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#162718 Manta 2k, And More Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 July 2008 - 12:28 AM in Modifications

Wow Falcon, that's really awesome. I didn't know someone else had done this, I know people have done crazy integration's like Bag's Sicklefin and having one 2k on one side and the Manta parts on the other. Your's, at least what was your's, turned out really good. Alot better then mine...Oh well, mine functions great still. Having an excess amount of AT2K's I had to do something with them. If I could change it, I would, but as you have seen i've put excess amounts of Plumber's Putty on it. As well as Plumber's Goop. It's not coming off, unless there's alot of force involved. Thanks, for the ideas and suggestions both NerfCrazy and Falcon, if this thing ever breaks I'll definently take those idea's into consideration, although I think I'd have to use something else other than the stock plungers because mine was broken in alot of area's which led to this integration.

#162727 Manta 2k, And More Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 July 2008 - 01:37 AM in Modifications

Only 50-60' on your NF with a handyman spring? Wow thats low. Put in a Double Shot spring and it will go 70'. Thats what I did to mine. Cool mods, by the way.

Ace 49 spring. Also, I don't know why but I'm not good with Nitefinders, arguably the easiest gun to mod too... I'll range test again when I back on Thursday or Friday. Then tell the results.

EDIT: By the way, Dayko, epoxy putty is like a rock when it sets. It's great stuff. I'm not sure if it will bond with Plumbers Goop though. I used it as a second adheasive, maybe you can try to peel the Plumbers Goop off? Either way, you should try the Plumbers Putty, it's extremely strong.

#160288 Airtech 3000 Problem

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 June 2008 - 04:42 PM in Modifications

Oh no, are you the guy from NerfHQ with the poll asking about nerf or muscle? I hope not.

#151222 Sm750mav

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 April 2008 - 10:49 PM in Modifications

You could epoxy some wood or other material to the trigger then attach it to the metal firing pin by way of epoxying that too. I remember somebody used a broken tape measure case to extend their trigger, but can't remember exactly who.

#150801 New Style Dart - The Splash Dart

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 13 April 2008 - 12:25 AM in General Nerf

Those are pretty cool, but would you really want to put water on those after every shot? Not practical, but fun.

#193868 Quick Q

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 December 2008 - 09:13 PM in General Nerf

Sm750's vary, but generally are from 10$-25$. LB's, I wouldn't pay more than 30$, more around 15-20$ though. Wildfires are weird, on ebay I've seen them sold for 50$ in some cases, and other cases 15$. So I'd sayd yeah around 20-30$.

#206733 Marvelouse Salvo Help?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 January 2009 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Is the pump plugged? Also, it ussually takes a while, at least for me, to fill the three tanks. My first one didn't take so long though. Good luck with it.

#162706 Manta 2k, And More Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 13 July 2008 - 10:09 PM in Modifications

I'm going on a mini vacation for the next three days, so I finished another mod just in time. It's a Manta/AT2K hybrid, the Manta 2k.
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Yep, it's basically what it sounds like. A Manta Ray shell with 2 2k's, one on each side. The 2k's have basic mods done to them: 6 in PETG barrel, plugged pump. I didn't remove the goo gauge, because I didn't feel the need to. It doesn't get in the way when holding or firing the gun. To fire, there are two key rings with heavy duty fishing wire/string on the AT2k firing spring. The firing spring has had hot glue all around it, so it's like a BIC pen mod. Both 2k's normal ranges. The barrel on the left is perfectly straight and is the main one I fire out of since I can easily see down it, since I hold the gun with my right hand. The barrel on the right is a bit crooked, but it's more of a last resort weapon. This gun's great, it has the power of (2) AT2k's with the ability to block shot's like a Manta Ray. A great all around weapon.

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Basic NF, 1st Gen. PPK'd, has 3 1/2 inches of 17/32 brass nested in 1 inch of 9/16. Two ammo holders in the handle, ace# 49 spring, two o-rings. Get's around 50-60ft. I don't know how you guys get 70-80ft.

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Splifire I got from Badger, I remodded it and gave it (2) PETG barrels. No ranges at the moment, haven't got around to checking. I'd say at least 50-60, definently more than the NF.

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The Blue Tiger

Ok, normally I'd just post this in the mod/paintjob thread but these aren't mod's you see everyday so I thought I'd show them off a bit.

#199147 New Style Sm750 Modification

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 December 2008 - 04:21 AM in Modifications

Didn't really need a thread for this, it's been done many times, but good mod.

#153226 Remote Controlled Cars..

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 01:15 PM in Off Topic

I like getting the ones from TRU and then smashing them with my friends. Basically we just use the cars to run into each other. You should try it someone.

#154300 Who Knows?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 May 2008 - 05:57 PM in Off Topic

What was that? Didn't really make sense to me.

#163972 The Return Of The Dark Beast

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 July 2008 - 07:35 PM in Modifications

I like it. But just so you know Futureseal and I are planning some pretty crazy stuff for my vulcan.

Shut the fuck up, this is the third or fourth thread where your talking about how good/fun your vulcan is, ok we get the fucking point. We don't give a shit about you and futureseal's "planning" untill you actually do a mod to the gun.

chefdave: Marveolous Salvo integrations are awesome. At first I thought that was a SMDTG on th bottom. Where are you planning on puting the pump though?

#153588 Odd Water Blaster...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

Good find, how much did it cost?

#149577 Plunger Tubes

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 10:46 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the advice, I'll check it out next time at the hardware store. Anyone know if brass would work?

#194446 R.s.c.b. At2k Writeup

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 December 2008 - 10:09 PM in Modifications

This is really good Galaxy, nice job.

#149574 Plunger Tubes

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 10:36 PM in Modifications

I'm doing a mod like Dayko's and KBarker's Nitefinders. I was wondering if anyone else has a method of combining two NF plunger tubes. I tried Dayko's method and couldn't get the plunger tubes completely straight. If I tried moving the plunger rod inside of the tube then it would constantly stop or get stuck at the point where I tried glueing the two tubes together. Or does anyone know of a material that could be used to replace the tube. I read that KBarker used Petg, but what was the diameter? Also, does anyone know if PVC would work as a replacement or possibly brass? Help is appreciated. Thanks.

#184546 Pictures In Signatures

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 19 October 2008 - 06:23 PM in Off Topic

You post way too much.

#149593 Plunger Tubes

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 April 2008 - 12:38 AM in Modifications

If you get the right size of brass it would be great for holding the two plunger tubes together like a sheath.
I can say from experience that brass is tough to adhere too. But if you sand it properly and use fishin glue it will work.

I remember reading somewhere that you got fishin glue from a Bass Pro Shops, but when I was down in Las Vegas, I couldn't find any. Is there any other place to get fishin glue? Also, I may do that brass idea, thanks for the help.

#149004 Vinyl Tubing Quick Connectors

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 April 2008 - 12:08 AM in Modifications

Just so you know barbed connectors are a total bitch to get on, or at least the ones I have are. Get instant tube fittings like imaseolman described.

#202210 Bmx

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 09 January 2009 - 10:28 PM in Off Topic

My friend is like number 2 or 3 in state for his age. He's pretty sick at BMX, not gonna lie.

#177282 Mega Stefans

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 September 2008 - 02:31 AM in Modifications

My mega stefans are prettier. They are made with sparkly hot glue and are pretty.

Anybody need a signature (Blue)? On topic: nice job on the darts, though they're pretty much ctds.

Yeah...you shouldn't be talking. Anybody remember this thread?

Anyway, I like the darts Blue. By the way, they are converted tagger darts. Just normal stock darts with the head cut off and then weighted and hot glued.

#171802 The Chilibow

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 August 2008 - 03:46 PM in Modifications

I'm really exicted to finally have this gun up and working. I got this about 3-4 months ago and had to fix the plunger since it was snapped off. After finishing that I had to work on the guns seal. I used a LOT of e-tape and at first I had a GREAT seal. Believe it or not I was hitting ranges of 120ft with bungees. Although very quickly the e-tape had lost it's seal and I was getting ranges of maybe 10 ft. The next stage this gun went through almost took away the ability to be a true crossbow. I figuired I had a crap crossbow so I set to integrating guns, mainly the SM1500 and AT2k, into it. For some reason I could never get them to work without getting a leak so I gave up on it. Anyway, after many months of procrastination and other stuff/projects I finally set myself to fix my crossbow. I started with the seal and used FBR wrapped around the plunger head, next with a little e-tape over it to create a more air tight fit. Then with some silicone lube. The gun actually worked and it wasn't just barely getting out of the barrel. Ok, so some pics of the gun in it's current state.
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I use a speedloader of two 6 in 9/16 brass barrels nested in PVC. The crossbow doesn't get amazing ranges like before but they are sufficient. I get around 65ft with no bungees. I'm expecting around 80-90ft with 2-4 mini bungees. Which reminds me I also added an industrial small trigger spring to the existing one. Where the original crossbow barrel is, is a SM750. I had originally thought of this a few months ago and did it, but my 750 sprung an unrepairable leak. I got another from serpent sn1per a few days ago and integrated it in. It's not in the best position, but it works for me. The ranges of it are around 70-80ft with 6 inches of PETG. I haven't tried this next thing out yet, but I saw Captain Slug put the gun on his +bow and I figuired why not. These Spider man guns are pretty good, I get around 40ft with them and it could creat an excelent backup. Before the SM gun I had a SM1500 in the usual place. Though, for me, it was too cumbersome and I didn't have enough space for "speedloading". Plus, I didn't want overkill either.

So that is the Chilibow.
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#171932 The Chilibow

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 August 2008 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

Icespartan: Thanks, and I might paint it a chili green or a chili red color.

serpent sn1per: That probably would be pretty smarter..and barreling the 750 wasn't hard at all.

AJ.Z: Thanks for clearing that up.

Renegademilitia15: Thanks, though I might change to 8 or 9 inch barrels.

g-force: Can't wait to see what you've done.

P.C.III: It's fired with a key ring in the back, not the most comfortable but it works. Also, the pump of the 750 snapped off, and I'm kind of happy it did. I repalced the pump with a 2k pump and put it under my Crossbow barrel like bpso did with his xbow. I'll get a pic up in a bit of the gun soon.

#180975 Vulcan Sawn-off?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 October 2008 - 12:38 AM in General Nerf

I have no idea what exactly your talking about. If your talking about sawing off the front of your vulcan then uh cool. I voted "yes". Why? I hope you ruin your gun.

#152832 Quick Smdtg Question

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 April 2008 - 08:25 PM in Modifications

I used 4" because I wanted to cut the brass in 3 equal sections. This weekend I'll try out 3" and see how that compares to it.

#149011 Problem With Screws?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 April 2008 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

When you unscrew the screws, try not to strip the screws as much. I did this alot when I first started modding.

#149016 Problem With Screws?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 April 2008 - 12:27 AM in General Nerf

Pray to god, then push down HARD and twist...Nice...

#148893 At2k

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 April 2008 - 06:57 PM in Modifications

I remember reading a question about this and someone said to "Rip that shit out" or something. Which is what I did, it actually worked. All I did was pull the two halves apart. Not as clean as hacksawing but much funner.

#147929 X-stream Triple Shot Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 March 2008 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

That's nice, but the barrells in the second picture look crooked. Also, please change your font, like keef said it is pretty annoying.

#147758 Recon Ar Removal Pissings

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 March 2008 - 01:51 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I used Slugs method on removing my Recon ar, and it took me all of about 30 seconds to drill it out. Also, the air restrictor wasn't damaged at all, not that, the ar is needed though.

#147926 Recon Ar Removal Pissings

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 March 2008 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

Drill from the backside.

Thats what she said.....

Nice one. lol

#149393 The Tek Ten... I Screwed Up...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 April 2008 - 09:30 PM in Modifications

For extending the firing pin and adding a key ring, I have used fishing wire. Although, I think others have used string also.

#149408 The Tek Ten... I Screwed Up...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 April 2008 - 10:17 PM in Modifications

For extending the firing pin and adding a key ring, I have used fishing wire. Although, I think others have used string also.

Fishing wire? Do you mean the little wire that you put on the end of the fishing line and attach the hook to?

No, I'm not sure even if that would work. The kind I got mine from was something like this. http://images.google...htt...l=en&sa=N
They have wire strong enough to hold up to 60lbs.

Edit: I may have read the site wrong, but I'm not sure.

#146060 Deodorant Clip Question

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 20 March 2008 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

It could have potential but it may take a while to spin the wheel to advance the dart.
By the way, deoderent is actually spelled deodorant.

#153348 Triple Strike Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 10:34 PM in Modifications

Very nice. Consider it added.

EDIT: You were the first to do a write up for this gun.

Actually, g-force did one, it just never got added.

That's the wrong link. Also nice mod, I never saw g-forces so I'll consider yours the first.

#152822 Quick Smdtg Question

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 April 2008 - 07:27 PM in Modifications

I used four inches in mine and get pretty good results.

#152485 Warthog Mod Writeup

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 April 2008 - 07:33 PM in Modifications

Nice write up, the second one on the warthog I think.

#149754 My Longshot (paintjob And A New Mod)

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 April 2008 - 07:58 PM in Modifications

I really like that paint job. Particularly, the striped handle and the purple muzzle. Nice job. At least I know my old longshot clips will go into a good longshot.

#151351 Magstrike Problem

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 April 2008 - 08:39 PM in Modifications

Picture is not working. Why don't you just exchange the gun and get a new one?

#154703 Airtech 2000 Stock Add On

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 May 2008 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

Can you still open up the gun or did you epoxy it shut? I like the idea of a crutch as a stock, but I don't think many people have crutch's laying around. Nice mod by the way.