- NerfHaven
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Member Since 04 Mar 2006Offline Last Active Feb 15 2017 03:31 PM
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In Topic: Air Zone Professional
03 January 2009 - 05:26 PM
Another thing jerm78, can you take a pic of the clip that comes out the bottom? I'm not planning to make it into an actual feeding magazine, just to see if it resembles an actual pistol mag for the aesthetical fun of putting the clip in. I'm really hoping to get my hands on one of these, but if I can't I might just paint one of those BuzzBee guns that is identical to a Halo MA5C assault rifle.
In Topic: Air Zone Professional
03 January 2009 - 04:59 PM

Anyone else notice a slight similarity? For anyone who doesn't know, thats the Magnum pistol from the Halo series. If these things were still easy to find, I'd love to give it a paintjob and integrate a nitefinder if the pump wouldn't work.
The darts also look exactly like larami darts. Is the darts' diameter that of micros or megas, or its own size?
In Topic: World Of Warcraft
19 December 2008 - 09:35 PM
nerfsharpie6, on Dec 19 2008, 06:26 PM, said:
http://us.blizzard.c...ml=true?rhtml=yI've been thinking about getting the 10 day trial but I don't know if my computer can handle it. What are the minimal specs to run this? This is just so I can understand what my friends talk about at lunch.
Blizzard acts like a tobacco company, everything they do is designed to make you addicted to their game, but most people I know who play it still play sports and do other things with their life. It is possible to just play it normally like any other game.
In Topic: The New Xbox Experience
19 November 2008 - 08:45 PM
I haven't done much with it but so far I really think I liked it the way it was before. One of the reasons I switched from Wii to Xbox was to avoid the annoying avatars and music (the menu music is very similar to Wii's)
In Topic: The New Tommy 12
06 August 2008 - 11:48 PM
That has to be the smallest handle I have ever seen on a blaster. It looks like it only holds two fingers, one on the trigger, one on the tiny handle.
- NerfHaven
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