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#178639 Fall 'geddon 2008 - Recap Thread

Posted by SorrowX on 21 September 2008 - 03:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, you did miss a good war. I have a question though, I have all these pictures from the war, and the only way I know who to upload them is through photobucket, and I don't want to up[load them individually, Is there a way to do them all at once?

flickr, and imageshack

#248282 Pantz-off... Is Canceled

Posted by SorrowX on 23 August 2009 - 01:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Do you think CP with stay down here a week and make it to BFNO?

#212019 Brass'd Ls That Sucks?

Posted by SorrowX on 13 February 2009 - 05:00 PM in Modifications

Brass is very low friction. In order to get really good ranges, the seal needs to be good, and the dart has to be a tight fit. the brass breech in my LS telescopes from a 1/2 in. brass holding section that hold the dart in longer, allowing more pressi\ure to build up, to a 9/16 in. brass main barrel to guide the dart out.

#255948 I Need Help With Pistol Splat Rscb Clip

Posted by SorrowX on 11 November 2009 - 02:02 AM in Modifications

First off, different style pistol splats vary in power: the black and silver is much more powerful that the orange and silver chalk dart version. Secondly, it depends on it's planned usage: You'd want to make a easier to load RSCB for a primary, and a smaller capacity for a secondary. As most would use a pistol splat (on the west coast, anyways) as a secondary, so you'll want a 3-4 shot RSCB, with about a 4-5 inch barrel, depending on which version you have.to construct one, there's alot of write-ups on how to do so, just search the homemades section.
Personally, I'll use an inline clip as opposed to a RSCB, just for the streamlined nature of it, along with the fact of the slightly less dead space involved. All in all, it just depends on a whole variety of factors.

#267116 Dart Tag Blaster Modification Help

Posted by SorrowX on 26 February 2010 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

I'm going with moosa: AR springs are just too weak for that kind of operation. your best best is to either bring it to your hardware or hobby store and find a new spring, or glue the sealing mechanism in the forward position.

#280337 Firefly Turret Integrated Bracket Help

Posted by SorrowX on 15 July 2010 - 03:18 PM in Modifications

I'd personally go with adding a layer of craft foam to the seal. I made a rearloading sm1.5k using craft foam for a seal, and its basically airtight. Roboman can account for this, as he was shot throughout the day with it during Armageddon.

#248504 Addition To Jamz Pvc Bladder

Posted by SorrowX on 25 August 2009 - 02:21 AM in Modifications

Nerf does it like that for a reason, it works.

We, as modders, make it work better. Thats a pretty good concept. I've been looking for a way to increase the volume of air in the magstrike. As soon as I have one of these built (when i get a bit of money for parts) I'll let you know.

#267115 Magstrike/rf20 Question

Posted by SorrowX on 26 February 2010 - 10:04 PM in General Nerf

There are two thing that I'm suspecting.

A. The main piston or one of the fire control valves has misaligned internals.

B. Somewhere in the tubing between systems there is a leak.

For A, this is almost unfix-able without some serious know-how. It took my 5 magstrikes and an RF-20 for me to finally get it down right. What you would have to do is carefully disassemble the piston or fire control valve(s) and realign the parts correctly. Then you have to glue it in with some heavy duty glue without getting it on to some moving parts. This requires lots of time, patience, blood, sweat, and tears. you can't forget the tears...

For B, its alot simpler. simply remove the entire firing system from the shell, pump it up, and dunk it into a body of water. Operate and observe in the water, sealing up any possible leaks.

From what I understand, its not the latter, so your almost screwed unless you know how to correctly reverse engineer something or are really determined. I got lucky on my 7th try, which cost me quite a bit. the problem was that the holes drilled for the air to build up weren't complete, and the piston system was a bit 'sticky' due to friction.....wow, that is alot of words.

#171935 Stripping Paint

Posted by SorrowX on 23 August 2008 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

Hey, I'm new to the site. I've stalked you guys since pre-vulcan launch and I like it here. I just wanted to ask if there was a way to strip the paint off of my recon without ruining the detail of it? I'll send pics when I get some time... Off to work! >.<

Paint thinner or acetone. With acetone however, make sure its just the shell your working on or any adhesives that come in contact with the acetone will start to come apart.

#275310 Angel Breech Catching Issue

Posted by SorrowX on 19 May 2010 - 02:11 PM in Modifications

I agree with SGNerf and MindWarrior, its probably the boltsled warping under stress. Instead of reinforcing the boltsled, you could drill a 7/32 hole where the pin that holds the bolt & boltsled is located, and use a section of 7/32 music wire to prime it. It works wonderfully in my Longshots that have them installed. Just be careful when drilling, because it does have a chance of warping the brass underneath.

#236023 Brass Breech Problem

Posted by SorrowX on 13 June 2009 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

Your brass and quite possibly your cuts aren't clean. You are going to need steel wool(Brillo Pad), paper towel, and a product called Brasso. First, use your steel wool and scrub your brass down, and put a bit of focus on your cuts. Now get a piece of paper towel and roll it up, then put a small amount of Brasso and run it through the inside of each one of your tubes. Then get another piece of paper towel and rub down the outside of each tube with a bit of Brasso. Then scrub down with the steel wool and rinse your tubes with water; they should slide very smoothly once they dry. I do this all the time with my brass, and I assure you, it has never failed me before. Hope this helped!

#280329 Quick Question About Maxshot Like Blasters

Posted by SorrowX on 15 July 2010 - 02:36 PM in Modifications

Staying on topic, It looks to me to be like a wheel, judging by the axle. I could be wrong, so don't quote me on it. If anything, asking some of the other nerfers around here. I'm fairly sure BagHead or Just Some Bob will know though.
off topic:

Please stop punishing the literate. If you don't fix your manner of posting before your next post, I'm gonna take you out like the Gulf Coast's Marine Ecosystem.

Incredible. I don't think I've heard any Eco-threats until now. added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.

#164981 Sorrow's "aothino"

Posted by SorrowX on 28 July 2008 - 03:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Just so everyone knows, Aothino( Pronounced "outheeno" ) stands for Attack On The Hillside Intermission Nerf Outing.Also, post to say if you are coming or not. Now, on to the goodies.


Ralph B. Clark Regional Park
Rear Entrance:
Latitude: 33°53'29.38"N
Longitude: 117°58'46.76"W
Main Entrance:
8800 Rosecrans Ave
Buena Park, CA 90621
Time: 10:00 AM
Date: 16th of aug.

Aothino is very open for changes in date and location at the moment due to its being my first hosted outing. It will be held at Ralph B. Clark Regional Park, at 10:00 AM.


1. Eye Protection Required for EVERYONE, no exceptions. If needed and if anyone feels like bringing extra, we will lend you a pair.

2. Nerf Melee weapons (Axes, Swords, Gunblades, etc) are allowed, as long as they are padded with foam to the point where they are cushy. hits are only allowed on sides/back/front.

3. Leave nothing behind. That means darts, bottles, cans, trash, etc. Pick up after yourself.

4. Follow park rules. Plain and simple.

Any tips on war organization, please feel free to add. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

#253549 Recon Question

Posted by SorrowX on 14 October 2009 - 07:19 PM in General Nerf

As far as I can remember, the only difference between 1st Gen and 2nd Gen recons is the cap the covers the plunger when primed. They replaced the old recons with this due to a few reported incidents of friction burns, etc. Other than that, maybe Hasbro put a weaker spring. Thats as many as I can think of.

#253564 Recon Question

Posted by SorrowX on 14 October 2009 - 08:30 PM in General Nerf

No, its just there to protect the user from friction burns. And for Hasbro to cover their own asses. I reccomend craft foam padding, and not using an overpowerful spring. If you wouldn't put it in a nitefinder, don't put it in a recon.

#274443 Scunwar

Posted by SorrowX on 10 May 2010 - 01:20 PM in Nerf Wars

That is 6 days before my surgery...but my group and I MAY be able to go. There is the possibility of my attendance, but if I'm not able to, I'll try to send my group off under the care of Fanik or ADHD.

#171472 Longshot Troubles

Posted by SorrowX on 22 August 2008 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

Only two breeches out there(that I know Of, Anyways) that won't clip the tail of your darts are the Angel Breech, which is fairly complicated, and my own little design, the Sorrow Breech. just like the Angel Breech, its airtight, but the main difference is this one: its very simple to make. I'll have the Write up for it soon, so if you can be patient enough, it will be available.

#217929 Socal Nerf

Posted by SorrowX on 14 March 2009 - 05:10 PM in Nerf Wars

it feels as if any hope I had was swapped for sorrow, so thanks, you feel my pain.

What's that supposed to mean? Also, by "Valencia," do you mean "Placentcia" or " Valencia Dr." ?

#211157 A Bit Of Help?

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2009 - 04:48 PM in Modifications

Still looking for help... Played with it a bit to no success.

I have a pic of this...it in my poly breech write-up.

#173847 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 31 August 2008 - 12:02 AM in Nerf Wars

icespartan, It may seem that way, but truth be told, i know absolutley nothing about hell before halloween except that its hosted by forsaken_angel24. and cannonball, were taking into consideration any safety issues, so please, if there is any complaints about safety, please make them known and contact me.

#174821 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 03 September 2008 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, Me and a bunch of friends are planning a war in the light of Halloween. your welcome to bring and wear costumes, I know I will.(don't know what I'm going as this year though) now for the details...

Location: Smith Murphy Park
5290 Cameron Dr.
Buena Park, CA 90620

Time: 10:00 AM
Date: October 25, 2008


fo sho:


Not coming:

this is also posted up on the SCUN Network, for those who don't know.

Standard rules apply, eye protection required for all. tree climbing is allowed. well that's about it, for now. I'll add anything as it comes to mind, enjoy.

UPDATE:there is going to be a few specialty matches, such as Slayer, Ambush, Duels. Slayer is a free-for-all match, no teams. Ambush is one team sets up in hidden positions while the other team looks for them, and tries to survive. Duels is a melee only match, so brings some swords and pikes and axes(foam tips only) I have about 7 melee weapons, anyone can borrow if they need to. I'm really looking forward to this, as its my first(non canceled/postponed) war.

#173669 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 30 August 2008 - 12:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, Me and a bunch of friends are planning a war in the light of Halloween. your welcome to bring and wear costumes, I know I will.(don't know what I'm going as this year though) now for the details...

Location: Smith Murphy Park
5290 Cameron Dr.
Buena Park, CA 90620

Time: 10:00 AM
Date: October 25, 2008


fo sho:
Raw Shrimp


Not coming:

this is also posted up on the SCUN Network, for those who don't know.

Standard rules apply, eye protection required for all. tree climbing is allowed. well that's about it, for now. I'll add anything as it comes to mind, enjoy.

UPDATE:there is going to be a few specialty matches, such as Slayer, Ambush, Duels. Slayer is a free-for-all match, no teams. Ambush is one team sets up in hidden positions while the other team looks for them, and tries to survive. Duels is a melee only match, so brings some swords and pikes and axes(foam tips only) I have about 7 melee weapons, anyone can borrow if they need to. I'm really looking forward to this, as its my first(non canceled/postponed) war.

#174030 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 31 August 2008 - 10:50 PM in Nerf Wars

flashlights are asked, and will also be lent out at the time of the war. as for not knowing much, i don't think its much of a problem, as I'm pretty sure if you asked any nerfer or myself could provide a phone for any emergency contact. flashlights are rated, and if it isn't powerful enough or too powerful, we could work out something. as for the forbidden valley writeup, I'm not sure when I'm getting some money for more brass and another longshot(the one planned for the writeup ended up getting crushed in the earthquake that happened over the summer. :cry: ) I was lucky enough that the real Forbidden Valley was well situated inside Its case.

#218766 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 19 March 2009 - 11:59 AM in Nerf Wars

Hopefully. I have a shoebox full of stefans, and a beach bucket full of stock darts, so I'm not sure. I've cut down the attendance list a bit, but it still might be a pretty big number.

#217729 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 12 March 2009 - 07:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Important update: if everyone on my attendance list shows up, along with everyone else, i think we will be breaking 50 people at this war. Also, if your are coming please post along with your loaner blaster count and let me know if your coming.

#211925 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 13 February 2009 - 02:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Well, its been a while since we've had a war down here, and with the amount of people that me and squishy are introducing nerf to, we would have to rent a bus, or be like the Asian we are(or the majority of us) and go hong-kong style on a U-Haul truck just to get them all up to Glendora. Also, everyone, if you do come, make sure you bring ALL of your blasters, because, quite frankly, I don't have enough of them to lend out to everyone in my group.

I want to try Smith-Murphy park again, just cause if it rains, there's a school right next to it so we can play on some concrete. The date may be subject to changes, as Nodoka is getting her wisdom teeth pulled, and I don't know when she'd be ok to nerf.

Date: March 21st, 2009
Time:9:30-10ish, seeing if I can get off my lazy ass early enough, till whenever. and if possible, a night war from 6 to 8:30-9ish
Location: Smith murphy Park, 5290 Cameron Dr. Buena Park, CA 90621

The rules for this war are going to be a bit different, due to the fact of a new game type, "Infection," which implements In-Game team changes.

- Any Armor is allowed, as long as it somehow attaches to a blaster (be logical, that means not connecting body armor to your gun by a piece of string)No Umbrellas taped onto your gun! if you do have any umbrellas on your gun, you will be asked to remove it, and if it cannot be emoved, you won't be able to use in the war.

- Melee Weapons are Encouraged, just make sure that they are foam padded. there was an instance as halloweeno when I was being stupid, and accidentally injured someone with the unpadded bayonet on my longshot.

Other than those, its standard rules. Also, if anyone has an 2k,3K or 4K (or even internals [Doesn't have to have turret]), I'd happily buy it from you as long as it still works.

#217856 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 13 March 2009 - 03:55 PM in Nerf Wars

The armor is required to be removable, that way it can only be used for the infection rounds. If there wasn't any armor in the infection rounds, it would go by so fast it wouldn't be fun. your welcome to complain all you want, but you probably won't need to during the normal rounds

#217805 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 12 March 2009 - 11:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Important update: if everyone on my attendance list shows up, along with everyone else, i think we will be breaking 50 people at this war. Also, if your are coming please post along with your loaner blaster count and let me know if your coming.

Look, Sorrow... if you're gonna invite people... it's YOUR responsibility to hand out loaners...not the rest of the community, that's the whole point of running your own group, and you are after all... the HOST of the war. just a heads up. Not that I won't be bringing my usual ark...but seriously... I'm not a big fan of a Shit-ton of new people and loaning out my stuff to them... because when it's not theirs, or someone they know... people tend to be more careless... and that's how I wind up with a box full of broken guns.

I know, I thought I'd be able to round up enough money to buy a bunch of nitefinders, but I was horribly wrong. I understand you not wanting to loan out guns to new nerfers, so its fine. At this point in time, I've cut the attendance list, bring my guest count from 27 down to 15-17 people, leaving me short 3-5 guns. Other than that, some of these people have nerfed before,/ know how to handle a nerf gun held together by nothing but hot glue and rubber bands.

#192431 Christmas Nano (oc War) Is Cenceled

Posted by SorrowX on 28 November 2008 - 06:41 AM in Nerf Wars

Ho Ho Ho Bitches.

That is so added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole. I'll be there along with +7 or more unless something comes up, in which i will notify you via pm. and be prepared for a dark x-mas...

#325326 firefly catch spring?

Posted by SorrowX on 15 January 2013 - 07:45 AM in Modifications

It's still easy to do. just use a clicky pen spring and stretch it a bit. It'll keep the spring in place to you don't lose it again.

#264935 Need Help On Longshot Trigger

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2010 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

I make custom triggers (occasionally) from really thick music wire. You have to heat it up to bend it, otherwise it just breaks. When it is red hot (at the joint), it is ready to be bent.

#249292 Motivators

Posted by SorrowX on 01 September 2009 - 04:44 AM in Off Topic

Ok, I haven't seen a thread like this yet, so I decided to make a motivational thread. Post your favorite (De)motivators within CoC Rules, no pr0n or any of like subject. Self made nerfy motivators are great too! I think I'll start off with this one...

Posted Image

#248292 Bfno- Fulleron, Ca Nerf Out

Posted by SorrowX on 23 August 2009 - 02:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Well well well, folks, BFNO is back! This is most likely going to be a single portion war, and I might bring a grill so Nodoka can cook for us...but I may charge, For a good reason though. Its still not a guarantee that that will happen though. ....Anyways, the location is a bit complicated for people who haven't been here before. It a bit of a walk from the war site to the parking lot, as illustrated by the following image.

Once you have your stuff, walk down the path that the arrow under 'War Site' is pointing. Come the day of the war, I will set up some pickets to guide the way.
Posted Image

The address for the parking is::
1766 W Bastanchury Rd.
Fullerton, CA 92833

Time & Date:
9:00, September 12(( 8/12 ))

If there are any problems, let me know now that way I can hopefully arrange stuff with my parents to free up a different weekend.

Food To Be Served: Q-Bites (Please Order)

Q-bites are a tasty little treat me and Nodoka came up with tonight. they consist of hollowed out french bread, sandwich contents in the shape of cubes, and a small section of the bread that was cut out caps it off. see the diagram.

Don't complain on the phallic level, please, i tried my best on that.
Posted Image

The basic Q-bite is ham and cheese $6

the B/F-Hollows special is Ham, Cheese, Mushrooms, and grilled onions $7

special ingredents $8
Please, let me know if you want one at the war.
The money that the food generates goes the this cute little kitten Gami, who has a disease that has proved to be fatal in previous generations of his bloodline. My parents refuse to pay for a trip to the vet for some medication, but we don't even know what the name of the disease is.
Posted Image
Posted Image

That is all for now, Fellow Nerfers and Pet Owners. I will use the space below for any updates and the day nears.