Posted by GrOOvE on Tuesday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 18th 2005f January, 2005 (7364 days ago)
So, something a little different. Well, maybe big. Twelve frames is kinda more than three or four...
Now, this marks the end the Saga, and also DbF for a while. Don't freak out. Please read on.
One of the many contributing factors to why this strip took me so long to finish and publish was the fact that college work is eating up a lot of my time, and I simply do not have the time and resources to continue DbF at the pace it's been going at. I would rather produce strips in consitent succession rather than drawing them out like this, so until I can allot the time into it what it deserves, DbF is on a temporary hiatus. This does NOT mean I will stop nerfing, modding, perusing the boards, or anything. This is only pertaining to DbF, so I hope you all understand.
On a lighter note, I am very pleased with the way this strip turned out and the new direction it took. I'm not certain whether or not I'm going to keep it, as it was much more time consuming than a regular strip (everything was hand-drawn, retraced, enhanced, etc). Just because I am putting DbF on the 'back burner' for a while doesn't mean I stopped caring about it or the many readers, on the contrary, I am very concerned with the sort. Any comments, criticisms, cries of distress, please - I would love to hear them in the thread, a PM, a simple IM or email would suffice. Feedback for what you've worked hard on is infinitely more gratifying than completing what you set out to do in the first place. So, yeah.