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#41597 X-bows

Posted by Viper on 13 November 2004 - 08:33 PM in General Nerf

Looks like that $40 price tag's gotta come down a bit. Sorry, but the market still isn't that big enough for all 14 at that store and all the other auctions combined. Its been stuck on 14 available foreever it seems.

#41624 X-bows

Posted by Viper on 14 November 2004 - 01:57 PM in General Nerf

$38.99 per gun is still too expensive, ebay aficionado's, I'd try more like $25 per gun prices, you'd probably finish them off a lot quicker before the other 100-1000 crossbows hit the market.

#74931 Nerf Warehouse

Posted by Viper on 02 March 2006 - 04:16 PM in General Nerf

The lady who sells the crossbows stated she got hers from a toy liquidator. Wasn't there something with 200 PC's being sold wholesale through MANIAC or something? I personally know a man that used to work for Kenner back in the day and he stated that he could pick up easy bake ovens that were dented or just there for nothing at all. Toys are so cheap to manufacture that they get lost in the distribution channel unlike cars and houses etc. If he doesn't know the number or the location then there might as well not be a nerf warehouse, but if any of you guys find something similiar let us know.

Here's something not very close but what you are actually likely to find:

#36012 Helix Barrel

Posted by Viper on 31 August 2004 - 06:18 PM in Homemades

What cxwq wrote is veryn true. If anyone of you guys actually saw a rifled bullet you'd quickly understand that it is not possible w/ a nerf dart. The hard bullets get torn up in the process and are expelled quickly. In the early paintball days they tried thicker paintballs and tried rifling, which would have worked if the paintball would have traveleved at a faster rate instead of the 200-300 FPS they usually get. The fastest I 've ever goit one up to is 400 fps, and i've heard rumors of 500fps w/ nitrous. A .22LR caliber bullet travels at 1100 fps(normal bullets) . 1500 w/ stingers. Many guns such as a 30-6 enfield reach 3600 fps ad .223 will fire 4000+ w/ hot military rounds. The largest bullet that I am sure of on quantity of full rotations is a .50 muzzleloader, which gets 1 rotation every 18inches of barrel and a nerf dart dwarfs that. Foam won't hold shape like metal will of course also. The only thing that will probably work would be spiral porting or putting backspin on the ball like the flatline barrel in paintball guns and the motorized ballzooka does. Not to blow sunshine up ur ass, but cxwq is a physics genius and his mods show it. I am in aw of your extensive knowledge.

#34560 Nerfcenter

Posted by Viper on 19 August 2004 - 10:17 PM in General Nerf

eeech... actually I am happy for Andy,because reviewing is a LONG process. I just got done with an electric eel review and all the possible mods, I have a chronograph and Andy's velocity's look right on. His max distances were virtually identical to mine. Except on the powerclip and wildfire. 85,54 vs 78,49 but thoe can be accounted for on manufacturing differces. I measrued max distances and inlcuded mod potential in my review. I only made a 2x4 target after trying many out I found out that only a 2x4 startingat 15 ft (20 if accuracy was 100% at 15) was really needed. I included max range's for airjet darts in the old guns and have all the airzone/larami( ballgun being bought now) guns reviewed. What formatting software did you use, Andy, cuz windows paint doesn't seem to fit the bill. I have relative value ratings w/ specific prices to describe how much a used version or NIB is worth. After finishing many guns I have a great deal of respect for And and what he's done and how incrediably similiar his results were to mine. A job well done I may say.

#34772 Nerfcenter

Posted by Viper on 21 August 2004 - 05:48 PM in General Nerf

Can anyone post a picture of the buzzer bazooka?

#42737 Look What I Won...

Posted by Viper on 27 November 2004 - 11:35 PM in General Nerf

Use "nerf gun" and "nerf guns." "Foam Gun" works too.[B]

#46269 Maverick Locations

Posted by Viper on 18 January 2005 - 06:53 PM in General Nerf

Found the last one at meijer today. Kmart doesn't have them yet.

#55181 Political Discussion

Posted by Viper on 18 May 2005 - 04:13 PM in Off Topic

Canada has a simliar gun ownership percentage as the US, yet we have far more firearm deaths and murders all together. 1st weapon of choice is the pistol, 2nd the knife, and then the next type of gun is 10th, the shotgun. While guns help people kill people it has more to do with our social welfare system that is backwards for a postindutrial power and our gung-ho war on drugs that creates turf wars between rival drug distributers. If knives are number 2 and including just them alone account for more murders than entire nations like Japan and France's murder rate it proves that available guns aren't the problem.

A common argument against assault weapons, which account for like .00005% of gun crimes altoghter is that the only purpose is to kill people. Its not true at all, these are essentially toys, not like nerf toys but like Corvette's and Mustangs and firecrackers. It is an innate desire to blow things up, jsut face it, we've hunting creatures, why do we shoot darts at people? By the way no ones ever been killed by a full automatic since 1929 when a cop shot his wife, although that has been the focus of gun control for years , although keeping pistols, like the .22 handgun which is preffered is kept out of the loop becuase its somehow weak. Even if criminals did use full auto weapons, I'd feel far safer than if they had a semi-auto. Has anyone here even shot an AK-47 full auto? Do you have any idea how hard it is to hit someone at just about any distance?

#56133 Political Discussion

Posted by Viper on 31 May 2005 - 02:21 PM in Off Topic

The percentage of crimes done with assault weapons in the US is .00003%. The number 5 was something some guy stated to me earlier. The point is, assault weapons are irrelvant to gun control, or at least should be.

#55935 Political Discussion

Posted by Viper on 29 May 2005 - 09:47 AM in Off Topic

I stated earlier that the handgun was the most commonly used murder weapon(including suicides) , the knife being second, and the next gun being the shotgun at 10th place. Just a reminder to those people who will post something like "assault weapons are no longer needed" remember that there's been 5 crimes since 1929 that involved assault weapons. The entire argument that guns are no longer needed dissolves once you realize that yes, nerf is not absolutely neccesary for survival and one may interpret it as a sport of simulated killing. Having a corvette is not neccesary for survival, may be very dangerous if used improperly ,as is an SUV or any other vehicle. The truth is that's there's many dangerous hobbies and the such that would need to be eliminated if you were to use the argument that they are no longer neccesary in our modern society and it would benefit from the "ban" of these items.

If the "killing" of innocent animals is so horrible, why target the hunters, how about the cattle farmers, fisherman, or any relating occupations?

#46438 The Possibility Of Lemons

Posted by Viper on 23 January 2005 - 08:07 PM in General Nerf

That makes sense, since an unmodded eab would get about 20 feet flat (36 max). Where do you get your spring replacements cxwq? I think it was the nerf shadow company that posted the first EAB mod. 60' flat on a modded BBB is very good. I use 24" of PETG tubing to achieve a 154.6 average flat max on 7 pumps. I just use a "bullet" like dart, with like 70% of it being glue.

#46403 The Possibility Of Lemons

Posted by Viper on 22 January 2005 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

Ya, that's why I use max ranges angled just cuz its so hard to be perfectly parrallel to the ground. my ranges are usually inflated since my driveway slants up to the firing point, but my maverick ranges are accurate, though like I stated, are not perfectly flat. You're crossbow could use some surgical tubing it sounds like. CXWQ is completely correct in that 90% of all ranges are BULLSHIT. Eabs with correct banding may get 100' flat since unbanded get 75-80' flat

#55002 Most Over/under-rated Guns

Posted by Viper on 16 May 2005 - 02:55 PM in General Nerf

overrated: BBB again, I've done well with mine but compared to other guns that are out its nothing to rant about. LNL has more volume on the inside of the plunger tube than both the NF and Techtarget, which gets about 15 feet less stock, although the differnerence modded is negligable, I still rate the BBB as most over-rated.

Underrated: Powerclip. Gets about 45-50 feet flat consistantly and has a removable clips? I mean the AT3k gets 80' flat etc. but at a practical level you can cover that 30' of ground awfully quickly and stick 10 darts in him.

#54017 Energy Paintball Gun Mod?

Posted by Viper on 02 May 2005 - 02:40 PM in Modifications

I've modded some talons, a prolite and 4 blades. CO2 is something you want to stay away from since you already have to deal with the imperfections of homemade darts, co2 simply complicates the situation with its 200-2000psi deviation based on many variables. The main advantage behind Co2 is that it is relatively cheap to store(that's why stock markers usually use co2) and it gives you somewhat unpredictable, albeit effective, gas expansion. If you want to piddle with it, use 5/8" stefans.

#48459 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 02 March 2005 - 03:02 PM in General Nerf

Thanks for editing it Vacc. I wouldn't say the release date for many specific items is common knowlege though.

#48666 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 04 March 2005 - 02:38 PM in General Nerf

boltsniper's easily up there with the best.
Here's what I've found so far:


#47841 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 23 February 2005 - 02:35 PM in General Nerf

Nerfcenter was cool when they actually posted up-to-date news and reviews.

#48414 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 01 March 2005 - 10:30 PM in General Nerf

The earliest thing I remeber was Foam Weapons Arsenal,which was like early 90's I believe. I remember modding guns before I went online and found nerf.cent.org and nerfreviewed, just using simple banding. Anyone who has knowledge of simple mechanics and got into nerf had at least some interest in modding the gun initially. Its truly amazing as a community what we've been able to come up with and in many ways, how much we may have affected the designs of nerf toys. There were some other really old ones I can remeber like Nerfland,the old nerfworld and a few others.

Many thought nerf was going to die after NO shutdown(basically) or when Eric Stryker stopped putting up new reviews, (by the way his personal page and video game pages were excellent as well) but really as long as there's interest in nerf type guns, there will always be a community.

In life there are only 2 things that are certain, human stupidity and nerf, but I'm not so sure about human stupidity,since Bush will leave after another 3 or so years.

Here's Kenner's version:

1947 Kenner Products is formed in Cincinnati, Ohio, by the Steiner brothers, Albert, Philip and Joseph. The company is named after its original office location on Kenner Street.


1991 With the Hasbro purchase and resulting restructuring, Play- Doh is shifted to the Playskool Division of the company; Parker Brothers’ Nerf and Tonka’s Cupcake doll lines move to Kenner Products.


1993 The Nerf line explodes with the introduction of a number of new toys including Nerf Arrowstorm, Sharpshooter and the NB-1.


1995 As Nerf celebrates its 25th birthday, the line’s popularity with consumers of all ages continues to soar – even the United States Congress was caught playing with Nerf Ballzookas in a brainstorming session addressing the national deficit.


2000 Hasbro announces it will shut its Cincinnati operations, ending 53 years of Kenner history.

C: Edited for relevance

#47718 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 21 February 2005 - 08:13 PM in General Nerf

Well, why not do it again? I just want to get a good discussion started and I'm certain it will not be identical to the last.

#47740 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 21 February 2005 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

Sofaking, son't be so hard on yourself. I was just putting out names. Snaped's nerf arsenal and advice with his crazy pics of like 7 ultimators lined up are quite valuable though. Nerfhq and Nerfhaven are the best yet probably, but don't forget foam modified's great innnovations. Truth is, without cxwq and Talio people would't be able to show their ideas to such a mass market. My vote goes to cxwq. Any of you guys remember the classic polarized personalities like starbucks,comrade lobster, and Dr. Genius? I love nostalgia.....

#47716 Most Influential In Online Nerf History?

Posted by Viper on 21 February 2005 - 08:00 PM in General Nerf

Ask yourself, out of all the online nerf people, who was the most influential? Was it Stefan? Or how about the Hal,Spoon,Vacc,Cxwq,Talio,Snaped crowd? Shadow Nerf Company? Andy Grau or Erci Stryker's nerf reviewed? Was it the webmaster of the original nerf world or foam weapons arsenal which was probably the first nerf site around? Zerotalent? I'll post my opinion, but right now I want to see what everyone else has to say and we'll narrow it down to 10 people. Trust me its not going to be a waste of bandwidth.

#47736 Full Auto Nerf Guns

Posted by Viper on 21 February 2005 - 10:11 PM in General Nerf

Hey is the starter of Nerf Shadow Company? Try toys r us for the nerf rapidfire 20. There will be more to come I guarantee it. If all else fails try ebay.

#68240 Xbox 360 Is Out Of Hand

Posted by Viper on 25 November 2005 - 01:38 AM in Off Topic

Microsft spends $525 per xbox on hardware alone. You get it for $399, that not bad. My stepfather is a parts supplier for the xbox, his company designed the removable harddrive and parts in the controller.

#68288 Xbox 360 Is Out Of Hand

Posted by Viper on 25 November 2005 - 08:16 PM in Off Topic

Well I must say its defineately worth the $399. It performs integer operations in half the time it takes the PS3, which comprise 85% of the operations. The PS3 does Floating point operations twice as fast but FLOPS only comprise 15% of the instructions. Blu-ray disks will be harder to manufacture and take more time due to need to retool all the machines. Blu- ray disk players will start out at $1200-$800, so the many people who are speculting that the PS3 could be as much as $600 when it first releases may be right. I think the company that will really do well is nintendo. Their controller is very unique and enables unique capabilites in ceratain, games, the system is portable and very powerful, and if they unleash an online database of old nintendo games I could see where they would have a good foothold on the market.

#57649 History Behind Nerf Design

Posted by Viper on 16 June 2005 - 05:14 PM in General Nerf

Not that it matters, but we already discussed this awhile back. Interesting reminder and if you want to you can check out his unreleased designs via freepatentsonline, I have all the patent numbers listed on "my other site"

#34296 People Taken To Jail And Guns Confiscated For Nerf

Posted by Viper on 18 August 2004 - 03:23 PM in General Nerf

I now its been posted a thousand times but this boone guy's quote is funny , " We've seen our share of crazy stuff-people with guns and people who are nuts -and they leave it to us in a split second to decide who is crazy, what is a real gun and who is a high school kid with a fake gun playing in dart wars in the dark wearing fake camo." Reminds me of the guy at my local walmart who talks about his "Gunfights" w/ detroit gangsters. Or the officers who shot a black man while he was pulling for his shifter.(18 times) and laughed about their mistake afterword. If you can't tell a nerf gun from a real gun in a second's time, should you really be a police officer? Airsoft guns and other replicas are understandable, but how many real guns have u seen that have any resemblence to nerf guns. Many nerf guns don't even have triggers, but buttons or manual action. Just a bunch of piggies on a powertrip looking for their first kill. After all, shouldn't an officer be held accountable if he mistakes an arrowstorm for real gun? That's like mistaking your hunting buddy as a deer and shooting him. My favorite part is the photo with the officer examining the guns as if they were weapons of mass destruction. sniff....sniff I smell bacon cooking.

#304459 Help me identify this vintage blaster

Posted by Viper on 08 September 2011 - 10:36 AM in General Nerf

Huh, an official advert. From 1994:


http://www.nerfcente...sted/nreviewed/ Review on old nerf reviewed same as this one its essentially a tyco super stick blaster which i used to own.

#55612 Rarest Nerf Gun Ever

Posted by Viper on 25 May 2005 - 01:25 PM in General Nerf

I bought it at a walmart, it said "slingfire DX400" and had a "PowerNerf" logo on the side of it. The motorized disk launcher and supermaxx disk shooter are similiarly uncommon. I can't really get any pics that are better than the ones NC gives you. The gun itself is in a box at my dad's house in Indiana. I am going there in a week or so probably, so I'll try to remeber then.

#55558 Rarest Nerf Gun Ever

Posted by Viper on 24 May 2005 - 02:31 PM in General Nerf

I bought it on vacation in Utah.

#55480 Rarest Nerf Gun Ever

Posted by Viper on 23 May 2005 - 12:19 PM in General Nerf

Yes I won all but the hydro harpoon crossbow and gatlin' storm. I bought the slingfire dx400 in salt lake city utah.

#55510 Rarest Nerf Gun Ever

Posted by Viper on 23 May 2005 - 07:25 PM in General Nerf

Under co2 guns section, there is a review of the slingfire dx400 with a picture. Search google and you'll find tons of NC pictures.

#55463 Rarest Nerf Gun Ever

Posted by Viper on 22 May 2005 - 06:59 PM in General Nerf

My websites have all those guns. I have all those guns reviewed, except for the unreleased ones like the gatlin' storm and hydro harpoon croxxbow, I just have pics of the gatlin storm and patent diagrahms of the hydro harpoon crossbow. I even have a review of the DX400 and zap snaps, which was't released.

#32976 Would You Buy Watermelon Pink 1/2" FBR?

Posted by Viper on 03 August 2004 - 01:08 AM in General Nerf

i'll take some. I must pay for some things 1st and take my girls out but seriously i would buy at least 100' of it

#36548 Petg Tubing

Posted by Viper on 06 September 2004 - 04:19 PM in General Nerf

Is it as effective as 17/32 brass?

#36967 Petg Tubing

Posted by Viper on 11 September 2004 - 10:59 PM in General Nerf

IronRhino handles it for cxwq. ask him on nerfhq.

#46383 Zero Valve

Posted by Viper on 22 January 2005 - 01:33 AM in Homemades

Vintage offered an extension to the sero valve which is essentially just a copy of any air-pressure valve found in nerf, a cone on a rod with rubber to seal it against a surface. The main prblem is getting everything to dry properly and simply seal up well. Button vavles,ball valves,hose valves and other valves are simply so cheap that there isn't much of a need to make a valve on your own. Go to my site Patents and check out the patent #'s to see if there are any exotic valve designs yo'd like to copy. The truth is is that a flat valve would work quite nicely against a surface though a cone-valve handles pressure easier and doesn't need to move as fast in order to work properly.

#50211 Modded Xbox

Posted by Viper on 21 March 2005 - 10:36 PM in Off Topic

WOW! I've read about cosmetic mods in xbox magazine and various liquid cooling ideas but Nothing near this ambitious. I think I might just make one. Editing gamefiles?? If you have some spare time you could make a shitload off that. I'm very impressed and I beg that you please stay around and share your developments in engineering concepts of all sorts.

#49607 Homeade Nerf Gear

Posted by Viper on 14 March 2005 - 06:20 PM in Homemades

Sorry fellas, but unless you have a metal tipped dart I don't see the need for "body armor." Play paintball for one day and you'll understand what I mean.

#52026 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Viper on 08 April 2005 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

WOW! That's really like a gatling gun. It solves the main problem with the razorbeast which is accuracy by using the bipod and the range by stretching the spring, at least temporarily.

I bow to you starbucks(NO,NC starbuck?)