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Member Since 20 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2013 03:35 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I Found Where You Can Buy The Unreleased Guns, If You're Rich.

06 July 2010 - 01:33 PM

If you convert the yuan prices to USD or whatever your local currency might be they're not that crazy in price. The issue is that you need a Chinese cell phone number to register for the site. They text you a confirmation code or something, but it was hard to tell with Google Chrome's rough translations. Also, most of them only accept payment from the equivalent of a Chinese Paypal service, which again you need to be in China to use from what I could tell.

I looked into this back when the first leaks about the Trooper and the Spectre were coming from that site a month or so ago. However, this late in the game it's less than a month to August, so is everyone really that impatient?

You do realise that Nerf is a kids toy brand right?
Impatience is basically a trait of nerfers.

In Topic: I Found Where You Can Buy The Unreleased Guns, If You're Rich.

06 July 2010 - 01:31 PM

for price reference
1 U.S. dollar is about 7 yuan.

making the alpha trooper around 87 dollars, however putting the 18 shot clip at about 10 (probably very close to the U.S. market price)

Oh. It's still quite a bit, and that's not including P&P.

In Topic: N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

06 July 2010 - 10:30 AM

When i saw that gun...
Something in my pants just went from 6 o'clock to 12.

I've been waiting for Nerf to bring out a Sawn-off Shotgun style gun for ages!