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#54696 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by euphemism on 12 May 2005 - 02:45 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm new and from milton, MA right next to boston

#54709 Triggers

Posted by euphemism on 12 May 2005 - 03:56 PM in Homemades

my two quick trigger designs: http://img205.echo.c...triggers8ol.png

#54711 Blowguns

Posted by euphemism on 12 May 2005 - 04:07 PM in Homemades

one really easy short blowgun is the orange plastic tubes put on snowplows so they can be seen more easily, if you see one that broke off or feel like a little vandalism/theft/destructipn of property they're quite good

#54910 Scout Mod!

Posted by euphemism on 15 May 2005 - 09:17 AM in Modifications

there are to things in front of the spring the one that covers the other one is the plunger and the one that gets covered is the barrel
for dremel alternative start out with just a hand drill but once you get to the thing the gets pushed back by the dart it'll just spin so you can't drill through it. when that happened to me I held it still with a straightend paper clip and drilled.

NOTE: make sure the drill bit is a good size so you don't mess up the barrel
good luck

#55114 Getting A Wildfire Up To Spec.

Posted by euphemism on 17 May 2005 - 05:50 PM in General Nerf

wouldn't a tank replacement be more effective due to higher pressure tolerence? then couldn't you do more pumps and get better range/power? just wondereing

#55502 Better Than A Nite Finder ?

Posted by euphemism on 23 May 2005 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

I like the string cocking idea, I used two use two spring pistols with leather lacing connecting the handles so I would point my arms in opposite directions to cock both.
but anyway I think leather lacing would be good. also I'd drill a hole through each trigger and get two bars (one on each side) with one little connecting bar on each end to go through the triggers
just my 2 cents

and oh yeah, very nice mod

#55641 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by euphemism on 25 May 2005 - 09:05 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be able to come with some nerfin' friends depending on where it is (that is still undecided right?)

#55713 At2k Strange Happenings

Posted by euphemism on 26 May 2005 - 07:57 PM in Modifications

the technical term for the smoke is a "cloud" (I know, not very technical) it reminds me of a science expieriment you do with a soda bottle. put water in the bottle, dump it out
turn the bottle upside-down and light a match under it
then close it and squeeze it hard then let go quickly, it will create a cloud. unless you really want to do it just take my word for it

#55999 Brass Eagle Blade02 Mod

Posted by euphemism on 29 May 2005 - 10:57 PM in Modifications

nice, one ammo idea I have is something I use now that my titan kills my homemade micros, they are basically the tips of my homemade darts
make a somewhat tight hole for a single mardi gras bead (they are fairly easy to take off the string) push the bead in and duct tape it in (use enough so you don't kill people with the bead), in the end the dart should be about 1/2 an inch long and covered in duct tapePosted Image
you can put more than one in the barrel for shotgun-ness. range is quite good, accuracy is pretty good with one and velocity is crazy, of course you can use steel ball bearings, brass BBs or lead sinkers but they may kill people so I avoid them

#56010 Titan Minimization

Posted by euphemism on 30 May 2005 - 12:50 AM in Modifications

another titan mod, I intend to integrate it into a briefcase soon (I just need the briefcase then a trigger system). unfortunately I didn't take any pictures during the mod process but I do have 2 final pics
left side:
Posted Image
right side:
Posted Image

(1) titan rocket launcher
(1) roll of duct tape
(1) saw
(1) 12" crowbar
(1) phillips head screwdriver
(1) hot glue gun (and glue)
(1) barrel (I think PETG or brass would be best but I just have crayola now)
(1 pair) needle-nose pliers


part one, barrel
1. remove orange barrel, push in and turn hard to the left (think medicine bottle)
2. saw off a little bit of the orange thing now at the tip (just enough to get rid of the air restriction and stuff)
3. push the barrel into the orange thing and secure it with duct tape or hot glue (I would recommend duct tape for crayola as you may wish to replace it later)

part two, butchering
1.saw off the following: aimpoint, top of pump handle (enough to align with the top part of the main body), hornet stuff (thing that pumps hornet and little orange dome, leave the clip for later)
2. remove the air gauge (make a deep cut into it then pry it off with crowbar)
3. cover any sharpness with duct tape and perhaps file later
NOTE: the air valve for the hornet and the air gauge both have vinyl tubes connecting to them, ignore them (for now)

part three, internals
1.take 2 halves apart (leave all pump screws in unless you want to seal the OP valve)
2. remove tank and all things connected to it (you need to unscrew a metal thing that attaches to the trigger)
3. remove all the vinyl tubes with open ends (with pliers) and hot glue over the holes for them
4. get rid of all scout/hornet stuff and ball bearings
5. put stuff back in (not scout/hornet stuff) and do 1313's valve mod

good luck, I hope you like it

#56151 Titan Minimization

Posted by euphemism on 31 May 2005 - 04:22 PM in Modifications

thanks and wow those things are very very nice but as pineapple said it would take "a little work" and I am lazy, I mod while avoiding homework

#57012 Interesting, Quasi-nerf Related.

Posted by euphemism on 08 June 2005 - 10:26 PM in Off Topic

someone needs to equip a bobcat with nerfy goodness, that would be about half as good as far as pimp goes and way better for practicality. The bobcat idea reminds of the guy who put armor plating on a bulldozer and started smashing peoples houses and eventually the cops shot him

NOTE: I'm not saying anyone should buy a bobcat for this reason, I mean if someone has one lying around

#58414 Titan Stefans

Posted by euphemism on 28 June 2005 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

check my post in this thread to see instructions for my invincible nerf bullets

#58519 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by euphemism on 30 June 2005 - 10:50 PM in Off Topic

12 monkeys and almost anything by Alfred Hitchcock. Also Brazil is good but crazy.

#58520 Diffrent Nf And Maverick Colors.

Posted by euphemism on 30 June 2005 - 10:56 PM in General Nerf

On the NF there appears to be a slight difference at the bottom of the ammo holders and obvioulsly the barrel tip

Thought I'd point that out.

#58558 Wikipedia Nerf Section

Posted by euphemism on 01 July 2005 - 06:12 PM in General Nerf

haha, I wrote a good chunk of that article, all of the text after "Now Nerf 'modifications' exist, improving the design of the stock gun."

Also, nerflad, you don't need an editor, that's the beauty of it

EDIT: To avoid any confusion after later editing I wrote up to and including the stefan instructions

#58995 Powerclip Homemade Clip

Posted by euphemism on 10 July 2005 - 12:20 AM in Homemades

this thread is kinda old but it's still on page one and I have an important contribution
that page includes instructions on how to make plastic from milk

#59977 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by euphemism on 23 July 2005 - 12:53 PM in Modifications

you can get them right from hasbro there
2 guns+gear for 2 people=$40

#60208 Any Out There In Ma?

Posted by euphemism on 25 July 2005 - 10:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I think a war in closer proximity to boston would be better for a simple reason:
I am a lazy bastard and so are all the people I nerf with

#60471 New To Nerf, Rf 20 Query!

Posted by euphemism on 28 July 2005 - 11:41 PM in Modifications

Your only bet is to use some other, stronger tubing for the tubing from the pump and stuff. Maybe that copper tubing that comes in coils at Lowes. You can get it where they sell the electrical wires in smaller sections.

I think vinyl tubing would be much better and more logical, that is the transparent flexible stuff not pvc. you should be able to get it at home depot but I can't remember what section so just ask an employee.

#60562 Nerf: The Ultimate Dream Job?

Posted by euphemism on 29 July 2005 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

nerf's HQ> nerfHQ
but anyway, so the BBB is being re-released, nice, I had no idea it was one of the re-releases. Also, about the mav, I'm confused about the way everyone says the barrel advance system is so complex, it works in exactly the same way as a clicky pen. Now don't get me wrong, it was absolutely genius to use that in a nerf gun but it's not that complicated. Well I guess I should keep myself from getting that off topic but it's in my nature.

#60878 It's Nerf Or Nothing

Posted by euphemism on 02 August 2005 - 12:05 AM in General Nerf

(i.e. my friend bought a moddified BBB of ebay and he's pretty accurate from 60 feet away if i'm holding a modified LnL and PC there's not much I can do.

It's just that the Nerf community here (100% my friends and I) isn't into modding that much.

As for the first part: If you think that a stock PC should have range equal to a modded BBB you have something seriously wrong with you.

And secondly: Oh yes, the community here just hates modding, we can't fucking stand it

#60880 West Coast Late For Firefly?

Posted by euphemism on 02 August 2005 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

The firefly isn't actually released yet, the stores are selling the some of the ones they have but they aren't legally supposed to be selling them (I'm not saying anything against it though).

#60911 West Coast Late For Firefly?

Posted by euphemism on 02 August 2005 - 11:57 AM in General Nerf

the firefly isn't actually released yet, the stores are selling the some of the ones they have but they aren't legally supposed to be selling them (I'm not saying anything against it though)

Okay, but it's on Hasbro's Nerf site, up for sale; so they must be released.

Where are you getting your information?

Actually it's not for sale from them (see: hasbrotoyshop.com) it's listed on the nerf site but there's no link to buy it.

#60981 Smoke Stefans/ Markers

Posted by euphemism on 02 August 2005 - 08:35 PM in Homemades

One time I taped a piece of gauze to the tip of a stefan, lit it on fire and shot it (not at someone) from my titan and it went out right when I shot and left a smoke trail which was kinda cool, but that's different. But yeah it's a cool idea, try it with powdered sugar and shoot pancakes.

#61006 Smoke Stefans/ Markers

Posted by euphemism on 02 August 2005 - 11:22 PM in Homemades

Hmmm let's see, oh here we go, No? This is kinda useless. Especially if you stumble apon someone and they don't notice you. you could lay down, make a hide or somesort out of a bush, and eat shit him. Then when the smoke trail is left in the air and the other 3 people on his team rise up with PCs, you are screwed with a bag of shit in your pants.

If you're talking about my thing then I guess I should have pointed out that I never intended to use the flaming gauze darts in a war or anything. They were just for the sake of science.

#62440 Nerf Bullets

Posted by euphemism on 22 August 2005 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

Here is a writeup for my nerf bullets that I invented a while ago, after my titan began killing my homemade micros. You can also make mega bullets with the same procedure.

Posted Image
1. Make a somewhat tight hole for a single mardi gras bead (they are fairly easy to take off the string).

2. Push the bead in and duct tape it in (use enough so you don't kill people with the bead).

In the end the dart should be about 1/2 an inch long and covered in duct tape.
You can put more than one in the barrel for shotgun-ness if a powerful gun is used. Their range is damn good, accuracy is good and velocity is crazy, of course you can use steel ball bearings, brass BBs or lead sinkers but I don't use them to decrease the mortality rate. Due to the slight diameter increase CPVC generally a bad barrel for them but otherwise they work in whatever works for other micros (or megas for mega bullets).

Good look, god save the queen and all that jazz.

EDIT: Have scissors handy for trimming any excess duct tape.

#62528 Nerf Bullets

Posted by euphemism on 25 August 2005 - 03:26 AM in Modifications

Thanks everyone for all positive comments. One thing that's great about them is that they are utterly invincible. Also they can fire from most guns modded to fire stefans from sspb to titan.

Note to anyone making them: Be sure that they are at least slightly longer than wide so they don't roll when you ramrod them.

EDIT: oops this was meant to me in homemades I didn't notice it was here until now, please move

#62532 The Magvalve

Posted by euphemism on 25 August 2005 - 12:34 PM in Modifications

You could make a rudimentary lathe (anyone get the reference?) using a drill (drill press if availible), a knife and probably some duct tape.

#62553 The Magvalve

Posted by euphemism on 25 August 2005 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

It's not that I don't think the valve or breech loader thingy is good, because it is good. I'm just trying to think of a way that you can inrease airflow and decrease wieght while using the same concept/design

#63228 The Loud Nf

Posted by euphemism on 06 September 2005 - 08:22 PM in General Nerf

If your spring still rings after firing you can put foam around the outside of the plunger tube.

#63278 Made A Awsome Stefan

Posted by euphemism on 07 September 2005 - 08:23 PM in Modifications

Actually duct tape was originally duck tape and was made by johnson & johnson for the U.S. army. So generally if you have silver tape call it duct tape and if it's olive green call it duck tape. Any other color and it's probably Duck brand duct tape.

Back to the question at hand, for duct tape stefans take a look at this but use a full dart sized piece of fbr and follow the instructions for the tip.

edit: You can also make duct tape weighted stefans my putting a few wraps of half width duct tape at the tip (only use in somewhat low powered weapons).

#63326 Helpful Tips For Those Starting Out.

Posted by euphemism on 08 September 2005 - 05:19 PM in General Nerf

TOOLS ('n stuff):

1. needle nose pliers
2. phillips and flathead screwdrivers (flatheads more for prying than screws)
3. a good saw, preferably a hacksaw or coping saw
4. hot glue gun
5. drill or even better a dremel
6. something to hold screws and other small parts
7. file
8. PVC shears (you can just use a saw though)
9. clothes drier, blow drier or heat gun
10. scissors
11. duct tape and electrical tape
12. bands and bungees
13. x-acto knives

add any more you can think of

#63513 New Barrel Found!

Posted by euphemism on 11 September 2005 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

I'm not trying to hijack the thread or anything, just thought I'd add another barrel type. This tent repair sleeve available from REI works as a micro barrel but it is tight, and at $0.75 for 5" it's more expensive than PVC (but still cheap). It seems to be some sort of gold, aluminium alloy, also it fits perfectly in an ex-3 barrel.

#64053 Maniac 2?

Posted by euphemism on 21 September 2005 - 04:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I am still living in MA and I expect to be for some time, I would like to go but transportation and lazyness play a big part in my decision making process. I have no real date preference as long is it is on a saturday. If you feel the urge to move it closer to Milton I, along with some others, would be far more likely to come, but if that place is really quite good than moving would just be foolish.

#64127 Gun Porn!

Posted by euphemism on 22 September 2005 - 07:57 PM in Off Topic

katana linkage

One of many Cold Steel products I have lusted after for years.

#64233 Maniac 2?

Posted by euphemism on 23 September 2005 - 10:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Milton borders Boston near lower mills in Dorchester ,where there's a red line (mattapan high speed rail) stop, and there are a few good placesin Milton. There's a park known as Cunningham park that has some nice wooded area behind it with no poison ivy and no drunk kids until 6:30pm, usually at least 7:00. There's a cool, mostly woody place with paths, access roads and whatnot but it has a risk of poison ivy if you leave the roads. The cemetary is also quite good but it sometimes has people during the daytime and it has this non-biting but somewhat annoying fly that seems to inhabit only there. The place that seems to have the least in the way of drawbacks is the park, but the cemetary can be more fun, in my opinion.

#64252 Limewire

Posted by euphemism on 24 September 2005 - 10:50 AM in Off Topic

You should try the media player Quintessential Player. It has a built in stream saver and it uses the ogg vorbis codec (but not for the stream saver).

#64253 Maniac 2?

Posted by euphemism on 24 September 2005 - 11:00 AM in Nerf Wars

They are easily walking distance from each other so we could gather at the park, nerf there, then go to the cemetary and nerf more.

#64258 Limewire

Posted by euphemism on 24 September 2005 - 11:43 AM in Off Topic

Open iTunes then do file, add file to library.