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There have been 113 items by SorrowX (Search limited from 19-January 97)

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#263485 Soothsayer Is In The Hospital

Posted by SorrowX on 28 January 2010 - 01:11 AM in Off Topic

Zorn, I think thats a bit messed up. Its good to hear that he is ok. Hope he gets better.

#264124 Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

Posted by SorrowX on 02 February 2010 - 10:35 AM in General Nerf

Wow, I'm really liking the 2-3-15, shields and modified barrel taps. I'm going to try these out next war that I host. There is also

Deathmatch Style
Players have an infinite amount of lives, a set respawn point, and a time limit. Players must count their hits, so they can be tallied at the end of each round. The team with the most hits wins.

#264935 Need Help On Longshot Trigger

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2010 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

I make custom triggers (occasionally) from really thick music wire. You have to heat it up to bend it, otherwise it just breaks. When it is red hot (at the joint), it is ready to be bent.

#265455 Cheap, Easy And Quick Pas Barrel

Posted by SorrowX on 15 February 2010 - 03:07 AM in Modifications

Pretty cool. I did the same a while back with a cosmic thruster. Also, "Welcome To The 'Haven. Enjoy Your Stay While It Lasts...."

#267115 Magstrike/rf20 Question

Posted by SorrowX on 26 February 2010 - 10:04 PM in General Nerf

There are two thing that I'm suspecting.

A. The main piston or one of the fire control valves has misaligned internals.

B. Somewhere in the tubing between systems there is a leak.

For A, this is almost unfix-able without some serious know-how. It took my 5 magstrikes and an RF-20 for me to finally get it down right. What you would have to do is carefully disassemble the piston or fire control valve(s) and realign the parts correctly. Then you have to glue it in with some heavy duty glue without getting it on to some moving parts. This requires lots of time, patience, blood, sweat, and tears. you can't forget the tears...

For B, its alot simpler. simply remove the entire firing system from the shell, pump it up, and dunk it into a body of water. Operate and observe in the water, sealing up any possible leaks.

From what I understand, its not the latter, so your almost screwed unless you know how to correctly reverse engineer something or are really determined. I got lucky on my 7th try, which cost me quite a bit. the problem was that the holes drilled for the air to build up weren't complete, and the piston system was a bit 'sticky' due to friction.....wow, that is alot of words.

#267116 Dart Tag Blaster Modification Help

Posted by SorrowX on 26 February 2010 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

I'm going with moosa: AR springs are just too weak for that kind of operation. your best best is to either bring it to your hardware or hobby store and find a new spring, or glue the sealing mechanism in the forward position.

#274443 Scunwar

Posted by SorrowX on 10 May 2010 - 01:20 PM in Nerf Wars

That is 6 days before my surgery...but my group and I MAY be able to go. There is the possibility of my attendance, but if I'm not able to, I'll try to send my group off under the care of Fanik or ADHD.

#275045 The Reconbow

Posted by SorrowX on 17 May 2010 - 02:09 PM in Modifications

Dude, thats sweet. You made a Recon/L+L hybrid. Do prime it like a NF and the actuate the breech, or is the function the same?

#275310 Angel Breech Catching Issue

Posted by SorrowX on 19 May 2010 - 02:11 PM in Modifications

I agree with SGNerf and MindWarrior, its probably the boltsled warping under stress. Instead of reinforcing the boltsled, you could drill a 7/32 hole where the pin that holds the bolt & boltsled is located, and use a section of 7/32 music wire to prime it. It works wonderfully in my Longshots that have them installed. Just be careful when drilling, because it does have a chance of warping the brass underneath.

#280298 Longshot Catch Help Needed

Posted by SorrowX on 15 July 2010 - 06:48 AM in Modifications

Its fairly easy to make new parts for the longshot. You can make them out of flattened PVC if your persistent enough. If you really insist on making one, I can go and dimension one for you. If not, I'm fairly sure I have a spare laying around so if you want, i could probably mail it out to you if you paid shipping; just PM me.

#280329 Quick Question About Maxshot Like Blasters

Posted by SorrowX on 15 July 2010 - 02:36 PM in Modifications

Staying on topic, It looks to me to be like a wheel, judging by the axle. I could be wrong, so don't quote me on it. If anything, asking some of the other nerfers around here. I'm fairly sure BagHead or Just Some Bob will know though.
off topic:

Please stop punishing the literate. If you don't fix your manner of posting before your next post, I'm gonna take you out like the Gulf Coast's Marine Ecosystem.

Incredible. I don't think I've heard any Eco-threats until now. added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.

#280337 Firefly Turret Integrated Bracket Help

Posted by SorrowX on 15 July 2010 - 03:18 PM in Modifications

I'd personally go with adding a layer of craft foam to the seal. I made a rearloading sm1.5k using craft foam for a seal, and its basically airtight. Roboman can account for this, as he was shot throughout the day with it during Armageddon.

#280338 Need Help Designing Nerf Guns

Posted by SorrowX on 15 July 2010 - 03:23 PM in General Nerf

I use autodesk inventor 2010. its a great tool, as it allows you to design your parts in 3D, so you can see them in all their glory. Its also REALLY easy to learn and use. I taught myself in the lesser half of the week.

#281095 Longshot Catch Help Needed

Posted by SorrowX on 23 July 2010 - 10:18 PM in Modifications

I wouldn't use PVC; it probably won't be strong enough. I'd use a small piece of polycarbonate if I were you. It's not that expensive, if you purchase it in small quantities, say, at a hardware store.

Uh, my LS of Doom uses ALOT of flattened PVC parts. i used flattened 1" PVC to make a catch that has stood up to well over 2,000 shots with 5" of a [k26] and a first gen LS spring.

#286600 Printed Nerf Gun

Posted by SorrowX on 05 October 2010 - 01:45 PM in Homemades

Ah the Rapid prototyper built nerf gun, one of many dreams. Just a tip: don't bother. I have tried and even go to the point of assembly, with lost, and lots of troubles on the way. The RP machine at my school can make anything out of ABS as long as it fits in a 8"x8"x12" area. I used strong materals for things such as the shell, plunger tube, etc. It doesn't work. The way the parts are made make them very weak. the layers of plastic seperate and snap very easily. Its just a waste of money to even attempt this.
I take this ALL back. After all, a $26,000 machine has to be good for something right? I'll have the details up by the end of the week, hopefully.

#288434 Titan Tank

Posted by SorrowX on 15 November 2010 - 01:37 PM in Modifications

Another option that would be safer to operate without a regulator is a pronane tank. I'm not talking about those big ones, of course, but the smaller ones that cost $2-$5. With a airsoft propane adapter (I reccomend the Airsoft Innovations yellow model) which is about $12 (and reuseable, of course) your titan tank will be able to shoot a titan missile about 80 feet, while still mainainting a relatively safer PSI of ~115 (DISCLAIMER: i say relatively because this is safer than using a CO2 tank without a regulator). The titan tank has a built in check valve, so you can patch the other inlet in the back and utilize the check valve as an inlet valve. By the way, this is not speculation, as I use this setup to power an airsoft rocket launcher that fires giga-stefans made out of pool noodles :D .

#289447 Gyrostabilization Module

Posted by SorrowX on 30 November 2010 - 01:11 AM in Modifications

I have to say, that's frikkin' cool! This has no practical use in a nerf war, and gyroscopes belong in tanks, torpedoes, etc., not nerf guns. However, this may have a use in airsoft. I'll see if I can recreate this in one of my PEQ boxes and let you know on the results. Anyways, it does look a bit like a torpedo.

#293855 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 03 February 2011 - 10:14 PM in Homemades

RPM-Built Nerf Blaster

Proving myself and others wrong

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Introduction: Since I started nerfing, the idea of a viable nerf blaster being built by a Rapid Prototype Machine has been put down. I tried before, but never seemed to get the project off the ground. After that, I jumped on the wagon that it couldn’t be done. Recently, a friend of mine managed to push me off of that wagon and get started again. Needless to say, my project was a success. Of course, not everything in the blaster was made using an RPM, but the majority of the hard to manufacture parts are. The only things not made using the RPM are the cylinder, piston rod, and barrel for obvious reasons. In other words, the plunger tube, plunger rod, and barrel still come from elsewhere. I understand the people like boltsniper have made components such as magazine wells for his blasters, but I wanted to take it a step or two above by actually making crucial components from an RPM. Anyways, on to the meaty goodness.

RPM Talk: For this project, I used Autodesk Inventor 2011 and Catalyst to design and process my blaster. The machine used is a Dimension SST768 and the model material is P400 ABS. I used a sodium hydroxide/water solution in a specialized bath set at 70°C to remove the soluble support material as well as to somewhat strengthen the bond of the model material. All of the parts built used a solid material setting for maximum strength and longevity.

Design: The blaster was mainly designed as a proof-of-concept build, so almost anything can be changed design-wise. I designed it to use 1-½ PVC as the plunger tube. The plunger rod is ⅝ round Nylon rod, but that can be easily swapped for square rod with small changes in the design of the catch base, catch and plunger head. I chose to make use of the many tools available at my school, so I used a rounded catch face design and a lathe to carve the catch face itself. This can easily be substituted for a nitefinder-style catch system.

Strength: I have yet to range test it, but that’s not really a big concern for me. My main concern is for how long it will last. So far, the parts has withstood many hours of dry-firing without any padding of any sort, any there is still no sign on any physical damage. I am currently using what my friend tells me is plus-bow spring to power the main mechanism. Half of these springs plus a normal LS spring pushes longshots to around 100’.

Pictures: Well, this part is pretty self-explanatory.

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Printed parts only:
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Grip AND Trigger:
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Catch inside catch base:
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Piston head:
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Cylinder Head:
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Notes: If anyone wants the designs or files, I can send it to them via email, just PM me. You guys are welcome to the knowledge. To be honest, my designs aren’t the greatest, and some do have trouble understanding them. If those who request the files are willing to wait a short while, I can make revisions of my designs that are much clearer and easier for everyone to understand.

Video Is Up!!!

Files are up!!! http://www.mediafire...l99ncxy0e3d0nua

#293858 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 03 February 2011 - 10:27 PM in Homemades

Ohh, what kinds of RPMs do your schools have? I should have the files edited and ready by Tuesday at the latest. If you guys decide to make one using my designs, feel free to post the pictures here.

The durability of the printed parts is very good. Nothing feels like its going to snap, and have withstood hours of dry-firing without any padding so far.

#293865 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 03 February 2011 - 11:01 PM in Homemades

Excellent work, I may just have to ask you for those Inventor files (The handle, trigger, catch, and rear endcap in particular)

I will have the zip file up soon, and it will include ALL of the parts, ready for inventor, solidworks, catalyst, etc.

#293870 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 04 February 2011 - 12:20 AM in Homemades

it depends on the RPM i would assume, but mine feel kind of like those 'holographic' pokemon/baseball cards.

#293885 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 04 February 2011 - 02:15 PM in Homemades

Why did I just watch a video of you talking? I wanted to see the gun shoot. False advertising!

It was in the very beggining.

#293971 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 06 February 2011 - 02:56 AM in Homemades

This is awesome, thanks for providing the files you used. Though I must question your acid bath consisting of Sodium Hydroxide...

If you don't mind, how much did it cost to print?

I'll definitely be looking to make one of this, my friend has access to a 'Stratasys Rapid Prototyper', hopefully we can churn out one of these awesome blasters.

I'm pretty sure it was sodium hydroxide... It was completely free for me, as my school is awesome. and stratasys makes catalyst, so it's almost guaranteed it would work.

#294050 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 07 February 2011 - 01:38 AM in Homemades

my talk

It may have been sodium hydroxide and it may have worked, but in that case you had a base bath. I admit I don't know anything about ABS chemistry in particular.

i got this from following a few links on wikipedia, and it sums up what i have access to:

A "water-soluble" material can be used for making temporary supports while manufacturing is in progress, this soluble support material is quickly dissolved with specialized mechanical agitation equipment utilizing a precisely heated sodium hydroxide solution.

#294607 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 16 February 2011 - 11:30 PM in Homemades

WooHoo! More printed goodies! Ok, here I have a printed turret assembly(THAT WORKS!), as well as a printed Wye and dart door for the ever popular hopper clip. On another note, i have a vertical foregrip and a crutch stock added for ergonomics.

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I'm also working on a new homemade, a printed N-TS, although its not done yet.
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also, i apologize for the double post.

#294643 Rpmbnb! Updated With More Goodies!

Posted by SorrowX on 17 February 2011 - 07:54 PM in Homemades

Well, i talked it over with my teacher, and i'm cleared to sell. i was allowed to make them for free, but i can no longer do that as my teacher is paying for the material out of her own pocket. that means i can't offer them at my projected price of $20 shipped. as it turns out, to make a basic RPMBNB and the average rate of $15 per cubic inch, it would cost around $250 to print them. Ouch. Luckily for everyone interested, my teacher is only charging me $30 per kit, turret or basic/Wye, so i'm thinking of selling the kits for $50 shipped or $30 shipped with a trade that i'm comfortable with, as well as selling individual parts and the price or shipping and teacher's price. Thats 10-15 for shipping, 30 for the teacher, and 5-10 or if its a trade, just 30 for the teacher and i'll pay shipping. I'll even throw in a few goodies every now and again when i feel like it as well as make custom kits and parts to specifications with no extra charge, unless the teacher says otherwise. What do you guys think, sounds fair?

and given incentive, i might also make custom, possibly rearloading magstrike clips that accept a barrel type of buyer's choice, hehe.

#295803 Japanese Earthquake/tsunami

Posted by SorrowX on 11 March 2011 - 02:57 PM in Off Topic

Isn't there a MAG-LEV train and a ship still missing?

#297516 Armageddon XII Planning Thread

Posted by SorrowX on 24 April 2011 - 09:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Would the RPMBNB count as a SNAP in this listing? Just about any date is good for me and whoever on my group wants to attend.

#300780 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by SorrowX on 29 June 2011 - 09:27 PM in Homemades

Behold! The Mighty Hydra!

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and yes, it indexes, of course ^.^

#325326 firefly catch spring?

Posted by SorrowX on 15 January 2013 - 07:45 AM in Modifications

It's still easy to do. just use a clicky pen spring and stretch it a bit. It'll keep the spring in place to you don't lose it again.

#325327 Armageddon XIV

Posted by SorrowX on 15 January 2013 - 07:49 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe. It's been forever since I last nerfed, and I need to build a new longshot.

#326122 SorrowX 8-Shot Turrets 3.0

Posted by SorrowX on 30 January 2013 - 10:02 AM in Homemades

Since my recent return to the forum(and long before that, actually), people have been asking me for my turret files. Since I left the forum a couple years back, the original designs have been lost; the flash drive somewhere in my house, never to be seen again. I started to feel bad about having to tell people that, so I spent all last night redesigning them from the ground up. These turrets are slightly smaller than the previous designs, so those that can produce them can do so at a lower cost than I ever could. I remember development lessons from the original revisions, so there shouldn't be any serious kinks with them.

The files were drawn in Autodesk Inventor 2013, and are in IPT format. I'm not going to include a bunch of different format this time, because that is really a pain. If you know how to operate a 3D printer or CNC mill, you should know how to convert files.

The turrets are designed to use the number -206 O-Ring, from The O-Ring Store. You can use whatever material you prefer, but if I remember correctly, I used Buna-N 70 rings. The turret mounting screw/bolt hole is large enough to fit a 1/4 bolt. The lug sprng hasn't been firgured out, so use whatever works.

Here's some pictures, and a Download link below.

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turret download

For those of you who wist to produce to sell, you are welcome to do so, just remember to credit the designer :lol:

#326147 SorrowX 8-Shot Turrets 3.0

Posted by SorrowX on 30 January 2013 - 03:48 PM in Homemades

It's nice of you to do this, but could you load them in a slightly less obtuse format? .Dxf, .Dwg, .obj, .stl; or something that is otherwise industry-standard?

I'll do STL, since i can readily convert it to.

It looks like the teeth are slanted so that there will be a gap between them on the inside, but not on the outside. Why is that?

The slanted teeth on the lug is for a problem some of the first printed turrets I made, where the sharpness of the lug teeth would cause it to chip away the top layer.