It is a 1/2" PVC sprinkler extender nipple 24" long. Out of curiosity, I bought it. When I got home I was testing it as a barrel material when I saw some PETG on the floor. I tested it and Oh damn! it fit perfectly! So here is the writeup for a 100% airtight PETG breech that cost a few bucks.
Materials needed:
1/2" PVC sprinkler extender nipple 24" long
1 foot of PETG (Check Spit's sales thread)
1/2" nylon rod (8538K18)
Dremel with cutting wheel
Hot glue gun
5/8" drill bit
Step 1
Cut 1' off the PVC nipple

Step 2
Cut a breech slot. Mine is 3 cm away from the end and the slot is 6 cm wide.

Step 3
Drill two 1/2" holes. One is 1.5 cm away from the breech slot and the other is 11cm away.

Step 4
Conect the outer edges of the holes you drilled and then cut the slot out. Also cut a little notch for the handle to lock in.

Step 5
Drill a 5/8" hole though the nylon rod 4.5 cm from the end. Also cut out a little notch so it will slide better.

Step 6
Slide in 1' of PETG and align it with the back off the breech. Take out you hot glue gun and glue the nylon rod in the closed position. Make sure you do not glue the rod to the PVC and the notch is facing down.

Step 7
The breech might be a little loose in a coupler so put one wrap of e-tape around the end.

Yeah! Your done. Now go shoot something!
Some pics:



There is no PETG sticking out of the front when closed. So when you barrel tap someone the PETG dosen't snap or break.

This is what happens to e-tape PETG breeches.
Questions, comments, or flames?
-nate the great