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Formerly Sane

Member Since 01 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2009 04:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Finding Leaks

08 August 2006 - 01:49 AM

yeah, make sure it's got some pressure in it so air is coming out.

ps. sorry, I know this is an old topic. I seriously haven't been on since July 13th though.

In Topic: Live 8

04 July 2005 - 10:15 PM

I guess this will at least focus media cover on the 8 people who are...going to do whatever their going to do. Well, it didn't raise awareness with me. It's harder than it seems to save millions of people. Even if we did have a bunch of money, you can't exactly give it to the governments of those people. Do you think the governments are going to use it all for food? Hell no. You can't save the world by playing music. But if they wanted press coverage and attention, I guess they got it.

In Topic: Pistols Or Rifles?

18 June 2005 - 12:57 PM

I voted rifles because usually I'll be using an AT3000, BBB, or SM1500. I like being able to shoot someone and not have to be right up ontop of them. Plus, I guess I'm not the best modder out there, so pistols have never really shot more than 50 feet for me. I hear all of these people saying that their TT or NF can get 70 feet, but that's more like what I get with my BBB. I don't know, I'm just more of a haha-you're-running-from-me-but-I-can-still-peg-you-in-the-back-from-60-feet kind of guy.

In Topic: Lost A Job

01 June 2005 - 09:17 PM

Logically, it would make more sense to cut your hair. But I know what you mean about cutting it off after having it for so long. After a while you kind of feel like it's part of your identity. It all depends on how much you really want this job. If it's worth a few weeks of looking different and getting used to your lack of hair, go for it. I understand how hard it would be to cut it though. My hair is a few inches past my eyes, and I can't imagine cutting back to "normal length". My head would feel so empty. Think of it this way. Would it be easier for you to live without your job, or without your hair? Whatever works for you, I guess.

In Topic: Dance Dance Revolution

28 May 2005 - 10:37 PM

I would avoid all of these complicated plans and expensive pads and just duct tape on of the soft thin ones to the floor. I have two and even though one is about half as thick as the other one, they both work fine taped to the floor.