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Death by Foam

#3 : Smells like Dumb

Posted by GrOOvE on Tuesday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 31st 2003f December, 2002 (8114 days ago)

#3 : Smells like Dumb

My friend and I were mass-producing Stefans the other day. We had all the ingredients...The FBR, the BB's, the hot glue...and apparently, many other glues in the room. I had been gluing some models together earlier that week, and severely fucked up a "Crazy Glue" tube. That shit smells really, really...I don't know, but it smells something. Mixed with the other glues in my room at the time, the hot glue, the Elmer's glue, and some random 2-ton Epoxy lying around, the general aroma of the room was force to be reckoned with in all it's own.

For those of you that are wondering at this point, no, I did not sniff hot glue. I did, however, inhale the wonderful whatever scent of my room. It was marvelous. We ended up making around 60 or so Stefans, and 20 Zeros, which I ended up fucking up because I put too much hot glue on the tips. Oh gun still likes regular micros for one reason or another, which have eluded me for the time being. Anyways, enjoy. Post your comments on the forum, too!

-Groove out.

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