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#177761 Ma War?

Posted by jackster57 on 16 September 2008 - 04:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Um. Where do I start.....

It is your friend. Read it , learn it , DO IT.

Please search , avoid txt tlk and use proper grammar.

And yes there is 2 Nerf Wars in your area.

Fighting Jack Frost - http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=12697

Maine Nerf War - http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=13121


#166377 Would This Work?

Posted by jackster57 on 04 August 2008 - 07:54 AM in Modifications

Yep. I tried it. It works but not as well as the LS. Also you are gonna have to dremel the Squash out of both sides of the bolt and the receiver part. I can now shoot Taggers pretty consistently , but I still have trouble with Micros.


#237150 Menwar Tune-up War.

Posted by jackster57 on 18 June 2009 - 02:03 PM in Nerf Wars

I may need to change the date to the 30th of June, is this okay for everyone?

I would not be there on the 30th

#236458 Menwar Tune-up War.

Posted by jackster57 on 15 June 2009 - 03:06 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm there.

#163824 The Dangerous Book For Boys

Posted by jackster57 on 23 July 2008 - 06:14 AM in Off Topic

I second that statement. I built the go kart out of that book , along with many other projects. I would recommend it to all.

#166973 Smdtb Problemos

Posted by jackster57 on 06 August 2008 - 09:40 PM in Modifications

The other day I picked up a "SpiderMan 3 nerf dart tag blaster at TRU for 12 bucks. I Immedetly modded one with brass barrels. The first day it was working pretty good and getting about 55 feet. The next day my friends and I were having a small war in a nearby park and I decided to bring my new smdtg's along to accompony my maxshot. At first they were working about the same and getting about 45 feet. But Then I noticed that every about 10th shot the darts would fire >30 feet. As the day progressed the problems got worse, until I was misfirng about every 3 shots. When I got home I checked for leaks by submerging the blaster in water, I found None. Then just to be sure I opened it up , rechecked and then hotglued around of all the valves and barrels. But sure enough the first time I tested It I was dissapointed with 30 foot or less ranges. These guns seem to have potential , but I need to find out whats wrong. Any help Is appreaciated.

Edit- I modded the other one with AR removeal and am having a simlar problem.

Also all ranged are with the included stock taggers.

Please contibute your help.


#161220 Smano

Posted by jackster57 on 02 July 2008 - 07:03 AM in Nerf Wars

Yes! Finally a war in Maine! Mkay so here are the dates that work for me I am booked solid through July with the exception of the 26th. Also I am leaving for MN on the 5th where I am attending that MN war with the acronym thingy. I could go to this war if it was on the 26th of July and the 2nd of August. I think I have a good park in mind. The only problem with it is that is has a path around the outside that is walked by a moderate amount of people other than that it is a perfect place. It has bathrooms and a nice small market with snacks , energy drinks and ice cream nearby.

Here is the park on google maps


Scroll around the park to see all the possible playing areas. It is surrounded by woods on one side and a path and a river on the other.

Hope this works out

Edit: I could bring between 1 and 2 attendees with me.

#204423 Mm2k

Posted by jackster57 on 18 January 2009 - 01:19 PM in Modifications

Why? The 2k gets the same range and is much cleaner looking and easier to pump.

#154191 Wierd At2k Problem

Posted by jackster57 on 01 May 2008 - 08:31 PM in General Nerf

So your saying basicly just cover the whole air tank and orange thing with goop?

#154181 Wierd At2k Problem

Posted by jackster57 on 01 May 2008 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

I just modded my at2k but when i pump it air seems to be leaking out where the plastic goo holding part of the good gauge meets the orange part of the goo gauge. To fix this problem i first tried unscrewing the orange goo gauge part then when i put it back together the problem was still there. Then lining the area with hot glue where the leak was happing. But still no fixo. When i pump it i can fully hear the air leaking out and after about 7 seconds after if pump it there is no air left at all.
I know im kinda a Knewblet but this is about my 5th mod. Can any one help me out?


#154226 Wierd At2k Problem

Posted by jackster57 on 02 May 2008 - 06:09 AM in General Nerf

No, don't just go in blindly and start gluing everything. I made this mistake once, and I'll never do it again. It ruined my Magstrike. Put soapy water over the general area of where you think the leak is, then pump up the gun. Wherever bubbles start forming is where your leak is at. Wash the thing off, and put Plumbers Goop over that area. Wait 24-48 hours and it should be good.

Before I do this I should remove all the old hot glue right? Also does this problem definetly sound like a bad goo tank and not a bad pump plug?
I just want to make sure before i go buy plumbers goop.

#215906 Preliminary Planning For A Connecticut War

Posted by jackster57 on 02 March 2009 - 03:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Just like an FYI to any people from Maine looking at coming, it is about 4 hours from Naples (Wes) and about 3.15 from Portland. I am a not likely but maybe I will be able to come.

#254317 Meno 2, Halloween

Posted by jackster57 on 22 October 2009 - 02:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Cold Sucks and Parties be Krazy. I'm out.

#179324 Should I Host An Ma War?

Posted by jackster57 on 24 September 2008 - 04:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Or you could come to the ME war. LINKAGE - http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=13121
Its only 2 hr. from Boston. Come Please. All you.

#219930 Ligntning Blitz Pump Help

Posted by jackster57 on 26 March 2009 - 03:38 PM in Modifications

Get something like this. http://www.mcmaster....5117k96/=169nl5

Then drill the hole in the pump caseing a little bit bigger until it is the size of the threads. Then put plumbers goop on the treads and screw it into the hole you just drilled. Then just put some more plumbers goop on it until its airtight. Problem Solved.


#219892 Ligntning Blitz Pump Help

Posted by jackster57 on 26 March 2009 - 05:39 AM in Modifications

Yeah, just get some new tubing and plumers goop. Problem solved! I think its 3/8 OD 1/4ID clear tubing. Alternatively I have a stock LB that I would sell you with no pump problems. Hope it works out for you as the LB is a great gun.

#182540 Sch 80 Pvc

Posted by jackster57 on 09 October 2008 - 06:14 AM in Modifications

It took ME 40 seconds...

Here is the part # 48855K21 comes to about $23 shipped.

#182683 Sch 80 Pvc

Posted by jackster57 on 09 October 2008 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Jackster has the right part number, but a nonsensical price.

There's no big secret to navigating McMaster. Just start you search with a generic term like "pipe" or "plastics" the refine by type, size, shape, material, price, or specification.

Wait... It was 17 bucks with shipping. Just checked the invoice. I got a 10 foot insanely heavy duty shipping tube. It was worth the money.
The tube cost 10 bucks. It is the most hard core shipping tube I have EVER seen. And I bought the item.

#184600 Pictures In Signatures

Posted by jackster57 on 20 October 2008 - 06:02 AM in Off Topic

You question too many rules. Also I would agree that you post WAY too much. Its a freakin 1000x800 image.... It would take up more space than your post. Let this die. Please.

#185179 750 Pumps.

Posted by jackster57 on 23 October 2008 - 07:48 PM in General Nerf

5 I believe. I used to give mine that before it exploded. Just Kidding. I sold it to MSDFS.
I WOULD NOT DO MORE THAN 6! But hell, my friend gives his at2k 8 and its fine...

#228471 My Arsenal

Posted by jackster57 on 06 May 2009 - 05:51 AM in Modifications

They're good, but the paint jobs would look better if they had more black. I would proablably do about 8 more coats of flat back. Just to make it look more like A G.O.W RPG you know?

#278632 L.j.w 1

Posted by jackster57 on 26 June 2010 - 06:14 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a distant maybe. If I can come, I'll try to bring a few guests.


#185169 O Rings

Posted by jackster57 on 23 October 2008 - 07:29 PM in Modifications

Hi, i'm wondering what size o rings are the ds and nf because i'm going to the hardware store to buy them and are they the same sizes?

You could just bring the plunger tube. I do not recall the actual #'s though. Just bring the tube and ask them for a o-ring that fits.

#175595 How Tight Should They Be?

Posted by jackster57 on 07 September 2008 - 07:47 AM in General Nerf

You took the turret off my old maxshot? Oh well. I would strongly reccomend a nested brass barrel of 3 inches of 17/32 nested into 9 inches of 9/16, all nested in PVC, and jammed into a coupler. I tried this, and I have very similar fitting darts to you (tight in CPVC, and loose in OMC petg)
Hope this helps.

Sorry, but yes I did take the turret off of the maxshot. It got to be a pain, and its range was only OK. Thanks for the advice about the barrel set up. And the maxshot is still holding strong.

#175591 How Tight Should They Be?

Posted by jackster57 on 07 September 2008 - 07:26 AM in General Nerf

Fist off yes, the title is a that's what she said joke on purpose.

Now for my real question. How tight do I want my darts in their barrel? I am using a Maxshot and will soon upgrade to a ETRL pump action shotgun. My stefans are tight in cpvc. While I do not have to twist them in, I can NOT blow them down the barrel what-so-ever. In 17/32nds brass the fit is similar to cpvc but a bit looser. In PETG my darts are very loose. They are about as loose as can be without sliding up and down. I can NOT slide the darts by shaking the PETG though. I am using a CPVC coupler on my maxshot as of now, with 9'' of CPVC. My question to you guys is "What type of barrel set-up should I use in my high powered springers? I can never really get a straight answer. Because I have never warred with anyone besides my inexperienced friends I am unsure of which barrel set up will give me the best range/accuracy. Also I am using both C_S style felt and washer stefans along with 3 copper bb stefans. Please help me put an end to this on going question in my head.


#235951 Brass Breech Problem

Posted by jackster57 on 13 June 2009 - 07:58 AM in Modifications

I am not sure about you, but all of my brass comes with little stickers telling the size of the pipe. After I take off those stickers I have to be sure to completely sand off all of the residue or the brass has trouble sliding. Try that.

#209034 Range Estimators Listen Up!

Posted by jackster57 on 02 February 2009 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

Yes, OMC knows. It was a joke. He was implying that if you claim that you had to ride your bike to the dart because it was so far away, then you're full of shit because a dart won't go that far.

There is, but one exception, that any of the few MENWar participants can tell you about.

The story is: 1" dart fired vertically out of a plugged 2k, that had been pumped 10 times. Got caught in some sort of strong wind or jetstream. We watched it go for a long ways, before finally falling. When we located it, it was 500-600' away from where it was fired.

True story.

It was INSANE. It flew, and flew, and flew. It grew WINGS.
But nice idea. Same thing as those wheels that you can roll across the ground. Very Clever.

#209036 Range Estimators Listen Up!

Posted by jackster57 on 02 February 2009 - 08:21 PM in General Nerf

Server Error. Sorry for the x2 post.

#189550 Catch Fire Replacement Balls

Posted by jackster57 on 13 November 2008 - 07:11 PM in General Nerf

Hello. I am thinking of buying a Zoom-O catch fire ball gun. As seen at Target.com http://www.target.co.....h fire&page=1

However I am unsure of if nerf "ballistic" balls will fit and fire well in this gun. This is huge factor over wether I buy the gun or not and I would like to now.
Someone please give me a answer.

#189554 Catch Fire Replacement Balls

Posted by jackster57 on 13 November 2008 - 07:20 PM in General Nerf

They won't? :o
Is there any type of replacement balls for the catch/trigger fire?

#172264 Magstrike Pump Issues

Posted by jackster57 on 25 August 2008 - 08:04 AM in Modifications

I could sell you a spare magstrke pump/bladder if you are interested. PM me if you are interested.

#159241 Nano Recap

Posted by jackster57 on 15 June 2008 - 11:11 AM in Nerf Wars

Looks like a blast. Anyone "driveby" someone while sliding down that huge slide? That would have been pretty awesome.

#188210 Could We Add Cbox?

Posted by jackster57 on 08 November 2008 - 09:17 AM in Site Feedback

Been Discussed Many Times Before. And Failed. Many times before.

#220245 Quick And Dirty Mod.

Posted by jackster57 on 28 March 2009 - 08:32 AM in Modifications

Don't take that to a nerf war.

Or just give it a bright orange tip and paint it a different color...

On topic- Nice job, while it would sort of be a pain to keep changing the co2 cartridge after every few rounds, it is still pretty cool. If I were you I would install a deodorant clip system like FA24 did on his BBB.

#236685 Burst Fire Barrel System.

Posted by jackster57 on 16 June 2009 - 05:28 AM in Modifications

Cool. Maybe try a slightly longer actual "barrel" part. I have a 6 shot RSCB that Wes made for me on an at3k and when wes gives me my 4B back I might try it on that too. Is that a new X-Bow or the one that broke earlier?

#218096 +bow Color Scheme

Posted by jackster57 on 15 March 2009 - 05:50 PM in Homemades

Do the yellow theme, but make it a more not-goldish POP in your face yellow. Then paint the radioactive symbol with a yellow base coat and red splatter paint.

#236071 Meno, A Maine Nerf War

Posted by jackster57 on 13 June 2009 - 07:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I am gone during this date. Also the field of Bradbury is not a very good place, and nerfing is prohibited inside the park. I asked this winter and they would not let it happen. Maybe want to have a war at a different field besides RoyalRiver on July 25th? After MenWar2? I am open on that date.

#245138 Meno, A Maine Nerf War

Posted by jackster57 on 02 August 2009 - 09:49 AM in Nerf Wars

Man, I probably could have made it to this, but I totally forgot about it. I'm sorry, I would have liked to have made it :/

Yeah me too, you guys need to bump if it's close to date.

Not My War. Menwar#3 is going to be bumped like a Mofo.

#245017 Meno, A Maine Nerf War

Posted by jackster57 on 01 August 2009 - 03:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I had fun today, seeing a PAS, handcannon and an Xbow in use was fun. Sorry again for showing late.

#236153 Meno, A Maine Nerf War

Posted by jackster57 on 14 June 2009 - 08:03 AM in Nerf Wars

How about we just make it August 1st at RoyalRiver. If you would like I could just host a MenWar tune-up on July 1st also. This war thread is getting way to confusing.