Member Since 07 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Dec 06 2011 09:09 PM
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PrinceOfRavens3 → NerfRogue83
Saw your post in the LS thread, your Rogue and the other green one looked amazing. Nice job!
Aug 21 2012 05:29 PM
NerfRogue83 → Bbdude
Sorry bro---didnt hear back from you about the location change till it was too late. I will Email you My cell # so we can avoid this
Jun 05 2011 05:34 PM
Bbdude → NerfRogue83
Hey what happened with the mall? I wondered Best Buy and waited by the exits for a good 30 min. If you wanna meet up we are gonna have to have a better system planned out lol
Jun 05 2011 04:25 PM
Bbdude → NerfRogue83
Alright. Gulf View, Best Buy, 2pm...sounds good to me. where abouts do you wanna meet? by inside entrance?
Jun 05 2011 10:34 AM
Didnt even know there was one there,lol. How about 2pm at the Best Buy?
Jun 04 2011 06:52 PM
NerfRogue83 → Bbdude
I suggest meeting at a spot like the mall or Toys R us or something. Cash in person beats shipping---especially since we are only minutes away. You NEED to attend the Tampa war next month. The thread is on Nrev.
Jun 04 2011 03:34 PM
Bbdude → NerfRogue83
Thats crazy lol. I had no idea you were so close bc Iv seen that you do wars but I figured they were all in Tampa. But anyways, what do you wanna do about the recon?
Jun 04 2011 09:40 AM