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#234968 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 08 June 2009 - 12:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Maybe you mean something like the game of Execution in G.O.W. 2, wing'd man? That plays out where each team has a leader, and everybody else are guards. If the leader of one team is killed, the other team loses, and vice-versa. Perhaps we could adapt that to where each team has only one "assassin" at a time and only that assassin can kill the enemy leader. And then if the assassin dies on one team, they have to choose one of the guards to become the new assassin.

... Or something like that. :unsure:

#234904 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by Salmon on 07 June 2009 - 09:40 PM in Modifications

That's just... incredible. I heard something about this on the Foamtalk podcast, but I had no idea it would be this awesome. Also, this is probably the most complex modification I have seen posted on this forum in several weeks, so props for that too, I guess. However, I must ask, when you prime it, do you grab both pumps, or only one? It seems the latter would be the most comfortable, but I would thing that would put unnecessary stress on the other handle.

Look up the words "latter" and "former".

  /ˈlætər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [lat-er] Show IPA
1. being the second mentioned of two (distinguished from former ): I prefer the latter offer to the former one.

Uh, pardon me? I believe I used that word just fine. I intended to say that gripping it by only one of the handles seemed like the most comfortable choice of the two, grabbing both of them being the former.

#234883 The Ultimate Doubleshot

Posted by Salmon on 07 June 2009 - 08:41 PM in Modifications

That's just... incredible. I heard something about this on the Foamtalk podcast, but I had no idea it would be this awesome. Also, this is probably the most complex modification I have seen posted on this forum in several weeks, so props for that too, I guess. However, I must ask, when you prime it, do you grab both pumps, or only one? It seems the latter would be the most comfortable, but I would thing that would put unnecessary stress on the other handle.

#233777 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 01 June 2009 - 02:12 PM in Nerf Wars

How many darts should Francesca and I bring? For a fairly large-ish war like this, I was thinking around 300 per person. And is there any limit to how many one may bring?

#233751 Yalpam (yet Another Longshot Pump Action Mod)

Posted by Salmon on 01 June 2009 - 10:41 AM in Modifications

For a first mod (I assume), this is absolutely incredible work. Heck, even if it isn't your first mod, I'm amazed. Also, if it was your bolt that broke, I recommend singling it using Ice's mod, if only temporarily, so you can use it. You may even find (as I did) that you like that format even better than the Longshot's original one.

#233085 Big Bad Bow Overhaul

Posted by Salmon on 28 May 2009 - 04:23 PM in Modifications

I like how it was almost like multiple mini-writeups, so if someone isn't ready to completely overhaul their gun, they can simply choose some of the easier modifications. And I, too, am interested to see what you are going to do with the pump integration, though I'm pretty sure I have a good guess. :P

#231609 Longshot Scope Now Usefull!

Posted by Salmon on 20 May 2009 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

Welcome to the Haven.

I'm thinking I've seen this before in several iterations, but at least you do something before posting; a qualtiy not shared by many of the new people. I also noticed that your English does not completely fail.

To the mod:

Well, there are no creativity points in this, since the LS scope has been a prime target for flashlights and cameras and RogueScopes...

However, it looks to be executed well, and the scope looks pretty stock. Coulda done it a little cleaner on the inside, though.

I'll give this a 2.7/5.

Ok, I can understand deducting points for external cleanliness, but internal? I mean, that's kind of ridiculous. Unless it's a magical see-through scope, or the components are so messily rigged up that it makes it function poorly (which it doesn't seem to be), I see absolutely no problem.

Anyway, nice mod. It's been done before, but still, "E" for effort.

#230917 The Soulreaper

Posted by Salmon on 17 May 2009 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Dang, man, that's pretty impressive. Thank you for posting this, because I'm modding a PAS for a friend, and this fits the bill completely. The breech seems like it would be a little difficult to make (though I guess that's kind of a given with Angel breeches) since it's not inside the actual gun, but instead housed inside PVC. Regardless, great job.

#230717 Cosmetics

Posted by Salmon on 17 May 2009 - 12:20 AM in General Nerf

After seriously screwing up some guns that would have looked awesome without cosmetic modifications, I at some point began to not give a hang about how nice a gun looks. That doesn't mean I don't at least try to make my mods clean to some degree, but if making my blaster look beastly gets in the way of it's performance in any way at all, I'm going with performance.

#230255 Oh My God!

Posted by Salmon on 14 May 2009 - 07:43 PM in Modifications

Ok, man, no. We seriously need to talk about your posts. Don't post anything else until we've cleared some things up. I'll call you.

#229062 How Do I Mod A Water Warriors Pressure Equalizer

Posted by Salmon on 08 May 2009 - 06:24 PM in Modifications

Tell you what man, when you get over to my house I'll show you how it works. And yeah, and I can't wait for tomorrow's war too.

#228842 Ls Scope + Action Cam

Posted by Salmon on 07 May 2009 - 06:07 PM in Modifications

Haha. Nice, man. I think if you rushed somebody, the footage would be really shaky, and even running would probably cause a similar problem. But nonetheless, I second SchizoMC, definitely need to make one of these this summer.
EDIT: Dammit, I just wasted my 350th post. I was saving it for something special...

#224635 Foam

Posted by Salmon on 20 April 2009 - 08:53 PM in General Nerf

Will it fit cpvc or sch 80 pvc?

Yeah i think so.

CPVC? Yeah, right. Not gonna happen without some major stretching. In Sch. 80 PVC, it seems a little loose, though I don't really have much experience with that type of barrel material. For spring-powered blasters, try PETG, or 9/16" brass with either tightening rings at the back, or a little bit of 17/32" brass nested. The PETG has an almost perfect fit, a tad bit tight, but excellent for a spring gun. I mean, you don't have to twist the dart, but it certainly isn't like it slips in. 9/16 brass has an absolutely perfect fit, but it's a tiny bit too loose for a springer. Tightening rings or nested 17/32 solves that. Which one to use is your choice. Tightening rings are less consistent, but you have to twist the dart in if you nest 17/32" brass in there.
Hope this will be of some assistance to you! Welcome to the 'Haven.

#224278 Modded Disk Shot. With Pics

Posted by Salmon on 18 April 2009 - 04:43 PM in Modifications

Comparing the barrel to the plunger rod, it looks more like 4.5", definetly not 8" or 11". By the way, things like these should not be posted in their own thread, Mods and Pics would have been fine.

IMO, it looks more like 5 or so, but what you must also take into account is the maybe 1 - 2.5" inside the actual gun (from the outer shell to the plunger tube) that you can't see. So, in reality, the barrel length ends up being 6-7", perhaps even 8.
Also, I can personally say that my personal Nitefinder can get up to around 70 feet with a ~5.5" 9/16 barrel with about an inch and a half of nested 17/32, because my darts fit perfectly in that type of barrel. So, depending on dart fit, it may not be too far a stretch to say an 8" barrel on a Disk Shot could get better ranges than a brassed NF, assuming the NF was not very well modded.

#224221 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 17 April 2009 - 09:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Update: It's beginning to look like only me and Francesca(who's validating) will be coming. I overestimated a bit on both people who wanted to come, as well as people who could come.

#223324 Easter.

Posted by Salmon on 12 April 2009 - 10:48 PM in Off Topic

Bookraven(also known as Francesca) and I got together since neither of us were doing anything this Easter, modded some of her guns, and made a ton of darts. Oh, and afterwords, I went to Walgreens, bought two chocolate bunnies, and bit one of their ears off.
By the way, Sluggy, that pic is freaking hilarious. I love the Band-Aids on his hands.

#222264 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 07 April 2009 - 07:28 PM in Nerf Wars


Who wants melee weapons? (IE combat knives, tonfas, bayonets, etc. This means no swords or hammers. Only exceptionis a gravity hammer, because that would own.)

I often find myself running out of ammo at wars. So, I made a duck tape Ka-Bar. Since then, I've been winning all of my friends' wars. What do you guys think?

Personally, I think it seems kind of pointless for anything war-related, save just messing around in-between rounds or something. Melee weapons really don't have much useful application in outdoor and/or large-scale wars. On the other hand, that one dude's PASG bayonet in the Massacre 3 videos was pretty beastly.

#221257 +pistol, By Splitlip

Posted by Salmon on 02 April 2009 - 04:13 PM in Homemades

That thing should be banned at wars for being just too beastly. Incredible work.
EDIT: Does the outward-facing spike actually do anything, other than look sweet?

#220786 Yellow Longshot

Posted by Salmon on 30 March 2009 - 09:34 PM in General Nerf

However, I've noticed: The cooler it looks, the more it sucks.

Quite, this is the reason I think the raider is going to rule.

Oh my god, I can't stop laughing at this. I thought I was the only one who thought the Raider was ugly, but apparently not.

#220174 Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

Posted by Salmon on 27 March 2009 - 04:48 PM in General Nerf

Haven't been to a war yet, but so far my worst modding injuries have been:
1. Getting extremely high-temperature hot glue ALL OVER my leg, arm, and hand whilst modding with a friend,
2. Burning the crap out of my finger on searing hot brass, and
3. Pinching my finger inside of a Powerclip and getting this big, nasty welt/blood blister.
That last one actually didn't hurt THAT bad, but eventually, the blood inside the blister dried up and congealed and I had to peel off a bit of the skin to get it out.
. . .
Well, after that previous statement, I don't think I'll be eating for a while. *ralphs*


#219713 Big G'town Garage Sale

Posted by Salmon on 24 March 2009 - 09:55 PM in Off Topic

I agree with Uncle Hammer, and in fact, I have never found anything even vaguely Nerf-related at a garage sale in Austin.
By the way, if you are from the Texas area, try to come to DAFT '09! [/plugfortexasnerfwar]

#219239 Moldable Rubber

Posted by Salmon on 22 March 2009 - 12:33 PM in General Nerf

It's really funny, because I just got back from a friends house, and I saw this on TV over there. And literally, one of my first thoughts was, "Holy crap, I aught to post that on NerfHaven!"

Anyway, in the ad, they advertised it making wristbands, so this stuff has to be pretty strong. I'm skeptical about using it as an O-ring, but sure, it'd do wonders for, say, dressing up a SNAP real pretty. Hmm.


#218446 Lancer Battle.

Posted by Salmon on 17 March 2009 - 01:54 PM in General Nerf

Well, Angel did the lights better.
SGM did the PJ better.
SGM's Lancer is more accurate.
Angel's Lancer is slightly cooler.
Something about Angel's seems slightly more hardcore, while SGM's is more... Gearsy.
SGM would seem to have more work put into it, but I'm not really one to say.
Angel's is the original.
SGM's isn't the original, though it is more realistic.

In conclusion, Angel, it feels wrong not voting for you. My heart says Forsaken_Angel24, my mind says slowguitarman. I think, in the end, SGM's is better. But the fact that yours is original gives you many points, also. I guess I'll have to vote for slowguitarman, but I think I'll regret it.

#217534 At2k Plasma Pistol

Posted by Salmon on 11 March 2009 - 08:54 PM in Modifications

Dang, that's a sweet-looking 2k. Now all it needs is a great dry-brushed metallic PJ (in the original colors, of course.) Nice job Saladin. And is this the really expensive, but amazingly cool, Plasma Pistol replica sold at Hot Topic? If that's the case, I probably wouldn't have messed it up.
EDIT: Crap, I really need to learn to read.

#216760 The Countess

Posted by Salmon on 07 March 2009 - 01:43 PM in Modifications

Jesus sputnik. You are a very freaking lucky man. Now I have that to run against at DAFT?
And Forsaken: I envy your skills to an unimaginable degree. I am truly amazed.

#216614 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 06 March 2009 - 10:46 AM in Nerf Wars


If the burn ban ends, I may bring smoke bombs for bombs in the bomb variant. That was a lot of bombs for one post...

And a lot of b's, too.
Smoke bombs sound a little dangerous, but... I like it. At least, I like the concept. I'm not exactly sure how this Bomb round would be played. I can imagine it with an electronic "bomb" (read: Cosmic Catch ball?), but a smoke bomb seems hard to keep track of.

#215293 So I Modded My Rf20

Posted by Salmon on 26 February 2009 - 11:27 PM in Modifications


That is...
Effeminate. Truly Effeminate.
But 120-150 pumps? Does that only last you 20 shots? I mean, no wonder you have so much power, but...

#214891 Satx Nerfer's Park

Posted by Salmon on 25 February 2009 - 11:02 AM in Nerf Wars

Dang, sputnik. That's pretty freaking impressive, what ya got right there. I can only imagine how fun that must be to play at.

#214649 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 24 February 2009 - 12:26 PM in Nerf Wars

By the way, I am coming. The only people who aren't coming for sure is my Nerf group, IBNA-U713. If they ended up being able to come also, it'd be me + 3 or 4.

#214124 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by Salmon on 22 February 2009 - 10:18 AM in Darts and Barrels

I was looking for some foam that would work great in a springer and fit in Modman PETG. Does anyone have any suggestions?

5/8 or 1/2 inch FBR, like the rest of us use?

Yes I know that, I was looking for a brand of foam.

Well, assuming that Mod Man PETG is more or less the same as OMC's PETG (which I am 90 percent sure it is), the black foam from Best Materials should work very well for a springer. For an air gun, you should use 9/16 or 19/32 brass with Best Materials foam.

#213191 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Salmon on 17 February 2009 - 11:51 PM in General Nerf

But then, if I'm understanding you, it'd be as bad as a push-pull gun, except with a spring. You mean that its just pulling back the plunger and releasing it? I somehow don't think that would work.

The Nerf Bow N Arrow.


So, a pull-and-release kind of thing.
I can see that.
Couldn't be very accurate though...

#213187 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Salmon on 17 February 2009 - 11:30 PM in General Nerf

In response to all the "it fires when the handle is forward", I had an epiphany today.

It's only coincidence that it does that.

When you prime the plunger, normally, it hits a catch. Well, if you hold down the trigger, the catch is non-existant. From there, it's like a ratchet: It goes over the pump handle the one way, and when you pull back, it's caught for the full stroke.

Just speculation, but it would seem to be a new idea...

And, to VACC, I wasn't here during the Vulcan craze, so don't kill me, please?

But then, if I'm understanding you, it'd be as bad as a push-pull gun, except with a spring. You mean that its just pulling back the plunger and releasing it? I somehow don't think that would work.

#212463 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Salmon on 15 February 2009 - 04:20 PM in General Nerf

How... God... Is that... Oh sweet...


I'm speechless.

#212274 The 2nd Powerclip Write Up.

Posted by Salmon on 14 February 2009 - 06:39 PM in Modifications

Would anybody be able to tell me if the blue plunger tube piece on a Powerclip is identical to that of a Magstrike?

Well, first, it's purple. But to answer your question, that piece is almost exactly the same, except the little tabs on the side are longer in the MS.

#212100 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 13 February 2009 - 09:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Should be able to come. I'm working it out, as I said, but I might be bringing a few members of my clan too.

#212098 The 2nd Powerclip Write Up.

Posted by Salmon on 13 February 2009 - 09:47 PM in Modifications

GRAAAHH!!!! Pure rage. I was going to post how to convert MS clips to work in a PC. I literally figured it out like 5 days ago. Crap!

But anyway, nice mod.

#211176 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 10 February 2009 - 05:40 PM in Nerf Wars

I really think you should ban singled Titans. Those things are just scary, and I would NEVER want to be shot with one, even from 30 feet. Stefans are fine. They are more or less safe, assuming you don't get shot in the eye. Singled Titans are safe only from 70+ feet. And even then, it's pushing it.
Regarding the no all-black guns thing, my sidearm is a black and silver NF, but it's trigger is orange. If necessary I could flag it with colored paper or E-tape, would that be fine?

#210458 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 08 February 2009 - 01:45 PM in Nerf Wars

If this works out, I may end up bringing several friends. No way to be sure though.
But I agree, we really need to figure out a location.
Also, why aren't any other Texas Nerfers posting in this thread? Where's TriggerHappyAzn, P.C. III, Uncle Hammer, sub280, parentshatenerf, and all those other guys? We need people to attend this.

#210137 2009 New Nerf Gun?

Posted by Salmon on 07 February 2009 - 10:30 AM in General Nerf

It sorta reminds me of that new BuzzBee chain gun. Do you think that orange handle in the front is used to prime the gun?

Either that, or possibly to open and close an internal breech to load it from the drum mag.

#210133 Name For The Dallas Nerf War (to Be Visited By Sof)

Posted by Salmon on 07 February 2009 - 10:05 AM in Nerf Wars

What about TEXNO? Though I must say, DAFT sounds pretty frickin' cool.