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#24495 Nerf Or Nothing Ii

Posted by Sandman on 19 April 2004 - 12:36 AM in General Nerf

I dunno if this has been suggested before, but you could try altering the code of an existing game called Madness Interactive. It's open source, and the game looks like it would work if you knew what you were doing with Flash. Most of the work is done for you... You might have to scrap the vehicles idea for this to work (unless you were really l33t), but it's something to consider.


#20360 My Screen Resolution Is...

Posted by Sandman on 01 March 2004 - 02:01 AM in Site Feedback

I enjoy mah dual monitors. Where do you kids go to download good desktop backgrounds? I haven't really searched for desktop stuff since deskmod.com took down all their stuff.

Julie gets me a 3 month membership to Digital Blasphemy every year or two. They have some super-sweet wide format and dual monitor rendered wallpapers. There are usually a dozen or so free wallpapers on the site - though I don't know if any of the 2560x1024 images are in the free gallery.

Meh, I'm not impressed by their renders... Never really have been, either. I'm more into minimalist type backgrounds, not cheap-looking renders.

#20250 My Screen Resolution Is...

Posted by Sandman on 29 February 2004 - 03:59 AM in Site Feedback

I enjoy mah dual monitors. Where do you kids go to download good desktop backgrounds? I haven't really searched for desktop stuff since deskmod.com took down all their stuff.

#15724 Nerfonline.com (missing?)

Posted by Sandman on 04 January 2004 - 08:02 PM in Off Topic

Your statement was worded in such a way that would imply that our original intent was to create a new forum for the NIC. I don't care what you say about Nerf Evolved, whether you like it or hate it, but the only thing I'm going to focus my attention on are misconceptions. It's a fact that we've got some of the most content out there for Nerf, so why should I bother to argue that with you?

#15667 Nerfonline.com (missing?)

Posted by Sandman on 04 January 2004 - 04:50 AM in Off Topic

nerfevolved's forum has shown us all that new boards aren't neccesary or ever that popular.

I find it a bit frustrating that some of you still haven't gotten it through your heads that the intent of Nerf Evolved was not to create a popular system of forums, but rather to create a site where anyone could easily submit their own content through a simplistic, online medium.

#13395 Paintball

Posted by Sandman on 29 November 2003 - 12:08 PM in Off Topic

Y'talkin 'bout Subterfuge?

*le sigh*


#13387 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Sandman on 29 November 2003 - 02:29 AM in Off Topic

I dunno, I thought the ending was good. Got bored with the repetition of certain lines in the movie, but I was very impressed overall. Extremely suspenseful!

#13385 Paintball

Posted by Sandman on 29 November 2003 - 02:10 AM in Off Topic

Wow, the definitive troll of the Nerf forums at it again. The kid that can't take a hint, and doesn't seem to care in any case. Hardy har har.

#12598 Happy B-day Sandman

Posted by Sandman on 09 November 2003 - 03:15 AM in Off Topic

Kickass. Too bad you have to wait 3 more years for access to the bar scene and its beautiful bar shows. What does change for Snad, aside from candles on the cake?

Maybe switching to apartment life soon enough, but that's not an absolute at the moment.

And thanks again, everyone!

#12568 Happy B-day Sandman

Posted by Sandman on 08 November 2003 - 09:58 AM in Off Topic

Your welcome there big guy. What did you get?

Mostly cash, whitch is fine by me. I scored a DvD ROM, and a few gag presents from friends.

#12540 Happy B-day Sandman

Posted by Sandman on 07 November 2003 - 06:33 PM in Off Topic


Whoopie indeed.



#11665 Holy Crap! Stefan's Back!

Posted by Sandman on 21 October 2003 - 09:00 PM in General Nerf


#11170 Just Stop Encouraging It

Posted by Sandman on 08 October 2003 - 08:37 PM in Off Topic

I'm pretty sure the point of this site is to be a place for the newbs not to come. C has made that pretty clear.

#11005 How The **** Do You Get A Picture By Your Name?

Posted by Sandman on 05 October 2003 - 08:34 PM in Off Topic

what the hell is avatar?

It's what you're asking about.

#10907 My Fucking Mom Is A Fucking Retard

Posted by Sandman on 03 October 2003 - 10:53 PM in Off Topic

Don't talk about your mother that way. She's a wonderful woman, and I love her very very much.


Yeah, I love his mother very much, too.

#10800 Web Editor

Posted by Sandman on 30 September 2003 - 08:38 PM in Off Topic

Fireworks is good. I'm working on making my own personal site using it, and it's been very helpful. I've only got parts done at the moment, though, so maybe I'll present it at some other time.

#10750 Sig... Not So Happy

Posted by Sandman on 29 September 2003 - 08:54 PM in Site Feedback

The C disabled code in signatures, sorry.

#10647 This Forum

Posted by Sandman on 28 September 2003 - 08:28 PM in Site Feedback

Get YABB if it's going to be your first try at this. It's pretty good for a free forum.

#10556 In A Few Years...

Posted by Sandman on 28 September 2003 - 12:30 AM in General Nerf

Yeah, the newbies of today are the veterans of tomorrow.

Everyone should be looked at as an equal until they prove otherwise.

#10475 Forum Contest!

Posted by Sandman on 26 September 2003 - 08:14 PM in Modifications


Ya know, I keep looking at that and wanting to try dialing it on my phone...

#10373 California Debate

Posted by Sandman on 24 September 2003 - 08:13 PM in Off Topic


#10320 Nerf Evolved Help?

Posted by Sandman on 24 September 2003 - 12:33 AM in Off Topic

Yeah, what he said. The cookies don't like to work unless you're going through F-125, no NE. I'll send the Nitts a memo and see if he can fix it.

#10319 What Do You Think About It:

Posted by Sandman on 24 September 2003 - 12:28 AM in Off Topic

I was going to respond to your post, Cadmond, but I forgot what you said by the time I noticed you had non-working tags in your signature. Haha.

So wait, have we established that Dashboard isn't really emo?

Oh, if you want to rebel against society, I have an idea for you. Be a good person and help other people.

#10278 Waxhington (state)

Posted by Sandman on 23 September 2003 - 06:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, uhh, so that would be this weekend, hmm. I think I'm open... Where would we hold it?

Yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that one. Talk to anyone you can get a hold of (namely Jeff) and see if you can keep your schedule open.

#10276 What Do You Think About It:

Posted by Sandman on 23 September 2003 - 06:07 PM in Off Topic

People in my classes, people I play with regularlary on CS, friends, not FH...

I figured as much. While Dashboard can be considered "emo" in some respects, doing so is comparable to calling Good Charlotte "punk" (and thanks to Steve for the punk description). Here's a link to what you're probably used to hearing.

#10239 What Do You Think About It:

Posted by Sandman on 23 September 2003 - 12:34 AM in Off Topic

Then What is Dash? Everyone I know says it's emo.

Please, make a generalization about who you're referring to when you say "Everyone I know."

#10216 What Do You Think About It:

Posted by Sandman on 22 September 2003 - 08:23 PM in Off Topic

Me? I like the music.

And that's all that matters. If you like it, listen to no matter what people say. For example theres this big emo hate thing going on, and I like Dashboard. Do I care if i am made fun of Because someone elses opinion in music is differnt than mine? No.

And me liking Dashboard don't make me puss, I have a death punk band.

Dashboard? Emo?


You kids need to straighten out your music genres.

#10199 Nerf Online Returns

Posted by Sandman on 22 September 2003 - 05:11 PM in General Nerf

i always felt NO was home thuogh, and it spawned a large number of crappy try-hard sites like hte one i am now posting on [no offence] but is this view rite??? what was home to you guys? could we all abandone sites like these and transfer the most important info back to NO??? i feel that we have lost one hell of a site, its like losing hotmail and having to use shitty AOL or your actual ISP


#10198 What Do You Think About It:

Posted by Sandman on 22 September 2003 - 05:10 PM in Off Topic

The All-American Rejects I wouldn't consider pop. They bring a lot to Emo and I happen to be a fan.

I like the 'Rejects, and have since before their album hit mainstream, but there are two points I need to bring up:

1) They're pop
2) They're not emo

Now that we have that established, I've got to agree with the whole "down with pop culture" idea. I've ranted about it before (as faithful F-125ers recall), and it's a frustrating idea, but you really can't do anything about it.

#9752 Color Scheme.

Posted by Sandman on 17 September 2003 - 12:36 AM in Off Topic

Heh, another forum I frequent uses this exact same skin. Pretty nifty, but I'm bound to confuse myself like this. ;)

And in response to something posted earlier:

Yeah, I guess the new IBF boards are a little nicer-my only complaint would be the relocation of the Mark Topics Read button. Now I have to scroll down to the bottom of the screen in order to do so.

Just click on the little buttons next to each forum to mark that area as read.

#9735 Waxhington (state)

Posted by Sandman on 16 September 2003 - 09:26 AM in Nerf Wars

All hail Wax, ruler of Waxhington!

(Side note to Wax: a friend at my church wants to organize a war in about 2 1/2 weeks, so check your schedule.)

#9132 Hello!

Posted by Sandman on 03 September 2003 - 05:32 PM in Off Topic

Are teh rules any more strict than Nerfhq?

Just the ones about typing out "the" correctly. Oh, and my sarcasm runs rampant on these forums, so beware... :angry:

#8883 Wow, I Made A Dart That Gains Lift!

Posted by Sandman on 29 August 2003 - 05:48 PM in Homemades


It's not like I don't believe you. It's just that I don't think some people realize how far distances like 150 ft really are, and there has always been a lot of people bragging about their guns shooting outrageously far and not having anything to back it up. No offense intended by this or my original post at all, just making a jest at something I've seen before.

#8862 Wow, I Made A Dart That Gains Lift!

Posted by Sandman on 29 August 2003 - 12:20 AM in Homemades

I wouldnt be surprised if i could make 150 feet with my max shot using this dart.


Sorry i dont have pics.

I wonder how closely these two statements really correspond...

#8612 Rebuild No

Posted by Sandman on 22 August 2003 - 12:58 PM in Off Topic

NHQ and NH both have things in common with NO that I've noticed. Nerf Online is gone, friend - we don't need to bring it back to life when there are other things replacing it.

#8491 Nerf Air Tech 2000 Or 3000 ?

Posted by Sandman on 20 August 2003 - 12:47 PM in General Nerf

The Big Bad Bow is pretty rare now, so I would definitely try and grab that if you can. Other than that, once they are all modified, they are all pretty kick-butt guns.

#8406 Sdno: Wrapup

Posted by Sandman on 18 August 2003 - 02:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Awesome job, Julie! I updated my follow-up post, if anyone cares... ^_^

#8396 Sdno: Wrapup

Posted by Sandman on 17 August 2003 - 11:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Great war, I was glad I could come, even if it was only for the last 2 or 3 hours of it! Okay, onto my highlights:

+ Getting to the SDNO to find out from the park ranger up front that Nerfing is indeed quite illegal, and that if the park people could ever figure out where them Nerfers are located, they'll run them off in a heartbeat.
+ Getting to the war mid-battle, watching the chaos from a distance.
+ Meeting some new faces, namely Cxwq and Julie, as well as seeing some older ones.
+ Finding out that I was pretty much the only kid there with PVC pipe for barrels and factory darts for ammunition. Props to C for letting me borrow his tree-gun for a round. B)
+ Getting absolutely owned by Superadaquabat's dad multiple times.
+ Rushing the opposite team with my PC.
+ Shooting Steve in the foot with the Unholy Stefan.
+ Witnessing a H2H battle between a foam sword and a flag stand.
+ Watching that same flag stand turn into a blowgun. (How many uses could one come up with for a PVC pipe frame?)
+ Fearing Waylo and his Wildfire.
+ C introducing me to this concept called "brass" (I hear it's pretty popular some places... :rolleyes: )
+ Post-war pictures when everyone (namely me) was sweating like dogs.

Major props to Steve for putting this together. I really hope I'll be able to come down to California sometime in the near future!

#8301 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by Sandman on 16 August 2003 - 06:40 AM in Nerf Wars


It's something around 4:30 a.m. right now, I just sneezed half-chewed Honeycomb all over myself, and I'm prepared to have Stefans and other foamy objects shoved down my throat in an undesirable manner. Let's see how I fare on three hours of sleep. :D

#8297 Holy Guests, Batman!

Posted by Sandman on 16 August 2003 - 01:38 AM in Site Feedback

I've seen this happen in other forums. It's probably bots from an web archiving program, but you could probably check to be sure, C. A friend of mine had this happen to his forum and he blocked the IP they were coming from because they were sticking around for longer than he wanted.