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Death by Foam

#2 : Yeah, it makes sense...

Posted by GrOOvE on Tuesday, thAmerica/Los_Angeles 24th 2002f December, 2002 (7971 days ago)

#2 : Yeah, it makes sense...

The other day my friend and I were playing the UT: 2k3 demo. He kept saying, "damn these people are really good," which they were, they were doing quite well score wise. My friend hadn't been playing very long, and didn't really get a "feel" for the whole game. However I quickly noticed a keen routine in all their movements, and realized they hadn't said anything the whole game. I put two and two together. They were bots.

But how could they be? I mean, these things were intelligent little bastards. You couldn't outsmart them or pull off any of the tricks that would have fooled the regular UT bots - These things knew exactly where you were, and would appropriately send a grenade towards your head. They'd line up perfectly and use the Link Gun on me and I'd melt right there. They'd see me in the zoom of the Lightning Gun before I'd have a chance to tap my mouse button. And the real frustrating thing is that I knew that the bot AI was so laughing at us the entire time. The outcome? We got reamed.

I then knew that it was somehow, magically Spoon's fault.

Yup. Makes sense.

-Groove out.

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