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There have been 333 items by MattPaintballer (Search limited from 08-May 97)

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#40369 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 October 2004 - 03:02 PM in Modifications

Hello. I have 5 Nite Finders and one N-Strike system, and I would like to modify them. I have searched so don't tell me to search! I found one mod for the Nite Finder, but all it said was to increase barrel length which does jack squat for me because the local Home Depots don't sell the stuff for Stefans... I would really like to modify my fix the P.O.S, aka the Scout so as to get SOME performance out of it. Is there anyway I can increase the range for my Hornet and my Nite Finders??? I don't know what I can do with the Titan... it's just cool ^_^. I have an Airtech of some sort, I don't know what model it is cuz I got it as a birthday present. Many people have said that AirTechs are good, but I would seriously rather have a Scout in my hand than my AirTech cuz the AirTech is so big and doesn't yield much performance. Anyways, if you can tell me what model it is, it looks like this: Posted Image

#40371 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 October 2004 - 03:10 PM in Modifications

If you can't help don't reply and do shut up.

#40392 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 October 2004 - 04:02 PM in Modifications

I have bad eyes and the picture looks like it says 3000 or 2000, and for some reason my AT either came with no stickers or they were scratched/peeled off before I recieved the gun.

Don't insult the members for helping you, and don't insult the members for pointing out obvious stuff that you should have noticed. Especially since he pointed it out in a NICE way. You should be happy that someone pointed it out nicely.

Maybe I took it the wrong way, but seems to me that Chessler is calling me stupid. There is nothing nice about calling somebody stupid, therefore I have every right to insult his ass. And I'm not stupid either. I was bumped up 2 grades, and I am waiting for the results of another test. Now call me stupid you little prick Posted Image

I appreciate people like ompa and THIRST, who actually read what they type before they post, and think of what somebody else would think when they read it. And they don't make pointless comments to increase their stupidity level or their post count, they are actually helpful and kind. But kindness matters more than the helpfulness, and kindness is what is lacking in these forums. What a perfect greeting, being called stupid after your first post on a forum. That really makes me want to come here again.

#42058 N-strike Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 November 2004 - 07:51 PM in General Nerf

Wow, thanks for the pictures! Umm I've got a question. Will the new N-Strike guns be compatible with the current ones (Hornet, Titan, Scout)? ie. Could I take the Titan and put like the Maverick on it??? please say yes please say yes...

#42064 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 November 2004 - 08:10 PM in Modifications

I apologize, I was really mad that day (when I made the other posts). I guess I should have looked at the name of the picture, but I really don't pay attention to that kind of stuff. But umm, now I'm confused. I opened up my NiteFinder, and there's the orange restrictor and the peg and stuff. But there's 5 pieces and a spring. I can put it back together, but I don't know what to do to increase range. I know you're supposed to take out the peg, but what else?

#42065 N-strike Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 November 2004 - 08:14 PM in General Nerf

I think you mean the PEV-6 is real... IX-3=Scout, PEV-6=Mav.

#42152 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 21 November 2004 - 02:38 PM in Modifications

Does anybody know where I can get a stock Titan barrel without buying a whole new N-Strike System?

Edit: I did Ragornocks' mod (taking out the peg part) but I also cut out the air restrictor thing that's in between the peg and the barrel part, and now my Nite Finder just sounds louder, there is not a noticeable range increase... Did I do something wrong? I haven't put all the screws back in, so maybe air is escaping, but I'll screw it all back together when (if) I get some PETG. By the way, where can I get PETG?

#42618 Favorite Bad Nerf Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 26 November 2004 - 10:51 PM in General Nerf

Does it have to be Nerf? I have two submissions that are not by Hasbro...

First off, there's Off Limits Track 'n' Blast Room Defender (Room Defender for short) I've never seen one in person but they look like fun...

Secondly, there's a Nerf knock-off Skeet Shooter. My friend lost the skeet shooter part so I never got to see it, but the gun stinks. (he uses his "First Shot" thing) It appears to me that the skeet shooter is probably better than the gun... I wonder which one gets more range?

#42665 Favorite Bad Nerf Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 November 2004 - 03:16 PM in General Nerf

First off, there's Off Limits Track 'n' Blast Room Defender (Room Defender for short) I've never seen one in person but they look like fun...

whoa!! why does nobody have one of these?

I'm waiting for X-Mas or my birthday... cuz I'm broke.

Oh, and as for a bad Nerf gun? The Electric Eel always looked so awesome to me and the glow-in-the-dark darts were like hi-tech to me... My brother's friend got one and I shot it once and was very disappointed... Also that gun that was like a bat and had wings that folded out as shields... and it had a light... and it shot special "teeth" darts that were like dentures... that always looked so awesome! Nerf had some pretty cool ideas but they forked them up with poor quality stuff :unsure: kind of like Mega Bloks... they had some ideas that were cooler than LEGO's but you would get them and you would always be disappointed due to the VERY poor quality plastic and that the pieces would never stay together... My had this Wild West Mega Bloks set that was as tall as I was when he got it... gravity made it fall apart

#42672 X-bow Painting

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 November 2004 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

Who cares what color it is? Just get the correct-fitting, white PVC pipe and paint it any color you want!

#42673 Nintendo Ds

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 November 2004 - 05:02 PM in Off Topic

because it's Microsoft, and they are god.

Everything else you said, I agree with. I just don't think that M$ is "god."

About gaming, I'm not a gaming freak, but I like the GTA series :unsure:. I have played San Andreas and it's a pretty good game, but IMO it's not worth $50. I wouldn't pay anything more than $20 for it.

But umm, like BK said, I'm happy with my PC.

DJ you avatar theif! just kidding.

#42683 3ds Max

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 November 2004 - 07:00 PM in Off Topic

3DS Max is a HIGHLY professional program for 1337 modellers! Has anybody here ever played WarCraft 3? Blizzard used 3DS Max to model everything in Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft, and they are currently using it to model StarCraft: Ghost. As for pirating 3DS Max, it's just like pirating MP3's, and pirating MP3's, well this pic speaks for itself:

Posted Image


#42750 Nerf Semi-automatc Pistol

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 02:11 AM in General Nerf

I've used the Hornet already, and to be completely honest, ITS CRAP. The scout is probably the closest nerf could get to a semi-auto. maybe a combonation of the Scout and the Powerclip could work, except the clip would be internal, as opposed to it just stickin out there...

Are you INSANE?!?!?! The Scout IX-3 completely and utterly SUCKS! My stock NiteFinder is better than my friend's modified Scout. My modded NiteFinder would eat a Scout for lunch, having more than DOUBLE a Scout's range! My Scout gets about 20 feet, my stock NF gets more than 35. You think the Hornet sucks? Ompa's Hornet shoots 80 feet average. Let's see, 20 feet single shot or 80 feet 6 shot/semi auto... hmm... I'm going with the Hornet.

#42813 Titan Refills

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 07:00 PM in General Nerf

Does anybody know if Nerf sells spare parts? I need a new Titan barrel!!!

#42822 Cyclotron Worth Buying?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 07:41 PM in General Nerf

Its range is actually pretty decent for a ball gun.

Define 'decent.' Unless you think 6-7 feet is a decent range for a $15 Nerf gun, -- scratch that, more like USELESS HUNK OF PLASTIC -- then no, the range on the Cyclotron is NOT decent. Falcon over at Nerf HQ modded his Cyclotron so somehow it shoots 40-50 feet, and it shoots faster too, but he didn't say exactly where he put his rubber bands. So until somebody tells us of a useful mod and how to do the mod, (I'm not trying to be rude to you, Falcon, I know that you said a write-up was coming soon.) Cyclotrons just plain old suck IMO. The spring in the magazine sucks and puts barely any, pressure on the balls, meaning they load slow, which leads to misfires, and misfires=JAMS; not as in the tasty treat that goes on bread, but as in foam balls wedged in the breech/firing mechanism, stopping you from shooting. So that basically stops you from firing fast. Alright, the main thing this gun was made for (rapid fire) aside, let's look at the rest of this gun. I'm a small dude, the Cyclotron is a big hunk of plastic. It's size is comparable to the N-Strike Unity System. Even though the N-Strike is bigger, it is more comfortable than the Cyclotron. It's also pretty heavy compared to other blasters because of all the plastic. So that renders it pretty useless for raiding, because you can't run fast with it. Also because it's big, you are a bigger target. It's hard to hide with a Cyclotron, not to mention you can barely crouch and you can't crawl without being noticed. Okay, so far that means 1. No shooting fast, 2. No running, 3. No hiding, 4. No crawling. Also, it takes two hands to shoot, and it's pretty hard to carry around a sidearm when using the Cyclotron. Reloading is harsh, it takes quite a while. To get the clip, you have to rip it out of the gun (quite annoying, sometimes it gets stuck) and DROP YOUR GUN! You have to just leave it there and let it sit while you grab the balls! Then you have to round up the balls, and you have to shove them in the the clip, which provides JUST enough force to unload itself and shoot each ball about 4 inches. That means you have to hold the balls inside the clip while you grab the other ones. You would hope that because this gun is so big, clunky, and slow, that it would be accurate, but no, it's not accurate AT ALL. Just the slightest bit of wind will make the balls fly in every direction, maybe even towards the shooter! Not to mention that even with absolutely no wind, the balls will never follow a specific pattern. But most of you would suspect that because that's how ball guns usually are (I am NOT in ANY WAY saying that all ball guns suck! Some of them are quite good!) If you shoot one ball, just don't expect the next one to go right where the previous one went. So far this means that if you use the Cyclotron, you can NOT 1. Shoot fast, 2. Reload fast, 3. Run, 4. Crawl, 5. Shoot accurately, 6. Use a sidearm. Isn't that bad enough? Cuz that's not the end. I am going to restate what I said at the beginning of this post. The Cyclotron can only shoot 6-7 feet! So basically this is what you cannot do if you use the Cyclotron:

1. Shoot fast
2. Reload fast
3. Run
4. Crawl
5. Shoot accurately
6. Use a sidearm
7. Shoot from a distance

I will say that some of those things are POSSIBLE, but they are not PRACTICAL with the Cyclotron. For instance, you CAN crawl, but it is hard, slow, and really doesn't benefit you. You can crouch, but you're still a huge target. You might be able to get used to the inaccuracy and be able to sort of predict where your shots will land, but that doesn't make the gun any more accurate. You can use a sidearm, but you have to drop your Cyclotron to do so. To tell you the truth, I would rather use my sidearm as my primary than my use Cyclotron. It is actually possible to shoot your Cyclotron semi-fast, and pretty fast with a spring upgrade and Falcon's mod, but without those mods, your gun will jam, I can almost garuntee it. Also Falcon's mod will give you ranges comparable to a stock NiteFinder.

#42843 Titan Refills

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 10:52 PM in General Nerf

Three good reasons why I shouldn't do that:

1. I'm not a rich punk.
2. I don't like wasting money.
3. If Hasbro/Nerf doesn't give replacement parts and doesn't have any good customer support, then they don't need my money.

#42844 Worth It?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 10:53 PM in Modifications

You could take a spare NF and use a NF plunger... they're only 6 bucks...

#42903 Titan Refills

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 November 2004 - 05:56 PM in General Nerf

I'm not asking for a free one, I just want a new Titan barrel because the one that came in the box is screwed up. They should at least offer to sell me a new one! I'm not spending $40 just for a barrel from a company who makes plastic toys. I think that some of you are taking what I typed out of context, and that might be my fault because of what I typed. I have yet to demand anything of Nerf, all I did was post asking if Nerf sells replacement parts, and when I found out that they won't, I said that they should. I didn't mean to whine or anything like that. Anyways, I'm going to do what Jangadance suggested, and make my own barrel.

#43270 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 03 December 2004 - 07:41 PM in General Nerf

I'd pay <$0.20 per foot because I get 30' of gray FBR for 13 cents/foot. I also know where to get white FBR :nugget:

#43278 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 03 December 2004 - 08:11 PM in General Nerf

You mean it's not a sticky?!?!? Oh crap... Sorry!

#43627 Star Wars Nerf Chewbaka Crossbow Gun Thingy

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 December 2004 - 05:58 PM in General Nerf

It was awhile ago but i think they are a bit larger in diameter and about the same length as the Scout's plunger tube.

:( That's kind of dissapointing... Though maybe with a Dremel or a knife you could cut away plastic and fit a NF plunger in there...

#43857 Christmas Day Poll

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 December 2004 - 12:19 PM in Off Topic

Well, technically I will be skiing on Christmas Eve and coming home early Christmas Day, but its so early that I put with family because either way, I'm with the family, and we'll be around the tree about 7 hours after we get home.

And btw Ompa, iRivers are not worth their money. The battery lasts only about 4 hours, and sometimes it will stop playing for no reason. Just get an iPod. More bang for your buck, easier to use, and it actually works.

I just got a 20 GB iPod for my b-day yay!!! It was actually 3 days early, but whatever! Now I just need to get some music on it... Crap. I have too much music! Wait, that's kind of a good thing... I still don't have enough to fill my 'Pod up though.

#43907 Mod Your Ste[f]ens

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 December 2004 - 01:02 AM in Modifications

...5/6'Foam, 3/0 size Fishing weights, and hot glue...what else do you need for a homemade stefan?

For megas, you need 5/8 of an inch foam, not 5/6 of a foot, otherwise,

That'd be a bigass dart.

Also, I reccomend a candle w/ flame, cardboard, and some nails. I took a box, put a bunch of nails in it in a grid form, and then got a long nail. Light the candle, and you use the long nail to burn the hole in the back of the dark. Then you set it on a short nail which is atteched upwards into the box. This holds the dart upright so you can melt, glue, put the weight in, and glue.

#45066 Stupid Question...

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 December 2004 - 01:02 PM in General Nerf

Online store locators. Phone books. Driving around.

Edit: added some things in.

#45070 Check This Out.

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 December 2004 - 02:25 PM in General Nerf

The Maverick is out, too.

#45187 Whats Your Favorite Line Of Nerf Guns?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 December 2004 - 11:40 PM in General Nerf

SuperMaxx got my vote. N-Strike and SuperMaxx are my favorite lines, but SM was freakin' awesome. I am kind of suprprised that Airtech got as many votes as N-Strike (5), because I was highly dissapointed in that line. I never liked the Airtech guns. N-Strike and SuperMaxx are both great Nerf gun lines.

but like NinjZ said in another post thread, 4-6 shots @ 70-80 feet are better than one shot @ 100 feet. And the 25'? That's when we rush the guy with the one shot cannon while he reloads.

That is one of my favorite things to do in Nerf. Especially when you surprise 'em.

Umm, I've got a question. What would the Tech Target and the old Nite Finder be categorized in?

#45188 Suggestions

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 December 2004 - 11:45 PM in General Nerf

He might have meant Sharp Shooter II.

#45189 Bbb Mods

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 December 2004 - 12:11 AM in Modifications

There's no such thing as a macro,

Okay first of all, there is such thing as a macro.

Straight from Merriam Webster:

Etymology: short for macroinstruction
: a single computer instruction that stands for a sequence of operations


they're called Megas, like I said.

Second of all, which of these sounds the most like macro?

1. Mega
2. Micro
3. Nano

Mega, macro? No. Nano, macro? It's closer than mega was.

I think he might have ment micros.

Let's see... Micro, macro? Yup, it's the closest. He meant micro, not mega. It was just a small mistake, no biggie.

Thief!You didn't make your own stephens!You borrowed mine!You thief!

His account name is Thief, what'd you expect? :D

#45237 Nerf Gun Pictures

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 December 2004 - 05:48 PM in Off Topic

Sup! I am looking for some pictures of Nerf guns that I can use. Google Image Search hasn't been giving me good results when searching for Nerf guns. I need pics of the real thing, not the box. I need pictures of:

Big Bad Bow (With bow parts and without bow parts)
Crossbow (With bow parts and without bow parts)
Mattel Ultimator
Lanard Blast Bazooka
Lanard Max Shot

#45247 Nerf Gun Pictures

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 December 2004 - 09:52 PM in Off Topic

Okay first of all, NC's pics aren't very good. Second of all, they're watermarked which makes them look even more retarded. Also, I would look stupid because I'd be using pics that aren't my property.

#45248 Wtf

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 December 2004 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

Does anybody know how DANGEROUS it is to use a paintball marker to shoot projectiles other than paintballs? Paintball markers fire paintballs at about 300 feet per second, which turns out to be 204.54545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454 (you get the point) miles per hour. That is why we use paintball-specific masks; they protect our eyes from these sort of projectiles. You can only imagine how fast a paintball marker would project a Nerf dart.

Speaking of paintball/dart speed, has anybody ever chronographed a stock gun, and then chronographed a modded version of that gun? For example, shoot a stock X-bow over the chrono and record its speed, then shoot a highly modified one over the chrono and record its speed. If only I had a chrono and an X-Bow...

Arcanis, ALWAYS glue your weights in. Do you know how dangerous it is if your weight comes out upon impact?

#45269 Tracer Dart

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 January 2005 - 03:10 AM in Modifications

I don't know if this has been posted before or not, but you can get glow in the dark hot glue from HotStik for $5.75 per pound. It's at the very bottom. 'Nuff said.

#45348 Product Testing

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 January 2005 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

Actually, if you read the EULA on most of them, (iPod ones especially) it will basically say that they are not forced in any way to send you anything other than spam and other unwanted crap like spyware and worms.

#45356 Maverick Internals

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 January 2005 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

Why did they ever even consider this 'reverse plunger' method... so lame.

What exactly do you mean?

#45360 Maverick Internals

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 January 2005 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

I still don't understand...

#45677 Music Genres

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 January 2005 - 12:35 AM in Off Topic

Dangit! Nowadays there are too many music genres! I was putting more music on my iPod, and I noticed that it's all categorized in three places: (I only put like 4 CD's on it so far... don't worry I'll put more!) Metal, Rock, and Alternative and Punk. What the hell? I know metal is like heavy-ish rock, but what the hell is alternative? An alternative to rock? What?! And punk? What the crap!?! Can somebody tell me what these different genres are? Lost Prophets is under metal, Aerosmith is under rock, and the Used and My Chemical Romance are under alternative and punk. I just want to know what the genres mean and stuff.


#45681 This Is How You Suck

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 January 2005 - 12:51 AM in Off Topic

Heh... Some of Nickelback's songs are okay, but the majority of them I don't like. I think it's pretty lame that they can't think of a new beat or anything... Just shows you how much talent they have.

As for Linkin Park not having any talent... They're music isn't the best, and they enhance it a bit, but hey you should see their performance on Live in Texas. I saw KoRn live, and I watched Live in Texas. LP's performance in Live in Texas was completely amazing. They didn't mess up, and all they had was their instruments. You can't cheat live without sounding like crap or getting caught like Ashlee Simpson. Also, LP is made up of all around good people. They donated $100,000 to the American Red Cross to help the tsunami victims. [Emcee Hammer] Can't touch this![/Emcee Hammer]


#45793 This Is How You Suck

Posted by MattPaintballer on 09 January 2005 - 10:32 PM in Off Topic

What do you mean "minimal talent like LP"? You like Nickelback, but you think Linkin Park has minimal talent? Just because their music isn't the best doesn't mean they aren't talented. You see, they write NEW MUSIC for EVERY SINGLE SONG THEY MAKE, unlike minimal talent bands like Nickelback. Nickelback doesn't have enough talent to write new music, no they just think of new words and put it with the same music as their old crap. Have you ever heard LP play live? They sound completely awesome. It's almost unreal how they sound so perfect! Have you ever heard Nickelback play live? It sounds like the guitarist is just strumming the same chord over and over again (and he probably is). Minimal talent band? That's Nickelback for ya', not Linkin Park.

#46089 Nerf Ammunition

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 January 2005 - 07:03 PM in General Nerf

Hello! I've got a few questions about Nerf ammo and the order form.

11 Inch 2 Pack Arrow with Clip $5.00
11 Inch Arrow $1.00 each
Buzzing Arrow 11 inch 6 Pack $5.00
Gyro Rocket 3 Pack $3.50
Target Master Arrow 6 Pack $5.00

Which of these is like the normal Arrow that fits over AT2K pump tubes? What does it mean "with Clip"? Is the Buzzing Arrow like a sonic dart only it's an arrow? Target Master Arrows are the cheapest at less than $1.00 a pop, but are they the normal kind? I really want arrows! (I also want AT2K pump tubes and AT2K's but that's beside the point) Also, what are Gyro Rockets? Oh, and can somebody give me the dimensions of a normal Nerf Arrow?

I know this is sorta off topic but what ever... Is there really much of a difference between the Wildfire and the Rapid Fire 20, other than looks, and that the WF has a strap?

#46091 New Website

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 January 2005 - 07:27 PM in Off Topic

I like how you did your reviews with the graphs and all that, though I'm not much of a fan of reviews. Everything is scitter-scatter, in both IE and Firefox, you might want to try fixing that.