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#207499 Ps-800 And The "slide Angel Breech"

Posted by Foamfoot on 28 January 2009 - 11:25 PM in Modifications

You are a bastard whore who stole my idea.

It looks very nice. You have brought a huge addition to nerfing, I'll give you five years to become a moderator, maybe less.

#197683 Pretty Sweet Arse Deal! :d

Posted by Foamfoot on 21 December 2008 - 08:47 AM in General Nerf

Well, if you use megas and petg isn't available in your area other than from OMC, this is an OK find.

#197536 Powerclip Question

Posted by Foamfoot on 20 December 2008 - 06:20 PM in Modifications

Do it, just be careful with the pump. Simple as that.

#200725 Potential?

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 January 2009 - 11:34 PM in General Nerf

Only the water blasters with the "Flash Flood" type feature have enough air pressure to push a stefan out, otherwise, the stefan will just be a cork.

#207717 Pioneering Speed Loaders

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 07:52 PM in Modifications

However, in this instance I believe distraction from the subject matter to be the greatest gift of all..........also puppies. Puppies are always wonderful.


Posted Image

Sorry, I just had to find an excuse to use that picture, it's just I was all "OMGWTFBBCUTE" when I saw it.

Why can't we just buy a bunch of clips and make a little clip wheel?

#207929 Pioneering Speed Loaders

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 January 2009 - 05:54 PM in Modifications

first off interesting idea, dude thought this up and couldn't find info on it and was lookin for some feedback and yall rambling about puppies and gay shit. What ever happened to staying on topic????

Posted Image

#207921 Persuasive War Nerf

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 January 2009 - 05:44 PM in General Nerf

Just go... geddon is one of those things that is worth a few months of groundage.

#187098 Paper Airplanes?

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 November 2008 - 08:17 PM in Off Topic

yeah, I'll try to get a vid up ASAP, it'll be a while, damn camcorder's a pain in the ass to use.

Foamfoot, try using larger wheels rimmed with neopene to get some grip on the plane. For nerf, adjust the wheels so they have a 7/16" gap.

I don't actually have the machine pictured, it was just a reference to something like my design. Thanks anyhoo.

#186049 Paper Airplanes?

Posted by Foamfoot on 28 October 2008 - 05:33 PM in Off Topic

I have to make a paper airplane shooting machine for science... in two days... I hate having a group with no mechanical skill whatsoever. My plan is two electric motors and vacuum cleaner bands on the outside of two wheels attached to the motor. Could probably use it for Nerf too...

It would be like that thing they used on Mythbusters to throw footballs for the helium kickoff myth.

Or like this thing, but closer together:

Posted Image

EDIT: Bad news, cannot find an electric motor. I need this by Thursday, where can I get one?

#208508 Paintball Gatling Gun

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 February 2009 - 01:05 AM in Off Topic

You can't use darts the same way nerf uses balls, in guns like the ballblaster and ballzooka and reactor,which is pretty much what that gun is only full auto.

Sir, please PM me, I would like to purchase some of what you are smoking.

Yes, people have converted paintball to Nerf before, and it's always amazing, but it serves no purpose. I've never seen what is so bad about a magstrike.

#187070 Paint; I don't know anything.

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 November 2008 - 07:01 PM in Modifications

It's a pretty basic rule in painting that primer has to dry before you can paint anything over it. Otherwise, the paint will blast the primer away, or mix with it. Primer acts as a surface that paint can bond to. Thats why we don't use primer with vinyl dye, because it digs down into the plastic and actually changes the surface. So yes, wait an hour or two, till you can touch it.

#199064 Pa War 2

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2008 - 09:17 PM in Nerf Wars

I would go, but it's in PA, I really don't want to get diddled.

Plus I have only enough money to maybe make it to Massacre 3, and I've already told FA that M3 is where all of my efforts will go.

#245360 Oshkosh, By Gosh!

Posted by Foamfoot on 03 August 2009 - 07:48 PM in Off Topic

The main attraction isn't seriously some lame ass Airbus, is it?

Hardly a "lame ass airbus." It's the largest airliner in the world.

It's still just going to look like a lame ass Airbus. Unless it's flying dangerously low, it will be very hard to tell from something like a 737.

#209391 One Of My Worn Steel Longshots Is In The 2009 Nercore Calender

Posted by Foamfoot on 04 February 2009 - 01:13 AM in General Nerf

It's risque, but it's censored. I'm certainly not offended by it. I'm a little worried about what people walking by might think, you might want to put an NSFW next to it.

I am going to congratulate you on this... you sold them a nice longshot. I don't know why you drive me so crazy... some things have been happening recently in my life, I need to take a break from posting.

Consider this my public apology... I'm going to PM VACC or someone to see if they could mute me for a while. I don't know, whoever is online.

#186901 Omfgz!... Nerf Clothes!?!?

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 November 2008 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

They used to have Nerf football jerseys, but those left the store recently.

#200593 Oh My God Mcdonalds.

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 January 2009 - 03:13 PM in Off Topic

I'm only ranting on McDonalds because they are the ones that started it all. If the McDonald brothers hadn't sold their company to Ray Kroc, things might be better.

So what? I've written 12 page rants about gun possession, abortion, and the legality of crack cocaine. I would NEVER post those here.
There are other places to post these things. I searched "political discussion forum" on google and got ten different boards on the first page.

#200585 Oh My God Mcdonalds.

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 January 2009 - 02:54 PM in Off Topic

Anyone that posted in this topic deserves health problems.


Ok, I won't suggest anything to anyone, so I'm not backseat moderating so much but... Really? You actually made a topic about a controversial business just for it to be argued? Would one not be insane to do that? It's pretty damn prevalent on here that topics starting to have any political discussion are closed. As a general rule at the haven we don't have any sort of political discussions, sorry you did not interpret that from what you've seen here. My biggest question is, HOW THE HELL DID THIS MAKE TWO PAGES?

#261761 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 13 January 2010 - 11:45 PM in Off Topic

Anyone here play Killing Floor? or are all of you a bunch of slack jawed faggots who play Left 2 Dead?

Please, for the love of god, no. Do not start that stuff here unless you are obviously being tongue and cheek.

#261980 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 16 January 2010 - 01:57 AM in Off Topic

It's from the movie predator, baby. Velvetta knew, as well as anyone here who has seen predator. Relax and look into jokes a little more thoroughly. Of course I don't think you're a bunch of faggots, and frankly, if anyone believes I was truly inferring that any of you are faggots, maybe I should have called you idiots. ba dn tss

yeah, killing floor has fire axes

Look, it's not like I didn't get you were kidding, it's just that a lot of people won't get it.

Anybody up for some BF2? (anyone even have the game?)

#261383 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 10 January 2010 - 02:24 PM in Off Topic

Alright guys, server is up, I'll be keeping it up till around 12 AM PST (unless I have to turn off my computer, but I don't see that happening). Game starts in about half an hour. Have fun.

#259863 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2009 - 10:44 PM in Off Topic

Anyone pick up anything cool in the holiday sale?

#260984 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 January 2010 - 06:40 PM in Off Topic

Would anyone be interested in a big game of CSS this weekend? I'm trying to get a dedi server up on my old computer, but it's looking kinda iffy. If I can't, I'll just host a normal server and stay in it throughout the game.

Does 6 PM to 12 AM (PST) this Saturday sound good to anyone?

#260941 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 January 2010 - 02:58 PM in Off Topic

Hey, so, there is like this Nerfhaven group on steam. It seems like a good idea to me. It's run by Xtremejumpy, and it kinda needs some more members.

Steam linkage

EDIT: Xtreme, why do you have the individual boxes of TF2 and Portal? I didn't really think those were available. Did you fashion them yourself?

#261155 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 08 January 2010 - 02:14 AM in Off Topic

CSS weekend game update:

We will be playing on a standard server unless someone has a dedicated server that we could use.

#261309 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 09 January 2010 - 09:53 PM in Off Topic

Looks like whoever made the event is not around. For future reference, let's use the Steam Community Page that we have for shit like this. I'll be posting an announcement in there about how to create an event (and give useful info like server ip, etc).

For now, if you want to join our game, follow either myself or Homestarrunner in through the Steam Friends utility.


Sorry guys, I was fiddling with my server, trying to get dedi on it... but it just doesn't work. I guess I had too high hopes for my old computer. I'll start up a game now, sorry for the delay.

EDIT: Looks like you guys beat me to it. I'm working with a friend on using his server tomorrow, so I can make this up to you guys. Here is his server profile, just to show I'm not a yanker.

EDIT part Deux: We've got a server up!

#259035 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 15 December 2009 - 12:23 AM in Off Topic

Steam ID: Foamfoot
Games Owned: Far Cry 2, Counter Strike:Source, Gmod, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.

At least hit me a PM if you're going to add me, I kinda need a heads-up.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I tend to play blockland with steam overlay and such running.

#260952 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 January 2010 - 04:04 PM in Off Topic

I saw that you were looking for a avatar for the Steam Group and I whipped this up after I got back this afternoon.


Sorry about the boring black background, I got tired of trying to figure out how to change the background to transparent in GIMP. Enjoy.

I like this:

Posted Image

#259865 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2009 - 11:19 PM in Off Topic

Almost got Fallout 3 for $37 but its too good for my computer to run...

Really? Even on ultra-low settings? Have you tried overclocking your shit?

#260444 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 January 2010 - 02:41 AM in Off Topic

If anyone wants a trial of Shattered Horizon, tell me. It came with three, and none of my friends can run it.

Seriously, though. If your PC can run crysis on full, then it will run this on med-high settings. If your computer can run crysis on low-mid then it MIGHT run this on the very minimum. I'm only going to give you the trial if you can run it.

#260519 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 02 January 2010 - 05:37 PM in Off Topic

If anyone wants a trial of Shattered Horizon, tell me. It came with three, and none of my friends can run it.

Seriously, though. If your PC can run crysis on full, then it will run this on med-high settings. If your computer can run crysis on low-mid then it MIGHT run this on the very minimum. I'm only going to give you the trial if you can run it.

Those requirements seem pretty standard now. I don't know a PC gamer who doesn't meet that.
I'll take a copy. Sounds cool enough.

Oh, if people want to post PC specs here too, they can do that. Why not make this an all around PC gaming thread?

Add me, then tell me that you want it. First come, first serve.

#198672 Official Nerf Foam Swords

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 December 2008 - 02:27 PM in General Nerf

Groove is a master of future predictions, as predicting the future is one of the qualifications to be a "Certified Badass".

The certification process is more rigorous than you might imagine. Let's just say it involves 3 car batteries and a 5 gallon tub of lubricant. On the bright side, no more Moose were injured in the certification of THIS year's class.


Is there any sort of training for the testing?

On topic: I think I recently saw these at my local wal-mart.

#198662 Official Nerf Foam Swords

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 December 2008 - 02:02 PM in General Nerf

Posted Image

Groove is a master of future predictions, as predicting the future is one of the qualifications to be a "Certified Badass".

#198761 Official Nerf Foam Swords

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 December 2008 - 10:58 PM in General Nerf

You know whats funny? If FA24 got one of these, just imagine what he could do with these. Maybe make them fly 100 ft! Or maybe make them kill people! Man, I wonder what he s thinking of doing to these things. :angry: :ph34r:

I can think of a few ways to integrate a titan or 2k into this. It wouldn't be very functional, but it would be fun to shoot people with.

#193041 Off Topic Fs

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 November 2008 - 03:49 PM in Off Topic

What the hell are you talking about? Mass effect works fine on vista. The tech specs are higher than crysis though. You might want to look at craigslist or ebay, nerfhaven really isn't for selling stuff other than nerf.

#187941 O...m...f...g

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 November 2008 - 08:37 PM in General Nerf

That picture is so old that it's probably your father.

There's no way a re-release could happen without any word reaching the NIC before photos reach retailers.

I agree. Chances are that this is simply a stock photo they're using for illustrative purposes. Why is it green and why is the kid using ERTL darts? So they don't get sued by Hasbro. It's not indicative of a new production run but rather some guy and a can of spray paint to avoid copyright infringement.

Actually, if they don't have logos on it, it's considered fair use.

#187978 O...m...f...g

Posted by Foamfoot on 06 November 2008 - 09:58 PM in General Nerf

I decided I wanted to relieve the questions and doubts you've been having. I am currently on the phone with tech support. It is the crossbow, they are having some sort of nerf range target thing. It is Not the Nerf crossbow however, and it is not theirs. It is made by a company called Next Generations, and they are using them for nerf targeting range.

Note, this is not speculation I actually called customer service and the guy told me exactly what I have written, nothing else. I'm pretty sure next generations has never made stuff for nerf. I made it clear that it was the one on the front page.

Point: They aren't re-releasing it. I will not say if Next Generations is, as I cannot find their website. He did not say anything one way or another that they were.

#207742 Ny Comic Con

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 08:50 PM in Off Topic

OMC, that detached my fucking retina. Yeah, anyone who goes to a con in hopes of picking up women needs to re-think their life. Not to say I wouldn't love to go--but it would be to hear the great, great speakers/panelists.

You have OBVIOUSLY never been to PAX.

#207556 Ny Comic Con

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 January 2009 - 10:45 AM in Off Topic

Sorry but hundreds of costumed people congregating in one place is just too much.

You would hate VACC and Talio's house then.

Yea... I thought about going for the hell of it, but I just decided to stick with PAX being as I really like video games more than comics and movies. Plus, I have no money... dammit recession.

#205753 Night Finder

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 January 2009 - 07:33 PM in Site Feedback

I love driving along in my Lolsroyce, and then seeing fails like this.

#198436 Newbie Prep

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 07:08 PM in Nerf Wars

EDIT: Wait until you go to the GTA, thousands of different cultures.
EDIT 2: THE GTA is the Greater Toronto Area (Canada), Just for you Americans

Ever been to Seattle?