways. The use of a ball Valve and the trigger system seems kinda iffy, but you definitely got a start here. I always wondered what kinda use that big space in the Maverick for the cylinder would see*. This is a rather good one.

*I always thought someone would try that stripper clip system like in Starbuck's SM1000 Mod, which would lower ammo capacity, but speed reloading. But that business is for another day...

#79350 Buzz Bee New Guns!

Posted by Enigma1313 on 09 April 2006 - 08:13 PM in General Nerf

That Tommy 20 looks pretty crazy...like an RF20 with a cosmetic change. It doesn't look too comfy to hold, though...check out the trigger-handle placement. The other one just looks like an LBB knockoff.

EDIT: Mustang Six, eh? It looks to be Buzz Bee's Maverick Answer...with cool shell-ejection (my favorite thing about Buzz Bee Guns) and a really gay-looking orange thing on the front.

#76771 Boltsniper Scar-n Rifle Bs-8

Posted by Enigma1313 on 18 March 2006 - 03:46 PM in Homemades

Wow...and I thought Nerf Weaponry couldn;t get much more advanced than the FAR...and then you throw this thing at me. Love the entire Carbine look of the thing, and pump action is a definite plus. Simply amazing,Bolt. Doyou have any idea how much one of those would rake in? At least 200 bucks...at least.

#75227 Perfered Types Of Guns?

Posted by Enigma1313 on 05 March 2006 - 11:01 AM in General Nerf

Definitely a trooper-type here. You've got enough fire power to hold your ground, yet still be active in most situations. Best of both worlds if you ask me.

#75134 Simplified Far?

Posted by Enigma1313 on 04 March 2006 - 12:12 PM in Homemades

Hmmm....a job very well done, if I say so myself. Love the overall look to it, and can't wait 'til you slap some paint on there.

#74593 Your Choice Of Weapons

Posted by Enigma1313 on 27 February 2006 - 10:11 PM in General Nerf

I would have to go light. Mobility and agility are invaluble in most nerf wars, especially the hypothetical large scale one mentioned here. Having something like my AT2K with my Trusty NF at my side would be heavy enough to get in, get some hits, and get out. Not to mention, on an island such as the one in Murakumo's post, the ability to stay mobile and hide in the vast terrain could keep you "alive" for that much longer.

#74531 Big Bad Jean

Posted by Enigma1313 on 27 February 2006 - 04:14 PM in Modifications

Very nice mod, If I do say so myself. I like the K.I.S.S.-like method of using the Jean to improve grip, rather than the somewhat problematic use of Plasti-Dip is very cool, and I like the overall look of it with the shorter barrel, despite the lessened ranges.

#74341 An In-line, High Capacity Clip

Posted by Enigma1313 on 26 February 2006 - 01:01 AM in Homemades

Genius. Absolutey genius. Your simple-yet effective methods of homemade building never cease to amaze me, carbon.

#74213 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by Enigma1313 on 24 February 2006 - 11:15 PM in General Nerf

Wow...for the first time in a long time, I am truly hyped up about Hasbro's Nerf offerings. The Magstrike looks like an assaulter's dream, and the longshot just looks to be pure fun. Only, I am at odds of which I will buy first...what are the MSRPs of them?

#73386 The Sexbow 2.0

Posted by Enigma1313 on 17 February 2006 - 10:46 AM in Modifications

DAAAAYYYUUMMNNNN! Thats one hella clean 2k paintjob. Do you sand alot before spraying? I mean, I've been interested in painting my nerf stuff for a while now, and I have no idea what sanding does to help the paint look better.

#73126 Works In Progress, Paintjobs And Misc.

Posted by Enigma1313 on 14 February 2006 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

Looks like you've been making productive use of your time, Anima. I must say that I completely love what you've done with the Double Shot. The Chromed barrels look fantastic. The firefly look pretty good, too...can't wait until its finished.

#72436 Boltsniper.com

Posted by Enigma1313 on 05 February 2006 - 10:04 PM in Homemades

Instantaneous Boner Indeed...

* Long awaited GNS writeup and plans in Excel format

Yes...finally...you sir, have earned yourself a place on Enigma1313's list of heroes, right beneath Papa Smurf, but above George Washington Carver.

#72322 Bag's Badass Bow

Posted by Enigma1313 on 04 February 2006 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

That is by far one of the smoothest, highest quality paintjob I have ever seen. The barrel looks freakin' amazing. The only quip I have is the conflicting green and blue...IT just doesnn't appeal to my eye. But hey, I can't talk..I've never even attempted to paint a gun. Great job!

#72321 My Baby

Posted by Enigma1313 on 04 February 2006 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

Whoa...that's extremely cool. I like the flashlight and what you did with the barrel. what kinda ranges are you getting with that beast?