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Death by Foam

#4 : Have a Kinky New Year!

Posted by GrOOvE on Sunday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 5th 2003f January, 2003 (8109 days ago)

#4 : Have a Kinky New Year!

My new year was interesting to say the least. And no, no penises were involved. Only hands. And lingerie.

Had some surgery on my hand, so I am currently immobilized...erm, handedly speaking. Do you know how hard it is to get dressed with one hand? Hell, I might just run around in my boxers until this shit gets off my hand. Seriously. You laugh, but it is damned hard to pull the badger out of it's den and pee with one hand, especially when you have jeans on and boxers with a strong button on them. Yeah. You do the math.

My friend's New Year's was better than mine apparently, for he had attended a "Liquor and Lingerie" party. Apparently last year the theme was "Get ass in class." Don't get your hopes up, he didn't wear lingerie.

Apparently there was much to be seen and many females in sexy get-ups. Kinky? Yes. Disappointing for me because I was stuck at home? Yes. Hope your New Year is...interesting.

Oh, and if you don't know who the guy is in this strip, you need to go here. That is all, thank you.

-Groove out.

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