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#350550 Amazon Nerf N-Strike Elite Darts Knockoffs - Question

Posted by Kilomona on 06 January 2016 - 12:22 PM in Darts and Barrels

I reccomend either making stefans/slugs for springers ( if you modify your guns) or purchasing koosh gen 3 darts (for springers) from ebay. The ones on amazon i have seen may work, but not as well as koosh. For flywheels, i'd say koosh gen 3 also, for their cheap price and usability. If the rapidstrike is overhauled, stefans or slugs should work fairly well with an extended dart pusher. This all is if you just want cheap darts. Amazon ones should work, but you get what you pay for.

#350635 Good Glue Gun for Modifications

Posted by Kilomona on 09 January 2016 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

If you dont feel like springing for an adjustable temperature glue gun, low temp is better for dartsmithing. I haven't found any advantages to a high temp, other than its ability to heat up a bit quicker (in my experience). As far as sizes go, I use a small one. Large or industrial sizes usually flood out glue and are just large and unwieldy. For glue sticks, I just use normal clear glue- not a reccomendation as I have never used other kinds.

#350636 3d printed rivals flywheels help

Posted by Kilomona on 09 January 2016 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

That's good knowledge for further development. The blaster I'm designing is meant to be like a stryfe sized Zeus with Apollo style magazine placement. I've been trying to reduce the flywheel size but I might end up needing the 360 sized motors. However with the increased ball compression, I guess the flywheels will be closer together. This has turned out to be a difficult project.

I think you could use the dart pusher from a rapidstrike to feed the HIRs (after you figure out the flywheel problem). I think it would fit sideways in a stryfe size shell behind the clip/magazine near where the dart pusher assembly is on a stryfe. Also, Ireally like your idea.

#350677 Good Glue Gun for Modifications

Posted by Kilomona on 11 January 2016 - 02:14 PM in Modifications

Thank you guys for the replies and the information. Based on what I have read, I get the impression that a glue gun might not be the best tool for modifications. Maybe I am wrong here? 
My desire is to be able to install a high current switch in a space that might not have enough stock plastic support. I saw a video in which a hot glue gun was used. If the hot glue gun is not the best tool/application, which method would you guys recommend? 

A hot glue gun should be enough for your intended application, as long as the switch is not being toggled or pressed in a way that places a large amount of stress on the bond.
Edit: a hot glue gun is useful to have in general for modification and nerfing purposes as a primary bonding agent and as general use.

#350811 Trustfires or Ultrafires or IMR?

Posted by Kilomona on 16 January 2016 - 04:06 PM in Modifications

I woul guess you fried your motors with the mix of chemical energy (or whatever the term is). You probably can fix it with a rewire. On the topic of batteries, I have only used ultrafires. They have worked the best for me compared do duracell and off brand AAs.

#350813 Cool Nerf Gun Tricks!

Posted by Kilomona on 16 January 2016 - 04:17 PM in General Nerf

Dont know if this counts as a trick, but the Hammershot has spots not typically known that can hold extra darts/slugs/stefans. Under the turrent, the open space in frot of the little pod thingy can hold 3 darts. The sling point can hold two or three, I don't remember which.

#350821 Non-spraypaints. What works well on plastics?

Posted by Kilomona on 16 January 2016 - 08:41 PM in Modifications

And since it came up, do you seal them the same (enamels and acrylics)?

Yes, enamels and acrylics are sealed the same way (assuming by seal you mean lacquer/clear coat). I find acrylics at walmart for 50 cents- 2 dollars for a little bottle, and they go a long way. Apple barrel and folk art are the brands I have used, and folk art gave me better results. Just thought I'd also say that I use rustoleum 2x matte clear coat.

#350847 Modulus Barrel

Posted by Kilomona on 18 January 2016 - 11:06 AM in Darts and Barrels

I dont have the exact length, but the attachment system is universal.

#350863 Modulus Barrel

Posted by Kilomona on 18 January 2016 - 05:21 PM in Darts and Barrels

There's a new blaster that doesn't have the small indent for the little ball/detent thing. I think it's the recon mk. 2?

This is true, but they still go onto and off of other blasters.

#350972 Post your Stock/Superstock Loadout

Posted by Kilomona on 20 January 2016 - 06:42 PM in General Nerf

Indoor/Outdoor Superstock (wars with basic level mods on guns, allowing stock guns): dual hammershots with spring spacers, removed ars,and removed dart posts( sometimes remove the spacers for ease of one hand priming). Secondary: holstered doublestrike/persuader/4victory.
Indoor Stock( no mods): primary: stryfe. Secondary: firestrike. Final plan: triad.
Outdoor Stock: Dual hammershots, secondary strongarm. Maybe a triad/jolt.
Both of the loadouts that use dual hammershots usually are weaker against flywheel blasters in close quarters. I usually have them on paracord slings i make the day before the war. These loadouts are tested in small wars of 5-10 people-not much of a community in my area- and i have used the indoor loadout the most, with the superstock wars being less common due to other people not owning modified blasters.

P.S. Running 5 modified jolts sounds like a bad idea but..... It is a VERY bad idea. If you are trying to PwN everyone else. What it is though, is satisfying when you "kill" 3 people in under 30 seconds.

#351063 Stryfe vs. Brute: What should I get?

Posted by Kilomona on 23 January 2016 - 06:57 PM in General Nerf

My vote is on the brute.

#351179 Springer Shotgun

Posted by Kilomona on 27 January 2016 - 06:11 PM in Homemades

Brass a sledgefire, keep the improved seal.

#351217 Demolisher vs. Rapidstrike

Posted by Kilomona on 28 January 2016 - 10:16 PM in General Nerf

For mobility..... Hm.... I guess a demolisher if you dont have a dual attachment sling, and a rapidstrike if you do. I personally get more fun value from demolishers, just from the satisfaction of rocket nutshots.

#351218 What kind of darts are these?

Posted by Kilomona on 28 January 2016 - 10:18 PM in Darts and Barrels

Knockoffs. I think.

#351343 3D printed parts

Posted by Kilomona on 04 February 2016 - 03:05 PM in Modifications

Thingiverse, maybe shapeworks. Otherwise i dont know.... Also, depending on your printer, barrels might not be a good idea as they require a good flat inner surface instead of the lines you might usually get (unless you are talking about a extension barrel).

#351344 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Kilomona on 04 February 2016 - 03:09 PM in Off Topic

I have "two" accounts on steam- kilomona and drstrange8912. I play robocraft on drstrange8912, and tf2 and unturned on kilomona. I have a laptop... Dont know the exact specs but it has i7 quad core processor and gets 30 frames on most games while running skype and a browser.

#351360 If you're bored...

Posted by Kilomona on 05 February 2016 - 11:45 AM in Modifications

Do triads count? I might "enter" this "contest" with a submission but I'd rather do it with a blaster i have already, and know my local walmart has, than have to buy a jolt for this purpose.

#351501 I need help for a certain modification!

Posted by Kilomona on 14 February 2016 - 12:38 PM in Modifications

Heres a pic, for anyone else.
I can't think of any similarly shaped blasters for a body, but depending on whether you want it functional or not you could use the thumbhole stock area of a thunderblast stock or rayven as the body then add a top piece from a firestrike to finish it, then paint it.

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.png

#351512 boomco to nerf?

Posted by Kilomona on 14 February 2016 - 10:15 PM in Modifications

Im pretty sure someone has done this before.... Maybe. I feel like i remember them using 17/32 brass and replacing the barrels with it.

#351526 I need help for a certain modification!

Posted by Kilomona on 15 February 2016 - 12:57 PM in Modifications

The front reminds me of a minimized nitefinder. Attach a swarm fire stock and use a piece of PVC covering the priming rod and with an end cap to mimic the slide.

That actually sounds perfect. Replacing the nitefinder handle with a mav handle could also help, and the entire design could be resemble the performance of a nitefider with homemade internals as the pvc could be used as a plunger.

#351571 Any nerfers in northern virginia?

Posted by Kilomona on 16 February 2016 - 08:56 PM in Nerf Wars

1. Clean up your grammar, mods around here don't like that.
2. The SENC might let you join if you are a regular participant, and depending on how far north you are.

#351648 My koosh vortex rings

Posted by Kilomona on 20 February 2016 - 12:40 PM in Darts and Barrels

Homemade rings write up

Recently, I thrifted a koosh vortex tornado missing it's sight but with it's original rings for 50 cents. I had 4 rings, but I wanted more(as always) so I made some. Disclaimer: no, this is not my original idea. Someone in the thread on making these from tape suggested using promo bands. This idea was not explored, however, until I did.
Here is a pic of what the rings will look like when you finish.
Picture at bottom
Pretty, right? No? Well, they work.
The materials you will need are as follows: Scissors, a measuring tool, rubber bracelets, scotch tape, and a heating tool(heat gun, lighter, stove, hot glue gun tip, etc.).
Pic at bottom
The first step is to cut one horizontally. Nothing too complicated here, just a simple, straight cut will do.
Then, measure and cut the band to ~5.7 inches, or 14 cm. Again, just a simple cut.
The third step is to cut a piece of tape approximately 3 inches, depending on the thickness of your bands. Wrap this around the two ends until you have 3 layers of scotch tape, and make sure it is firmly wrapped so it will stay in place while you heat it. You could stop here, if you want fragile and easily destroyed rings, but you shouldn't.
Finally, use the heating tool on the tape to get it to shrink into itself and really bond the ends together, greatly increasing the durability of your rings. This might take some practice, as the tape likes to shrink very fast.
That's my writeup on my homemade koosh vortex rings for ya. Hope my first topic was a good one. image.jpeg image.jpeg

#351650 My koosh vortex rings

Posted by Kilomona on 20 February 2016 - 03:52 PM in Darts and Barrels

Amazing. How do they perform vs. the OG rings and how cheaply do you think these could be made?

Forgot to mention that in the topic (: . They perform almost identically, but a couple of my homemade rings consistenly go off course. I think that is due to bad tape application. They do hurt a little bit more, as they are slightly heavier amd reach completely identical ranges( no exaggeration, I just went outside to make sure and they all landed within 5 feet of each other). To answer your second question, producing these on a very large scale could become "expensive". Ordering 100 blank, hot pink, 1/2 inch, silicone wristbands costs 73.99 minimum before shipping(but you get an extra 100). 73 cents per ring isn't super bad, especially compared to genuine rings, but they come out to ~80 cents each after time and tape. Not bad, but not great. On a small scale however, you can easily keep all the bands you will inevitably get at events makes this almost free when you are just making a few.

#351657 My koosh vortex rings

Posted by Kilomona on 20 February 2016 - 10:47 PM in Darts and Barrels

Do you have any spinfire rings to compare the ranges?  Real spinfire rings are airfoils and taper at the back end.  They are also made up of two different durometers of silicone, one for the front portion and one for the body of the ring.  This gives the rings rigidity and stability in flight, as well as a softer material to take the impact of whatever you fire it at.  

Yes, I said that both in the topic post and my reply to 2ndbluesbro. They are essentially the same in terms of performance.

#351669 Rapidstrike battery upgrade questions

Posted by Kilomona on 21 February 2016 - 09:31 PM in Modifications

1. Other than online, not many places carry suitable lipos. Maybe hobby shops?
2. Completely depends on motors and power delivery. Kinda rare though.
3. You probably will have to rewire it to get any useful amount of performance gain. A 3s lipo likes 18 gauge wire. Some shell work to house the battery will probably be required.

#351697 NERF Rampage

Posted by Kilomona on 22 February 2016 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

Looks like a lock, so prob not required. Throw it back together without it and test it. If it doesn't work, then I don't know.

#351741 Where to get a voltmeter?

Posted by Kilomona on 24 February 2016 - 11:14 AM in Modifications

Hardware stores, electronic places like radioshack, maybe hobby shops.

#351825 Extremely Cheap "Homdox" Darts

Posted by Kilomona on 26 February 2016 - 10:34 PM in Darts and Barrels

That perfect for my cousins who don't call their hits. Edit, also, if the hole is not there, it would be more accurate, right.

Right. Problem is, if they don't have a hole anywhere then they cannot compress, causing-yup, you guessed it- pain.

#351899 Whats the best Nerf gun to use with bad rounds?

Posted by Kilomona on 29 February 2016 - 05:28 PM in General Nerf

Cpvc'ed firestrike/any other frontloader, brassed hammershot/sttongarm.

#352012 Unknown Motor and Switch (and possible uses?)

Posted by Kilomona on 05 March 2016 - 12:49 PM in Off Topic

If you got that from an aeg, I belive you could convert it to shoot nerf darts.

#352014 Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread

Posted by Kilomona on 05 March 2016 - 01:22 PM in Off Topic

Alright, please don't suspend/ban me for seeming like a scam, but a while ago I bought a bunch of steam codes. I have only used some of them. They are cheap like, $5-$10 games but hey, I'm giving them away! PM me if interested.

I pm'ed you a week ago.

#352140 Koosh Vortex Tornado Scans (Now a shell replica concept thread)

Posted by Kilomona on 11 March 2016 - 06:32 PM in Homemades

What's that sound? Oh... It's the sound of cintage blaster shell prices everywhere dropping. Both a good thing and a bad thing, but I think it's great! Expensive platforms can now be made and sold for much cheaper than the real thing. Only downside is collector prices, but still not super bad.

#352220 Clear Shot/Stormfire: Seal Improvement & Spring Swap

Posted by Kilomona on 15 March 2016 - 04:30 PM in Modifications

great write-up.  Something i would like to try is cutting off the front part in front of the dart holder to kind of even out the proportions.  Thanks for the write-up. PS how are you in members if you have only 4 posts?

I don't exactly know how the member system works, but it did the same for me. I think a good post like this qualifies you as a member in my eyes. But yeah, I do thing the front bit could be cut off.

#352336 Where can I find soft elite dart tip/head alternatives?

Posted by Kilomona on 21 March 2016 - 06:53 AM in Darts and Barrels

You could hot glue those little poofy ball things onto the tips, but accuracy would not be 8/8. That would also allow for super powered blasters

#352426 Wacky Question

Posted by Kilomona on 25 March 2016 - 02:33 PM in Modifications

On what blaster...? Also, dart holders are one thing, but what's a "barrel mount"

#352427 The 'Rapnadomolisher' - SSTS/RS/Demolisher Integration

Posted by Kilomona on 25 March 2016 - 02:35 PM in Modifications

Yeah, as 2BB says, the Buzz Bee XtremeBlastZooka. It has one of the best performance-to-size ratios out there, and is still for sale.

Still for sale? Where? I have one, but I would like more.

#352464 Discussion of dead/dying brands and blasters

Posted by Kilomona on 27 March 2016 - 11:24 AM in General Nerf

Boomco is neither dead nor dying... Modified, using boomco straws, I think they are superior to stock and lightly modified Nerf brand blasters.

#352465 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Kilomona on 27 March 2016 - 11:29 AM in Modifications

My 5 minute jury rigged pump-action retaliator.image.jpeg

#352500 Looking for the ideal Nerf rifle

Posted by Kilomona on 29 March 2016 - 01:22 PM in General Nerf


#352506 Can I use E-600 instead of Goop, for securing Petg in 1/2"PVC

Posted by Kilomona on 29 March 2016 - 03:57 PM in Darts and Barrels

Thank guys!
I will probably end up using e-6000 then, um, one question though, how fast does e-6000 cure? (When nesting PETG)

Minimum of 24 hours, possibly up to 72 hours (google is a friendly guy).