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#137837 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Green Riptide on 30 January 2008 - 04:40 PM in Modifications

a bit of my nerf area in the basement.
Posted Image

1- My first mod, a CPVC'd NF. Spring replaced with a handyman spring, some epoxy on the inside for minor reinforcement, rubber splicing tape around the plunger head. Also integrated a SSPB-type Lanard thing i picked up for a few bucks on an aisle end at Kroger. The SSPB is also CPVC'd. I sanded out the inside of the main barrel to replicate PN's NF barrel.

2- The shell from the lanard SSPB thing. From what I can see of people similar NF's I had to dremel away more of the shell to fit this kind in. I had been using the circular base of the NF's barrel post as a firing button instead of just the purple shaft there, but it came un-epoxy'd. :)

3- An SSPB-type thing I picked up at Sonic years ago- it had bizarre triangular screws, so that shell got pretty mutilated, but I do have an intact one if anyone wants to see. Seems to get better range than the stock SSPB's I have.

4- Gutted Lanard push-pull water gun. Must be useful for something.. thoughts?

edit- before someone asks, ranges unknown.

#142108 The Vulcan

Posted by Green Riptide on 23 February 2008 - 02:27 AM in General Nerf

One wonders how much work it would take to rig a backpack car battery.

#142193 The Vulcan

Posted by Green Riptide on 23 February 2008 - 01:45 PM in General Nerf

I think a box on the right side would be great. Nobody wants to run around with the belt hanging around. I mean you could trip on it, and if you play on concrete, like me, in a t-shirt and basketball shorts then you wouldn't like that happening.

Great, so make one and post a writeup. :P
a on a side note.. 'Oro?' kenshin?

a second side note to everyone- please excuse my lack of [/sarcasm] tag after the car battery post. I forgot that sarcasm isn't always readable on the interwebs.

#149107 Modding Basics

Posted by Green Riptide on 03 April 2008 - 04:18 PM in Modifications

Captain Slug can field the ID question since that seems to be a favorite rambling point of his. :P

Suffice it to say, though, that CPVC and PVC are NOT the same thing. PVC is usually a white pipe that has larger ID's than similar sizes of CPVC. It also tends to come in larger size options period. Most PVC is very loose to use on stock darts.

CPVC is off-white to yellow, sometimes with a yellow stripe along the side. I believe it is intended for cold-water plumbing in the non-NERF world. Most CPVC is fairly tight on stock darts. CPVC tends to come in smaller diameters than PVC, as well.

You could use PVC as a barrel, but unless you know what you're getting into your darts will probably just fall out the end.

#139189 Arr!

Posted by Green Riptide on 07 February 2008 - 07:18 PM in Homemades

personally I'm confused as to why the squared area behind the clip exists at all. Is that bracing for inevitable tank attachment?

#139322 Arr!

Posted by Green Riptide on 08 February 2008 - 04:18 PM in Homemades

Actually, Captain, I meant this area-
Posted Image

#141412 Nerf Eliminator And Hyperfire

Posted by Green Riptide on 19 February 2008 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

firstly and most importantly, a vulcan avatar is needed stat.

Secondly... green titan/hornet. I didn't see a scout, though, and that saddens me. i'd like nothing more than a rainbow collection of scouts.

The wiimote blaster attachment looks like it has some serious potential- looks like a DiskShot/NF plunger, so ranges should be tasty, and it looks like it would be a cinch to mount it on, say, the NF top rail. Bam, double NF.

#142713 Nerf Video Directory

Posted by Green Riptide on 26 February 2008 - 10:01 PM in General Nerf

Stage six is going down.


#139266 Arachnophobia Ii

Posted by Green Riptide on 07 February 2008 - 11:36 PM in Modifications

oh, I see.

Personally if I were going to be going back and forth that much I'd find a different option (as opposed to keyrings), but I suppose having never built an Arachnaphobia II of my very own my opinion there doesn't matter. :P

oh, and *insert innuendo about how good imaseoulman is at making the pumping motion very quickly*

#139204 Arachnophobia Ii

Posted by Green Riptide on 07 February 2008 - 07:55 PM in Modifications

You have got to be shitting me. This is basically the ultimate weapon, with a six-pack shotgun blast and twin long-range punch. With that much ridiculous in one place I'm half expecting you to come back next week with a clip mod. ._.

Internal pics would be much appreciated. On the subject of keyrings, you're just using the magstrike trigger for air transfer, right?
So a firing cycle would be
i- pump for half of eternity
ii- hold MS trigger for a few seconds
iii- move fingers to SM keyring triggers/detonator triggers and wait for shot
iv- fire
and then you could loop back to ii but you prefer to just use the SMDTG's after a single round of SM firing...
so basically you don't have to worry about switching triggers incredibly fast, since the majority of time should be spent with no trigger contact (pumping/noncombat situation) and then in combat most of the time would spent on the keyrings waiting for a clean shot.

#138319 Ecno

Posted by Green Riptide on 03 February 2008 - 01:14 AM in Nerf Wars

well, I'll be in Allentown in July, but I won't have any free time then anyway. :P

Are any ohioans thinking of attending? particulary Lynx or the UC clanners?

#141205 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by Green Riptide on 19 February 2008 - 12:44 AM in Off Topic

My chosen screenname was already taken when I signed up for Infantry Online, so I took the pansy route- instead of thinking up something decent I just chose a random combination of adjective and noun.

I did, however, invent a lovely little backstory for it.

If you've ever looked closely enough at the label of your favorite alligator-themed sports beverage, you probably noticed that the flavors are named with similar adjective/noun combos (Fierce Berry, Cool Blue, Xtremo Mango, etc.) One of these flavors - the purple one - is actually named Riptide Rush. It was about a week or so after the invention of my new name that the association was made for the first time. "Hey, isn't that a flavor of Gatorade?" would be repeated dozens of times through the following years, and every time the question is asked I respond with this:

'No, Green riptide is not a flavor of Gatorade. It used to be, though. You've probably never heard about it; Gatorade has covered it up pretty well. See, right after their mysterious blend of electrolytes hit it big the scientists who created Gatorade thought it would be wise to expand the line of flavors. They knew that everyone had heard of the product, but they wanted to keep the brand fresh so it wouldn't just be a fad- so, they locked themselves in the lab for days, mixing and formulating to add more punch to Gatorade than ever before. What they emerged with was a green liquid that seemed to glow from within, a bizzare side effect of the incredibly potent chemical blend they had just mixed into the standard lemon-lime Gatorade flavor. When the lab director, an aging but well-respected founder of the enterprise, tasted it, he said the lemon flavor was almost entirely gone- the new beverage packed a powerful lime taste. Pressed for time due to the time they had spent in the lab, the Gatorade employees rushed the new product through marketing and developed a catchy new name for the wonder drink- "Green Riptide." It was moved through so fast that no one else even bothered to taste it. In the frenzy to get Green Riptide to the shelves, immense stress was placed upon the lab staff, and no one thought it unusual that as the process was coming to a close a week or so later the lab director did not show up to work, calling in to complain of a headache. Production started, and a batch of 5000 bottles of glowing, mysterious Green was sent to a small community in Northern Florida- Lake Como. The test market included a summer camp on the lake, and in the heat of summer the active citizens of the town were eager to try this strange new sensation. The Monday after the official test market release, the lab supervisor was again absent, but this time with no phone call. On Tuesday he was found dead in his apartment, where he had been since late Sunday afternoon. the coroner reported that he died of a neural overload, probably due to undue stress. No one thought to make the connection. By Wednesday all 5000 bottles had been sold, and the lab team prepared to make a second batch. They were halfway through the mixing process on Thursday when a man burst into the lab, screaming that they had to stop- something was terribly wrong. In the streets and homes of Lake Como lay 3854 corpses, and in the veins of each and every one flowed Green Riptide. The electrolytes in the drink were too much for the human system to absorb- the energy simply overloaded the brain, frying the consumer alive in a slow and painful death ending days after the first sip. The remaining citizens numbered only a few thousand, and a few can still be found today. They are scattered across the globe in institutions, old folk's homes, and hospitals. The authorities will say that they are delusional, or simply crazy, but the truth is out there. Over four thousand slowly rotting corpses were dumped into the now-tainted waters of Lake Como by Gatorade, and the remaining residents paid off or simply disposed of. Today Lake Como is restricted territory, declared unsafe by government officials paid off by Gatorade- but go for yourself, and see the true face of Green Riptide in the oddly glowing reflections from the lake. Tell everyone you know- Green riptide was a flavor of Gatorade, yes- until it killed all who drank it.

#143914 Music

Posted by Green Riptide on 04 March 2008 - 09:10 PM in Off Topic

I don't so much listen to genres of music as random people/bands.

I enjoy hardcore house/D&B and classical music, or better yet, both together.

I like Five Iron Frenzy and Roper, some Orange Range and Asian Kung-Fu Generation stuff, Johnny Richards and Stan Kenton, Squad Five-O, Mannheim Steamroller and Trans-Siberian Orchestra's instrumental stuff, some Yngwie malmsteen, the IUP marching band and Phantom Regiment. I also enjoy the more symphonic brass band stuff and more modern symphonic and band music.

#144070 Music

Posted by Green Riptide on 06 March 2008 - 12:37 AM in Off Topic

I usually find relient k too .. i dunno, soft and guitar-driven pop-esque? I do enjoy some of their stuff though. It makes for lovely music to fall asleep too.

Currently though, I fall asleep to Franz Biebl's arrangement of Ave maria -easily the best, in my opinion- performed by chanticleer. If I had to choose now, this is the song I'd want this song played at my funeral (though I'd have a hard time deciding between having chanticleer and phantom regiment performing it).

#140129 What Was Your First Nerf Gun?

Posted by Green Riptide on 14 February 2008 - 01:08 AM in General Nerf

My first NERF dart-firing item was a SSPB-ish thing that came in a kid's meal at Sonic. I've still got two.

#154963 The Nerf Warrior System (nws)

Posted by Green Riptide on 06 May 2008 - 08:30 PM in Homemades

I have a wonderful mental image of Neo coming into the lobby and pulling out an endless series of magstrikes thanks to this thread. Seriously- four pre-pumped magstrikes on the back and one in each hand would make for a ridiculous foamstorm. Ridiculous in several ways.

#138492 Lock 'n Load Write Up.

Posted by Green Riptide on 03 February 2008 - 11:51 PM in Modifications


The Lock 'n Loads [sic] is quite possibly the most accurate pistol I have ever used.

Nothing extraordinary here, but there doesn't need to be to have a good mod. I liked the video write-up, but due to technical difficulties and the on-site factor I still prefer images and text. Who does all the filming, since as far as I'm aware you only have two arms?

#138508 Lock 'n Load Write Up.

Posted by Green Riptide on 04 February 2008 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

What technical difficulties?
Some of it was me setting it up in a position and the other times it was Raven.

Either way, for the most part you're very good with the filming aspects. The only shot that was questionable was the face-edited one :P
As for technical difficulties, my primary internet-access point is behind a public school filter, so youtube/myspace/etc. are blocked. I'm basically limited to what i can get to through proxies until I get home; more of a personal issue than a widespread thing, but I feel the other points still stand.

#142648 Dart Holding Gloves

Posted by Green Riptide on 26 February 2008 - 04:10 PM in General Nerf

It should be noted that California is a very large state whose northern reaches lay near the same latitudes as those of New Jersey.

#142914 Nonstandard Game Types - Ideas, Rules, Etc.

Posted by Green Riptide on 27 February 2008 - 08:13 PM in Nerf Wars

As for the commenting on LARP...drop it.

Fine, but that doesn't make it any less gay.

It should be noted that Humans vs. Zombies is larping.

In response to Piney's Idea of Passing a football, Falcon and I are working out the rules for something similar using foam frisbees... I'll post something about it in here when it's figured out fully.

Gametype Concept:
Ultimate NERF

Who doesn't know how ultimate frisbee works? Since this board is mostly college kids I'd say not many. people play it in gym class and it is the second unofficial sport of college life, behind beer pong. Unless you play quarters, lamewads.

So here's the breakdown. Ultimate NERF is a chaotic speed-CTF gametype concept with two flags [frisbees, usually]. Utilizing the basic concepts of Ultimate Frisbee, this game will involve passing a throwable object [flag] from one end of the field to the other. It should be played in an area that is fairly large and relatively open, though just using a soccer field might be a bit too open.

There are two flags; we'll call them red and blue. red flag is on one end of the field, in an easily definable area- under a tree, in an endzone, past a certain line, whatever. blue flag is similarly placed on the opposite end of the field. Flags should be throwable/catchable objects; NERF footballs, frisbees, various types of balls, even socks if you want.

Red team starts in the blue flag area and vice versa; Each team's goal is to bring the enemy flag back to their flag area. This entails running out to the opposite end of the field and grabbing the flag and then passing it back ultimate-frisbee-style. This means that you cannot move with the flag other than to pivot (one foot stays in place while you utilize the other to turn about.) The flag must be chucked, tossed, hurled, or otherwise projected to a team member in order to advance its position.

Ultimate NERF would be non-elimination. Any player can be shot at any time, with the penalty for taking a hit being a time-out whose magnitude is to be determined on a situational basis. To prevent too much chaos in the middle of the field, players should quickly and expediently make their way to a timeout area for the duration of their time-out. The time-out area could also be varied, but should probably be located off to the sides rather than in a flag area, since the action should be going back and forth the whole time. timed-out players should not provide cover for their still-in-play teammates while exiting, etc.

If a flagger (person holding flag) is shot they must drop the flag where they were shot and take a time-out.
The flagger may shoot while holding the flag.
The opposing team may intercept the flag when/if it is thrown, and if they do they may run while carrying it to return it to its starting point.
If an opposing player is shot while returning the flag they must drop it where they were shot and take a time-out.

I think that about covers it. Plenty to be tweaked here- if you have an open area that is the proper size but has no obstacles, here are some possibilities:
Ignore the time-out area rule and allow timed-out players to stand in place and act as human shields.
Designate a certain number from each team to be unarmed "rushers" who may gain certain benefits from being unarmed; they can take an extra hit before being timed-out, or something similar.
Ignore the time-out rule in favor of a "you must run back to your start point when hit, but may then continue play normally" clause. Basically a respawn.

It obviously would take some tweaking, but I think it could work. The initial standoff would last a decent while, but once one team got ahold of a flag things would more than likely stay fast and furious for the duration.

#143871 Spring Ohio War

Posted by Green Riptide on 04 March 2008 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Yee Haw Ohio.

Someone has their primary states mixed up. :(

Is anyone planning on documenting this war?

#143137 Spring Ohio War

Posted by Green Riptide on 28 February 2008 - 11:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I lied. I'm pretty sure I will be able to go now and maybe also make the Columbus one. I'll be bringing quite a load of guns so if anybody needs a loaner or is interested in buying something it's no problem.

30 days.

wait, what Columbus one?

I will not be able to attend this one.

Lynx, check your PM's.

#145455 Spring Ohio War

Posted by Green Riptide on 16 March 2008 - 07:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I look forward to seeing you all kicking your asses KILLING YOU SOON.


Since the OHNO poll has drifted off the front page, is this the designated OHNO planning thread now?

#146176 Spring Ohio War

Posted by Green Riptide on 21 March 2008 - 05:25 PM in Nerf Wars

That's what the Internet is for.

#143573 Spring Ohio War

Posted by Green Riptide on 03 March 2008 - 01:00 AM in Nerf Wars

a 10 yr old

virgin ears!

#143917 Petg At2k Quad Barrel Write Up

Posted by Green Riptide on 04 March 2008 - 09:18 PM in Modifications

Since it's active now- my AT2K, as far as I can tell, never had the crucial O-ring. When I opened it there was nothing there. Is that particular O-ring really necessary, or can substitute with something else such as the aforementioned glue?

#141287 My 1st Homemade

Posted by Green Riptide on 19 February 2008 - 04:47 PM in Homemades

actually /b/'s rules one and two are

1. ZOMG NONE!!!1*
2. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, and 10 are enforced.

Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.

but, following haven rules 1 and 2,

Think Before You Post.
Don't post unless you have something to say.

I'm going to try and stay on topic.
I love the shotgun look, but I don't understand what you're trying to do with the p90 grip. The hand position is so far out that pumping would be awkward, not to mention that the contact point of the foregrip would probably be well beyond the breech... at least, if the mental picture I have is what you're actually doing. something like this-
Posted Image
where the foregrip moves forward along the doted white lines, separating from the trigger grip at the yellow lines.

on a related note, I can't be the only person to have considered hacking up the firefly shell and re-engineering it to be an FNP90. It has the perfect grip for it.

#154920 Big Blast Modification

Posted by Green Riptide on 06 May 2008 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

Apologies for dredging this up, but before I embark on this particular modding adventure I have a few questions.
These mostly go out to anyone with modded Big Blasts.

Is it possible to relocate the pump? As in, detach the pump tube from the pressure chamber and move it somewhere else? In this case I'd be trying to make it a bullpup design. From what I've seen it doesn't look like you can cut up the whole one-piece internal thing, but every mod in the directory involves putting the internals back in the shell they came from, so no one really needed to bother trying it.

and of course, How many pumps with the pump plugged?

#155656 Summer Ohio War

Posted by Green Riptide on 12 May 2008 - 10:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm just going to resign myself to not being able to make it to any wars until I start attending UC in the fall. :[
that does give me plenty of time to finish up mods, though.

There are several parks around the east side of Cbus that would probably do very well indeed.

(by the way, lynx, I can't get the FF i bought off of you to work. i have a few ideas, but... jesus, what did you DO to it?)

#143131 Jspb Max Fire & Biomech

Posted by Green Riptide on 28 February 2008 - 11:36 PM in Homemades

In regards to the inline clip design seen on the max fire and shield breaker, why not just use an extra check valve on the back portion of the clip to prevent air from being wasted there?

here, let me MS paint it.
Posted Image

If I'm not mistaken someone did a similar inline clip with an AT2K that utilized this idea. The only drawback I can see is that it would add yet another valve to switch.

#148862 New Music...

Posted by Green Riptide on 02 April 2008 - 05:02 PM in Off Topic

Meh, I can't get too excited about new music. I love Bartok, Debussy, and Stravinsky, but I won't touch anything more modern.


#142395 Iron Man Magstrike In Stores

Posted by Green Riptide on 24 February 2008 - 05:43 PM in General Nerf

"N.R.F." - Living proof that taking the vowels out of anything makes it 'cooler'.

#143024 Foam Dummy

Posted by Green Riptide on 28 February 2008 - 04:14 PM in Homemades

I think that the magnets are manly so it is easier to store.

Sence when did manly magnets make something easier to store?

Sence [sic] they allowed the dummy to be disassembled for storage.

#153867 I Need Advice

Posted by Green Riptide on 29 April 2008 - 06:52 PM in Off Topic

Be a man! Use your dick!


The idea here is to use the leverage and swing the hips; you might need to dig a small starter hole to wedge yourself underneath the main part of the stump at first.
You also may want to practice on a few smaller stumps in the back woods before attempting a full-size phallic de-stumping procedure; guaranteed, though, if you bring along a few of the lady-types (try to find some who aren't too shy) to the main event you'll never sleep alone as long as you live in that town.

#140324 Anonymous Vs. Scientology

Posted by Green Riptide on 14 February 2008 - 08:37 PM in Off Topic

Honestly, organized religion has done this sort of thing for years, but in the 1300s there was absolutely no chance of an internet-spread revolt. It's almost like The Spanish Inquisition are coming with their lawyer team, and this time we can do something about it.

#140340 Anonymous Vs. Scientology

Posted by Green Riptide on 14 February 2008 - 09:06 PM in Off Topic

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 'fair game' policy was officially rescinded years ago, even if it is still defacto policy.

What most incriminates Scientology to me is the "Snow White" episode. If the FBI raided Scientology premises and found that there had been a massive espionage effort, why was the entire church not shut down? Why does the average Joe not know that anything even happened? When the leaders of the organization (the Hubbards were incriminated as co-conspirators) are directly involved with the altering, theft of, and burglary of federal records, I'd see that as grounds to erase every trace of the "church"'s existence. At that point it doesn't matter if they are gathered based on a shared belief system- they're a crime syndicate.

Lynx- that's a few too many friends' friend's to take seriously.

#139404 Music

Posted by Green Riptide on 09 February 2008 - 12:52 AM in Off Topic

Time to Say Goodbye

I'd be the one in the green bucket hat towards the end. I should mention this was absolutely the worst we've ever played that song, mostly because of the botched trumpet solo. ._.

#141464 Music

Posted by Green Riptide on 20 February 2008 - 12:58 AM in Off Topic

blend bass sax/contrabassoon/tuba and take out some of the lowest frequencies.

#141294 Music

Posted by Green Riptide on 19 February 2008 - 05:23 PM in Off Topic

virtual my ass. If this is going to happen it demands as much Effeminate as possible, thus live orchestra. Or at least pre-recorded parts mixed.

#141416 Music

Posted by Green Riptide on 19 February 2008 - 09:53 PM in Off Topic

Alright, done.

total forum membership is... what, again?

Seriously, we should do a remix of Dies Irae.
I'll handle all twelve horn parts.