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#198386 Newbie Prep

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 05:05 PM in Nerf Wars

I honestly have not been to wars other than the weekly six-people ones in my backyard.

One rule is universal: Don't shoot your teammates, especially if they aren't your friend.

#198624 Newbie Prep

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 December 2008 - 11:40 AM in Nerf Wars

As far as guns go, I suggest a longshot for your first war.

I feel some sort of pressure sensation in my balls...

#198404 Newbie Prep

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 05:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Very nicely put foamfoot I am in the same boat cept I am not "6'5" but I am "fucking gorgeous"

I pity your shortness.

Read this.

#198632 Newbie Prep

Posted by Foamfoot on 24 December 2008 - 12:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Then for lack of a better reason besides simplicity and saving my balls I'll go out buy a bbb and mod it for my primary and I'll stick with my 1st gen nitefinder as my secondary thank you all for the help

Happy Holidays

In all seriousness, if you can find a big salvo for $20 or less, buy it. It is very good.

#190215 New, Broken Secret Strike

Posted by Foamfoot on 17 November 2008 - 01:46 AM in General Nerf

SSPBs have a tendency to lose seal, I dissected mine, and I could still not get it to work. It was not as well designed as it could have been.

#205305 New Type Of Spring

Posted by Foamfoot on 22 January 2009 - 12:11 AM in Modifications

You put a pogo stick in your PAS? Mad props.

#199142 New Style Sm750 Modification

Posted by Foamfoot on 27 December 2008 - 04:00 AM in Modifications

Generally, 750's can get better ranges than 50ft. Did you use painters tape? Use E-Tape and plumbers goop for an effective seal.

#229899 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 May 2009 - 08:18 PM in General Nerf

Maybe it doesn't have a breech(insert creepy alien sounds). No I am just joking and Zachfrog Friggin really you couldn't had just said freaking.

What the fuck did you just say?

#229705 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 11 May 2009 - 09:36 PM in General Nerf

"The more badass it looks, the more it sucks."

That's not true in any way.

#229870 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 May 2009 - 06:59 PM in General Nerf

"The more badass it looks, the more it sucks."

That's not true in any way.

How so?

The Recon looks pretty cool, yet it has horrid performance.
The yellow Longshot looks better than its blue variant, but it still manages to suck.
The Vulcan looks amazingly badass and intimidating, even (So far as a Nerf gun can), but it has the most issues I've ever experienced.
Maverick. That's all I have to say about that one.

Those are all opinions (which guns look cool) which are not even close to being universal. How a gun looks has absolutely nothing to do with it's performance, one way or the other. Crossbow, titan, nitefinder, and SSII.

Let's take this to PMs.

#251909 New Nerf Switchblade

Posted by Foamfoot on 27 September 2009 - 11:39 PM in Homemades

Eat foam and cardboard, then wait a couple of hours.

End result > This

#245508 New Menu Item At Mcdonalds

Posted by Foamfoot on 04 August 2009 - 07:02 PM in Off Topic

Holy crap. Where did you take that? I might have seen it.

#246288 New Menu Item At Mcdonalds

Posted by Foamfoot on 09 August 2009 - 05:26 PM in Off Topic

The mear mention of the name makes me fell like I need to brush my teeth....ugh....

I think this has gone on long enough, don't you?

#196750 New Member Grace Period

Posted by Foamfoot on 17 December 2008 - 01:13 PM in Off Topic

Essentially, we already have this. New members don't get banned (usually) until they show repeated behavior. If they do keep on being annoying as hell, then usually the member has about 3-5 days before they get banned. New members are given multiple warnings, it's pretty rare that they get banned for one or two offensives. You know that stuff that the moderators say about "Strikes" or "You're officially on my shit list. Welcome to the club, they're selling shirts." they aren't kidding, you get a number of screw-ups until you get banned. I wish people could be nicer to new members, as if we are mean to them, not only does it not solve anything, we get these threads.

#196737 New Member Grace Period

Posted by Foamfoot on 17 December 2008 - 11:52 AM in Off Topic

It is my personal belief that Nerf Haters/Paintball goons RARELY have the patience to wait for 3 months for validation. I agree that the new members should be using the 3 months for COC studying but unfortunately thats not always what happens.

Like a new puppy home for the first time, often the first thing they do is piss the rug.

Usually, I am all for the better treatment of members, including new ones. But this just goes much too far. 3 MONTHS? Look, just because they've only been around here a week does not mean that the useless topics made don't deter from the board. I would love it if mild backseat moderating was allowed, not flaming, but ONE person POLITELY telling the new member how things work around here. Insulting people just makes our community look like angry chodes.

But a THREE MONTH GRACE PERIOD? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT WOULD DO TO THIS PLACE? In my opinion, your validation is your grace period. You can't get banned during that period and you have a LONG time to lurk.

Edit: I just realized that this thread doesn't matter, because VACC is just gonna come in here and be awesome, and say how he is amused by this thread, and then close it up. Oh by the way VACC, a sincere congratulations on your post count reaching the late 1980s, cause those years kicked ass.

#196837 New Member Grace Period

Posted by Foamfoot on 17 December 2008 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

To the people who said the grace period should be 5 posts long... Really? A member is allowed to act like a dipshit for 5 posts before being banned? I think a member should be given one, maybe 2 warnings. Then possibly a shorter ban than the 9999 day special.

I think most people did that because there is no way to say zero posts.

#196857 New Member Grace Period

Posted by Foamfoot on 17 December 2008 - 08:36 PM in Off Topic

Anyone remember the old school way? People had to write a thousand word essay to join.

#196973 New Member Grace Period

Posted by Foamfoot on 18 December 2008 - 01:16 PM in Off Topic

Here is what I would like to see more of:

"Are you fucking kidding me? Don't ever post a topic like this again. You want to know some mods for new guns, how about trying the fucking mod section? Did you think of that? Strike one and that's pretty much all you get. Next time you post a topic as useless as this you're gone.


This is clear, it is concise, it serves as a warning and as a gentle but firm bitch-slap. I think it sums up the question quite well and can be easily copied and pasted into multiple situations and for a multitude of offenses. There is your grace-period.

GENTLE? The language and rudeness were totally un-called for. Well fuck fuck fuckedy fucking a in the fuck. That did not need that much offensive language. How the hell do we know that politely telling a member how things work around here doesn't work? People usually get warnings each time, in my earlier post (which VACC agreed on, Mana +1) I said we should respectfully tell people how to not get their accounts banned. That actually seems to work pretty well, but often with moderator warnings, the offending members still come back and do the same. Or worse, they post a "be nice to teh nuubs" topic.

Maybe we should just close this thread, as if the staff sees a serious problem, I'm sure they will fix it.

#220553 New Longshot Mod

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 March 2009 - 07:35 PM in Off Topic

And you ain't got no life cause you spend it exchangin insults over the internet. Later mate :)

In philosophy, it is widely accepted that the lack of use of something does not cause that thing to cease existence. Therefore, he has a life, he just does not use it to it's full potential.

Metsgorock, I am going to suggest that you take some LSD. No specific reason or anything, it's probably bad for you, but what the hell. Take it.

#220626 New Breach

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 March 2009 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

I'm willing to bet he will never "Own A Beaver"

I seriously doubt his lack of ability to create an effective breach or use proper grammar is going to cause him to remain a virgin, but that's just me.

But seriously. HOW DID YOU GET THE FUCKING BREACH TO LOOK LIKE THAT? That would take me fucking extra time to do. I really have no idea how it got that way, even with a hacksaw.

#220638 New Breach

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 March 2009 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

I seriously doubt his lack of ability to create an effective breach or use proper grammar is going to cause him to remain a virgin, but that's just me.

"Getting It" isn't "Owning It"

You support slavery?

#202720 New Barrel Material And More!

Posted by Foamfoot on 11 January 2009 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

Just as a side note, snorting smencil shavings will cause a slight euphoria and a moderate amount of disorientation. In simple terms, you can get high off of this stuff.

#207192 Nerfhaven On Facebook

Posted by Foamfoot on 28 January 2009 - 12:00 PM in Off Topic

I hate facebook... everyone there is an idiot. Same with myspace, or pretty much any other social networking site.

Plus, this serves no purpose other than people flaming the shit out of the group.

#199070 Nerf?

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2008 - 09:39 PM in General Nerf

We need a little more of an explanation. Are you talking about target arrows? Hunting arrows? What are you talking about?

I'm also curious as to if this is actually real.

#199078 Nerf?

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2008 - 09:59 PM in General Nerf

Going a little off topic, I actually had my arm broken by and arrow. My friend thought it would be a good idea to fire the arrow straight up into the sky.

I heard "WE, ARE, SPARTA!!!!" and then an arrow bored half an inch into my arm, right before I heard a very audible crack.

#199088 Nerf Wars In The Midwest

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 December 2008 - 10:37 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm somewhat confused, the law is so that his information won't be online when he's under 13, but he just isn't able to post, so how does banning him satisfy the law?

#198461 Nerf War Etiquette

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 December 2008 - 08:08 PM in Nerf Wars

What happens if you team kill?

#191489 Nerf Vocab

Posted by Foamfoot on 23 November 2008 - 04:41 PM in General Nerf

Ok, if all you want is the abbreviations on the haven, here you go:

Tlp Baps
If you see a gun name or abbrreviation that is missing, please post it and I will add it to the list.

- - - GUNS - - -

- # -

2Xbow - Double Crossbow
2x X-Bow - Double Crossbow
2S - Double shot
2xshot - Double shot
3B - Big Bad Bow
3S - Triple Strike

- A -

A-Storm - ArrowStorm
A-Strike - Arrow Strike
ABA- Atom Blaster Atomizer
ABC- Atom Blaster Cyclotron
ABR- Atom blaster Reactor
AT1K - AirTech 1000
AT2K - AirTech 2000
AT3K - AirTech 3000
AT4K - AirTech 4000
ATBB- AirTech ball blaster

- B -

BB- Lanard Blast Bazooka
BBB - Big Bad Bow
BF - BlastFire
BG - blowgun (home made)
BnA - Bow 'n' Arrow
BS - Big Salvo

- C -

CmLII - CommLink II
CLII - CommLink II
C-Bow - CrossBow
CB - CrossBow
CF - Crossfire
CS-6 LongShot

- D -

DTB - Dart Tag blatser
DTCF: Crossfire
DS - Double Shot
DT3 - Defender T3

- E -

EE - (Usauly) Eagle Eye
EE - ( Also ) Electric Eel
E-A-B (or) EaB - Expand-A-Blast

- F -

FB - FastBlast
Ff - FastFire (Not often mentioned) (Not Nerf Brand)
FF - Fire Fly
FS - FireStorm (Not Nerf Brand)
FS - First Shot

- G -

GS - Gyrostrike (Like anyone cares?)

- H -

HB - Hydro Bazooka
HS - Hidden Shot
HT - Hornet

- I -

- J -

- K -

- L -

LB - Lightnin' Blitz
LBB- Lanard Blast Bazooka
LF - Laser Fang
LnL - Lock 'n Load
LS2 - Light Storm 2
LS - LongShot
LSL - Lanard Speed Loader
LT - Laser Tek

- M -

M6 - Mech 6
M3 - Mech 3
MB - Master Blaster
MBB - Mech Ball Blaster
MBZ (or) MP150 - Motorized BallZooka | MP150
MGS - MagStrike
MS (or) M-Storm - MissileStorm
MS - Max Shot

- N -

NF - NiteFinder
NB1 - NB-1 Missile Blaster

- O -

- P -

PC - PowerClip | DX1000
PS - PowerStrike (Not Nerf Brand)

- R -

RB- Ratchetblast
RC6 - Recon RCS-6
RCN - Recon RCS-6
RFR - Rapid Fire Rifle
RS - Rev Shot
RT(T) - Rototrack
RZB- Razorbeast
RZF- Razorfin

- S -

SS - Secret Shot
Ss - Sharpshooter
SS2 - Secret Shot II
SSII - Sharpshooter II
SF - SplitFire
Sm250 - SuperMaxx 250
Sm350 - SuperMaxx 350
Sm750 - SuperMaxx 750
Sm1500 - SuperMaxx 1500
Sm3000Y - SuperMaxx 3000 (Yellow)
Sm3000G - SuperMaxx 3000 (Green)
Sm3000B - SuperMaxx 3000 (Blue)
Sm5000 - SuperMaxx 5000
SmDs - SuperMaxx DiscShooter
SSM - Switch Shots Max
SSPB - Secret Strike Pocket Blaster
SSU - Switch Shots Ultra
SSS - Switch Shots Super
STH - Sawtooth
ST - Single Tek
STS - Secret Target Strike

- T -

T4 - Tek 4
T6 - Tek 6
T10 - Tek 10
TX2 - Vortex Tornado X/2
TS - Triple Strike
TT - TripleTorch
TT2: The Scout clone that comes with the new Tech Target.
TTEK - Transforming Tek
TTS - TechTarget Set (Usauly refering to the gun included with the set)
TTG - TechTarget Gun (The gun included in the TechTarget set)
TTG2: The Scout clone that comes with the new Tech Target.

- U -

- V -

- W -

WF - WildFire
WCLP-Weird Cheap Little Pistol

- X -

X-Bow - CrossBow

- Y -

- Z -

- - - Other - - -

FBR - Foam Baker Rod
FPS - Feet per Second
ROF - Rate Of Fire
RPM - Rounds per minute
PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride, Usually referring to PVC piping

#189317 Nerf Tank

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 November 2008 - 06:23 PM in Off Topic

Please. If I saw this, the first thing I would do is run full force at it, break it/knock it over, and blast whoever was inside. Fuck 3-15, whether I got shot or not, I would be so offended by this, I would be unable to control my urge to destroy it. In conclusion, I concur with shadowkid33.

You live across the country from me, but you are hereby banned from any wars that I host.

As for rules, maybe just have a certain number of hits before the tank and everyone in it were destroyed. Or you could make it a rule that if any dart goes in the hatch, everyone dies.

#195796 Nerf N-strike Maverick On Blockland

Posted by Foamfoot on 13 December 2008 - 02:45 AM in Off Topic

It would be ever-so hilarious to have a virtual nerf war. The game really isn't that costly either.

#186551 Nerf N-strike Game Gun Plans?

Posted by Foamfoot on 30 October 2008 - 08:14 PM in General Nerf

Not to be a stupid n00b but I am pretty darn sure that the raider cs-6 will be the spring gun and the spartan ncs-12 the fall gun.

You see, by doing exactly that, you became a "stupid n00b".

Don't even predict things without a logical reasoning behind it. Make a logical inference on the subject, don't post in this thread or "help" the "n00bs" in the thread.

Logical inference: The only guns that will come out of that game will be the ones we already have. They might make the raider because they would want to build on the cs-6 base but who knows? You know, besides OMC.

He may already know about it, but non-disclosure agreements keep him from saying so. Don't ask him to reveal it or anything, because either he has no idea, or you would be asking him to break a legal contract. When he is allowed to tell us, and he actually knows something, he will.

#265088 Nerf Marauder Longsword Reinforcement

Posted by Foamfoot on 11 February 2010 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Oh I feel stupid, I ment 11 Feet. :D

These are magical swords.

#250181 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by Foamfoot on 12 September 2009 - 12:23 AM in Off Topic

Hey, I got banned for using the nickname "SuperPorn23". I figure that we all use this nickname once in a while, and I would have changed if told to do so.

#208828 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 February 2009 - 11:09 PM in Off Topic

Dammit... I was trying to post a picture of a cocker spaniel and it banned me.

#208675 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 February 2009 - 04:17 PM in Off Topic

Is it just me, or is nobody on?

#254665 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by Foamfoot on 26 October 2009 - 11:59 PM in Off Topic

Oops... didn't notice JSB beat me to it.

#208804 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by Foamfoot on 01 February 2009 - 10:26 PM in Off Topic

You guys suck, everybody knows the cake is a metaphor for the Iraq War.

Yes, we are still on the cake... we fail.

#209175 Nerf Irc Room

Posted by Foamfoot on 03 February 2009 - 02:40 AM in Off Topic

We might want to make this a little more official, maybe put a direct link to it in the topic post so the newbies can find it.

#244484 Nerf In Japan

Posted by Foamfoot on 29 July 2009 - 01:14 AM in General Nerf

WOOO! all most naked 12 years old girl with Nerf guns! :lol:

I pray that what you just said was some sort of satire.

#261165 Nerf Facebook Group

Posted by Foamfoot on 08 January 2010 - 08:04 AM in Off Topic

As interesting as this is, this really isn't a practical application for the Nerf Community. and while I respect this group's purpose for *fun*, I can't see any possible way this can expand the nerf audience or it's community.

Agreed. Really, we have nerfhaven as a social networking site. Trying to tack on a facebook group is like trying to... well... have two virus scans? That doesn't really fit, make up your own analogy.

There's kinda this idea that nerfhaven is not accessible to the general public. To anyone who thinks that, I highly suggest googling "nerf mods", we're the first result. Aside from that, I think I speak for a lot of members when I say that we genuinely do not care if we expand to millions of people (in fact, most would probably dislike it).