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#53249 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 11:32 PM in Homemades

Accurate Range: 10ft
Intended Use: losing

Accurate Range: 25ft
Intended Use: losing

You've got to be kidding me.

#53304 Your Ride?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 April 2005 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

1. Rollerblade TRS Access, trying to get new wheels (preferrably Cozmos)

2. Haro bike, green and can't remember the model name

3. JD Razor, green handle grips and wheels

4. NSS shoes

If I ever get a car, I'm getting a Toyota Prius. I'm sorry but $2.57 per gallon is just WAY too much, but 70 miles per gallon should keep the costs down.

#53305 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 April 2005 - 11:47 PM in Off Topic

bottom line is, it may seem nerdy to some people, but once you get past all that shit it's a blast.

You can't really listen to what other people say. I've noticed that most "nerdy" games are the fun ones. Nerf, lacrosse, Warhammer just to name a few. All fun, and all considered nerdy or geeky (at least here they are)

#53374 Stefan Making Tip

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 05:28 PM in General Nerf

Okay I'm really confused. When I first went out to buy Stefan materials, I got 1/2" FBR and copper-coated BB's for micro Stefans. After reading some more, I found out that BB's aren't that great for weights. So I went out and got 5/8" FBR and 3/0 Split Shot sinkers for mega Stefans, and some BB-sized Split Shot sinkers for micro Stefans. Are these the correct materials? If not, what are the correct materials? And what length should I make my darts?

#53375 Secret Shot Mod²

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

That's a nice mod, and it's very clean. Well done. Does it shoot both darts at the same time, or can you switch between the two barrels? That would be schweet.

I remember my friend got a set of those at a garage sale for three bucks, we would play with them for hours... I don't know whatever happened to those, I should ask him. That was like, the best gimmicky gun ever. We would spend hours acting like James Bond with the pistols touching our heads, sneaking along the walls, then shooting out of the handle instead of the main barrel. Good times :D.

#53376 Your Ride?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 05:38 PM in Off Topic

I have a ghetto car for now.

A red 88'  Ford Crown Victoria LX edition.

Aren't Crown Victorias used for police cruisers sometimes? I didn't think they were available to the public :D.

Edit: Oh, and Jakethesnake, Bushy is "hooked up." He knows some people in the oil business and they are helping each other (and lying to our country) and that's why the gas prices are so high. It's extremely deceitful, and I'm EXTREMELY ashamed that guy was elected in the first place, and even more ashamed he was re-elected.


Julie drives an '05 Prius completely loaded with bluetooth

Pardon the stupidity, but what's bluetooth?

#53400 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Not really, that's how I decided on Space Marines...

#53403 Stefan Making Tip

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 07:54 PM in General Nerf

About dropping the dart in ice water, do you just drop the foam in or do you drop everything, including the glue tip, in the water? And what length should I make my darts?

#53406 List Of All Guns Ever Made

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 08:29 PM in General Nerf

Orange, the Slingfire does exist. I saw it in a recent eBay auction that included the Slingfire, a new SM750, SM250, SM350, and an LnL. I don't have the link right now but somebody else might.

#53468 New Discovery!

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 April 2005 - 04:51 PM in General Nerf

Hopefully they are going to re-release the guns, but I think the green/pink darts are just the Hasbro knock-off darts of the Larami darts, not the actual ones that everybody is looking for.

#53498 Your Ride?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 April 2005 - 07:08 PM in Off Topic

In coherence with this topic:
Bush is meeting with a Saudi prince (you'd be suprised that the Saudi's are the richest people in the world) to try to lower gas prices.

What has our country come to? Complete deceit, that's what. You can't listen to everything you hear on the news, you have to find out what they are saying and then get another opinion. Then you can form your own opinion and that's when you realize things. The only way we can lower gas prices is if we raise taxes. You know how Bush has been lowering taxes and then sending you checks? It's bull. Complete bull. It makes you think you're getting more money but you're not. You end up paying more than you would with higher taxes because the lower taxes are causing extreme side effects.

And cars, well the only way I would ever modify my car is to run on something other than gas. That would be the shiznat. When I get a car, I'm gonna buy some bumper stickers for it. I like bumper stickers. I like reading them. Does anybody know if it's possible to make your own bumper stickers? That would be awesome, because I've seen many that I would like but I've never seen bumper stickers for sale anywhere.

#53499 Bbb Mod With Pictures

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 April 2005 - 07:18 PM in Modifications

There's one at The LaMario's Nerf Site.

#53746 Modifying My Nite Finder

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 April 2005 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

6. put an ACTUAL LASER in for a sight. using existing wiring and batteries, but changing the inside components.

Lasers can blind people. I suggest taking it out if you're going to use it in a war. Or you can take out the batteries for wars and leave them in when you're not having a war.

Nice job though.

#53799 Stefan Weighting

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 April 2005 - 07:25 PM in General Nerf

The lead shot is universally sized.

The 1/4" steel shot is usually under/behind glass at the sporting goods counter. Ask the clerk for slingshot ammo.

Is there an age requirement to buy slingshot ammo? I'm guessing so... Crap...

#53845 Los Angeles, Mexico

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 04:02 PM in Off Topic

BK, that's a pathetic argument. You're saying that teens shouldn't express opinions simply because they cannot affect the government?

I'm sorry, I don't do that "children should be seen but not heard" thing.

You've got it backward. Teens can't vote because they aren't mature enough to make an informed decision.

Amen. I was simply saying that our job right now is our school, and maybe a part time job. We can't vote because we aren't informed enough, rational enough, mature enough to vote. A NERF forum is no place for political arguements by minors. If you wanna do that that's what a debate team or a government club is for. I'm not saying teens shouldn't be making opinoins at all, hell I'm the head lobbyist for Alabama's Youth and Government program. But Off topic for light humor and informed on what we are interested in. Not C-SPAN....Like I said. Get informed. Get your information straight. That way when your voice REALLY coundts, people will listen.

We don't have the right to vote because THE MAJORITY of us aren't mature enough to handle it. But there are some exceptions. I personally feel that I am mature enough to have my own opinions (saying that makes me feel like a friggen 4 year old) on politics.

Me and two of my friends love discussing politics amongst each other, but not with anybody else. We live in a town where like 80% of the people are extreme hardcore republicans, and most people say their side then don't listen to the other person's argument. Almost every kid here listens to the crap their parents feed them, and actually believe it. I know people who will use immaterial, off-the-subject, irrelevant crap to promote the opinions they got from their mother. Almost everybody here has a biased opinion, and most of the opinions aren't even theirs.

Every election me and my two friends will watch the news for more time than we spend watching TV the rest of the year. We gather the stuff they say, then pull the information from the irrevelant stuff. We form our own opinions and research politics all the time. We have minds of our own. In fact, one of my friends comes from a family of six: a mother, a father, two daughters, two sons. His parents are republicans and voted for Bush, his sisters are democrats and voted for Nader, his brother and him are going to be democrats when they are old enough. So you see, the children are mature and smart enough that they don't go one way because their parents or friends did. They have minds of their owns.

All three of us are 13 years old. We debate fairly, we listen to the other opinions and perpsectives.

BK, Langley, you're being kind of stereotypical. We can't vote for a reason, but we can still discuss politics and form our own thoughts.

#53858 Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 05:01 PM in Site Feedback

most of you all are slackers that are too stupid to get into colleage!

And you're too stupid to spell college correctly! Slacker! Hypocrite!

And ompa, I really don't see why you (and Talio and OMC for that matter) are always dissing NHQ. That site is much more welcoming than this one (not to diss NH, though) and it's what started me in Nerf. In fact, NH kind of ran me away from Nerf at first, but then after my first 3 posts I realized that this website is more mature, so to speak. I think if everybody here were just a tad bit nicer and less rude off the punch, it would be better. My first thread was asking for help with mods and naming a gun. The first 7 replies that weren't made by me didn't help me AT ALL. Over on NHQ though, every single reply helped me. NH would be perfect if the members were a little more considerate and forgiving.


#53865 Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 06:08 PM in Site Feedback

I haven't seen people get blasted because they're noobs.

Ehh, I was, but I also lost my cool cuz I was mad when I made the post then some idiot posted some shizzle that seemed mocking at the time, telling me I should look at a pic but the words in the pic were too small to understand. Whoa, talk about a run-on sentence ^_^. That's in the past though, let's forget about it.

And you stole my icon.


Yeah but Dogbert "is the shiznite" as Master Shake would say :).

Edit: And if it seems like I'm dissing NH, I'm not. I like NH and NHQ, that's all. My greetings here were pretty rough, but then everything smoothed out after a while.

#53872 Stefan Weighting

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 09:11 PM in General Nerf

I use bb size split shot weights in my darts for all of my guns. The bb size split shot gives it enough weight to fly straight and not fishtial. I tried 3/0 split shot but it was to heavy in most of my guns.

Generally, BB Split Shot is for micros and 3/0 Split Shot is for megas. At least, that's what I'm going by, and it's working quite well (Well, other than my glue domes being extremely shitty)

#53873 Los Angeles, Mexico

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 09:15 PM in Off Topic

BK, Langley, you're being kind of stereotypical. We can't vote for a reason, but we can still discuss politics and form our own thoughts.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. Just not on the nerf forums. Go find a local government club...please! Where people don't haft to pay for bandwidth!

And that's where I agree with you.


Local government club is not gonna happen. Read my first post, you'll understand.

But yeah, politics don't belong on a Nerf forum. And plus, politicians are sleezy for the most part. Sneaky, sleezy, cheap. But that's just my opinion, and that's kind of generalized/stereotypical.

#53906 Scout Mod!

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 11:34 AM in Modifications

this thread's last post was in August.

Air, don't get mad at him. I linked him to this thread when I replied to his thread on NHQ, so it's my fault.

#53911 Video Compressors/editors/hosts

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 12:17 PM in Off Topic

Does anybody know where I can get a free video compressor and/or editor? Also, where can I get a video hosted? Thanks!

#53950 Scout Mod!

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 03:55 PM in Modifications

It really doesn't matter. As long as you get the plastic crap out without putting a hole in your plunger/barrel, it's fine.

#53953 What Colors Does Fbr Come In?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 03:58 PM in General Nerf

Now I'm a BIG fan of nite wars outside, and we have serious trouble finding the darts. Would the darts still work if I sprayed with a little glow-in-the-dark spray paint? If not, what would go wrong?

Formerly Sane says it doesn't work. But you can use glow-in-the-dark hot glue for your tips, that's what I do. (and it's only $6 a pound!)

http://www.aloghomestore.com sells black and white FBR in 50' rolls.

#53982 What Colors Does Fbr Come In?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 06:58 PM in General Nerf

However, Langley came up with a pretty good idea and dipped the back of his darts in orange paint. First off, orange isn't the best color. Hot pink however stands out like brothel in Utah. Even yellow wasn't all that successful. Personally, if I were to do it, I'd use pink.

That's cool. It's like the opposite of camouflage. I should try that - only I'll paint it green since there aren't many alive plants here.

The glow in the dark stuff would work for a while, but remember that the paint needs to be charged and after a while will not glow.  Possible fix for this would be to keep the darts you're not using during the particular round you're playing inside under a desk lamp.  Make sure you do a dart run after the round and then switch them out with some darts from you're lamp.

Or, you could go around with a light to look for your darts. Or maybe a black light.

#53988 Holsters Or Straps?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 08:40 PM in General Nerf

On the topic of holsters and straps:

Holsters can be quite useful, in fact I have found a great use for them in integrations. Holsters allow you to integrate guns to parts of other guns, but still allow you to use the gun in the holster alone. You can put a holster on the bottom-front of a Crossbow and put a SplitFire in it - instant RoF increase, but you can still use the SplitFire alone if you wanted to.

I don't really use straps. If I need a strap to carry around my gun(s), then the gun(s) are too big and heavy, or I have too many of them. Straps are unweildy. This is why I love integrations. You can be creative and increase your RoF without too much unweildy-ness. For example, instead of carrying around 3 different guns you could integrate them all into one. No need for a strap now!

Feeling powerful?


Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended.

Your account will not be functional for 90 days. This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.

Board Address: http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php

See you in three months.


Looks like our administrator has a bit of an anger management problem, no?

That was a bullshit suspension. Your suspension of Black Wrath (he's Camblam right?) is just a sign of you losing your cool. It just makes the rest of us see more clearly how much of an assclown you are.

Black Wrath is one of the most helpful people on this forum, especially compared to you. I do not recall one time when you've helped me. Hell, you don't even respond to my PM's. Black Wrath posted the best write-up of a holster EVER. Every single step was recorded - there were 45 pictures! I don't see one time you've actually contributed here.

Thank you for suspending one of the most helpful members here. Ass.

#53996 Mod For Airtech 3000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 May 2005 - 09:52 PM in Modifications

How do you know how many pumps are needed for which guns? is there some way to test other than "lets see how many times we can pump our gun until it explodes"?

Now that I don't know. Personally I don't reccomend plugging pumps though. If the pump isn't plugged, you can't blow the tank. I loan my guns out, so I never plug pumps except on certain guns (see below next quote). It doesn't add much range, but the main thing is air per pump. With a plugged pump, you get more pump efficiency. A plugged AT2K takes 3 pumps to prime, but an unplugged one would take 5 or 6 to get the same pressure.

Also nerfmonkey your not suppose to plug the pump on a rapid fire 20 or wildfire.

Actually, you can plug the pump on them without risking blowing the bladder. The air-release valve is a little push-button thing in the case that holds the bladder. When the bladder is inflated too much, the button presses in against the plastic bladder case and releases air until it is un-pressed. When the bladder deflates a little bit, the button is not pressed against the bladder case. Plugging the pump on RF20's and WF's will increase pump efficiency without the risk of blowing the bladder.

#54030 What Colors Does Fbr Come In?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 May 2005 - 05:11 PM in General Nerf

Or, you could go around with a light to look for your darts. Or maybe a black light.

We tried lights but black some what blends in with the dark green grass, would black light make the darts glow?

Yup. And you can order glow-in-the-dark, among a crapload of other colors, hot glue for just $6.00 a pound here.

#54198 Ebay: Jurassic Park Blaster

Posted by MattPaintballer on 05 May 2005 - 09:37 AM in General Nerf

A cool case. Think of Lefty's/Southpaw's Uzi2K integration.

#54247 Petg

Posted by MattPaintballer on 05 May 2005 - 06:43 PM in General Nerf

But do they sell the straight stuff at pet stores? Am I just not looking hard enough? All I find is the coil stuff.

The coil stuff is more likely vinal tubing not PETG.

Did you see Finding Nemo? Remember when Nemo has to swim up a pipe into the water filter? That's the kind of pipe you want.

I loved Nemo, he is the shit!...As for the piping, a relief to know the sell it, but would it still be called PETG or some "fishy" (get the pun?) name?

I saw it at Petsmart, and it was labeled "Lee's Thinwall Rigid Tubing" but it came in all the wrong sizes. There was stuff as large as 3" diameter to as small as 1/8," but no 1/2" or 5/8."

#54303 Mod For Airtech 3000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 06 May 2005 - 09:23 PM in Modifications

What happens if you only partially cover up the whole? Will it give you more air per pump without running the risk of blowing your tank?

#54327 Titan Missile Prototype

Posted by MattPaintballer on 07 May 2005 - 11:59 AM in Homemades

Taking out the air restrictors added an extra 5-10 feet with stock missiles, but improved the velocity a lot. Now you can't just step aside, you have to move quickly to get out of the way, which usually leaves you vulnerable for a split second. The Titan can be used in wars quite well. If you get somebody to shoot the Titan while another person aims at the target, you can hit the guy while he's vulnerable from dodging the missile, (f it didn't miss, of course) and if you get rushed you can always have some people with autos guarding you.

^^^ hypothetical strategy/instance

#54328 Supermaxx 750 Pump Problem

Posted by MattPaintballer on 07 May 2005 - 12:40 PM in General Nerf

I got a NIB SM750, old school version. I have yet to modify it or even open it up. Ever since I took it out of the box, it's had this weird pumping problem. I have to pump slowly and steadily, and make sure I pull the pump all the way out, then push it all the way in. Otherwise there will be no resistance in the pump and it will not get air. Sometimes, even when I'm careful, it still gets no resistance. Sometimes when it gets no resistance, I pull it back as normal, then when I push it in, it seems fine. But when I get to the pump cap, the pump snaps back. Sometimes I hear a pop, sometimes not. Sometimes there is air in the tank, sometimes not.

There has to be something wrong, because I talked to PCMadness and CT, and they both said their SM750s don't have this problem. It is quite the annoyance and I want to fix it, but I don't know how.

#54333 Supermaxx 750 Pump Problem

Posted by MattPaintballer on 07 May 2005 - 01:38 PM in General Nerf

So basically I'm screwed?

#54345 Google Gone?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 07 May 2005 - 07:31 PM in Off Topic

It's been up and down today and yesterday. At least it has for me.

#54359 Someone Should Do This Quickly...

Posted by MattPaintballer on 07 May 2005 - 08:53 PM in General Nerf

NARF, NerfWorld (Quad), NerfWorld (Single), Foam Physics/Nerf Custom, The LaMarios, Den of Foam

Edit: Added commas for more clarity

#54369 Questions For Boltsniper

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 May 2005 - 12:52 AM in Homemades

Prices for one would be...(just wondering what you would pay)


Then I could buy a Crossbow. Currently I don't have enough money for one, because of a certain asshole.

Oh, and I doubt you would be able to make one. The only thing you're good at is getting a bunch of people pissed off at you.

#54394 Questions For Boltsniper

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 May 2005 - 11:42 AM in Homemades

Team_Slaya, sorry, that post was directed at NSF. I am extremely mad at him and will most likely stay that way for a long, long time.

Good luck, I hope you complete it. Again, sorry.

#54420 Questions For Boltsniper

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 May 2005 - 05:01 PM in Homemades

CPVC is Chlorinated Poly-Vinyl Chloride and PVC is Poly-Vinyl Chloride. CPVC is measured by the outside diameter and PVC is measured by the inner diameter

PVC is usually measured incorrectly, too.

#54432 PVC Or PETG?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 May 2005 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

PVC is for megas, PETG is for micros. I'd say PVC and then if you want to shoot micros, wrap the front and back of the PETG in electrical until it fits in the PVC.

Edit: Oh, and I've never seen a quad-barrel SM750, but that would be just like an SM1500. I've seen a double barrel PETG SM750 though.

#54461 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 May 2005 - 11:28 PM in Off Topic

And a BBB in the Music video of Electric Six - Dance Commander.

Here's your proof.

I like Electric Six but hadn't seen that video before. Pretty crazy.

That was a weird video.

There's a BnA in Mrs. Doubtfire. When Daniel throws a party for his son and Miranda comes home, Daniel and his son are dancing on a table. When they turn and see Miranda, a kid runs in front of them and shoots a BnA.

Edit: Whoa holy crap, didn't realize this was so old.