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#155069 Retirement

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 07 May 2008 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

Good luck to you. My dad was a reservist in the canadian army, but this was in the 70s, so no fighting. Stay strong over there. I heard people get pretty whacked from seeing all the madness over there.

oh, don't worry about me, I was a soldier before i swore in. a STREET soldier.

#155054 Retirement

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 07 May 2008 - 02:23 PM in General Nerf

that would be fun as hell...

so...any ideas on the whole large-video-file-transfer thing?

#155154 Retirement

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 08 May 2008 - 07:49 AM in General Nerf

"This is Messiah, the guy who showed up to the last war with 3 longshots, one of which was held in a guitar case."

two of them, actually... :D

#157710 Retirement

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 01 June 2008 - 08:11 PM in General Nerf

hokay kids, i ship in three days, wish me luck!

oh wait, you already did...heh...

i'll keep in touch, though!

#184543 Night Finder 3 In 1

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2008 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

congratulations, you now have a DEagle.

Paint it, already!

#286060 Newno 2010

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 25 September 2010 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

A Hymn for MN nerfers:

So far away we wait for the day
For the lights are so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames… WE CARRY ON!!!

I am IN for teh W1N!!!

Dragonforce = FAIL

Unfortunately not attending.

#146800 New War-recording Device?

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 25 March 2008 - 07:41 AM in Off Topic

It's easier to just mount the camera to your gun. Having one mounted on your head is too awkward.

It looks like all you would need to do is secure the female clamp from any old camera/Camcorder and put it on your (blank).

straps are stupid and don't secure anything short of whatever people put on their roof racks.

and if you don't want to spend too much, find a Hi-8 Recorder, it worked just fine when i stuck it behind the accessory rail on my LS(pita).

#97260 New Longshot Mod/integration

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 27 December 2006 - 01:04 PM in Modifications

name suggestions:

Dart Attack
whatever the AR from Aliens is called.(by the way, that would be a bitchin' mod.)
Morita V2
French Silk
Die MotherFucker

That's All i've got for now.

Dirt Cheap Mod:
Take the barrel extension for the longshot out of the sidearm. you should be able to pull it clean out if you know what you're doing. insert into front of longshot and hot glue to your heart's content. cross-drill holes in tip of barrel for whatever the hell reason you want, i don't remember why i did. i also did the air restrictor mod, and it's pretty much manditory to make the thing work decently. i also added an actual 2x plastic toy scope that is actually accurate for something i found in my ceiling tiles. i'm going to try the integration mod today.

Quick, far-out thought:
take the "laser" assembly off of the NiteFinder and mount it on the accessory rail? hail me if you're interested or have pics.

i made a stinky.

#102008 Nerfbot And Rf100 Update

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 April 2007 - 07:52 PM in Modifications

first of all, far-fucking-out. put this on a high perch and pwn from afar.

i wish i could mount a LS on to a robot. i'd call it johnny 6.

#102040 Nerfbot And Rf100 Update

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 10 April 2007 - 05:17 PM in Modifications

god, sorry, i didn't see the date.

#286801 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 11 October 2010 - 03:19 PM in Modifications

Possibly related...the stock motor is rated at 6 volts. I am going to ax man soon, looking for a 12v and a 18v. which of these would perform better?

6 volts? Wat? The Stampede operates at 9 volts stock.

The motor is rated at 6 volts. Assuming Hasbro used the same motor supplier for all the stampedes built thus far, every motor you find in every stampede should have "6 Volts" and an SLN on the side of it. A child could calculate 1.5x6=9.

Not to be rude, I haven't had my coffee yet.

#285423 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 14 September 2010 - 10:07 PM in Modifications

Question: What about this: (Laptop Battery) Toshiba SATELLITE PRO A210-16V 9 Cell

- Type: Li ion
- Capacity: 7200mah
- Cell: 9

Is this possible?

or this?

#285908 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 23 September 2010 - 10:26 AM in Modifications

Possibly related...the stock motor is rated at 6 volts. I am going to ax man soon, looking for a 12v and a 18v. which of these would perform better?

#305055 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 27 September 2011 - 12:08 AM in Modifications

I am currently using a 19.2v drill battery to power it. Until I finish my output adjuster assembly for it, it will continue to jam and fail to cycle, no surprise there. The bigger problem right now, for me, is the gear slipping off the drive shaft of the motor. Has anybody else had this problem with lower currents, or am I about to herp a mad derp?

#285732 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 September 2010 - 02:49 PM in Modifications


I think we have a winner. a bit over the 'reasonable' price margin, but nontheless, I would like to see if this would work...

What about 10 of these:


Now, what to do about the motor. now THAT I need ideas on.

#150057 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 08 April 2008 - 03:47 PM in General Nerf

i think i have the winning catastrophes.

1) in a floor war with my buds, I accidently dropped my maverick off of a third story balcony. obliterated.

2) my first longshot was strapped on my back when i was splitting wood in my yard with a hydraulic log splitter. cut in half.

#141983 Nerf Gun Cam

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 22 February 2008 - 02:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey Guys,
Last YANO, i shared an idea with Bags about this....
Well one day was bored and watching paintball fights and whatknot. It got boring kuz they were all 3rd person shots but dont display it close up and also actually seeing a hit. A Paintball requires a high speed camera to come out clean on frame. So i felt that a dart has a better chance to come on frame.
Unfortunately Darts actualy come out clean on film but when you render your footage for posting on the net, some darts dont show up at all unless its point blank.
(Note: Bag's Fking Pecan Video)
So...considering no one's ever REALLY officialy done this except WWII fighter planes.
Im actually gonna try a gun cam.
This means taking my high quality Kodak Dual Lens cam and strapping it on a gun and see if it works....better that filming darts on motion from a panning perspective.

So anybody ever try this?
Im gonna run some tests with a nightfinder than work my way up the ladder.

I got one clip of Hubbard firing a shot...
A dart shot from a nightfinder has about five frames or more before its off camera.
so we'll see.....

what do you think

I did it mounted behind my LS' rail. looked alright.

#100633 N.s.e.c.t. Internals

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 01 March 2007 - 05:56 PM in General Nerf

looks fun... i'm getting devious ideas about that turret... i could use it as a trap or mounting it on another gun, like a NF and using the existing power source(should it be providing sufficient power) to turn it into like an Electric-Maverick deal.

#184298 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 October 2008 - 12:03 PM in General Nerf

Arent you the guy who left to go served in the military? Either way welcome back.

yes that's me.

#184369 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 October 2008 - 10:17 PM in General Nerf

You dirty shit packer you. Welcome back. Still buying that Big Blast from me? or do you want something bit more custom. It would be a great honor if I were to make you a SNAP. For the right price of course. Muahaha

i would love a snap...btw are they clipped? can they be clipped?

The could be deodorant clipped. I could do that for you and give you about 5 old spice clips if you want. But Im no charity. Remember that XD

Angel, I thought it was Pig too. it took me SEVERAL close reads to finally see PSG

Spice clips would be just fine, how much and do you think you could have it done before venoms war?

Angel, it's an honor having you grace my humble thread with your presence!

#184540 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2008 - 05:36 PM in General Nerf

it fit my my life at the time...I were trying to go active, but I figure I'm getting deployed for two+ years and six years of hopefully getting deployed anyway. I was going to go marines, but...I'll leave that excuse to myself... :D

#184294 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 October 2008 - 11:51 AM in General Nerf

I'm back in minnesota, my fellow nerds!
I'll be attending whatever nerf war venom is hosting, and I'll be bringing my boo with me to watch and hopefully play a couple rounds!
ya, alabama destroyed me healthwise but i'll still be there to school everyone there.
and my boy is talking shit, too!
so, i'll be there +1!

#184531 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2008 - 04:57 PM in General Nerf

I would like to be randomly explanitory by telling you all why I joined the military.
I'm a person who hates not being able to pull my weight or help out to the best of my abilities. watching and hearing news reports constantly talking about our fellow americans who were, and still are fighting in almost every theatre of the world ate at my concsience like a fucking cancer, if you'll excuse my language.

I joined to ease the guilt of sitting idly by while my role models catch lead on Al-Jazeera.

I joined to fight for the people that I love. I wake up every morning next to the sweetest person I've ever met thinking "This is the fruit of my labor. this is why I took my oath."

So what if I lose sleep over my sacrifice? It's my sleep, and my sacrifice.

I joined knowing and accepting my duty of laying my life on the line every day.

I would gladly die for the things and people that I love.

I am an american soldier. en espanol: yo soy un soldado americano.

I would like to apoligize for my self-righteous rabble, but I felt like getting that off my chest.

#184499 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 October 2008 - 11:54 AM in General Nerf

Arent you the guy who left to go served in the military? Either way welcome back.

yes that's me.

Well glad you're not dead! So how was the military? What division and what did you do? If you dont mind me asking.

I'm in the national gaurd and I am an ammo specialist

Wow, I like how when the messiah gets back from the military the frist thing forsaken says is: " I thought your name was themessiahpig1" in stead of gee maybe congrats or glad to see you back. Good to see your alright and though you probably dont know who I am i know you as ive been a long time lurker.

It's quite alright, thank you.

Still got those two Longshots everybody talks about? Welcome back.

P.S. is the PSG1 in your name reference to the HK PSG-1?

yeah, i trained extensively on the PSG-1.

#184303 My Triumphant Return

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 17 October 2008 - 01:01 PM in General Nerf

You dirty shit packer you. Welcome back. Still buying that Big Blast from me? or do you want something bit more custom. It would be a great honor if I were to make you a SNAP. For the right price of course. Muahaha

i would love a snap...btw are they clipped? can they be clipped?

#152018 My Recon M16a4

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 19 April 2008 - 01:39 PM in Modifications

[quote name='LastManAlive' date='Apr 16 2008, 11:49 AM' post='151443']
Every M16A4 I've seen in duty or in live action doesn't have a curve-mag. Its straight and holds 10 shots.

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my (issued) m16a4 has a 30 round curved magazine. what action have you seen with 10 rd magazines?

#151407 My Recon M16a4

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 16 April 2008 - 09:45 AM in Modifications

at least you have the general idea of what an M16 looks like, some guy on here posted an ugly longshot(non-recon) and called it an m16. all you need now is the stock and a hi-cap magazine.

#141494 Music

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 February 2008 - 12:17 PM in Off Topic

I play everything a conventional band needs, but i usually sing.
here are some crappy vids:



#104539 Moved

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 08 May 2007 - 10:01 AM in Off Topic

Cool, I guess. Jsut wondering, and you don't have to answer this, why'd you get kicked out?

my stepmom hated me for being a fag.


very yes.

#104681 Moved

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 09 May 2007 - 04:00 PM in Off Topic

Oooooh, ok then. It sounds like a hate crime. :o

well, that, and we were always fighting. plus I don't want 'Nazi Affiliation' on my record.
she is evil, and I was a bad son.

I failed her.

does anyone nef near so. st. paul? i could use a good fight.

#104347 Moved

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 07 May 2007 - 07:55 AM in Off Topic

I've just recently gotten kicked out of my dad's house, and i am living with my mom and stepdad. life is a whole lot better now, i guess.
i have no idea why i'm telling y'all this.

#137619 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 28 January 2008 - 02:49 PM in Modifications

here are my newest longshots, starting with 'ol' painless, who is sporting a 2x spring mod, fixed stock, maglite integration, Sidearm integration, ar removal, and improvised bolt locking thing. rubber bands equal speed.
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here's her front:
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and my first creation, Ol' P.I.T.A. (pain-in-the-ass), who sports a very extended barrel w/weight attached, 2.5x scope, triple spring and AR removal, extended rail, reattached bipod, and a fixed stock.
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fps view:
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the extended rail is held to the rear rail catch with a flat piece of metal i found in my garage.
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And the scope, which is actually practical.
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I've listed the mods above, and no, i will never get around to painting them. P.I.T.A. has a finicky catch and pisses me me off constantly. i don't have any darts to test ranges with, but the PITA got 75' with a weighted dart, and the Painless gets 55'. i also have a double springed nf that gets 45' flat w/out bands, but it escapes me at the moment. if you are coming to mnsbw, you'll probably see it, depending on whether or not I fed it to my log splitter.

#102264 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 15 April 2007 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

It's about time that I got to post here!

I've got two mods that are worth putting in. The first is a basic NiteFinder mod.

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RoseArt Marker Barrel, and three added ammo holders.

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Ammo Holder 1...

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Ammo Holders 2 and 3.

It gets approximately 55-60 I would guess with a 5 degree angle. This is very rough, as I'm just counting tiles in my dorm's hallway.

Up next is my heavily modified Longshot, the Peacemaker.

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It's perfectly functional, but the wood's a little thin. I may rebuild it a bit stronger and cleaner. But it works NICE.

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Will post again when I have other stuff. Ciao!


i crafted my LS pump kit the same way, kind of. mines got half a tin can for a handle. nice work.

#137716 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 29 January 2008 - 04:29 PM in Modifications

BBB + RF20
The gun's name is Dunkel, but I'm not sure what to call the modification/integration.

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how does that nonsense work?!?

#97415 Moddable?

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 30 December 2006 - 03:39 PM in General Nerf

(ok, i'll clean it up...) next time i go to my cabin, i'll grab it and tear it apart. and the thing with the bobber is i think
it stays shut during cast, until it hits the water, then opens up. i suck at fishing though, so i haven't gave it any other use than popping people in the head with the bobber shell taped shut.
that, and it sounds spring-loaded, prolly not a plunger.
is this moddable? even worthy of modding?

#97374 Moddable?

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 29 December 2006 - 06:36 PM in General Nerf

HAHAHA! I JUST GOT ONE OF THOSE FOR CHRISTMAS, AND I USE IT TO WAKE MY STEP BROTHER UP WITH A FACE SHOT, AHAHA! these things must suck for fishing, but they're quite fun otherwise!

#99460 Moddable?

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 07 February 2007 - 07:24 PM in General Nerf

QUOTE(not a forsaken angel @ Jan 1 2007, 10:31 PM)

Dang, that thing is so gay, they had to get people from san francisco to do the video. (haha, gay idiots)
Try not to be so blatantly rude. Regardless of your opinion, try to stay civil. Thank you.

thank you.

any way, i was in the middle of taking the thing apart and it freakin exploded, so i lost control and obliterated the pos. worthless. glad i killed it with fire.

#141513 Mnsbw Equipment List

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 February 2008 - 04:01 PM in General Nerf

Im not exactly sure what were supposed to do here. Is this another arsenal thread?

yes. post whatever you are bringing to the 2nd MNSBW.

#141689 Mnsbw Equipment List

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 21 February 2008 - 08:25 AM in General Nerf

nothing is wrapped around the darts, i just slid 19 of them into a 2000rd Airsoft 6mm container.

also, please post only if you are actually attending 2nd MNSBW, 'kay?

#141504 Mnsbw Equipment List

Posted by themessiahpsg1 on 20 February 2008 - 02:31 PM in General Nerf

here are my goodies:
Here's ol' painless, ironically, the newer of the two LS. heavily modified: AR rem., Sidearm integration, body trimmed, rubber band assisted, with a wood/nail catch to keep the bolt open when the rubber band is on.
might be my new BDU unit patch!
My new CS-6R, I've only stretched the spring and inserted a screw in the arming bar for rubber band assistance.
Virgin NF, 'Banded. the BB container fits my 7 spare Glow darts.
Counter-clockwise from top: P.I.T.A.: heavy, 3x spring, re-integrated bi-pod, extended rail, fixed stock. next, the 40 streamlines, all with my insignia on them. and yes, those are BB containers.
Better look at the Insignia:
and the little scope, 2.2x.
These hold 19 each.
And the PITA!
that's it for me, now show me what you're packin'!

sorry, for whatever reason, i can't imbed photos... <_<