It's been a while since I've been on here. I was looking at my old website and saw something that I thought I'd pass on to everybody. If you're looking for a leak, I found that a good way to locate it without submerging your gun is to use a regular drinking straw. Stick one end in your ear (not too far, just enough to hear through it) and move the other end slowly over the area where the suspected leak is. This is far more accurate than just using your ear, since that only narrows it down to a few square inches. The straw method will place you pretty much right on the leak. Anyway, I thought that was worth telling people. Glad to see that people are still nerfing.
The last inch or so of the plunger shaft of my sm1500 has broken off and I can't seem to make a permanent fix. Does anyone know what the best thing to attach it back on with is?
First of all, I've been away for away and its good to be back. It looks like I missed a very annoying troll, so at least I have good timing.
Anyway, my birthday is nearing, and I believe I will be getting a new guitar amp. I just have one question: If an amplifier has a wattage of 2x30 watts, does that mean each speaker pumps out 30 watts, or that the amp actually produces 60? I can't seem to find anyone who knows. I'm looking at the one in the Behringer V-Tone line. Help would be appreciated.