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Death by Foam

#6 : The Master Departs

Posted by GrOOvE on Saturday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 18th 2003f January, 2003 (8095 days ago)

#6 : The Master Departs

So it goes...

I know you're probably getting tired of this shit, but it's putting a much needed temporary cap on the Lakinko mini-series. This strip actualy has a story behind it.

At the last Halo party my friend had, we established a "drink bitch" who would get us drinks from the fridge whenever we asked, and for good reasons. The fridge was the lair of an evil entity which took the form of some deadly gas. I'm not talking regular gas here, this shit smelled bad. No, no...think of the worst smell you've smelled, and add it to this formula:

cat piss x curdled milk2 + B.O. (feces + crack sweat +old cabbage) = this odor

I mean, whenever you opened the fridge, the house permeated in this shit for at least 4 more minutes after the door was shut. I literally gagged and covered me eyes and nose with my hands to protect myself from this crap. Needless to say, we just stayed thirsty because we didn't want to smell that shit anymore, or we just drank water, which is a whole story all in it's own.

"Lesson #4: Don't leave things in the fridge." -Cowboy Bebop

Until next time Kiddies...

-Groove out.

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