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#360837 Armageddon XVIII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (6/24/17) NOW RECAPPING

Posted by KoRnEd on 29 June 2017 - 12:23 AM in Nerf Wars

Armageddon was great this year! Thank you to Zeke for hosting such a great event.


  • Dart sweeps were very comprehensive!
  • Everyone I talked to was super cool and friendly! 
  • Clicker Deathmatch worked great for a group this size
  • The cards to separate and organize teams went SO well. What a genius idea/implementation.
  • Vets vs Rest was super cool. Kinda wondering why Brian wasn't on that vet team haha. One could definitely tell the difference between the two teams pretty fast because the vet team stayed tightly grouped where they could get eachother back in, and our team split up.
  • My Supermaxx 1k shooting straight lasers
  • My slugs shooting as straight as slugs can go, and when broken (I found at least 5 of my slugs broken in the dart pile), broken completely safely with zero metal exposed. I'm super happy about that last one for safeties' sake. It proves that properly made slugs are relatively safe.
  • Seeing new faces: This hobby is hard to stay in with events kinda spread out. I'm glad we have so many new faces around. Definitely looking forward to seeing you guys in the future!
  • Crossbows that Brian and I were running shooting straight
  • Hitting people from really far away with my 5k
  • Langley explaining rules and gathering people. That kept everything running so smoothly! 
  • Lending my duct tape to everyone lmao (and screwdriver to a couple people.
  • Using Langley as cover during freeze tag (and subsequently having him threaten to shoot at me if he got back in. Never ran so fast in my life LOL)
  • Getting demolished by flywheel / full auto blasters (Shoot once and get wrecked trying to reload my breech)
  • Standing right outside of flywheel range and picking people off with the crossbow haha


  • Was so sweaty afterwards (which is probably a good thing haha)
  • Was trying to either grab a ball or tag a teammate and got face shotted twice and neck shotted ; . ;
  • People picking up strictly their own darts. Not cool.
  • People standing around chatting / camping our own spawn during rounds. You can always opt to sit out during a round if you don't feel like playing :(
  • Having ~50 on the clicker during clicker deathmatch where at least 25 were me getting hit
  • My +Bow losing screws in the first round, putting it out of commission for the entire day
  • Not getting to play more rounds with everyone ;D

Thank you to everyone for making this year such a great geddon. See ya'll at other events!

#360678 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by KoRnEd on 20 June 2017 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

A yo it's mysterio on korned's account, this is about two days worth of modding.

Two overhauled crossbows with homemade internals, one tank relocated brassed 5k, one couplered 5k,a cpvc singled longshot, a cpvc singled 1k, couplered 3b with cut down [k26], a bunch of pistols, and some other stuff.

#360486 Armageddon XVIII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (6/24/17) NOW RECAPPING

Posted by KoRnEd on 10 June 2017 - 06:01 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be attending ^^ 

Thankfully I'm out of school for the ~2 weeks before this so I have time to fix my +bow and 5k (allowed? You're a madman, but I'm not complaining...)

#347991 ZLIN Dart

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 July 2015 - 04:05 AM in Homemades

I'm currently in Taiwan for an internship. Is there any way to see one of these in action?

#343738 SoCal War: Christmastravaganza MMXIV

Posted by KoRnEd on 27 December 2014 - 06:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Best war ever.

#343280 ultra match blasters

Posted by KoRnEd on 02 December 2014 - 11:14 PM in Modifications

I'm assuming your talking about Chris Cartaya's modded blasters.
A couple months ago there was a controversy towards his range testing methods and it eventually came to the fact that he wasn't using stefans as well as breeze/angle.
He mods his blasters well, and they do shoot above 70 feet consistently with stefans and they are pretty accurate.

These "R type ultra match blasters" aren't anything new or special, they're just modifications of existing nerf blasters (albeit with a high spring load and comprehensive mods.) I've handled them and have been shot by them and really aren't anything new to what the community has been doing for a while. They can be compared to a nicely modified nightfinder.

An aside: Your post quality is pretty poor. You don't link to an actual video nor do you present any new or interesting ideas. Furthermore it looks like you spent about half a second on your title, which doesn't really describe what you found.

#341804 Adhesive Polyurethane Domes

Posted by KoRnEd on 07 September 2014 - 07:32 PM in Darts and Barrels

I can feed hot glue domes perfectly fine in hoppers.

These have high coefficients of friction with plastic, which means without a shallower angle on the hopper, the polyurethane would keep the dart static and the air would just move around the dart instead of bending it into the barrel.

I don't have a problem with these darts not feeding into my hopper. I'd rather use a breech; instead I want to know if anyone has tried these/use these and their experience with these. I've been making some darts with these and they seem to work pretty well.

#341785 Adhesive Polyurethane Domes

Posted by KoRnEd on 07 September 2014 - 02:52 AM in Darts and Barrels

I ordered a pack of These and they seem to make really good soft domes that are aerodynmic. They seem to work extremely well on slugs.

The problem with these however is that polyurethane doesn't feed through hoppers at all and that these are pretty damn expensive.


#335847 E.G.G.N.O.G.

Posted by KoRnEd on 07 December 2013 - 12:40 PM in Nerf Wars

We are currently at Cullen elementary rather than walnut, since it was raining

#334174 W.W.A.C. (War Worthy Air Cannon)

Posted by KoRnEd on 20 September 2013 - 06:22 PM in Homemades

So most of the usual air-powered pvc blaster discussion has been said, and again it must repeated for those who time and time again throw safety into the wind and disregard the advice of seasoned veterans.

You've heard this a million and one times before, so why would it be irrelevant?
If you observe how many "home-made pvc tank blasters" are made, you will inevitably run into someone with a horror story. And guess who has one? Yours truly. I was once dumb enough to build one of these, even so far to use a "safe" design (such as yours). I was saved by either a miracle or just lucky coincidence. I pumped one of these 7 times with a ball pump. 7 times. Accidentally dropped it. On carpet. And it exploded. No, not where I solvent welded it, the whole thing shattered right in the middle. It wasn't major at all, since it was a three foot drop. The shattered pieces flew up and hit my glasses, which saved my eyes from diddle.

It was enough to turn me off from airguns once and for all (heck, I'm even scared of springers that use pvc)

Moral of the story: These designs are worthless to post because not only has it been done more times than years you've been nerfing, but the safety makes it not war worthy (contrary to your title). We wouldn't war with one of these on the field ever. And we're from socal.

I would say "try again", but I highly doubt you'll come up with anything better.

Edit: The "safe" blaster I used had an OPRV. They wont save you. A "safe" design would be something like Kane's or Mysterio's.
Edit #2 addressing "He who mods": "homemade pump", "check valve". I fail to see how these are new concepts, let alone more "Streamlined" or "Safe". I'd argue that manufactured pumps are safer AND more streamlined as they are designed with pressures in mind, and also DESIGNED.

#328053 Roughcut quick reload turret mod.

Posted by KoRnEd on 15 March 2013 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

It just covers the air release holes. The clip just stays seated with friction. And it seems like it has plenty of friction based on the apparent effort to remove and replace it in the video. There are not really any significant forces on it anyway.

Oh right >.> My fault for not reading it properly and not knowing how roughcuts work...

#328051 Roughcut quick reload turret mod.

Posted by KoRnEd on 15 March 2013 - 08:36 PM in Modifications

Not going to lie, this is pretty awesome.
On a different note, if I'm getting this correct, the duct tape allows the clip to stay seated? You might want to reconsider using a different method...

#327385 Nitefinder plunger head substitute?

Posted by KoRnEd on 26 February 2013 - 11:27 PM in General Nerf

It would probably be easiest to buy another one.

#326879 Maverick trouble. Help?

Posted by KoRnEd on 15 February 2013 - 05:33 PM in Modifications

I have identified the problem


No but really, it may be a good idea to open it up and check the seal from the plunger to the the turret as it looks like the alignment is fine. Pictures of the internals should definitely help.

#325875 2013 Dart Tag Stinger Review

Posted by KoRnEd on 26 January 2013 - 07:31 PM in General Nerf

What's with the blog link? Couldn't you have just told us here that it was a reshelled jolt? I mean, come on...

#323131 Halloween Haunted House for Nerf War

Posted by KoRnEd on 28 October 2012 - 05:38 PM in Off Topic

I'm so down.

#322740 YANO 2: SoCal December War

Posted by KoRnEd on 18 October 2012 - 10:36 AM in Nerf Wars

Put Mysterio and I down for this one. We'll make it, although we're going to need some slugs. Time to get working...

#321859 Full Compression of a K26

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 September 2012 - 03:39 AM in Homemades

Yup, and after a certain threshold, the strength needed to prime the blaster gets really REALLY hard.

#321641 What kind of sprint to buy?

Posted by KoRnEd on 14 September 2012 - 06:17 PM in Modifications

Bring the spring in with you to compare with the ones in the store.

#321561 La nerf out

Posted by KoRnEd on 11 September 2012 - 08:50 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be organizing a Nerf war in LA seeing as there are so few.

SCUN has a war every single month. If you'd pay attention you'd probably notice.

Address and time will be specified.

Usually when people post war threads, they either ask people who are planning to attend when they are free, or they have a set time and place already. It isn't very helpful if all we know is that you want to have a war in LA.

No modified darts slugs or Stefans of any kind. Just stock ammo. No exceptions.

There is nothing wrong with this, but keep in mind, not many people on this forum would want to war with stock ammo.

2) No home-mades, titan pressure tanks, or anything that can shoot over 90 ft flat.

With stock ammo, this won't be a problem at all, seeing as stock ammo can barely shoot straight at 50 foot distances.

4) I am the host and game master of this Nerf war, therefore, I reserve the right to penalize you for anything I find unsafe or impolite. By coming to this war, you agree to these rules and regulations.

I don't see how you can seek to "penalize us". Keep in mind we're there to have fun, if you want to, go right ahead. We can just leave if we feel you're rules aren't fair.

What kind of weapons to bring: primary, secondary, handgun (non- electric)

I don't think it really matters what you bring since:
a. Stock Ammo
b. Pretty much stock and lightly modded blasters

How does one exclude "non-electric" blasters. Why do you even call it a handgun anyways? Does this mean that flywheel blasters aren't allowed or something?

Now there is definitely nothing wrong with hosting a war. By all means do so, because it is great for the community. But keep in mind with these sort of things that you state and write that not many people would be interested in coming. It's also a good idea to attend a war before actually hosting one, and judging by your post/background, you haven't been to any. In any case, don't let my post stop you from having fun. Good luck with hosting your war.

#321104 Koosh

Posted by KoRnEd on 27 August 2012 - 06:08 PM in Off Topic

I would actually be interested in purchasing a large amount of these (Think 100) if you decide to market them.

#319860 Homemade Rocket Launcher Contest Submission Thread

Posted by KoRnEd on 03 August 2012 - 10:56 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

(First entry yay!)

The Retard Cannon
I took a 4B tank, gutted the pump(including the check valve), solvent welded it onto a 3 foot length of 1-1/4" PVC. That is connected to a 1/2" Check valve, which is opened by pushing the button on the pvc tee. The 1/2" PVC Tee has a hole drilled into it for a screw driver to open the check valve. The Tee was used rather than a 90 degree coupler because the amount of air flowing is very large, so I introduced a small bit of dead space to ensure that I don't blow my hand off. The Tee is connected to a 90 degree coupler, which is attached to the Rocket barrel (a length of 1/2" PVC with two rings of e-tape at 1" OD. The pump, being a 4B pump, maintains the OPRV
TL;DR: A JSPB with a huge-ass tank with a rocket barrel.

#319412 Hardware Store skirt seal

Posted by KoRnEd on 29 July 2012 - 03:01 AM in Homemades

I actually discovered these around last year. At my HD, they are 3.95, which is cheaper than a regular skirt. For those using cpvc plunger rods, I would actually replace the 1/2" PVC with a 1/2" CPVC Endcap. Much simpler.

#319255 Nerf Glossary/Jargon File

Posted by KoRnEd on 26 July 2012 - 04:03 AM in General Nerf

Dry-fire- the act of firing a primed blaster (usually a springer, as airguns won't have any problems) without a projectile loaded. Can damage blasters.

OD- Outer diameter
ID-Inner Diameter

Ace #[insert number here]- Springs found in Ace hardware stores. The Number represents the bin for which the spring is found in (ex.Ace #49, or Ace #2)

PVC-Poly-vinyl chloride. The most common type of plastic used in simple homemade blasters, as it is fairly inexpensive. 1/2" Size is usually the output size of blasters.

CPVC-Chlorinated PVC, which is commonly used as a barrel type (1/2" CPVC has 5/8" OD 1/2" ID which makes it a good barrel type). Also fairly inexpensive.

Polycarb- Polycarbonate, which is commonly used as a homemade material, as it is a strong plastic that is easily machinable. A bit more expensive, but the shock-resistance is higher than other plastics, making it ideal for reinforcement or replacement parts. Ordered from McMaster Carr or plastics supplier.

PEX-Crossed Linked Polyethylene. A type of tubing similar in size to CPVC. It is bendable and is commonly used for bow arms.

EAB- Nerf Expand-a-Blast. A blaster featured in the nerf hypersight line.

BS- Big Salvo. A Blaster made by lanard that utilizes backpressure tanks to fire arrows. Ex. BS tank

Manta- The process of attaching two blasters (usually pistol sized blasters) together to form an imitation setup of the nerf Manta Ray blaster.

DTB- Dart Tag Blaster. Identical blaster called the Hyperfire.

#319061 A handy dandy pistol

Posted by KoRnEd on 23 July 2012 - 10:19 PM in Homemades

Holy crap, that catch is ingenious! The only problem I see is a strong enough extension spring, which of course can be solved fairly easily. I look forward to some higher-powered blaster to utilize this.

#318557 The BANR, a FAR revamp

Posted by KoRnEd on 15 July 2012 - 11:37 PM in Homemades

My only question: what's the average range you're getting? Because I'd think you'd have to sacrifice a chicken and juggle three chipmunks under a full moon in order to regularly get 140'+.

I'm not quite sure, but I think he said he was using streamlines :/

Anyways, this is beautiful. For a first homemade, it's absolutely amazing! Awesome work. You've pretty much made what everyone wishes their first homemade to be!

#318020 Air Blaster (Rebel Trooper Blaster Knock-Off) Modification

Posted by KoRnEd on 05 July 2012 - 03:54 PM in Modifications

It looks as if the spring is pretty beastly, and it looks like it has a lot of draw. It also appears to have a cup-like seal, which can be really good. No doubt with proper barrel material (1/2" PVC is generally too loose of a fit on the darts too gain any range.). Also, is it just me or is the actual PVC bent?

#317093 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by KoRnEd on 16 June 2012 - 10:31 PM in Homemades

Officially declared my intent to participate in this contest. PM has been sent

#315619 Mav issues

Posted by KoRnEd on 12 May 2012 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

Try checking if there are any seal issues between the individual barrel and the plunger. That would be the main problem with your specific symptoms.

#314689 T.A.M.P.O.N.S.

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 April 2012 - 10:36 PM in Nerf Wars

korned you lent those kids those eye glasses right? I still have them.

Are you going to the Humans vs. Zombies event this summer I told you about? That would be a good time to give them to you.

In fact I did, lend glasses to them. Can you also PM me the details to the HvZ event? I'm planning on going, mysterio as well.

#314688 A.R.M.A.G.E.D.D.O,N!

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 April 2012 - 10:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Definitely coming, and I WILL have some cool stuff to give to Korned

Fixed It For You, robo.
Also, on a related note, despite me only checking the July 7th box, I can actually make it to all of the dates. I just prefer the 7th

#314663 T.A.M.P.O.N.S.

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 April 2012 - 01:36 PM in Nerf Wars

@Abstract Society, I have a few loaners that I can lend you, but I won't have many darts.

#314660 A.R.M.A.G.E.D.D.O,N!

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 April 2012 - 11:40 AM in Nerf Wars

I've brought my pumpsnap to a couple wars, and even hoppered, I might say so myself that it is quite powerful (I think you know that). Despite having approximately the same power as Roboman's 2ks (with the newfangled silencer of his) I am concerned about whether I should bring it or leave it at home.

#314526 Air pump blaster question

Posted by KoRnEd on 19 April 2012 - 01:36 AM in Modifications

It should be fine, as long as you don't keep them pumped at too high of a pressure. I would just keep them un-pumped in the case since you're plugging the pump. Accidents can also occur, such as if you fall on your backpack, you probably don't want to blow holes in your books.

#314365 dARts - Now hopperable!

Posted by KoRnEd on 14 April 2012 - 12:39 AM in Darts and Barrels

Here's a video of the darts hoppering.

#314314 Need help finding a certain air valve

Posted by KoRnEd on 11 April 2012 - 11:37 PM in Homemades

Still, I don't think it would be enough air to make a hopper function properly. Simply increasing the power will not increase the air output.

Hamoidar, Mysterio has a working version of this, and hits 50's easy. I don't know how you can assume it doesn't put out enough air when you've never tested it.

#314012 SSPB Pump Replacement and Large Tanks

Posted by KoRnEd on 05 April 2012 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

Great job! Your work with SSPB's and Jolts are amazing, and I wonder what you could do if you applied this type of thinking towards larger blasters.

#313659 dARts - Now hopperable!

Posted by KoRnEd on 28 March 2012 - 04:31 PM in Darts and Barrels

Just to confirm everything Mysterio has said: Yes, these do hopper. Out of a 17/32 brass barrel and a cpvc barrel. Also, I shot them at the cement from point blank and it took more than 50 shots out of my PAS. They tend to bounce a lot. Like, 50% velocity off of the cement.

#313503 T.A.M.P.O.N.S.

Posted by KoRnEd on 24 March 2012 - 10:42 PM in Nerf Wars

You couldn't have picked a better name? Anyways, I'm coming, and this is a day after the scun war.

#313313 Easy Supa' Comfy Handles

Posted by KoRnEd on 22 March 2012 - 12:40 AM in Homemades

I may be totally dumb, but what exactly is the point of tilting the table of the saw? Does it make it any easier than rounding the edges down with sandpaper?