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nate the great

Member Since 24 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2010 10:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Community Snap Thread

12 August 2010 - 09:43 AM

boisie, on Aug 11 2010, 10:47 PM, said:

I've always thought that any sort of pump or slide priming should be done in a two part assembly. The priming rod, and the pump. The pump would push back the priming rod, then be able to return to the starting position, not unlike a recon slide. I just think it would be more aesthetically pleasing, and also save on possible minor injury when the grip comes flying forward.

There is a slot in the cpvc plunger rod so the grip can return to it's original position before firing. I'll put up a firing video hopefully later today.

EDIT: My video camera needs charging but I got the ranges until I can put up a firing video.
Dart 1: 137'
Dart 2: 140'
Dart 3: 142'
Dart 4: 149'
Dart 5: 150'
Dart 6: 152'
Dart 7: 158'
Dart 8: 160'

Average: 148.5'

In Topic: Community Snap Thread

11 August 2010 - 08:42 PM

TantumBull, on Aug 3 2010, 10:38 AM, said:

People should feel free to post information on...... pictures of their completed Snaps, and anything else relevant.

Okey dokey!
Here's my PA-SNAP (pump action SNAP)
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WOOO!!! Wood handles FTW!

Any comments, questions, or flames?

EDIT: I decided to cut down the grip and add a strap.
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In Topic: Homemades Picture Thread

11 August 2010 - 05:27 PM

Pump action SNAP. I call it the PA-SNAP.

Ranges= Really really far

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Awsome wooden handle thats extremely comfortable.

In Topic: Buzz Bee Hunter Cpvc Breech Write-up

03 August 2010 - 11:28 AM

Good job! I have one too that I got at Big Lots and they are very fun. Good use of the fitting though, I would have never though of that.

In Topic: The Snap Crossbow

31 July 2010 - 09:33 AM

I would highly recomend NOT using nylon rod. In my experience, I found that cpvc will bend when it fails but nylon will shatter.