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#231920 Nerf Crossbow Help

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 22 May 2009 - 06:09 PM in Modifications

Wow lots of respone, I like it!

StealthMan: 80-85 feet flat, no bungees.

Hi Yah!: Yes.

Darth_Tom: Barrel is OMCs thichwalled PETG and the darts im using are blacksunshine darts, as my darts don't fit PETG good enough for a springer.


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Any more pics I need tot take?

1337: Hell no perfect fit not too loose, not to tight, just right!

Any more questions/ suggestions?

#231887 Nerf Crossbow Help

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 22 May 2009 - 04:17 PM in Modifications

I recently got a crossbow and have done the every mod I can do(reinforcement, relacements, coupler etc).

The reason im mad is I have heard people getting 100+ feet flat with a crossbow like mine. I have a DT3 spring replacement, replaced plungertube, and a replaced plunger head that make a perfect seal within the new plunger tube.

Can someone help me out?

#231820 Petg Question

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 22 May 2009 - 06:49 AM in General Nerf

I saw some at my local animal jungle.

#231788 A Nice Find...

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 21 May 2009 - 09:44 PM in Modifications

Nice find.

Now how much did it cost because if it's more expensive than an at2k I don't think it's worth it.

#231376 Hinged Double Barrel Pump Action Shotgun

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 19 May 2009 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

Nice innovative mod. How's the seal? Any air loss?

Overall great mod I would have never thought of that!

#229586 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 11 May 2009 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

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And many others...

#229172 Lego Archer Set?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 09 May 2009 - 10:15 AM in General Nerf

It seems to be a knockoff of the bow n arrow.

#228604 The Xbow And Lnl Debate

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 06 May 2009 - 05:23 PM in General Nerf

First off I have never owned a crossbow, but I will be getting one later next week;). I do have a lock n load, and I must say I love it! It's very comfortable, easy to mod(just slap on a barrel) , and it's purple. But I have heard some claims that it is just an older first gen Nitefinder minus awesomeness. Only downside is the price I payed 70$! But if you have the money it's nice to have and will probably last longer.

As for the crossbow I feel they are probably overrated. They have huge plunger tubes; similar to god's all mighty penis, awesome range, look VERY comfortable with there huge stock, and there potential. But as I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, just making observations I will edit this once I get mine. Also I just cannot have a pas as mine broke within the first day of use, and all I did was coupler it no springs added. But I would probably have to stick with a crossbow If I had to choose.

#228198 Would You Come To A War In Hawii?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 04 May 2009 - 09:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Only if you paid for my plane ticket.

#227689 Supernova

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 02 May 2009 - 05:33 PM in Nerf Wars

So I just want to know what games were gonna be playing.
Also what are the blaster restrictions?(besides singled titans)

#227504 Nb-2k

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 01 May 2009 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. Also for all of you that kept asking me if the gun is akward to fire the answer is yes! Well it's fine for me because Ive been using it nonstop, but I guess to the average joe it would be a tad akward to fire. Also FA_24 and cheesypizza please add this to your directories as it is both a mod and has internals.

That is all.

#227334 Nb-2k

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 30 April 2009 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

Finished product has been unveiled.

#227275 Nb-2k

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 30 April 2009 - 04:47 PM in Modifications

Okay so this is my first write up and I'm hoping some of you will cut me some slack. So heres the low down I have been planning this for awhile now and with the last sum of my money in paypal I bough two NB-1's. Knowing they would suck I though to myself about the internals and what would lie ahead and once I made that last cut into the shell I knew exactly what to do! So in this mod I will be telling you how to replace the pump and add an airtank to get singled AT2k ranges.

So heres your typical NB-1.

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Ranges are very inconsisteant due to the fact that the faster you pump it the further it will go. With my 13 year old arms I could only squeeze about twenty feet out of it.

To start your going to need to open the gun up by dremel. I would reccomend using the thinnest cutting wheel you can find as it will make for less work later.

Once you get it opened you will find this.

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Pretty self explanitory just a pump minus a check valve, the arrow barrel, and some exposed tubing. So after I saw what the inners looked like I went diving into my parts bin and found this.

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Yes an airtech 3000 plunger tube. So trying too keep it as clean as possible I intended to make the original pump of the NB-1 fit into the 3k pump. Upon removal of the pump of the NB-1 I met my worst nitemare.

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Not only is it terrible it couldnt fit into the pump=( I removed the plunger head and it still wouldnt fit because of a ring of plastic that lies under the original plunger head. Once that is dremeled down test it out and make sure it can move freely in the 3k plunger tube. After all of that I went and found some mysterious o-ring in which I dont know the size and/or gun it came off of and slapped it on and added a nitfinder like o-ring to stabilize the mysterious one. Then your going to want to shave down the 3K plunger tube to make it fit in the shell. Finished plunger head should look like this. (Also please don't lube it because it will only make the seal greater and will make pumping it harder.)

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So now the plunger assemply is done now your going to make room for the tubing in the shell. There are screw-port-like structures the restrict tubing room. I got rid of with some snips

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Thats better, now we have room for our tubing! So go get some 1/4 inch OD clear vynal tubing and connect the original orange tubing from the 3k pump and the new clear vynal tubing with a connector. This seems really easy, but it's not. Your going to need to minimize the connector dramaticly! I cut off a couple of the barbs off because when I used the stock connector there wouldnt be enough space and it would crimp the tubing a lot making it harder to pump. So I grabbed my trusty dremel and went at it and was left with this

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Tiny aint it?(haha) With the mini connector you will have enough room to keep the tubing in the shell and improve its cleanlieness. Also please add some goop over the connector and the two tubes to improve the life of your NB-2000 because when your rerouting the tubing it will have a tendancy to slip out. To rerout the tubing I just ran a loop through the handel and under the 3k pump out of the hole where the end of the original pump was. Please leave enough tubing to connect to the air tank too.

Overall internals should look like this

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Almost there!!!

This is where the most frustrating part of the mod is;closing it up. Now the NB-1 is what I call a "glue gun" due to the fact that the two sides of the shells are glued together. To keep the shells together I used some 1 minute epoxy because I'm very impatient. Also i would reccomend using a vise to hold the two halves of the shells together, but I dont own one so I was a man and as angel would say "used my hands". Once that is done your NB-2000 is almost finished except for the following:

An air tank and a paint job.

So the tank part is simple just grab your favorite air tech series tank(I chose the 2k) and connect it to the tubing coming out of the hole in the back where the tubing from the pump should be located. I would reccoment using goop for this one too. Then grab around 8 inches of your favorite barrel material (I used PETG) and slap it onto the mouth of the tank, add some goop, and your ready to go. Then glue the tank on. The final step in making your NB-2000 is giving it a trigger, but I couldn't find anything so I used a PVC ring After that's done, whammm an NB-2000 is born. Now I (as of now) do not have any pictures of the finished product because the glue holding the gun is still curing, but I'll update this write up as soon as everything is 100% done.
One last thing: I wouldn't reccoment going over 6 pumps with this because of the risk of an extreme case of Tankexplodinginyourfaceidous; a very agressive disease effecting most nerfers with external tanks.

PS: Very sorry for the blurry pics because my camera likes to swim in other people's pools.


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Questions?, Comments?, Flames?

#225900 I Need Help Fixing My Warthog.

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 25 April 2009 - 07:50 PM in General Nerf

Long time no hear. Haha. Use e-tape and some silicone lube.

#225305 Sm 1.5k Trigger Reinforcement

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 23 April 2009 - 04:16 PM in Modifications

If your still looking for a solution use jb weld! I have used it on my angel breeched ls and it has never let go(even with an ar-15 spring) so I would reccomend that and the coathanger method. Also be sure to roughen up the surfaces with sand paper to ensure a strong hold.

Hope it helps!

#224961 The Brass Snapper

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 21 April 2009 - 11:37 PM in Modifications

I hope you do know that putting reptilian body parts onto a gun is against the rules?
Joking aside, that is some grade A painting and sculpting. I better warn saldin of the new competition.
Very nice!

#224767 Fbr Directory

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 21 April 2009 - 03:31 PM in General Nerf

That was probably angels manufacturer. I mean think about it... He had red roam, "ran out of it", and now has beige foam.


#224762 I Am Very Very Sorry!

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 21 April 2009 - 03:11 PM in Off Topic

Yay!!! I got my AT2k today!!!

#224644 Foam

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 20 April 2009 - 09:17 PM in General Nerf

^ My batch sucked monkey balls too.

#224625 Airtech 1k Singled

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 20 April 2009 - 08:35 PM in Modifications


#224493 New Barrel Material

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 19 April 2009 - 11:28 PM in General Nerf

What/who's foam do you use? Also is it PETG? It looks just like it in the picture

#224166 I Am Very Very Sorry!

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 17 April 2009 - 04:03 PM in Off Topic

Yeah, still haven't goyten that AT2k yet. ... Shame.

#222783 Doomsayer

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 09 April 2009 - 11:11 PM in Modifications

Ha I guess I'm lucky, my plunger head had a screw on the top:) But yes please make sure you have the seal from the plunger to the turret allmost perfect, appropriate springs( I used a bbb,stock, and ls combo). And as you add more springs please make sure you do reinforce the plunger rod, and the trigger catch hook.

#222217 Nerf To Airsoft

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 07 April 2009 - 04:45 PM in Off Topic

Groove shut down your last thread for a reason... because you failed. Don't ya' get it this is a NERF fourm not airsoft. Im not trying to backseat mod, but please save them some time.

#222200 My Brute

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 07 April 2009 - 04:17 PM in Off Topic

Damn allready out of fights with my Brute.

#221240 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 02 April 2009 - 03:25 PM in General Nerf

My up coming doomsayer, and my petg'd pistol splat:)
Angel breeched longshot, and my recreation of crooked's brassed 2k

#220976 Recon Seal?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 31 March 2009 - 10:02 PM in Modifications

Well I tryed it once and got some good results. I myself used electrical tape. I personally wouldnt do it again because the end cap on the priming indicator bar eventually snaps off. But when it did work it with stock darts hit 40 feet with a good amount of power behind it around waist level. So in my opinion I would buy another one.

#220818 Barrel Length?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 30 March 2009 - 11:13 PM in Modifications

Pretty simple, I would just like to know a decent size barrel length for a doomsayer. I will be adding two extra springs along with the stock one too(bbb and ls). I only need a few answers or opinions because I don't want the barrels too be too shot or too long for the amount of springs I'm adding.


#220409 Guru Mk. iii

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 29 March 2009 - 01:02 AM in Homemades


You're a fucking god! This is a work of art and you deserve a cookie.

#220085 New Buzz Bee Double Shot Mod

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 26 March 2009 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

Nice I guess. I beat you to it first! Mine's on eBay now though... But didn't you copy ninja blue?

#220035 Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 26 March 2009 - 08:04 PM in General Nerf

Cleaning up cuts on one of my guns with an exacto knife and slipped and sliced right into my thumb. I allmost passed out I lost soo much blood. Also getting cut with a sanding bit on my dremel at max speed. That bitch still hurts!

#219508 Pointblank Titan

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 23 March 2009 - 07:59 PM in Modifications

Chuck Norris got his drivers license at the age of 16...seconds!

Very nice mod. Very clean and I like how you gave it a detachable stock. Wired I have thy same bike pump...

#218351 Singled Recon?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 16 March 2009 - 08:46 PM in Modifications

Actually yes, i have done it just like ice did with a longshot, but i used a recon. Great results but the end cap broke off the prime indicator bar very easily, ruining the recon.

#218344 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 16 March 2009 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

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Favorite side arm...Ol reliable

#217761 F'ed Up Big Blast Pumps.

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 12 March 2009 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

I have had this problem too. The problem is that the space where the oring is suppose to be is slanted making the o-ring want to go to the narrowist part when pumped. I to just had this problem and found a nice solution. Go to homedepot and buy a pack of #13 o-rings. Unscrew your Bbbb and remove the stock oring and replace it with the new oring and use a small eyeglass screwdriver and move the o-ring down to the fattest part and slip a very thin rubber band in the space left between the new o-ring and the end if the plunger head at the narrow part. It has worked for me, but it seems partially tougher to pump now, but it's not as bad as adding two o-rings.

Hope this helps!

#217356 Supernova

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 10 March 2009 - 05:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a maybe as I'll have to convince my parents to drive me 212 miles from my house to the war...

#217214 Very Cheap Fbr

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 09 March 2009 - 08:20 PM in Homemades

Damn server error.

#217213 Very Cheap Fbr

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 09 March 2009 - 08:19 PM in Homemades

^How would you compair it with other foam? And yours?

#216865 What Have You Given Up For Nerf?

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 08 March 2009 - 12:22 AM in Off Topic

Money and my love of rollercoasters. Rollercoasters were moved down to number two of my favorites list.

#216823 Air Zone Arrow Storm

Posted by CoasterDynamix757 on 07 March 2009 - 08:42 PM in Modifications

I'm sure Coop has realized that, along with everybody else that commented on that.