I was unhappy with how wide the titan'ss shell was, so I scrapped the shell, and made a sort of "grenade breech".

Here's how it works:
The projectile consist of two parts. The projectile is 1/2in pipe insulator with half a nerf/air zone ball on top and the shell is a 1 1/4in bushing with 1/2in CPVC nested in it.

Combined, they form the cartridge.

The launcher is opened to accept the cartridge. The sliding part is 1 1/2in sch. 40 PVC and the large piece thats on the titan is a 1 1/4in PVC coupler.

Load it

Close the launcher.

Pump it and pull the trigger. I made the trigger out of the bent rod thats in the titan. It had to be modified though. I use the LS mag as a handle for the launcher similar to the M203.

The projectile is ejected.

Open the launcher.

Remove the shell.

Then insert new cartridge.
The 1 1/2in PVC (the part that slides) is supported by 3/8 wooden dowel. the brass that you see is 1/2in. Also I have a tactical rail clip on it for additional support.

To keep the 1 1/2in PVC from sliding off the dowels, it put a glob of hot glue on the ends of the dowels.

In addition to the coupler, I also have a 3/4in threaded female adapter on the titan. So I can attach things such as shotties

So if I ever want to attach something like a shotty, all I'd have to do is take off the 1 1/2in PVC by undoing the glue on the end of the dowels.
NOTE: I realize the the recon faux barrel decreases range, but I usually play CQB wars anyway.
As for range, I have yet to test. However I will once I get the chance.
Soon I plan to modify the thing to shoot cut down buzz bee missiles. I would post the link but can't seem to find it. It's where someone put a piece of CPVC in the black ring in the missile, the wrapped several darts around it with a rubber band. I'll find it later but its getting late.