Posted by GrOOvE on Sunday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 12th 2003f January, 2003 (8102 days ago)
Anyone here play Giants? Giants: Citizen Kabuto? I just got back into this thing and it's addicting. Anyone that has played it will recognize the quote here...
"Wise man say, you can lead an ostrich to water, but you..."
"Look, can't you just speak normally?"
"Yan always speak like this when on mission."
"I wish you wouldn't. It's really irritating."
" lady speak with tongue of butter knives!"
And that's where you get the basis of this comic. If you've never played this game, please go download the demo. The blues, the greens, the sky, the sun, it's all really amazing. And it all looks even better on my GeForce 4 Ti 4600! So if you don't have a 128 MB card...HAHA!
Yeah, and also this is my first 4-frame strip. Scary, isn't it? I was scared to make it. Really. I was.
While perusing KaZaA, I found this funny little video called, "Rejection!" If you have the bandwidth and time, please, download this, I couldn't stop laughing for about 10 minutes. It's a twisted cartoon, and it is quite random. And violent, and vile. It's great. Until next time, folks...