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Death by Foam

#7 : This is Why we Don't

Posted by GrOOvE on Sunday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 26th 2003f January, 2003 (8087 days ago)

#7 : This is Why we Don't

I couldn't help myself, I had to make this into a strip after reading it. It was just too good pass up. Imagining Spoon plunder through what used to be a 12 year old with a piece of PVC wrapped in padding sent me laughing up a storm.

Speaking of many of you know, I play CS on PBC and recently there's been some talk about removing some maps from the server. I'm pretty easy going as far as maps go, although I must admit I am somewhat of a dust whore, but I despise de_storm with all of my passion. I mean, the map design is similar to that of de_dust and de_dust2 once you look at it, but the map is so damned dark. People either have to a) turn their gamma up all the way to see 5 feet in front of them, or b) waste $1,200 on a pair of NV goggles. For some odd reason, this map must lag my computer. I have a 1.7 Ghz Athlon 2,000+ 512 MB of RAM, 128 GeForce 4 Ti 4600, a Sound Blaster Audigy Gamer Pro, and an 80 gig HD. Why must it lag? And the sounds, oh the sounds...why must they be so damned gh3y? I'm voting for this map to go...argh. But enough of that. That's my daily rant.

Keep an eye out for some future developments involving yours truly within the next month...Cxwq and I have been talking about releasing some kind of product, and do check out the next issue of Foam Improvement, I've written a kick-ass article. Catch you on the flip side...

-Groove out.

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