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#164981 Sorrow's "aothino"

Posted by SorrowX on 28 July 2008 - 03:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Just so everyone knows, Aothino( Pronounced "outheeno" ) stands for Attack On The Hillside Intermission Nerf Outing.Also, post to say if you are coming or not. Now, on to the goodies.


Ralph B. Clark Regional Park
Rear Entrance:
Latitude: 33°53'29.38"N
Longitude: 117°58'46.76"W
Main Entrance:
8800 Rosecrans Ave
Buena Park, CA 90621
Time: 10:00 AM
Date: 16th of aug.

Aothino is very open for changes in date and location at the moment due to its being my first hosted outing. It will be held at Ralph B. Clark Regional Park, at 10:00 AM.


1. Eye Protection Required for EVERYONE, no exceptions. If needed and if anyone feels like bringing extra, we will lend you a pair.

2. Nerf Melee weapons (Axes, Swords, Gunblades, etc) are allowed, as long as they are padded with foam to the point where they are cushy. hits are only allowed on sides/back/front.

3. Leave nothing behind. That means darts, bottles, cans, trash, etc. Pick up after yourself.

4. Follow park rules. Plain and simple.

Any tips on war organization, please feel free to add. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

#167535 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by SorrowX on 09 August 2008 - 01:24 AM in Modifications

Everybody, this is Forbidden Valley, My pride and joy. she was my first longshot, bought when it first came out, and I spent many months of research, planning and work into her, as she is my primary of choice. And yes, Those are dart holders and a bayonet. she get excess of 120 feet flat with taggers(yes, thats right, tagger darts) and i can even use the stock scope and it will work fine with its amount of accuracy.
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#170567 My Very First Nerf Mod... Ever! (finished W/ Lots Of Pictures)

Posted by SorrowX on 19 August 2008 - 10:21 AM in Modifications

Dude, that thing is sick! That paint job looks like something directly out of my team's Ark Of The Forbidden Land, you just beat me to the recon. if you want to see what I mean, here you go:

Forbidden Valley
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#171472 Longshot Troubles

Posted by SorrowX on 22 August 2008 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

Only two breeches out there(that I know Of, Anyways) that won't clip the tail of your darts are the Angel Breech, which is fairly complicated, and my own little design, the Sorrow Breech. just like the Angel Breech, its airtight, but the main difference is this one: its very simple to make. I'll have the Write up for it soon, so if you can be patient enough, it will be available.

#171935 Stripping Paint

Posted by SorrowX on 23 August 2008 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

Hey, I'm new to the site. I've stalked you guys since pre-vulcan launch and I like it here. I just wanted to ask if there was a way to strip the paint off of my recon without ruining the detail of it? I'll send pics when I get some time... Off to work! >.<

Paint thinner or acetone. With acetone however, make sure its just the shell your working on or any adhesives that come in contact with the acetone will start to come apart.

#173669 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 30 August 2008 - 12:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, Me and a bunch of friends are planning a war in the light of Halloween. your welcome to bring and wear costumes, I know I will.(don't know what I'm going as this year though) now for the details...

Location: Smith Murphy Park
5290 Cameron Dr.
Buena Park, CA 90620

Time: 10:00 AM
Date: October 25, 2008


fo sho:
Raw Shrimp


Not coming:

this is also posted up on the SCUN Network, for those who don't know.

Standard rules apply, eye protection required for all. tree climbing is allowed. well that's about it, for now. I'll add anything as it comes to mind, enjoy.

UPDATE:there is going to be a few specialty matches, such as Slayer, Ambush, Duels. Slayer is a free-for-all match, no teams. Ambush is one team sets up in hidden positions while the other team looks for them, and tries to survive. Duels is a melee only match, so brings some swords and pikes and axes(foam tips only) I have about 7 melee weapons, anyone can borrow if they need to. I'm really looking forward to this, as its my first(non canceled/postponed) war.

#173847 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 31 August 2008 - 12:02 AM in Nerf Wars

icespartan, It may seem that way, but truth be told, i know absolutley nothing about hell before halloween except that its hosted by forsaken_angel24. and cannonball, were taking into consideration any safety issues, so please, if there is any complaints about safety, please make them known and contact me.

#174030 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 31 August 2008 - 10:50 PM in Nerf Wars

flashlights are asked, and will also be lent out at the time of the war. as for not knowing much, i don't think its much of a problem, as I'm pretty sure if you asked any nerfer or myself could provide a phone for any emergency contact. flashlights are rated, and if it isn't powerful enough or too powerful, we could work out something. as for the forbidden valley writeup, I'm not sure when I'm getting some money for more brass and another longshot(the one planned for the writeup ended up getting crushed in the earthquake that happened over the summer. :cry: ) I was lucky enough that the real Forbidden Valley was well situated inside Its case.

#174065 Fall 'geddon 2008

Posted by SorrowX on 01 September 2008 - 04:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Anyone still need help with rides? There's still enough time to work something out...

i got 2 friends so Put us down as a maybe, if there's anyone coming in from the south, that would be really helpful. both my parents hate taking me up to G-town for some reason... I'll let you know if anything comes up.

#174819 Fall 'geddon 2008

Posted by SorrowX on 03 September 2008 - 09:44 PM in Nerf Wars

you know what? on the attendance list, add me as a +4 or more. will melee weapons be allowed?

#174821 Halloweeno '08

Posted by SorrowX on 03 September 2008 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, Me and a bunch of friends are planning a war in the light of Halloween. your welcome to bring and wear costumes, I know I will.(don't know what I'm going as this year though) now for the details...

Location: Smith Murphy Park
5290 Cameron Dr.
Buena Park, CA 90620

Time: 10:00 AM
Date: October 25, 2008


fo sho:


Not coming:

this is also posted up on the SCUN Network, for those who don't know.

Standard rules apply, eye protection required for all. tree climbing is allowed. well that's about it, for now. I'll add anything as it comes to mind, enjoy.

UPDATE:there is going to be a few specialty matches, such as Slayer, Ambush, Duels. Slayer is a free-for-all match, no teams. Ambush is one team sets up in hidden positions while the other team looks for them, and tries to survive. Duels is a melee only match, so brings some swords and pikes and axes(foam tips only) I have about 7 melee weapons, anyone can borrow if they need to. I'm really looking forward to this, as its my first(non canceled/postponed) war.

#178172 Egno (in Cali) (elk Grove Nerf Off)

Posted by SorrowX on 18 September 2008 - 08:28 PM in Nerf Wars

There's a war going on on the 25th, just to let you know.( yes in Cali) I think its on the second page "Halloweeno '08"

#178572 Fall 'geddon 2008 - Recap Thread

Posted by SorrowX on 21 September 2008 - 03:54 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh yes, crossbow+sword+nitefinder combo rocks. By the end of the day, i probably had more that 25 hits with the sword alone. In the video, I kinda scared myself watching how well I pulled that off(getting the sword out of my shirt with Effeminate awsomeness, for me)
this war was awesome.
- Going nuts and rushing with a crossbow and a sword and seeing everyone run in fear(which is quite satisfying, actually)
- Seeing my crossbow do well in its first war
- the totally Effeminate turnout
- getting Falcon in the jewels a few times(Really, i don't mean to aim there)
- bouncing a ball with my sword and getting a hit on someone with it
- new parts that would have been otherwise hard to get my hands on(thanks a bunch, guys)
- seeing my friend run around in not only a paintball mask but an optimus prime mask too
- and i'll edit anything in later

- having my LS break the night before the war(still got some good ranges with a cracked plunger tube, amazingly)
- getting shot in the face with a crossbow at point blank range
- leaving a total of 52 taggers upon discovering the time
- getting my hand cut up by someone's LS
- Leaving the bandanna I got from Bags' at the june 14th nano back at cullens( i think its by the dumpsters)
- getting lost on the way home and having to use a map from 1991(Hey, it said updated edition) to get home.
- forgetting a ton of stuff at home and on site

Also Bags', before I left I put your bungees into the ark, just to let you know. And hopefully many of you can make it to Halloweeno '08, because if you like cullens and ole hammer, you are going to love smith-murphy and beatty.

#178639 Fall 'geddon 2008 - Recap Thread

Posted by SorrowX on 21 September 2008 - 03:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, you did miss a good war. I have a question though, I have all these pictures from the war, and the only way I know who to upload them is through photobucket, and I don't want to up[load them individually, Is there a way to do them all at once?

flickr, and imageshack

#180745 Angel Breech On A Recon

Posted by SorrowX on 01 October 2008 - 12:40 AM in Modifications

I've finished mine, but it isn't really an angel breech. It made my Recon get about 75-80 flat, which is pretty amazing for me. I'll have a writeup in the next week or so.(alot easier than angel breech-recon style, mind you)

#182304 Recon Breech Write-up

Posted by SorrowX on 07 October 2008 - 10:31 PM in Modifications

Hello NIC,as many of you know, this is my first write-up, so please go easy on me.

This write-up is for the Recon CS6, and will hopefully provide a standard mod for this blaster. This mod requires basic-moderate modding experience.

Materials Required:
1/2' brass
17/32' brass
9/16' brass
19/32' brass
5/8' brass
Plumber's Goop or other adhesive(your going to need to have one that at least similar consistantcy)

It is recommended you do the following mods first:

Now, on to the goods.

remove your dart tooth and clip lock. you wont be needing them. See those screws under the bolt sled? take them out and take out whats inside that little box. you wont be needing these either.
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Now its time to get to the main part. Take your 1/2' brass and cut it down the middle about 3.5 inches. Mine isn't that long, i know, i screwed up. when your done cutting, clean up the cut that way the dart will be undamaged. now shove the uncut end into the breech. make a mark and measure. DO NOT CUT THIS MARK! from the front where the halfway cut ends, cut the distance from there, but leave some room.
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Now coat the end of the brass in goop and shove it into the stock breech as far at it can go.while we let that sit, we work on the other end of the breech.
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this is the part where my camera died, so your going to have to work off of words from here until i get some pictures. Take a 6 inch section of 17/32' brass and put it into a 2 inch section of 9/16' brass with about 2 inches of nothing but 17/32' brass and keep it that way. now take this and stick it into a 4.5 inch section of 19/32' brass.now take that heavy thing and stick it into your 5/8' brass. now the the end with the 17/32' brass exposed and put it in the stock breech receiver. it didn't work out too well by itself, so i ended up permanently attaching the barrel extension to the receiver and gooping it into that. Make sure that the breech fully closes into the receiver before gooping. this is critical, and It absolutely sucks that I have no picture to show you how to do this. Let the goop dry, then assemble your new weapon and be amazed by its weight. Then be amazed by its ranges.

I didn't have time to accurately measure ranges before I had to return it to my friend who asked me to mod it, but by estimating, it got about 85-90 ft. flat with a cdtd. I really don't know how accurate those estimates are, so don't trust your judgment on that. this is my first write-up, so of course there is bound to be errors.

#182318 Recon Breech Write-up

Posted by SorrowX on 07 October 2008 - 11:07 PM in Modifications

I didn't have time to accurately measure ranges before I had to return it to my friend who asked me to mod it, but by estimating, it got about 85-90 ft. flat with a cdtd...

Get out your tape measure and start counting. No one will believe a Recon that gets 85ft without the internals being replaced with a AT2k. :P

each mod works in conjunction with each other. without the spring in the stock, range is dead by so much.

#182324 Recon Breech Write-up

Posted by SorrowX on 07 October 2008 - 11:24 PM in Modifications

Wait a sec, how are you getting CDTS's to shoot out of 1/2" brass?

its pretty much a stefan made with the foam of a tagger dart. it fits just fine.

#182642 Recon Breech Write-up

Posted by SorrowX on 09 October 2008 - 04:18 PM in Modifications

1/2" brass is the outer diameter of the brass tube, so if a tagger is 1/2" in diameter how is meant to fit into a hole with a diameter less than 1/2"?

Also in Angel's breech mod he explicitly states the 1/2" brass is to push the dart forward from the breech into the 19/32" brass barrel (with tightenging rings). I have 30 taggers and 3 x 12" lengths of 1/2" brass tube and none of them fit, actually none of my darts will fit 1/2" brass tube, even my 10mm FBR won't slide into a 1/2" brass tube. Using vernier calipers, foam from regular 30pack of nerf dart taggers are 0.4830" and I.D. of 1/2" brass is 0.4710". Explain yourself.

All of the breeches I make for my guns use 1/2" brass, it seems to work just fine, as far as I can tell. its a very tight fit, I understand, and the main reason i use 1/2" brass as the main breech is because I have a hard time finding 9/16" brass in any hobby shop or hardware shop that sells K&S Brass. Also, the main reason I prefer 1/2" brass is because it holds in the dart really well, which allows more pressure to build up before the dart exits the breech and continues into the barrel. It also nullifies the need for tightening rings, but you could have them on anyways. Ask Falcon, or anyone else in so-cal that designs and makes their own breech for primaries, and the majority of us will admit to using 1/2" brass. Plus, 17/32" brass can't be jammed into the recon stock breech that well without sanding down the inside. :D

#183319 Recon Breech Write-up

Posted by SorrowX on 12 October 2008 - 05:29 PM in Modifications

I've got all this 1/2" K&S brass I bought since I was given the impression it could be used as a barrel material, it was also more available than the other sizes of K&S brass. I can push a tagger about 15mm in 1/2" brass before it buckles. Since I've measured tagger sizes with calipers, I take it that you guys must heatgun your foam or compress it to get it to fit.
Nice writeup for those who use 1/2" barrel too bad it doesn't take larger sized barrels. Are there accurate measurement of ranges for this mod yet?

Yes, actually. average ranges are 73 ft flat. It might appear different for others, but my testing range is indoors, and the only problem is that it occasionally clips the tail of the dart. 1/2" brass makes good breech material, not good barrel material(unless you have a super soaker nerf gun).

#192431 Christmas Nano (oc War) Is Cenceled

Posted by SorrowX on 28 November 2008 - 06:41 AM in Nerf Wars

Ho Ho Ho Bitches.

That is so added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole. I'll be there along with +7 or more unless something comes up, in which i will notify you via pm. and be prepared for a dark x-mas...

#200145 The Humming Bird

Posted by SorrowX on 01 January 2009 - 12:13 AM in Modifications

This is my second contribution to the NIC, I hope you all enjoy.

Materials needed:
about 3 inches of 1/2' pvc
9 volt battery
electric tape
epoxy or other adhesive( i used hot glue)

First, take apart your tommy 20 and remove the motor assembly. Now take your 1/2' pvc and cut it the same as in the diagram. Clean up your cut a bit, and glue the sucker in the middle of your T20 wheels. (make sure that the don't contact the pvc!) Now tape your battery o the pvc, and attach the wires and a switch or something else if you want, I chose to do it simpler. you could put a coupler on it and attach a hopper ish thing to it, but i choose to keep it like this.
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and please hold as I get the actually picture of the tiny thing.

here we go...
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#200151 The Humming Bird

Posted by SorrowX on 01 January 2009 - 12:37 AM in Modifications

I new i'd get this reaction :P and bags, its gunna be pink or purple, whatever paint I get my hands on first.

#200156 The Humming Bird

Posted by SorrowX on 01 January 2009 - 12:53 AM in Modifications

The ironic thing is, Nodoka is actually be using this thing at the next war.

its pretty much a motorized blowgun

#200240 The Humming Bird

Posted by SorrowX on 01 January 2009 - 03:22 PM in Modifications

You'd think that with buying two longshots, I'd have a spare handle, but alas, I don't. I do have an M16 handle, but that's for another project. And besides, it isn't that awkward to hold, its pretty comfortable in my hand. and the phallic-ness of it just makes it that more retarded.

#200263 Nerfhaven Modification Directory

Posted by SorrowX on 01 January 2009 - 04:45 PM in Modifications

Could I get the Humming Bird into the Mod directory? It should go under Tommy 20.

EDIT: fuck, I didn't read, Damn it...

#202973 My Lbb Plays Music!

Posted by SorrowX on 12 January 2009 - 09:53 PM in Modifications

Damn it. now I've got to 1up you with a longshot that hooks up to my Ipod, with a camera that feeds me a real time image from directly under the barrel, and adds a 75% transparent line showing the drop over time in color.

It will play music also.

Damn, you stole my idea. Anyways, that just rocks, Redhead.

#203422 Armageddon X

Posted by SorrowX on 14 January 2009 - 09:10 PM in Nerf Wars

me and the BP-F crew should be coming up there too, along with some guests.

#204165 I Have A Recon Dream...

Posted by SorrowX on 17 January 2009 - 04:06 PM in Modifications

I posted a write-up for the recon a while back. Since then, the recon broke from have too much power. I do believe recons can hit good ranges, you just better reinforce that sucker to go to hell and back. A recon that meets the expectations just... well it's doable, just not practical. You would need a vast amount of resources, those of which only slug and few others have. Just buy a longshot and angel breech it, getting a recon to get similar ranges just isn't worth the time and effort, trust us.

#206524 My Longshot?

Posted by SorrowX on 26 January 2009 - 10:12 AM in Modifications

I used 3 industrial springs in mine when I'm not using it for a war, and my boltsled is doing just fine. There isn't any visible signs of stress on it, mainly becase the bitch is reinforced with some aluminum sheet metal(cut up can and JB weld). Only things thats happened is the back of the plunger tube blew off, but thats mainly do to its age, and even then its still working fine. When I fire the thing with all 3 springs, it has a tendency to break glass. I really don't recommend it, as its really unsafe for you and others. but a LS, BBB, and an NF spring should be just fine, just check with whomever is hosting the war, because they may not like it as that much power when the springs aren't broken in yet can be quite painful.

#210472 M1 Garrand

Posted by SorrowX on 08 February 2009 - 02:16 PM in Modifications

If you have a QuarterMaster anywhere near where you live, you can buy wooden M1 grand and Springfield(no scope) replicas. they're the kinds used for spinning, so you probably won't have to worry about having to have a gun license. Hope this bit of info was of some help.

#210953 Mulcher

Posted by SorrowX on 09 February 2009 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

Well, ever since I first saw a vulcan, I thought "this just needs a new look," so this past Wednesday, I came across one when I just so happened to have money in my wallet. Immediately when I got home, I got to work drawing up sketches for the thing, and came us with this...
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just thought I'd share this with you.

#210964 Mulcher

Posted by SorrowX on 09 February 2009 - 08:30 PM in Modifications

no, but they were originally designed to be attached to the rotation mech. However, if they were, that would cause alot of tortion on the thing and would cause the blaster to shake as the rotation mech isn't constantly rotating.

#211057 Mulcher

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2009 - 01:10 AM in Modifications

thanks, it was my first attempt at dry brushing. :)

#211157 A Bit Of Help?

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2009 - 04:48 PM in Modifications

Still looking for help... Played with it a bit to no success.

I have a pic of this...it in my poly breech write-up.

#211159 Mulcher

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2009 - 04:50 PM in Modifications

Wouldn't that be bruttally heavy cause what is it made out of?

I wieghted it on a scale, its 11.5 pounds.

#211166 Mulcher

Posted by SorrowX on 10 February 2009 - 05:25 PM in Modifications

because i don't have access to petg or rails. And I value the longevity of my vulcan.

#211925 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 13 February 2009 - 02:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Well, its been a while since we've had a war down here, and with the amount of people that me and squishy are introducing nerf to, we would have to rent a bus, or be like the Asian we are(or the majority of us) and go hong-kong style on a U-Haul truck just to get them all up to Glendora. Also, everyone, if you do come, make sure you bring ALL of your blasters, because, quite frankly, I don't have enough of them to lend out to everyone in my group.

I want to try Smith-Murphy park again, just cause if it rains, there's a school right next to it so we can play on some concrete. The date may be subject to changes, as Nodoka is getting her wisdom teeth pulled, and I don't know when she'd be ok to nerf.

Date: March 21st, 2009
Time:9:30-10ish, seeing if I can get off my lazy ass early enough, till whenever. and if possible, a night war from 6 to 8:30-9ish
Location: Smith murphy Park, 5290 Cameron Dr. Buena Park, CA 90621

The rules for this war are going to be a bit different, due to the fact of a new game type, "Infection," which implements In-Game team changes.

- Any Armor is allowed, as long as it somehow attaches to a blaster (be logical, that means not connecting body armor to your gun by a piece of string)No Umbrellas taped onto your gun! if you do have any umbrellas on your gun, you will be asked to remove it, and if it cannot be emoved, you won't be able to use in the war.

- Melee Weapons are Encouraged, just make sure that they are foam padded. there was an instance as halloweeno when I was being stupid, and accidentally injured someone with the unpadded bayonet on my longshot.

Other than those, its standard rules. Also, if anyone has an 2k,3K or 4K (or even internals [Doesn't have to have turret]), I'd happily buy it from you as long as it still works.

#212019 Brass'd Ls That Sucks?

Posted by SorrowX on 13 February 2009 - 05:00 PM in Modifications

Brass is very low friction. In order to get really good ranges, the seal needs to be good, and the dart has to be a tight fit. the brass breech in my LS telescopes from a 1/2 in. brass holding section that hold the dart in longer, allowing more pressi\ure to build up, to a 9/16 in. brass main barrel to guide the dart out.

#217729 Bfno, March 21st

Posted by SorrowX on 12 March 2009 - 07:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Important update: if everyone on my attendance list shows up, along with everyone else, i think we will be breaking 50 people at this war. Also, if your are coming please post along with your loaner blaster count and let me know if your coming.