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Member Since 12 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2009 07:50 PM

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Ertl Pump Action Shotgun Help?

11 February 2009 - 10:20 PM

Okay, I got a Pump Action Shotgun yesterday. I have already couplered it and it's drying from a mettalic lime green and black paintjob. When it was working I was getting high 80s low 90s flat with black stefans in cpvc. Frankly I want to be hitting 120s with a bad dart. Now, I read Angels PAS level 2 mod write up and I was wondering if there were any springs that anyone would reccomend. Before you start saying "whiptail scorpion spring nanananana" you see..... I'm kind of broke right now and I can barely afford anything aside from my basic nerfing needs. if anyone has any ideas on springs that are AVAILIBLE IN STORES NOW, please tell me. if you reccomend an industrial spring, please specify the exact name of it. Thanks in advance.