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#140083 What Was Your First Nerf Gun?

Posted by lionhead333 on 13 February 2008 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

Like raw shrimp, I got the blue SM3K at a young age. I later got a 1st edition nf, and an sspb. I was given an at2k as a gift.
I threw it out. Not being a modder yet, I thought it was broken.
For the next five years, I didn't touch nerf.

Over this past year, nerf has taken me back by storm. I've spent over $700 on blasters, and another ~$100 on homemades. Wallet diddle.

I <3 nerf so much now. If I'm away from a blaster for more than a few weeks, I go into 'withdrawl.'
I need another fucking hobby.

#139840 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by lionhead333 on 12 February 2008 - 10:21 PM in Off Topic

I just hooked up 3 machines, one of them being an AMD 5600+ with 3 gigs of RAM. In the first two minutes, it powered through 4/500 parts. It's been working on that 5th for over an hour now. One of the older computers is on 4/150 right now. I shouldn't have installed the graphical.
I'm getting another 2 machines on it tomorrow, I believe.

I'm interested to see where this will go.

#139746 Disk Shot Vs Nite Finder?

Posted by lionhead333 on 12 February 2008 - 01:49 PM in General Nerf

Internally, they're the exact same, except for a different spring.

Neither of them are easily pocketed unless cut down. Some think a cutdown NF looks like a luger.

A cut down Disk shot, if you ask me, looks kind of like a raptor. Here are my two for comparison.
Posted Image

It may be my mod, but I can squeze about 5 feet more out of my DS than my NF (72 vs. 78). Personally, I think that my DS's seal is probably just a bit better.

The nitefinder's laser is only good to about 25 feet, if that. Less in sunlight. A diskshot has that bulky ammo holder, but like I said, you can just minimize both of them.

A NF is $8. The main DS is $25 on clearance, while the expansion is $12.
There's my two cents.
I think I'll clean up that cut on the disk shot today.

#139507 Trouble With The Chainblazer

Posted by lionhead333 on 10 February 2008 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

Does the chain rotate when you try to fire? If not, check your clip advancing piece, found in the second part of this mod.

#139491 Lock 'n Load Coupler Mod

Posted by lionhead333 on 10 February 2008 - 04:33 PM in Modifications

It does seem close, but it really isn't. It must be a trick of the camera.

The blaster is easier to draw than holster, obviously, but not by much. After a 90 degree twist of the Lock 'N Load by the mouth of the holster, it just slides in.

#139489 Lock 'n Load Coupler Mod

Posted by lionhead333 on 10 February 2008 - 04:13 PM in Modifications

Sorry for double posting, but I'd rather revive this than a two year old thread.

Those who use NerfMonkey's holster method, vinyl works wonderfully. It'll stretch a bit to allow for a Lock 'N Load to enter.
As for the clip, I stitched it on and then glued it in place. It isn't coming off for a while.

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#139286 Call Of Duty 4 Recon Cs-6 Mod [updated]

Posted by lionhead333 on 08 February 2008 - 06:49 AM in Modifications

I like it, but if you ask me, the orange seems too bright. It may just be the picture.
I look forward to the end of your project- I love replica blasters. Good luck on this.

#139284 I Need A Bit Of Help.

Posted by lionhead333 on 08 February 2008 - 06:44 AM in Modifications

I did read that, although I am positive this is more air than there is supposed to be.
1. No.
2. No.
3. I'm nearly positive I am.
4. I pump it real quick, but stop before the thing blows. :P
5. In the pump? Yeah.
6. My darts are custom tailored for the cpvc I'm using. There's enough friction to stay in the barrel, but not to slide out. It's in the middle, but on the loose side.
7. One part is tied around the vinyl tubing. Where does the other half go?
8. I carefully checked to see that they were fine.
9. I'm sorry, huh?
10. Yes.

#139159 I Need A Bit Of Help.

Posted by lionhead333 on 07 February 2008 - 04:50 PM in Modifications

I bought a lightning blitz a few months ago on Ebay, and thought it was a great little novelty blaster.
As I mod blasters, the first thing I do with the shell off it cock/prime, and fire it empty (only while spring guns are stock do I do this). I didn't make an exception here. Only problem is that more air leaks out the air tank's pin valve than out the barrels.
I didn't really think it was an issue at first. With AR's, it got 10 feet. I thought that was just stock range. After modding, however, I still only get 10 feet. I don't want to fiddle with it haphazardly in fear of making it worse.

Does anyone have any ideas? I'm not going to make a write-up until the blaster itself actually works.

Oh, and no pictures, because it's no different in looks than any other Lightning Blitz.

EDIT: Sorry, guys, I had 3 tabs open, and I thought I'd posted this in mods.

#139104 What Is So Good About The Nightfinder?

Posted by lionhead333 on 07 February 2008 - 07:05 AM in General Nerf

Let me set this straight.
A maverick, properly modded, is like an ex. Sometimes it'll try to help, but you'll end up with shitty results. A NiteFinder, properly modded, is like the perfect little whore that's always ready to go.

#138735 If You Could Bring Back Any Nerf Gun

Posted by lionhead333 on 05 February 2008 - 06:43 AM in General Nerf

Again, this one's over 6 years ago, but... Lock 'N Load.
I bought one at the UMD war, and haven't looked back since. It's the best sidearm I've ever used.

#138734 Use Of Cell Phones In Wars...

Posted by lionhead333 on 05 February 2008 - 06:32 AM in General Nerf

The only time I ever used my cell (related to nerf) was at the UMD war. We were team deathmatch, and starting from opposite sides of the building. OMC called me to tell us we'd started.

#138363 Lock 'n Load Write Up.

Posted by lionhead333 on 03 February 2008 - 10:17 AM in Modifications

Great, now my write-up looks like shit. <_< Good job, Angel.

I'm curious though; why did you dremel down the lip that the slide used to rest in? Also, didn't you tell us it's a bad idea to glue the plunger-tube down?

Lastly, Why did the spring replacement and seal improvement only wield 10 feet over my mod? It seems like it should be more, doesn't it?

#138092 Who Can Count The Number Of Basketball Passes?

Posted by lionhead333 on 01 February 2008 - 07:27 AM in Off Topic

I counted 14, but I think there may have been 15. (the questionare has a link that says 13-15)

I also saw the gorilla my first time through, but the damn questionare wouldn't believe me. :blush:

EDIT: Since I already got it right, I decided to view the vid again, more carefully. About halfway through, one of the boys is standing in front of the girl. The boy in back passes to the girl, but she hot-potatoes it to the boy in front.
15 passes.

#137921 Long Shot Homemade Clips

Posted by lionhead333 on 31 January 2008 - 06:53 AM in Modifications

And even then, shouldn't this be in homemades?

Or is he right because it's for a modded blaster?

#137589 My Answer To The Great Homemade Manta Debate

Posted by lionhead333 on 28 January 2008 - 06:54 AM in Homemades

What craft stores did you go to? Which one had the plastic?
If it was in the post, I'm sorry. I have a headache and may have skipped over it.

This is a wonderful idea. I may use this to repair my manta.

#137165 Petg Breeched Big Blast

Posted by lionhead333 on 25 January 2008 - 06:39 AM in Modifications

Ok cut the sarcasm sn1per. I have never heard of a gun getting that long a range, and Im just wondering how its done.

He's joking, buddy. He's taking advantage of our range discussion and using the fact that A. Many new members don't measure ranges, and B. that they use angled ranges, and C. that if they're not satisfied, they lie about it.

#136908 Zaler- Heavily Modded Longshot.

Posted by lionhead333 on 22 January 2008 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

That is on of the cleanest integrations I've ever seen. my hat's off to you.

#136745 Rototrack Chains Question

Posted by lionhead333 on 21 January 2008 - 11:46 AM in Modifications

As close as I can tell, the distance is about 1.15" of space.

That ruler is a piece of shit, though. I can't be absolutely sure.

EDIT: It escaped my mind, but I'm interested. What material are you using for barrels and links?

#136658 Lock 'n Load Coupler Mod

Posted by lionhead333 on 20 January 2008 - 07:22 PM in Modifications

Uhh, no, I'm pretty sure it's nifty.
After just checking, there is no knifty in the dictionary.

I'm glad you like the blaster, though.

#136654 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by lionhead333 on 20 January 2008 - 06:39 PM in Modifications

There is my Diskshot (spring replacement, new o-ring, new barrel, no AR's), AT2K (new barrel, pump plugged), AT3K (New barrels, pump plugged), L 'N L (Mod here), NF (AR's, couplered), and BBBB (Coupler, speedloader, pump plugged, ammo holders).

Here is my LS (Extra spring, AR's out, new barrel), FF (AR's out), SSII (New barrels), and Magstrike (AR's, partial FA_24 mod).

Links because photobucket's a bitch.

I have more, but they're all buried in random crap.

#136649 Lock 'n Load Coupler Mod

Posted by lionhead333 on 20 January 2008 - 06:04 PM in Modifications

At the UMD war, I bought a Lock 'N Load from Badger.
Just telling you now, I had already modded it before I realized that there wasn't a write-up like this. Therefore, there aren't as many pictures as I'd like.
I'm sure this has probably been done before.

Also, I'm sorry some of my pictures are huge. Even when I resize them in photobucket, my pictures show up huge here. Edit: The large pictures have been fixed

Materials needed:
Lock 'N Load
3-4" of ½" cpvc piping
½" cpvc coupler
Hot glue, Epoxy, Etc.
Duct/Electrical tape
Pen spring
Key ring

Here is a picture of a stock Lock 'N Load. Thanks to Orange for letting me use it.
Posted Image

Start taking it apart. There are 3 screws on the slider, 7 screws on the left shell half, and 1 on the right half.

Thanks to NerfMonkey for letting me use his picture of the trigger-catch setup. If stuff flies out, this is how it goes back in.
Posted Image

Take out the plunger tube. This is the part of the mod where we need to cut. On the plunger tube, there are two rings that go over the screw shafts, holding it in place. Cut a centimeter in front of the rear one.

From here, you can get to the air restrictor. I just knocked mine out with a screwdriver. Easy to do, because the AR is connected thinly at only three points, and one of them actually broke as I was sawing.

Now, take your cpvc coupler. Go ahead and stick your 3 or 4 inch barrel in one side. Glue the other side to the end of the plunger tube. Quickly put the plunger tube in the blaster's case and close it. This way, by looking down the seam, you can make sure the coupler dries straight.

One you are satisfied, and the glue is dry, whip out your tape. I used 2 strips. 1 was horizontally put from one side of the screw brace to the other. The second, shorter piece was put vertically (pointed toward the barrel) making sure that the first piece won't come off. Mine just happens to be green.

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Lastly, my trigger wouldn't come back all the way after I pulled it, so I replaced the flimsy little spring with my pen spring. This isn't necessary, but it was pissing me off.

That's really all we do. The original plunger head is more air efficient than those currently on the market. We could put in a new spring, but I'm not sure how much this blaster can take; and I don't think I'll be able to find another.

Close up the blaster, making sure everything is in the correct place. The catch should go in with the slanted side facing forward. Remember, the only screw on the right shell half, and the one opposite on the left half, will no longer go in. Once your blaster is closed up, glue a key ring into the notch in the plunger shaft.

The final thing I did was to add cpvc rings to the grooves that megas would fit into in the ammo holders. It fit perfectly. When I eventually make a holster, they'll have to come off, but until then they're a charm.
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Voila! We now have a Lock 'N Load with a replaceable barrel!

I am 5'6", all shots are taken from shoulder level, and I have a big head, so about 4'5". Dart skip was about 5 feet. I had a friend tell me as close as possible where it originally hit the ground.
Shot 1: 49ft, 6in
Shot 2:47ft, 9in
Shot 3: 51ft, 2in
Shot 4: 47ft, 10in
Shot 5: 45ft, 5in

Pretty good, for not even using a single band.

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This has been an Aslan Arms production.

As a final note, if any of my pictures ever break, send me a pm.

Questions? Comments? Flames?

EDIT: I managed to fix the pictures.

#136538 Lancer

Posted by lionhead333 on 19 January 2008 - 08:57 PM in Modifications

That is so nurfty.
Which is nifty, only nerfized.

Seriously, I admire you.

#136514 Possible War At University Of Maryland

Posted by lionhead333 on 19 January 2008 - 07:22 PM in Nerf Wars

I guess I'm the first one back. Understandable, seeing as I left early.

I think Squishy did really well for his first major war. There was too much idle time between rounds, though. (Up to 45 minutes!)
This was a great place to play, even though we only used 3 floors. I hope to come back very soon.
And we got lost on the way home ending up in the ghetto.
Thanks Squishy!


EDIT: Yay! Crossbow orgy!!!

#136448 Possible War At University Of Maryland

Posted by lionhead333 on 19 January 2008 - 06:24 AM in Nerf Wars

Alright, I know this is really short notice, but one of my backup blasters crapped out on me.
Could someone possibly bring up a stock Big Blast for me to buy? I'd really appreciate it, and none of my local stores carry them anymore.

#136348 Possible War At University Of Maryland

Posted by lionhead333 on 18 January 2008 - 06:59 AM in Nerf Wars

Just a personal update: My friends dropped out.
I'll be there alone.

Also, I need to clarify; Is the war only an hour, or is the indoor portion only an hour. If the entire war is one hour, this isn't worth it to me.

#136073 Possible War At University Of Maryland

Posted by lionhead333 on 15 January 2008 - 05:03 PM in Nerf Wars

I can most likely bring 10-15 dollars. If you need it before hand, I'm not sure how helpful I'll be, but I'll try.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your post. Either way, I'm still fine if any unexpected expenses come up.

#135595 Easy Startle Grenade.

Posted by lionhead333 on 11 January 2008 - 07:15 AM in Homemades

How long does it take to make one of these?
Its sounds like a long time.

How does it sound like a long time? You take a New Years' party popper and shove those small firecrackers in it. (You know, the ones that just make noise)
Then, if you want to, you stick cardboard on the end.

Wow. He really must have slaved away, huh?

#135533 Cutting Brass Tubing

Posted by lionhead333 on 10 January 2008 - 07:36 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

I use one of these on anything smaller than 1" PVC. On brass (17/32), The ends are pinched in ever so slightly. Hardly makes a difference compared to my old dremel cuts, and it cuts much cleaner.

EDIT: I forgot to say: the reamer (triangular piece of metal used to deburr) takes care of the indents. I can actually get the pipe to flare outward; useful if I'm too busy to watch a reload.

#135531 Kinda Like A Nerf Mine!

Posted by lionhead333 on 10 January 2008 - 07:25 PM in General Nerf

It doesn't seem like a too bad idea, but I saw something else by wild planet that they made similar to this. It's a laser trip wire that when you walk into the beam, a dart blaster thing that you can hide anywhere in the room will shoot the victim. I can't remember where I saw this, but it's a thought. Hope this helps.

I believe you're thinking of this.
It's a fun toy, but those are also just spring powered plastic darts.

EDIT: Yeah, Blasphemy beat me to it.

#134990 Nerfing In Make Magazine?

Posted by lionhead333 on 04 January 2008 - 10:26 PM in General Nerf

I'm not sure, but I personally think...

We not include a stefan guide, per say, but simply include a quick definition in one of the main articles. For exampe- 'We fire stefans, or homemade darts make of of caulk saver, as they fly farther, and truer than stock darts.'

Same thing with active nerfers. Sure, it'd be great to give the veterans some more recognition, and we should throw in names somewhere, but not a section devoted to them. Perhaps in a "Brief History of Nerfing" portion, we could name the main legends of each coast that have made some great achievements (Groove flying out to 'Geddon 4 times).

Acronyms, again, maybe in a "Quick Knowledge" side box, but not as part of the article, I don't think.

Although, I haven't read a make magazine. If, typically, there are topics like that, then go right ahead!
I just think the above may seem to make the article look less beefy than it is, and get us a better chance of getting in. We have to remember that most articles are totally restricted somewhere between two and three pages.
Lastly, make absolute sure your grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct before sending it in. No offense, I just mean that we don't want to come off like a bunch of illiterate morons.

#134794 Nerf In Guitar Hero 3

Posted by lionhead333 on 02 January 2008 - 09:58 PM in General Nerf

Let's think here. Could he possibly be referring to the original poster?

Why would you need to cheat? You can access credits anytime because the producers are always so egotistical.

EDIT: The first applies to part B, and the second applies to part 1.
Also, how did you accidentally go from numbers to the alphabet? That's like saying A, B, C, 42, 284, K...

#134760 Nerf In Guitar Hero 3

Posted by lionhead333 on 02 January 2008 - 06:00 PM in General Nerf

I believe this was posted twice already, and it should be in the 'Nerf in Popular Culture' thread.
Please, before you post about a popular game, go over the first two or three pages of the General and see if it's posted yet.

And, as I don't believe I've said it yet, welcome to the Haven.

#134706 At2k Problem

Posted by lionhead333 on 02 January 2008 - 07:17 AM in Modifications

Guys, only puncture the membrane to do an expansion. If you just want to put the glue on, lift the membrane out completely.
EDIT: Punctuation error.

#134705 Old Style Ttg Broke! Halp!

Posted by lionhead333 on 02 January 2008 - 07:14 AM in Modifications

I'm not positive about this, but take your plunger tube to the hardware store. Find an appropriate size endcap (I believe about a PVC 1/2"). Epoxy it on. Drill a hole and glue on a barrel. Dremel the shell to allow for the new obstruction.

#134574 Happy New Year!

Posted by lionhead333 on 01 January 2008 - 10:06 AM in Off Topic

Pretty uneventful one for me. How 'bout you guys?
I stayed up till five, but then it just got too damn boring.

#134572 At2k Problem

Posted by lionhead333 on 01 January 2008 - 09:39 AM in Modifications

For the goo gauge, either do Cx's mod, or just drill a hole in the top of the gauge to drain it.
Unless, you want to act on the airtank expansion theory. Cx, however, proved that it had no impact on range.

EDIT: Oh, right. What I did was open the gauge like Cxwq, drain the goo, but then I filled that whole cavity at the end of the gauge with hot glue. After filling it up to the small lip, the pressure an at2k takes can NOT blow it out.

#134303 Longshot Trouble

Posted by lionhead333 on 29 December 2007 - 03:23 PM in Modifications

Just to note, you didn't have to trim the clip. On my longshot, I did Inventor guy's mod with cpvc, and a new spring. Once you trim the bolt back, the clip has room to spare.

#134234 Whats So Good About The Crossbow?

Posted by lionhead333 on 28 December 2007 - 09:01 PM in General Nerf

I've never seen a longshot that is reliable approach crossbow range.

Mine does. :)
Although, I have to breach load, so it's still a single shot.

As for the crossbow, other than comfort, accuracy, and reliability, it's simply a legend. You can't get any clearer. Part of it's status is that it was the first primary with a trigger. Part of it is that so many nerfing legends have them, and use them regularly.

You see it all the time at my middle school. One of the populars does something, and everyone else wants to, to try and be more popular. We see all of the popular, veteran nerfers wielding X-bows, and we want one too.

#134146 Disc Shot Pistol

Posted by lionhead333 on 28 December 2007 - 09:51 AM in Modifications

I took a random pen spring (from the kind of pen that clicks open), compressed it against the catch-socket to measure, and cut it. To cut mine, I bent the amount I'd be cutting off 90 degrees. I then took a lighter, and lit the spring's elbow until red hot, then stuck it under water. After doing this multiple times, the metal weakens. Just cut it with kitchen scissors.

note: While holding the spring and lighting it may seem stupid, it really doesn't get hot anywhere other than where it's being burned.